God is Coming

v3 Chapter 278: The origin of the poor

Chu Jungui and Li Xinyi were walking on the run-down long street. In the shadows on both sides of the road, we could always see some people looking at them with unwillingness. These people wandered in groups in groups, as if not Need to work the same.

The buildings inside Qiongjie District are also very rundown, many windows are sealed with steel plates, and then a layer of sealing film is affixed to achieve airtightness. In the highly developed 35th century, the price of natural wood was much higher than that of steel plates. There seems to be no building in the whole area that can afford the isolation cover, and several buildings are still left, but it can also be seen that they have been damaged for a long time.

垃圾 A garbage dump appeared in front of the two of them, and next to them were seven or eight people sticking to the wall or sitting or lying. The garbage processing station is the only place in the entire block that can be connected with Xihai City. The garbage is automatically compressed and processed here, and simple processing is performed on site to turn it into recyclable raw materials.

The energy pipeline radiates heat all the time, making it an excellent place for homeless people to resist the cold at night.

"Why are there so many poor people in this world?" Li Xinyi suddenly asked.

This is a good question. After Chu Jungui started the political component for 1 second, he got 10086 answers with different emphasis. Then the political component couldn't wait to speak, and it was ruthlessly turned off.

李 In the eyes of Li Xinyi, Chu Jungui answered with a little thought: "Do you want the cause of the pan-star field, or from the perspective of planetary division of labor, or do we just consider the local Xihai city?"

"What's the difference?"

"Very different." Chu Jun nodded.

心 Li Xinyi thoughtfully, took a deep look at Chu Jun and said, "First talk about the division of labor on the planet."

"It's very simple. Most planets are just for development value, but not for living conditions. Take the Neptune star where we are now, the environment is already quite friendly, but the air still can't breathe, and the building needs to be airtight or build a shield. This leads to a significant increase in the cost of placement. On other, worse planets, the cost of placement can be thousands of times higher than the parent star. "

"However, when a planet's exploitable resources are exhausted, it loses value and can only be maintained by subsidies from the central government. After all, most industrial stars do not have the ability to be self-sufficient. From a dynasty perspective, it would only Give the necessary supplies enough to sustain life, but when the planet is inside, the distribution of these supplies must be uneven, and the poor are born. "

心 Li Xinyi asked: "Why not withdraw people from the abandoned resource star?"

"The cost of evacuating a person is much higher than the subsidy. Generally speaking, the cost of evacuating one person is enough to allow 1,000 people to live to death on the planet. So regardless of dynasty or federal, the annual evacuation quota is always given. Very limited. Besides, there are always people who don't want to leave. "

心 Li Xinyi sighed and said, "It's so realistic!"

"Politics has always been realistic."

Li Xinyi looked at the person Yi Yi was heating at the garbage dump and said, "Will I buy this neighborhood? Give them work and feed them."

Wu Chujun returned for a moment, never expecting this little guy to be so rich, and now he respected him.

Nothing but admiration. As a tutor, the necessary persuasion, or discipline, is still necessary.

Xi Chujun cleared his throat and said, "This may not be a good idea."


"They don't necessarily want this change."

怎么 "How is that possible? Who would want this life?"

Chu Jun turned to the homeless and pointed out, "First of all, they don't necessarily have no work. Second, even if they don't have work, many people adapt to this place. You have transformed the whole block and not let them live. Happier. "

"Somewhere to live, not happy with a meal?"

Chu Chujun smiled and said, "Poverty is not the same as unhappiness. Maybe letting them work diligently in the work you provide will be even more unhappy."

心 Li Xinyi glanced at Chu Jun and said, "I hope you are right. I will observe for myself."

Xi Chujun shrugged and said it was enough. Everyone has a different understanding of politics and different trade-offs. Most of the time, one is chosen among the less bad consequences.

As soon as the two passed the garbage dump, they saw several people standing against the wall behind the garbage dump. One of the tattooed men stood upright and called, "Stop!"

As soon as Li Xinyi's eyebrows were raised, she wanted to get angry, but was stopped by Chu Jun's return.

The idiot took out a pistol from the back waist, aimed at Chu Jungui, and sneered, "I heard that you killed the old bald? The courage is very bold! But I am different from the waste of the old bald What is it? Modified the pistol! Look at this carving, look at this caliber, have you heard of the 12.7mm pistol? Give me the truth, or I will open a hole in you! What's in your bag, Take it out! "

Xi Chujun returned to open the handbag, reached for his hand, and in his hand added a sawn double-barreled shotgun. The deep muzzle was aimed at the four baffles, and the luster was extraordinarily sharp.

"I haven't heard of a 12.7mm pistol. I only have the little guy who exported the Remington. By the way, it also contains modified ammunition. It was not originally used to hit people, but to dismantle the wall. . "

A few dumbfounded faces gradually bleak, headed by the man slowly squatting, slowly put the 12.7mm pistol on the ground, then slowly raised his hands, stood up trembling.

4 rumbling backs are tightly against the wall, anxious to squeeze themselves in. The thing that Remington had opened the door at that time, and now the wall was removed, it was never used to hit people. Even if it hits someone, it will not delay dismantling the wall.

"Take out all the weapons and put them on the ground." Chu Jungui ordered.

Everyone obediently obeys, after all, no one wants to be dismantled as a wall ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Most of the weapons they bring out are iron rod dagger machete pistols, the guns are old-style pistols, not the boss's modification Premium goods.

Xun Chujun walked around in front of them, trampled all the pistols into parts, and then swinged the shotgun in his hand and said, rolling.

4 fooled like a pardon, scrambling.

心 Li Xinyi stared curiously at Chu Jungui's handbag. "When did you secretly make Remington? If I remember correctly, the model with special ammunition is a tube product."

"As your teacher, I will always be in danger of life, so your family gave me a defense."

心 Li Xinyi looked at Chu Jungui coldly, "I have a feeling now, even if the world is destroyed, you will not die."

As soon as Chu Chujun wanted to be humble, he listened to Li Xinyi and added, "You must be Xiaoqiang."

Xun Chujungui completely heard the praise from her mouth. He put the shotgun into his handbag, and he recovered the harmlessness of humans and animals, and accompanied Li Xinyi to move forward.