God is Coming

v2 Chapter 180: Oberon civilization

The Oberon civilization has made humans revel in it for decades.

In the distant unexplored constellations, human beings have found more and more ruins of civilization, and they seem to have been abandoned for at least a hundred years. Research on the ruins shows that the owners of these buildings are not humanoids, but rather a living body that walks on four legs and uses two upper limbs to manipulate tools.

The puppet ruins are distributed in several galaxies. Although these galaxies are very close by human standards at the time, at least it shows that this civilization also has the ability of interstellar navigation.

When people started a tide of discussion about the Oberon civilization, a new discovery hit the whole human society.

By chance, on an edge planet, the explorers found an ancient ruin. The ruins are abandoned living bases, which have developed to a fairly perfect level. In the museum of the ruins, the explorers found the main brain memory of a spaceship, which still has the flight record of that year.

The information in the memory reveals that the so-called Oberon civilization was actually created by the immigrant fleet that disappeared. They unexpectedly encountered a different phase of the universe during the immigration expedition. All those who were awake were killed instantly, while those who were freezing and sleeping were safe.

移民 When the migrants were awakened from the freezer by the owner's brain, they unexpectedly found themselves in a completely strange star field. They have no coordinates and cannot find any familiar star charts. This is a completely alien universe, full of malice.

The surviving immigrants soon noticed that their genes showed signs of instability, and they tended to collapse. This is an irreversible process. The surviving fleet rushes to the nearest planet and uses almost all means to maintain genetic stability. However, in the end, nearly half of the survivors failed to survive the disaster, and the remaining people changed in appearance, no longer like humans.

When they finally landed on the planet, they realized that they could no longer go back in time. The change is not only the shape, but also the inner spiritual world. The next generation of survivors no longer remember what humans should be, and developed their own civilization and technology system based on the original technology of human beings.

This is the Oberon civilization.

It is only that its destruction and birth are as rapid as possible. It seems that all existence ends overnight, leaving only pieces of ruins.

The first generation of pioneers still remember the mother star, remember where they started, and record these in memory to prevent forgetting. But no one knows exactly what happened, and this is what happened, and no one knows where they encountered the natural disaster.

Human scientists have developed a keen interest in this cosmic heterogeneous phase. However, in the past hundred years, they have not been able to find the existence of the heterogeneous phase, let alone start research. Later, even the existence of this heterogeneous phase has become a topic of debate in academic circles.

So the question raised by the little princess is not too much care. Oolongs like the Oberon civilization emerge in endlessly, but the subsequent ones are not as big as the Oberon civilization incident.

After reading the data of the Oberon civilization, Chu Jun turned to Le Mans and asked, "Is it possible?"

Le Mans shook his head and said firmly: "Basically impossible! It is the wisdom of collective states, which has never appeared in our human beings, and there is no biological basis. Any artificial intelligence we make is essentially essential. It is difficult to escape from the human mindset. Even monsters in the community cannot do this. "

"You have just used your brain as a metaphor."

"That's just a metaphor, it's not really the same thing. It's like ..." Le Mans struggled to find a more appropriate metaphor.

Xun Chujun did not embarrass him any more and said, "I believe in you. Continue to study and wait for him to wake up and inform me, I can see if I can ask you something."

The next two days, Le Mans recorded the data while observing Kaitian, and the research progressed by leaps and bounds.

The advent of Kaitian opened Lin Xi and Chu Jungui to re-examine the beast tide. The animal tide was difficult to resist before, and it was still in its original form. The tide of beasts must now be viewed as a complete and rapidly progressing civilization. This war has become a confrontation between two civilizations, and no longer a simple planetary conquest.

It is said that the collision between the two intelligent races is still a bit reluctant. Regardless of the return of Chu Jun or the Lancer, once the storm cloud of Planet Four has broken through, the supply can be sent endlessly, no matter what kind of beast tide will be crushed Pressure. But now the Federation still has a certain supply, Chu Jun returns without any foreign aid, everything can only rely on himself.

Little Princess Wu seemed to have a lot of thoughts, but Lin Xi and Chu Jun were both so busy flying that they couldn't seem to worry at all.

Little Princess 找 found an opportunity and quietly found a busy Chu Jungui who asked, "We may have to face a completely unknown civilization, aren't you worried?"

"Why worry?" Chu Jungui looked blank.

敌人 "The enemy may be stronger than we think."

"No enemy is powerful firepower can not suppress. If not, it can only show that our firepower is not enough, we need to increase the caliber and charge."

"You ..." Hathaway was speechless about the simple and crude logic of the test subject. Suddenly she saw that Chu Jun was neither a bullet nor a gun component, but a circle of metal wires, so she asked, "What are you doing?"

"I just got an idea of ​​a precision guided weapon and am planning to make a sample and try it out."

"What weapon can accurately guide?" The little princess immediately became curious. "Show me the design."

Chu Jungui didn't hide it ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Sent the design directly, and then a short and stupid barrel appeared on the mask display of the little princess, and a thin and long tail.

The little princess 立刻 was immediately shocked by the appearance of this thing: "What is this?"

"Power-enhanced short-range precision-guided ground-killing bomb."

Little Princess Pu was shocked again: "Just such a barrel?"

"Every weapon needs a proper name."

The little princess was very speechless and said, "You just put the instructions in the name."

Xi Chujun turned back to start thinking seriously.

The name shows that it meets the aesthetic standards of the test body, and summarizes all the weapon characteristics at a glance. As for the length of the name, it is not a concern of Chu Jungui. Anyway, in his consciousness, as long as the length of the name does not exceed the square of 65536, it is the same. This length is enough to put the instructions for most weapons in.

Seeing his appearance, the little princess hurried away from the topic, "How do you guide accurately in this **** place?"

Xi Chujun praised the metal wire in Yang's hand, "the wire guide."

"Lead guide ..." The little princess was silent, "The lead guide will also be disturbed. How far is the range?"

"Up to 1500 meters."

"What about the killing radius?"

"1500 meters."