Go Crazy! Are You Really a Beastmaster?

Chapter 287: The secret book that has been opened!

Fang Mu's punch knocked out Gu Che and Gu Tianfan, and also knocked out Shu Liangjun and Shui Miao.

Gu Tianfan did not expect Fang Mu to react so violently after listening to his words.

Not to mention that Gu Che, who has always been mature and steady, would subconsciously summon the imperial beast to confront Fang Mu.

Where does the current Zhenyan family have the capital to confront the boy in front of him?

As the old patriarch of the Zhenyan family, Gu Tianfan led the Zhenyan family through a period of prosperous times. He is an extremely smart person!

Gu Tianfan said this to test Fang Mu's purpose and bottom line.

Right now, the bottom line has been tested. What Fang Mu wants is the ancient book of the Zhenyan family that records clues to spiritual energy.

But not to mention Gu Tianfan did not want to exchange the ancient books.

Even if Gu Tianfan decided to really hand over the ancient book, it would probably be difficult for the young man in front of him to calm down.

The Zhenyan family would have a hard time getting along with the boy.

The reason why Shui Miao and Shu Liangjun were confused is because they didn't expect Fang Mu, a one-pointed star beastmaster, to have such a powerful power!

This power is beyond common sense.

There are only two possibilities for a beastmaster to gain such power, one is bestowed by the beast of life.

The other is to contract some kind of super pollutant, and the super pollutant can also bring the corresponding abilities to the beastmaster.

Compared with the latter, Shu Liangjun and Shui Miao are more inclined to the former.

First of all, Fang Mu himself has emotions, and he did not become an emotionless monster like the group of people who sprout in ancient times.

The one at the Confederation of Nations has studied pollutants for decades.

Decades have passed and no way has been developed to eliminate the emotional impact of pollutants on contractors.

Ancient Germination has been working on this for thousands of years, so Shu Liangjun and Shui Miao don't think Qixing has solved the emotional impact of pollutants.

Secondly, a master of creation collects disciples, and it is the basic operation that the disciples have the beasts of life. First Release Update@

There are two levels of existence in the big environment between the beastmaster who has the natal beast and the beastmaster who does not have the natal beast.

Few of the beastmasters have declared this situation, but it is indeed something that every beastmaster knows.

The most basic requirement for recruiting players from large clubs to enter the home team is to possess the Famous Beast.

The natal beast can be regarded as the selling point of a beastmaster.

After many scholars have studied the natal beasts, they believe that the natal beasts can represent the epitome of the soul of a beastmaster.

After the first scholar put forward this view, it was immediately recognized by a large number of scholars.

There are even master builders who openly support such remarks.

But this kind of statement stings those beastmasters who have not awakened their natal beasts.

Some of these great masters, such as masters of forging spirits, master craftsmen, masters of textiles, and even masters of creation, also did not have the beasts of their own destiny.

These people are able to stand in the current position, and they have to pay much more than the beast masters who have their own destiny. Only those who have experienced the hardships can understand.

Regardless of whether this remark has a basis or not, this remark is equivalent to denying the souls of those who have not awakened the natal beastmaster.

In the end, this statement was completely suppressed because it involved too many things, and basically no one would bring it up again.

Shui Miao and Shu Liangjun saw too many magical things in Fang Mu.

There was a silver-blue snake that only needed one-tenth of the mental power of a normal beast to contract before.

No matter how magical Fang Mu showed, Shui Miao and Shu Liangjun could quickly digest and accept them.

And blame all these on the founder Qi Xing!

Gu Tianfan pulled Gu Che over and was about to order Gu Che to take back the imperial beast, and then changed his posture when the other party was begging for mercy.

Fang Mu said in a cold voice.

"I'll give you the Zhenyan family one last chance to hand over the ancient book about the clues to spiritual energy in your hands."

"Otherwise, let you return to the established destiny!"

"I just raised a few undead, you can decide whether to be my undead's meal tonight!"

. (This chapter is not over!)

Chapter 287 The secret tome that was opened!

Originally, Fang Mu wanted to get information about the ancient book from the core members of the Zhenyan family to see if the Zhenyan family was sincere in their life-saving grace.

Now that the Zhenyan family has made such a performance, Fang Mu no longer needs to test the Zhenyan family!

Originally, the Zhenyan family had the opportunity to be supported by Fang Mu like the She family.

The attitude of Gu Tianfan, the old head of the Zhenyan family, made Fang Mu decide to only treat the Zhenyan family as an ordinary force under his command.

Gu Tianfan knew from Gu Che's mouth that Ke Wu and the others were called to the second floor by Fang Mu alone. Fang Mu was able to directly mention the ancient book because Ke Wu said something to Fang Mu.

Gu Tianfan clearly felt the killing intent from Fang Mu's words, and the only chance for the Zhenyan family to survive now is to hand over this ancient book.

This ancient book was placed on Gu Anxing, the current owner of the Zhenyan family. Gu Tianfan was about to speak again, but was interrupted by the sound of the door being pushed open.

The rooms in the ingenious bunker are actually very soundproof, but the sound of Fang Mu's punch just now hitting Gu Che's beast was too loud. @ Essence\/Book Pavilion · No mistake starting~~

Gu Anxing, who was next door, not only heard the loud noise, but also felt the shaking of the entire ground!

Gu Anxing hurried over with Gu Kun. On the one hand, he was worried about the safety of his father, Gu Tianfan and his son, Gu Che.

On the other hand, for fear that Gu Tianfan did not understand the situation and said the wrong thing, Fang Mu had a bad view of the Zhenyan family.

The Zhenyan family did not hand over this ancient book despite the risk of being exterminated, just hoping to use this ancient book to find spiritual energy in the ancient battlefield.

Obtain the opportunity to make the Zhenyan family rise through the aura.

Those who created the master must be interested in Reiki, and with the Reiki, the Zhenyan family has the qualifications to negotiate with the master to negotiate a deal!

If there is a master-creator behind Fang Mu, the Zhenyan family holding Fang Mu's thighs would also be indirectly connected to the master-creator.

After entering the room, seeing Gu Tianfan and Gu Che's expressions and Fang Mu's aura, Gu Anxing secretly said something was wrong.

At this time, Gu Anxing knew that as the current head of the Zhenyan family, what he needed most was to reverse Fang Mu's views on the Zhenyan family.

For this reason, even at the expense of his father's face!

As long as the owner of the Zhenyan family has a right attitude, Fang Mu won't kill his father no matter what his father said just now.

And most of his father was just exploring Fang Mu's bottom and saying something that made Fang Mu feel offended.

There must be some measure of my own father!

Gu Anxing, who had made the decision, directly knelt down in front of Fang Mu and said with his fists clasped.

"Young Master Fang, I am the current head of the Zhenyan family. My name is Gu Anxing."

"Thank you very much for your help to our Zhenyan family!"

"If it weren't for you to help, most of the Zhenyan family's bloodline would have been completely cut off!"

"Because our Zhenyan family was fleeing, we didn't bring many precious resources with us."

"The most precious thing is this book found in the ancient battlefield."

"This book records the location of the relics of the ancient battlefield era, and it also marks that the things in the relics of several eras are related to spiritual energy!"

"I hope you can accept it with a smile, this is the sincerity of our Zhenyan family to you!"

"I heard Xiaokun say that Xiaoche's promise to you is the repayment of the Zhenyan family's willingness to be a bull and a horse."

"In the future, the Zhenyan family will be your bull and horse, please order us casually!"

While speaking, Gu Anxing took out a musty-smelling heavy book from the space spirit tool on his wrist.

He solemnly handed this musty, heavy book to Fang Mu.

Fang Mu raised his eyebrows when he heard the words, and most of the anger in his heart dissipated.

There are still smart people in the Zhenyan family!

This allows Fang Mu to continue to have good communication with the Zhenyan family.

Fang Mu took the ancient book in Gu Anxing's hand and snorted coldly, then turned around and left the room and returned to the second floor.

Fang Mu has already achieved his goal at this time, Fang Mu is going to wait for the people of the Zhenyan family to discuss and let the people of the Zhenyan family take the initiative to come to him.

. (This chapter is not over!)

Chapter 287 The secret tome that was opened!

Fang Mu's sudden departure caused an unexpected expression on Gu Anxing's face. He turned to look at his father, Gu Tianfan, who did not dare to chase out of the room directly.

Because Gu Anxing didn't know what his father said to Fang Mu.

Shu Liangjun and Shui Miao secretly gave Fang Mu a thumbs up in their hearts.

It is the best choice for Fang Mu to leave at this time.

The Zhenyan family has already handed the ancient book to Fang Mu, but the Zhenyan family actually has no value in Fang Mu anymore.

Next, the core members of the Zhenyan family will definitely communicate about what just happened.

In the end, when Gu Anxing, the owner of the Zhenyan family, came to find Fang Mu, he would put all the chips of the Zhenyan family in front of Fang Mu.

Then it is up to Fang Mu to decide whether to help the Zhenyan family.

At first, Gu Tianfan's words made Shui Miao and Shu Liangjun think that Gu Tianfan was mentally retarded. Fortunately, the current owner of the Zhenyan family is a smart person.

This makes the Zhenyan family still have a certain value to be excavated.

Fang Mu's identity as a disciple of the founder of the master is here, and there is no need to plan anything for the Zhenyan family.

The Zhenyan family only had the chance to rush the other side to curry favor.

After confirming that Fang Mu had left, Gu Anxing asked Gu Tianfan the cause and effect. First Release Update@

Hearing Gu Tianfan's words, Gu Anxing sighed and said.

"Father, you are confused!"

"Actually, this time could have been regarded as an opportunity for our Zhenyan family, but now this opportunity is likely to be lost by your words!"

"I will go to Mr. Fang later. Originally, I wanted to discuss with you how to make our Zhenyan family get closer to Mr. Fang."

"It seems that there is no need to discuss it now, I will make up my own mind on this matter!"

"Little Che, I thought you could be on your own by staying by my side, but I didn't expect you to be so reckless!"

"Not only did the imperial beast be summoned in front of Mr. Fang to confront Mr. Fang, but he also did not remind you that grandfather Mr. Fang has the resources to create a master!"

"When I go to see Mr. Fang in a while, you go with me, kneel in front of Mr. Fang and admit your mistake."

"When did Mr. Fang forgive you, you stand up again!"

Hearing Gu Anxing's words, Gu Che shrank his neck, and Gu Che regretted it when he summoned the beast.

It's a pity that regret has no effect, Gu Che must pay the price for his recklessness!

Gu Tianfan didn't refute Gu Anxing either, he said it after being silent for a while.

"It is indeed my problem that caused the Zhenyan family to end up in this situation!"

"I will also go with you to meet Young Master Fang, and I will kneel in front of Young Master Fang with Xiao Che to repent!"

"I hope Young Master Fang can forgive me and Xiao Che!"

"If Young Master Fang is not willing to forgive me, I will exchange death for Young Master Fang's forgiveness for the future of the Zhenyan family!"

Hearing Gu Tianfan's words, Gu Anxing's heart tightened, and he subconsciously wanted to say something.

But in the end, Gu An Xing took back the words that came to his lips and nodded heavily.

For the future of the Zhenyan family, sacrifices are always required.

If he did such a thing and collided with Mr. Fang, he would have an opinion on the Zhenyan family.

He would also make the same choice as Gu Tianfan.

After Fang Mu went to the second floor, he directly opened the ancient book. Fang Mu found that the ancient book contained maps one after another.

Because the paper is yellowed and weathered, many inks have faded, making each map look unreal!

Many symbols are marked on these maps.

Fang Mu quickly flipped through the ancient book, trying to find the specific labels of these symbols.

Under normal circumstances, such classics as maps will mark the symbols above to explain their meanings.

If there is no such specific mark, Fang Mu can only determine the specific meaning of the marked content of the classics through his own exploration after entering the ancient battlefield!

When Fang Mu turned to the last page of the book, he finally found the meaning of these symbols. . (This chapter is not over!)

Chapter 287 The secret tome that was opened!

Era Changes Language systems have long since changed.

But no matter how the language system is changed, it is gradually derived.

As long as you study systematically, you can understand the meaning expressed by the words of the fifth and sixth eras.

Fang Mu had worked **** the writing of previous eras.

The circles represent relics of the era, the triangles represent traps, and the squares represent…

Indeed, each marked figure has a clear reference, and an oval in the circle represents the aura. _o_m

Fang Mu remembered that there were seven kinds of figures marked on it, and three heart shapes were scattered on the drawing of this ancient book.

However, there is no introduction to the heart shape in the annotation of this book, which makes Fang Mu curious.

The location of one of the heart shapes is very close to the location where the spiritual energy is represented. After entering the ancient battlefield, Fang Mu is ready to go and find out what the heart shape represents.

What the heart represents should be a good thing! ?

I hope the people who draw this book don't have any special bad taste!

Shui Miao and Shu Liangjun followed Fang Mu's flipping of the ancient book, and also looked at the ancient book behind Fang Mu.

Shui Miao said with a sigh.

"It's no wonder that the Zhenyan family was targeted by so many forces and almost wiped out the clan. With this book, it will be much easier to explore the entire ancient battlefield."

"And we can directly look for the relics of the era according to the map, and we don't need to look for the relics of the era like people from other forces. It mainly depends on luck."

When Shu Liangjun thought of what Gu Tianfan had said before, he couldn't help feeling a wave of disgust in his heart.

Fang Muke provided the Zhenyan family with a full nine bottles of master-level life potions!

Even if the life potion provided by Fang Mu to the coachman of the Zhenyan family was not won by the Zhenyan family, the account of the seven bottles must be recognized by the Zhenyan family.

However, Gu Tianfan didn't mention this at all. A family that doesn't even know how to repay kindness would not be able to go far even if this crisis didn't happen!

"Under normal circumstances, it is common to obtain ancient books in ancient battlefields."

"The ancient books collected by the major federations and forces now basically all come from the exploration of ancient battlefields."

"If the Zhenyan family got their hands on the ancient books and didn't overly ostentatious and let the outside world know about the situation, the Zhenyan family wouldn't end up in such a miserable situation now."

"Instead, you can make a fortune while exploring the ancient battlefield!"

Shui Miao deeply agreed with Shu Liangjun's words.

"Of course there is also a possibility that the Zhenyan family trusts the other two clans and royal families of the Panfeng Federation too much."

"Shared the news of this ancient book with other forces, and then other forces set up a banquet to target them."

Hearing this, Fang Mu did not express any opinion, he closed the ancient book in his hand and handed it to Shu Liangjun and Shui Miao.

"A Shui, Elder Shu, do you want to study this ancient book?"

"If there are any, put the ancient books with you!"

Hearing Fang Mu's words, Shu Liangjun shook his head.

"I've already read it just now, so there's no need to study it any further."

"You can collect the ancient books yourself!"

"Even if you decide to pull the Zhenyan clan later, it is impossible to openly bring the Zhenyan clan back to Yanfeng City."

"I suggest that the Zhenyan family should not show up in the ingenious bunker, otherwise we will be targeted by other forces!"

Fang Mu hurriedly said.

"Old Shu, I have a sense of measure. No matter how I plan to settle the Zhenyan family, I didn't plan to show the Zhenyan family before entering the ancient battlefield."

Shui Miao said after pondering for a moment.

"This book is too old, and the state of the paper can't stand flipping a few times."

"Our spiritual masters are very good at drawing blueprints. You might as well put this ancient book with me first. I will copy this ancient book into a clear version in three days."

"In addition, try to imitate an ancient book with a completely different content by forging a spiritual tool."

"In case the news is true. (This chapter is not over!)

Chapter 287 The secret tome that was opened!

We can also use this imitation ancient book to do a lot of articles, UU reading www.uukanshu.com for emergencies! "

Shu Liangjun always thought that Shui Miao?? was a very gentle and meticulous person, but he never thought that the real Shui Miao?? was actually a black-hearted maggot!

This book has always been in the hands of the Zhenyan family, and it is difficult for the outside world to distinguish the true and false of this book.

If a person from the Zhenyan family is released and let him use this book to do things, I am afraid that it will bring down a large number of forces!

Thinking of this, Shu Liangjun's eyes suddenly lit up.

If you want to explore the ancient battlefield based on real ancient books, you will probably be affected by many human factors, or you will be targeted for tracking.

If you can have a large number of people to help share the firepower, it will definitely make your exploration of the ancient battlefield smoother! . Error free update@

Chapter 287 The secret tome that was opened!