God is Coming

v3 Chapter 567: acting

Jun Chu had a mission, and he was not interested in the good errands that Sinoe said, but politely said that he could listen to it.

Sinoe lowered her voice and said mysteriously: "I want you to help me regain everything that should belong to me! I will definitely give you rewards beyond imagination and my eternal friendship!"

Jun Chu returned to look at Sino expressionlessly, and didn't even bother to speak.

Sinoe was a little embarrassed and said, "But the reward can only be paid after the completion of the event. This...you know. And now, I'm afraid you need to help pay for the bill here, and I will give it to you after I make the money."

Chu Jungui shook his head secretly. Seeing that this guy's cheek was somewhat thin, he didn't care about it. Jun Chu returned to look around, and easily captured the mastermind here. It is a pity that the data in the mastermind is very limited. It will automatically transmit data to the upper mastermind every few days and then clear its own data. So what Chu Jun found out was only the last three days' data.

There are some mercenary information in the data, but the evaluation is not very high. Most of the resumes are retired from regular troops, and only one has served in special forces, but it is also a third-rate unit.

Chu Jungui was not disappointed. Obviously, this was only a low-level contact point. It was only set up by a small local organization and could not attract truly high-level mercenaries. But this is just right, it is suitable for the entrance into the gray underground world. Like the little mercenaries in the information, no one will care if they die. The organization that hunted and killed Chu Jungui would not notice this location.

After reading the information in the main brain, Chu Jungui already knew what to do.

Chu Jun recruited the maid, put a fund card on the table, and said: "Pay the bill, plus two extra glasses of wine, it's for you."

The maid shot a beam of light on the terminal, swiped it on the fund card, and said happily, "Received! What can I do for you?" Her expression was lighter, because the account information showed that Chu Jun returned most of the time. All in local activities.

What Chu Jungui used was the account of the organ dealer, which was an anonymous cash account and did not require the identity of the card owner. Almost everyone in the gray zone uses a cash account.

Chu Jungui said, "I don't come here often. This time I don't want people in my original life to know. I want to find a job that doesn't need to reveal my identity. Can you help me?"

"There are many kinds of jobs, what are you good at?"

"I have stayed in the army before, and I am close to the real first-line army. So I know everything. Of course, what I am best at is data and intelligence processing." Chu Jun looked serious and looked completely bragging.

The maid knew you were bragging for a long time, but she didn't break it out for the tip, and she said cooperatively: "Well, intelligence experts, will you fix the mastermind?"

"A little bit, not good at it."

"What about weapon skills?"

"A little bit of everything, but I am good at melee." Chu Jun said honestly.

"Oh, it's just that the gun was not shot accurately." The maid obviously had another understanding.

Xino's face was getting more and more weird, and it was the first time he heard someone say that Chu Jun was inaccurate with his gun.

"Will you drive anything, speed, chariot, etc."

"Able to drive fighter planes, but only the most basic skills." Chu Jun thought of the fighter plane driving component, the official name of the component is Basic Fighter Fighting 0.1a version. So he felt that he did not lie.

The maid looked contemptuously, so she almost said the phrase ‘you blow, you keep on blowing’. A guy who mixes in the low-level community, without a legal identity, still pilots a fighter? I'm afraid that I have never seen a real fighter, let alone touched it.

Jun Chu returned to Sinoe who was next to him, and said, "My fighter plane is not good enough, but this guy has fought real fighter planes."

The maid was a little surprised. She glanced at Xino, and felt that although this guy was carefree, but there was an unconcealable calmness in her demeanor. She looked like he could drive a fighter plane, and she believed a little bit in her heart.

"Okay, I'll write it down, you buy two more rounds of wine, I'll be back soon."

"There should be some money in it." Chu Jun pointed to the cash card. The maid swept again, then came to the bar and said something to the bartender behind. The bartender glanced here, nodded, and continued to work.

After a while, the maid came to the two of them again, and said softly: "To have a good job, you need a mastermind expert and a driver. You had better understand the mastermind as you said, otherwise the employer might be unhappy. Understand. Yet?"

Chu Jungui nodded.

"The remuneration for those tasks is very good. There are 6 gold coins in total. Two are paid first, and the rest is done before you pay. Do you have any problems doing this evening?"

In the evening, Sinoe and Chu Jun were sitting in an old speeding car, looking at a building on the diagonally opposite side where the dancing girl Lang was constantly placed on the surface.

Xino looked helpless and said: "The mission seems to be very technical, but isn't it actually going to a bar to grab a ledger? Really, I have always used a limited version of the fighter, and now I am going to develop such a thing. This The guy is 100 years older than the oldest taxi in our federation, right? Hey, can you be the master?"

"know a little."

"That's good. After finishing this order, at least there will be a place to live tonight." Sino yawned.

At this time, there was a sudden explosion at the entrance of the wine shop, bursting out a burst of fire, and the scene suddenly became chaotic. More than a dozen heavily armed men armed with automatic weapons, rushing and sweeping at the wine shop, the bullets instantly blasted the gates.

Xino's eyes widened: "So hot?"

He thought it should be a submerged mission ~lightnovelpub.net~ and withdraw if it succeeded. It was a small-scale exchange of fire at most. He didn't expect it to be a direct assault. In a blink of an eye, several lives were lost.

The attacker quickly suppressed the security firepower of the wine shop. One person ran to the speeding car and knocked on the window, saying: "Here you are! Go in!"

Chu Jungui followed him into the main brain room on the third floor of the wine shop. Chu Jungui skillfully connected to the main brain, operating quickly, and it seemed that the cracking progress was fast. In fact, the mastermind of such an old model was already cracked within one second of being connected, but the task time was ten minutes, so Chu Jun didn't rush back, and he just pretended to be trying to crack it.

Ten minutes were exhausted, and Chu Jungui finally completed the task. At this time, there were loud gunshots outside the restaurant, and it seemed that the opponent's reinforcements had arrived.

The gunman pushed Chu Jun back and said: "Retreat separately, I will cover, and you will meet at the designated place to deliver the goods after you escape!"

Jungui nodded again and again, then fled the building in a panic, and fell on the road. Even he himself admires his acting skills a bit.

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