God Emperor

Chapter 2224: Destiny Realm

Zhang Ruochen scared the blood slaughter lightly, and was disturbed in his heart, full of fear for this trip to the forest without return.

Being able to scare a great saint to such an extent that even God is difficult to do.

For blood slaughter, Zhang Ruochen had only hatred and had no good feelings.

In the battle of Jianzuka, his brother Baolie died almost tragically in his hands. Even Zhang Ruochen himself almost lost his life, which is a life and death feud. If not, Zhang Tuochen will never let him go easily after receiving blood slaughter as a disciple.

However, in previous words, Zhang Ruochen scared him.

The great saint is killable and not shameful.

He really wanted to kill the blood to that point, and even if he died, he would never submit.

After Zhang Ruochen became a great saint, his mentality has undergone a greater change than before, and he would like to try the "Emperor's Way" that Shangguanzhen once taught him.

"I want to escape."

Zhang Ruochen sensed that the blood slaughter quietly jumped off the ten-winged holy ship, the corners of his mouth slightly tilted, his body disappeared from the place, and appeared a hundred miles away.

When Blood Slay saw Zhang Ruochen, the body of the immortal trembled a little, saying desperately, "Brother, let a genius sage sell his sacred blood and organs in the forest of no return. The face of the tribe, you have to think twice. "

Zhang Ruochen ignored him, his face was grim, and he was not angry, and said, "What did I tell you? You dared to run away, but you didn't take my word to heart. The magic sound sucked half of the holy blood in his body. . "

One root-eating sacred flower spread from Zhang Ruochen's back and was wrapped around the arms of Blood Slaughter.

"Hope his great holy blood can help you break through the realm." Zhang Ruochen said.

Xue Tu wanted to resist, but Zhang Ruochen pressed his finger so that he could not move, and was settled in the space.

When Zhang Ruochen was almost dead, Shi Shenghua was also badly hit, and only recently woke up. Detained by Zhang Ruochen's demigod blood for decades, it finally returned to its peak.

Now, with the new blood source of blood slaughter, Zhang Ruochen no longer needs to consume his own blood.


In a **** and mysterious space, the God of Blood and the God of Blood Yao sat opposite each other.

The two gods are playing chess.

The chess pieces in his hand are not round black and white pieces, but small human-shaped puppets. Humans are stingy, and some exude the breath of the saint, while others exude a powerful, saintly breath.

God of Blood Battle: "Your chess seems to be not playing well. Be careful to destroy him."

The God of Blood Yao meditation said, "Since the blood slaughter has obtained the mark of the Blood Fire God of War, it has already become a god. However, his state of mind is still far from the level of God's heart. Let him follow Zhang Ruochen, Refining one's heart is not necessarily a bad thing. "

At that time, the blood Yao Shenjun sent the blood slaughter to the merit battlefield of Kunlun Realm. In fact, he had high hopes for him to polish his state of mind.


Leave a child.

Xueyao God said: "It's your turn!"

"The heart of the true God must be persevered. But if you are broken, won't you feel heartache?" The Blood God of Death followed, and said so.

"Broken, it shows that he did not have the capital to become a god. Knowing the results earlier, what is wrong?"

Immediately afterwards, the God of Blood Yao again said: "The monks in the **** world are becoming more and more proud and self-righteous, which is not a good phenomenon."

"In the past 10,000 years, the number of new gods born in the **** world has no advantage compared to all circles in heaven. Perhaps, it is the state of mind of the younger generation, with fewer setbacks and grinds. Nothing can break through into a god. "

"The environment they grew up in is too smooth!"

"I think that at this feast of the hunting day, we should say that we will press the younger generation of **** a little bit and rectify the bad atmosphere. The heart of victory must be there. The arrogance of complacency and pride and extravagance must not be."

"It's time to grind them."


After absorbing half of the blood of the Great Holy Sacred Blood, the Holy Flower of Essence successfully passed through the fusion of the Daoist calamity, cast the immortal Holy Body, and broke through to become the Great Holy.

It is transformed into the shape of a magic sound, with beautiful faces and beautiful faces, surrounded by aura of divine aura, a powerful sacred power, filled with a vast space of 10,000 miles.

"Thank you for your master's blood, help the slaves break through and become a great saint." The sound of the magic sound is soft and beautiful, and Fengmu's eyes flash with blood.

Zhang Ruochen said: "To thank, you thank the blood butcher brother."

When he heard the word "master", the blood slaughter cried.

Has anyone oppressed his brother so much?

"Brother, we did have hatred before, but now, after all, we are our own, can't we just turn Gan into jade?" Blood Slaughter.

Zhang Ruochen said: "You were born in **** when you were a kid. You should understand more than me. The weak is strong and the food is strong. Only the weak will put hope, and the strong will turn dryness into jade. If today, my cultivation is not as good as you, and it is in your hands. How much of this holy blood can you leave for me? "

Hearing this, a flash of light flashed through the eyes of Blood Tu.

"Yeah, I have the Mark of the Blood Flame God of War. As long as I work hard, I may not be able to exceed Zhang Ruochen. As long as I get to the point where I am stronger than him, will he not let me do it?"

Blood Slaughter regained strong confidence, looking at the back of Zhang Ruochen's departure, showing a cruel but cold smile.

Now, I can only bear the burden of humiliation. When the Tiantian feast is over, Xiu will definitely make a big breakthrough.

"Magic sound, show me the blood butcher brother. If he dares to escape again, he will also **** away the remaining half of his holy blood."

Zhang Ruochen returned to the Ten Wings, and then took out the sundial and entered the state of cultivation.

The starry sky in the world of **** is very vast. To go to the forest of no return, you need to go through many wormholes.

At present, the most urgent thing Zhang Ruochen wants to promote is the rule of the Cause.

Yan Wushen has cultivated to the peak of immortality, and he must not fall behind too much.

Started the sundial and practiced for four years.

The rules of the Holy Word in Zhang Ruochen's body have increased by 100 million, a total of more than 500 million.

"It seems that it is not difficult to elevate the rules of the Cause to 800 million. But it does not seem easy to understand the meaning of the Cause."

So far, Zhang Ruochen has not even touched the threshold of the divine.

If you want to break through to the later stage of immortality, you must satisfy the 800 million Taoist rules and the sacred meaning. Once the sacred meaning is cultivated, Zhang Ruochen's combat power can take another big step.

"Since Yan Wushen has reached the pinnacle of immortality, the rules of the Cause have also cultivated at least one billion Tao. What is more critical is how strong is the sanctity he has come to realize?

In the same realm, Zhang Ruochen can not put any monks in his eyes, but Yan Wushen is an exception.

One hundred and forty **** stones were purchased. After a large amount of money was spent, five were left. Zhang Ruochen was about to take out the Qixing Emperor's Palace for research.

Outside, there was a noise.

"Here! Take a look, where is the Six-Colored God Mist Nebula in the Forest of No Return, so spectacular!"

"I saw three world trees. The one in the middle is the world tree of fate, right?"


Full of curiosity about the homeless forest in the heart of hell, Zhang Ruochen gathered up the Seven-Star Emperor Palace and went out.

A large number of Holy Land monks from the Blood Tribe gathered on the deck of the Holy Ship.

Zhang Ruochen looked over into the distance and saw a six-colored forest in the starry sky.

The forest is not real, but is formed by the convergence of star fog and dust. It is about a tenth of a light-year wide, and its longitudinal length exceeds one trillion miles.

There are also a large number of life stars floating in the six-colored forest, looking far away, as small as marbles.

Most striking are the three world trees in the six-color forest.

They are not real trees, but they are similar to the "Sura column" and have a rocky structure that looks like three broad-leaved ancient trees.

Every leaf of the three world trees is a world. Every world is a country, and countless monks live.

Some of these kingdoms have evolved into kingdoms of God.

At the top of the three world trees, there are a huge leaf, and three **** cities have been built, which are called Destiny God Realm, Ba Du, and Yan Luotian Waitian.

The direction in which the ten-wing holy ship flew was the top of the middle-most destiny world tree, the destiny realm.

The holy ship flew on a special star road, and was affected by divine power, and the space jump constantly occurred. Each jump can span billions of miles.

As he approached the tree of destiny, Zhang Ruochen felt more and more pressure. The rules between heaven and earth became more active. The ten golden wings hidden in his body seemed to be out of control.

After the fleet arrived in the realm of destiny, under the leadership of Qingsheng Dasheng, everyone moved into an independent city.

"The area we are in now is called Hanpage City. It is the Temple of Destiny and the Yan Luo tribe. It was built 100,000 years ago to host the hunting feast. It is divided into hundreds of urban areas, and our **** tribe settled in. Urban area, called Bingxi District. "

"All the monks from the ten hells attend the hunting feast will enter the city of Han page."

"Everyone must keep in mind that private fighting is forbidden in the city. Here, there are gods sitting in the town, and there are also big holy law enforcers, private fighting, who will be severely punished."

"If you have a personal grudge and want to resolve it, you can go to Wudoucheng."

"If you want to buy cultivating items, you can go to the city of Heshi. There, there are holy shops opened by major forces on the banks of the holy river. Large-scale auctions are held every day. As long as there are enough holy stones, you can buy what you want. Everything you want. "

"Besides, there is also the Tao District, Jianyu District ..."

"There is still a time before the hunting feast, everyone has time to move around, it is to increase their knowledge."

Qing Sheng Da Sheng spoke a lot, but Zhang Ruochen's mood had already drifted elsewhere.

"The legendary shrine of destiny should be in the destiny **** realm. The power of destiny is really so terrible and determines everything in the world?" Zhang Ruochen closed his eyes, unconsciously, a yellow smoke appeared in his mind.

She turned around and turned into Prajna's face again.

It's hard to miss her here.

Zhang Ruochen's place of residence is arranged in the central area of ​​Bingxi District, named Hanhai Manor. When I first walked into the manor, there was a large group of people, kneeling on the ground: "Meet the Lord Saint."

In addition to the eighteen kings of six slayers mentioned by Qingsheng Dasheng, there are blood guards in the realm of eight holy kings, with hundreds of maids, housekeepers, and slaves.

Just staying for a month or two, it turned out to be such a big pomp.

"Get up!"

After a pause, Zhang Ruochen pointed to the magic sound standing beside him and said, "What will happen to you in the next period of time? I will directly blame the magic sound, and she will help me arrange everything. Yes, send A monk went to slaughter the blood and brought it to me. "

On the shore of a lake in Hanhai Manor, Zhang Ruochen turned on the sundial and began to cultivate again.

The blood slaughter came over and entered the area covered by the sundial. There was a moment of cramps in his heart and he thought secretly: "Zhang Ruochen has the time treasure of a sundial. Is there really a chance in my life to surpass him?

Zhang Ruochen stopped practicing, stood up, walked into the pavilion, poured two cups of holy spring, took one of them and passed it.

The blood slaughtered for a moment, with a puzzled look in his eyes. He took the holy spring in a daze and drank slowly. After drinking, it was found that the rules of the Cause in the body increased by hundreds automatically.

"This ... this holy spring ..."

Xue Tu only felt that he could not see Zhang Ruochen at all, and did not know what he was going to do.

Before coming to Hanhai Manor, he was ready to escape again, for fear that Zhang Ruochen would now take him to sell blood and organs. For a great saint, it is harder to accept than death.

However, after he came, he drank a precious cup of holy spring.

The psychological gap made him feel flattered.

Zhang Ruochen held up another cup of holy spring and drank slowly, saying, "If your five planets are sealed off, if you put them on the auction house, how many **** stones can you sell?"

Blood Slaughter had long known that Fengdi could not be protected, and he was not so distressed, saying: "One hundred **** stones should be sold."

"So little?" Zhang Ruochen frowned.

Blood Tu's heart was speechless.

Is this still small?

One hundred **** stones is equivalent to 100 billion holy stones.

If not, he got the mark of the Bloody God of War, broke through to the realm of great sacredness, and received a family reward for a fourth-level planet of life. It would not be possible to have so much wealth.

"Let's go! You will seal the field and put it on the auction floor. It's best to sell it in the past two days and exchange it for **** stones."

Seeing that the blood slaughter station was still there, Zhang Ruochen waved his hand and said, "Not yet?"

Blood Slaughter was still a bit unbelievable. Zhang Ruochen would let him off so easily, and whispered, "Did the brother have any other orders?"

Zhang Ruochen's gaze stared at the past and said, "Work with peace of mind for me. If I do well enough, I can consider giving you some more time to repay my huge debt."

"Okay, I'll do it right away, and it will be done properly."

The blood slaughter was overjoyed, as if a knife hanging over his head, was temporarily removed, and he left happily.

Zhang Ruochen held the jade cup and stared at the figure left by the blood slaughter. He secretly said, "The first challenge to control the Great Saint seems to be a bit effective. However, it is far from being obedient to me by obeying him.

Suddenly, a cold voice sounded in the pavilion behind him: "I really haven't seen it. A great saint who was forced to auction his own fiefdom was extremely excited. Zhang Ruochen, your means are brilliant what!"

There is a strong irony in the tone.

Zhang Ruochen turned around, and saw that the Emperor Yu's beautiful figure was sitting inside.

She is very polite ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ directly lift the jade pot, raise the white chin, and pour the holy spring in the jade pot into the bright red lips. Such heroic things were done by her, full of boundless beauty.

Zhang Ruochen's thoughts suddenly felt like he could challenge more difficulty.

If the Emperor Yuhuang can be cleaned up, who else can't control it in the future?

"I thought that our relationship should be like water and fire, and there was no possibility of relaxation. But I did not expect that Yuhuang would come to visit on your own initiative, just because I also have very important things and intend to discuss with you."

Zhang Ruochen's expression was indifferent, and he made no mention of the Emperor Yu drinking the Holy Spring without permission.

As soon as Yu Huang's wrist was lifted, the jade pot was put back on the table. A pair of cold phoenix eyes glared at Lin and hummed softly, "I'm not here to repair the relationship with you. The invitation was sent to me. "

After that, an invitation flew out of her sleeve.

. Miaoshuwu