God Descends the Second Element

v1 Chapter 232: Dark cuisine

A genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Top Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! If there is no touch in his heart, it must be fake, Wang Hao slowly stretched out his hand in a rippling mood.

There were a total of two dishes covered with lids in front of him. He took the lead in opening the lid of the first dish on the right, with a hint of expectation hidden in his eyes.

Then... Wang Hao's expression instantly became shocked, because the scene in front of him couldn't be surprised if he didn't want to be surprised!

"Master Shiina Mashiro, what kind of cooking is this dark and unidentified object you made? If you don't mind, please tell me!"

Wang Hao's complexion was complex, and he pointed his finger at the black mass in front of him. He really couldn't recognize what the main body was. After careful sniffing, he could still find a faint smell of meat.

"Steak." Shiina Zhenbai nodded calmly, and said naturally, making Wang Hao speechless, but this could indeed explain the source of the meaty aroma that wafted from it.

But at the same time, Wang Hao's heart ached, because he kept Kobe beef in the refrigerator!

But the ingredients have to be processed sooner or later, and this is also an important process for Zhen Bai to accumulate common sense. Although Wang Hao's heart is dripping with blood, he still has to smile and face reality.

At the same time, I was relieved a lot, and I was ready to open the second lid. Two ordinary slices of bread, slightly burnt at the corners, should have just been made with a toaster.

There is also a small piece of cheese next to the bread slice, and a glass of milk on the table, which is well prepared.

Wang Hao hesitated for a while. The slices of bread and milk were fine, but the ‘steak’ made him feel a lot of danger. Especially after careful observation, he could find a little red in addition to black.

He raised his head and glanced at Shiina Zhenbai. Although his face was still expressionless, Wang Hao found a trace of tension and expectation from the depth of the opponent's eyes.

Wang Hao gritted his teeth, and then made up his mind. No matter what he was afraid of eating breakfast, he couldn't waste food and disappoint the other side's heart!

Thinking of this, he directly picked up the cutlery next to the steak, placed it on a slice of bread, covered the other slice of bread, and held the sandwich-like dishes with both hands.

After a few big mouthfuls, his hands were empty, but the five flavors of sour, sweet, bitter, spicy and salty formed an unparalleled impact in Wang Hao's mouth.

Beef flavor, crunchy and crispy!

Forcibly resisting the fluctuation of the expression on his face, Wang Hao directly picked up the milk next to him and suffocated it, which was relieved.


There was a burst of words expressing doubts in the form of statements in his ear, Wang Hao raised his head slightly. At this time, Shiina's tone when she was speaking was already inexplicably tense. If you look closely, you can find the other's indifferent face There is also a slight fluctuation.

"Very good, the food is delicious."

Wang Hao smiled indifferently, Shiina Shiba next to him heard that, although his expression remained unchanged, he and Qingshan Qihai felt a happy mood surrounding him.

It's really simple and easy to understand. Wang Hao smiled from the bottom of his heart. In the process of learning common sense, Zhenbai needs help and encouragement from others to make progress. Only in this way will he slowly mature.

Of course, Wang Hao feels that this process is also a test of his perseverance and perseverance. There is still a long way to go to cultivate Zhenbai into a goddess with both beauty and knowledge...


After eating the love (black) heart (dark) cuisine made by Zhenbai, there is still a considerable amount of time before the nine o'clock agreed with Yukoshita Yono.

Wang Hao simply returned to his room and began to use his hands to ban it. He stopped his hand until the count of words showed more than 10,000 characters. As expected, because of the overtime work yesterday, the flexibility of his fingers was caused. Temporarily decreased.

So he did not continue the code word, it is better to let the fingers continue to rest first.

Open station b, Wang Hao boarded his account, clicked on the author's backstage and released a new chapter of the ban. It is a good habit to maintain stable updates every day, especially now in a critical period.

Turning off the website of station b, he logged in his penguin on the computer again. Wang Hao saw that the news of the "Modern Dimensional Research Society" reached 99+, and there was also a message from Aite, and he even saw more in the group. The fairy Yamada came out, but he didn't care much about it.

After all, next, he still wants to dig the Yamada Fairy to the Undead River Bunko, and he will be a partner on the same front in the future.

Wang Hao quickly flipped up the chat log and looked at it slowly from the beginning. It took ten minutes to digest.

Everyone has found a good FPS game. It seems that they have played that game. It seems to be an FPS game that does not depend on the level of krypton gold at all, but only depends on the skill of the player. Akane Segawa also asked herself when I have time to team up to open black together~lightnovelpub.net~ After nine o'clock in the morning this morning, after the meeting of the Undead Rumors Library, there was no arrangement in the afternoon, and it belonged to the free state.

With this in mind, Wang Hao immediately made a decision in his heart, and immediately sent a message, and brought all the members of Aite with him by the way.

[God Lord: Open in the afternoon, good luck! 】

After confirming that the news was sent, Wang Hao slowly stood up and moved his muscles and bones. Now it has been more than eight o'clock. According to the current time, he will not be late even if he encounters a traffic jam.

He simply packed up the necessary things and set the computer into sleep mode by the way, and he walked out of the room.

I always feel like stepping out, but I just make sure I’m not late. Wang Hao greeted Qingshan Qihai to take care of Zhen Bai. By the way, he had to go out beforehand. You don’t need to prepare your own share for lunch. Qingshan Qihai also nodded. Know.

Only then did Wang Hao relieved his heart, walked slowly to the parking garage, and drove slowly towards the Undead River Library.

When he came back today, he had to go to the bank and take out a little cash to pay Qingshan Qihai's salary. After all, he still didn't know the other party's bank card number.

What really made Wang Hao distressed was that he had to pay all the members of the Undead River Library later. This was not a small sum, it was a huge amount of 12 million yen!

I only became the president for one day, and I had to pay the salary the next day. Although this was a matter of course, it still made Wang Hao feel a little weird.

Of course, among the 12 million, it also includes the salaries of the eleven members who left from Undead Chuan Bunku within this month, and Wang Hao will also be hit on their cards.

There are natural reasons for doing this, and it can also be his weapon. After all, Wang Hao doesn't think he is the kind of bad guy with a lot of money and fools.