God is Coming

v3 Chapter 1024: he likes you very much

How can I treat Lin Xi better? This question stumped Chu Jungui.

After staying with the doctor for a long time, Chu Jungui also developed the habit of scientific thinking. If you want to study a specific problem, you must have a theoretical framework to support it, and you need a multi-dimensional comprehensive review. For example, needs can be divided into three levels: human beings, women, and Lin Xi, and they can be refined layer by layer. Of course, the level can be divided into more and more detailed. The category of needs can also be divided in many ways, such as spiritual and material, normal and abnormal, and so on.

After a series of scientific and rigorous analysis, a conclusion including more than 5,000 items was finally drawn. Many of these conclusions contradict each other.

Just when Chu Jungui was having a headache, the long-silent political component finally spoke: "How can it be so complicated? As long as it can provide security guarantees under any circumstances."

There are different opinions on tactical deception: "This is far from enough. It also needs to be accompanied by both duration and full coverage of important moments."

Chu Jungui frowned, feeling a little embarrassed.

The art component spoke at the end, and its speech was very artistic: "Appearance is overwhelming. And your current appearance... has deviated from the peak."

The political component immediately retorted: "I think the appearance is very good now! Each component has a unique aesthetic standard, you can't be appreciated by the orangutan and the monkey at the same time!"

The counterattack of the art component is very powerful: "If you are a primate component and are hated by orangutans and monkeys at the same time, then you should reflect on your own problems!"

The political component is angry: "What's wrong with me?"

Art component: "I'm just giving an example, what are you in a hurry for?"

Tactical deception came out to smooth things over: "Okay, don't make any noise. Now the height of 2.35 meters is indeed a bit uncoordinated, should we start another upgrade and optimize the structure?"

Chu Jungui also felt that it made sense, and began to conceive a new body optimization plan. The new plan greatly improved all aspects of data and energy reserves, and the final height will be adjusted to 3.92 meters.

Fortunately, the test subject quickly realized his mistake, re-planned the plan, no longer blindly pursued the explosion of data, but turned to improve efficiency, so the height was reduced bit by bit, and the body density increased accordingly.

A moment later, Chu Jungui, who appeared in front of Lin Xi, shrunk to 1.91 meters in height, his entire skin revealed an undisguised crystalline luster, and there was a faint halo flowing inside.

Lin Xi is working on the parts, and the parts she has processed will be handed over to Mi Er next to her, who will carry out the next step of assembly and processing.

Seeing Chu Jungui, Lin Xi asked as usual: "Is there a new mission?"

"No, I'm just here to see if there's anything I need help with."

Lin Xi gave Chu Jungui a strange look, and said, "I can handle it."

"...Okay." Chu Jungui had nothing to say, so he went to do his own work. He just came up with 5 different energy storage block formulas, and he was going to make a few of them and add them to the energy storage room. In this way, no matter how the real dream changes, there are always a few pieces that can be used. Unless the real dream intends to wield a knife from the palace, don't even think about cutting off the energy supply of the camp.

After Mr. Chu left, Mi Er, who had been working hard, looked up and asked, "Has he always been this... stupid?"

Lin Xi shook her head and said, "That guy is actually very smart, but sometimes he doesn't even know what he's thinking."

Mi Er whispered, "I feel that he likes you very much."

Lin Xi's movements suddenly stopped, and a part was useless. She remained calm, threw the scrap parts aside, picked up a new piece of raw material, and started processing again.

Mi Er secretly took a look at Lin Xi's face, and continued to work hard.

The real dream came to dusk again, and the doctor suddenly called everyone to his laboratory building. After everyone arrived, the doctor first conscripted all the people to work for half an hour, and completely completed the landscape area on the sixth floor. Everyone has mastered the core theory, and their own cognition and control have also improved accordingly. Now a few of them are almost able to directly transform matter and energy, that is to say, they don’t need to eat. But since there are still some people who need to eat, Then let's see how the food comes."

The doctor waved and summoned a silver-gray metal box. When the high-tech box lid is opened, what is revealed is a large iron pot full of medieval style, boiling a pot of dark green thick liquid that is steaming, and various strange body parts are constantly bubbling inside. Chu Jungui and Hathaway had seen this pot, and McMillan had eaten it, but neither of them had any reaction. The rest were somewhat uneasy.

The doctor continued: "Some time ago, I ignored that there were still people who needed to eat, so Jungui went out and searched for ingredients, but it was in vain. Now let's take a look at what these ingredients are."

The doctor brought in a display cabinet, which was divided into hundreds of small grids, and each grid contained a plant or animal organ. Some grids were open, but there were two full rows of grids that were sealed, and there were eye-catching signs on them. mark.

The doctor opened the display cabinet, took out a mushroom, and said: "I think many people have eaten this thing. Before these world changes, it was an ordinary fungus, just like the one in our real world. It can be eaten and eaten. It was delicious, and many explorers considered it the most important basic food in the first few days and even the whole exploration process. But now, it is completely different."

The doctor crushed the mushrooms and threw them into a beaker filled with clear water. Straws of scarlet ooze out of the broken pieces of the mushrooms, and soon the whole glass of water was dyed red. Everyone present can be said to be strong, but except for Austin, McMillan, and Chu Jungui~lightnovelpub.net~, everyone else was faintly uneasy when they saw the red color.

The doctor explained: "As you can see, the red color shows that this mushroom contains a kind of neurotoxin. Its toxicity can kill the people of a small town. To be exact, it is enough to poison 7900 ordinary adults. Its poison The quality content is so high that it cannot be eaten no matter how it is handled.”

The doctor took out another berry from the second grid, which was purple-black in color and very plump. After being thrown into the beaker, the red color is so intense that it almost turns purple-black.

"This is also a neurotoxin. The difference is that the mushroom attacks the central nervous system, but it attacks the nerve endings. If you accidentally eat one, all the nerve endings will be necrotic in a short period of time, and only the brain can be preserved." And the spine. That is, you will stay awake, but you will no longer feel your body, you will not be able to move, and you will die slowly like that."

The doctor took out another piece of grass root, which looked plump and tender, and said, "The good news is that it won't attack the nerves. The bad news is that it will dissolve the protein in your whole body."

This time the doctor did not go into detail about the symptoms.

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