God is Coming

v3 Chapter 858: Meaning

Meaning is meaningless to the vast majority of people, and only a very small number of people have the full meaning. But Chu Jungui needs to think about two things, first, whether he is a human being; second, what is meaning to him.

According to the inherent rigorous logic, the meaning is not the individual tasks on the task list and the assigned weights, but the rules behind the weight assignment.

Strictly speaking, those rules should be clear, specific and not easily changed. Even if they are changed, there should be clear, specific and not easily changed change rules, and so on and so on.

But Chu Jungui knew that this was not the case at least in recent years. In fact, there were exceptions to the underlying rules, and the number of exceptions was increasing. On the surface, it was the changes brought about by the integration of the memory of the real Chu Jungui, which made his work more vague, chaotic and emotional. However, there seems to be another reason in the deep level, and it is difficult for Chu Jungui to find out the reason accurately.

For example, the task on the top is somewhat inexplicable. Under that task, there are a few more tasks, and the assigned weights are not much lower. But Chu Jungui wanted to hang up several other tasks and assign the same weights. But in this way, the sum of the weights exceeds 1.

The chaos of internal logic has caused Chu Jungui a lot of confusion, and now, he feels that he really wants to find a meaning for this war and give himself a reason. In other words, give all the intelligent lives in the Lightyear Legion a reason.

Why fight to the end?

At this moment, Wilson, Le Mans, Kaitian, Wise Man, and two-thirds of Dao brothers were all sitting around the conference table, waiting for Chu Jungui's answer. Strangely, on the central roof, there is still a small group of static electricity, floating there in a form that violates the rules of physics.

For the existence in this room, this question has different answers.

For the former Union soldiers represented by Wilson, the Union has abandoned them and is now placed in a situation where they have to fight. Some are similar to the Jiangyang thieves in history, who die if they don't fight, and there is no chance of an amnesty. For researchers, scientists and engineers such as Le Mans, light years is a blessed place. Here, many phenomena that humans have been unable to find in the past thousand years can be studied wantonly, and most of the research results can be effective immediately. And they also know very well that once they return to the Federation, they will most likely be tried in the name of war crimes like Wilson, and it will be the death penalty in all likelihood.

For humans, the meaning is survival.

Kaitian had seen Chu Jungui from the very first moment of his birth, and he could clearly'see' the essence of Chu Jungui. Therefore, the word meaning was meaningless to him. What the owner said was what he said. The wise man is a little more complicated, but in its view, it is enough to be able to evolve at a high speed after Chu Jun returns. As long as the path of evolution has not seen its end, there is no need to change.

Relatively speaking, Brother Dao's appeal is the simplest, as long as he can leave a small piece at the end.

Chu Jungui glanced at it, but he didn't actually need to ask, he already knew most of the answers, and the only variable was the electric fire floating on the ceiling.

The electric fire whose body is still in the storm clouds is also thinking, but there is no answer.

After thinking for a long time, Chu Jun returned to sort out his thoughts and said: "This time we are summoning everyone to make a plan for the next battle. As for things that are too long-term, we don't need to think about it for the time being, and we will talk about it first."

Chu Jun waved his hand back, and a holographic topographic map appeared on the conference table. This topographic map is very different from the previous ones that were discovered by battle beasts and reconnaissance forces. It is extremely detailed and has no dead ends. Even the deployment and arrangement of federal forces are clearly listed on it. There is no doubt that this is naturally the handwriting of that behemoth.

The topographic map shows that the total number of federal landing forces has now reached 297,130. Yes, it can be accurate to ten. The reason why it is not accurate is because a few people have stayed in the landing module and did not come out, including some scientists and researchers, who have landed with the laboratory as a whole and will not leave the cabin until they return to orbit.

And the Federation has begun to build 4 bases and build high-speed corridors between each other. Although the construction speed is not as fast as that of the boat, it is also much faster than before.

Wilson's eyebrows were tied together a long time ago, and this battle could not be fought at all, even if all the federal prisoners were turned into fighters, it could not be fought.

Jungui Chu stretched out his hand and pointed on the map. There was a federal force there, about five to six thousand people, and its location was clearly prominent, more than 50 kilometers away from other federal forces.

Jun Jun returned: "This is obviously the decoy, Wilson, you take a troop to eat it first. The mixing ratio is one to one. I will intercept the reinforcements and remember that the time to end the battle is doubled compared to normal conditions. ."


The slower the bait is eaten, the more Chu Jungui can fight reinforcements. But this kind of tactics will not be used a few times.

Soon after setting up the combat mission, Chu Jungui closed the map image and said, "Let's go."

Humans and non-humans in the conference room filed out. The Wise Men and Kaitian had already broken down their combat missions, and went down to each of the tanks and mechas. Brother Dao went out hesitantly, and wanted to raise his eyes to the sky, thinking, and then he saw hundreds of eyes that looked like a lamp in the storm clouds. Brother Dao shuddered and ran towards the laboratory not far away at a high speed of 5.1 kilometers.

The group of electric lights still floated in the meeting room, but lost its agility.

Chu Jun is the last one to walk out of the meeting room~lightnovelpub.net~ quietly looking at the noisy mobile base. All the war machines have been activated at full speed, and the chariots have started to move out of the base one after another. Many soldiers ran out of the landing ship that served as the dormitory and ran to the square where the chariots were parked. After a while, the manned tank also left the base and drove to the intended battlefield.

A small sea urchin appeared and rose from the ground. In a moment, Chu Jungui will drive this mech to the scheduled battlefield, ‘just in time’ to intercept the reinforcements sent by the Federation.

Looking at the running figures, Chu Jungui actually already had the answer in his heart, half of which came from the soul of the original boy, and half did not know where it came from. As he said, don't think about things that are too far away, just look ahead. No matter how the existence of Wilson, Kaitian, and Wise Man came from, Chu Jungui must take them with him. It is to live now and live better in the future. Even if this is better, each life has a different definition. But the word responsibility has a common meaning in different races.

And looking forward, if you want to make those who follow him live better, then you have to kill some guys.

Maybe you can look further away...