God Emperor

~: Urgent announcement!

Dear readers, except for the group I announced that day, it is best not to add another group of elder **** book friends, so as not to be deceived.

Just now, a reader found me on WeChat and told me that someone on the qq had impersonated the name "I" and borrowed him 40,000, and the money had been transferred!

72966xx60-this is a fake group, a liar group, remember it!

Don't believe it!

Don't believe it!

Don't believe it!

In the past, some people impersonated me, in the group, in book reviews, random spoilers, just don't want to say more.

The money that is used to deceive readers like this is a hybrid, and it is to cut off the offspring.

Don't borrow money online, and Xiaoyu will never borrow money from any readers ...

Everyone should be vigilant, and Cajun should be cautious.

Also, isn't qq's "flying fish" really a flying fish.

"Eternal God" urgent announcement! Hitting by hand, please wait a moment,

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