God-level Big Mine Owner

~: postscript

Our "God-level Mine Owner" has finally been successfully completed. From September 28, 2016, it was uploaded and met with you. It took more than 15 months and nearly 4 million words. When I wrote the three words "end of the book", there was a sense of pride and deep gratitude in my heart.

Thanks to our book friends!

I remember when I first opened this book, my grades were not good. Without Sanjiang's recommendation, I couldn't get it on the main website, and even the shelves became a problem. Shell almost thought it was on the street, but seeing a lot of encouragement and support in the message area, Shell insisted on writing it down.

After communicating with the editor, I applied for a listing. I remember that there were only 8,000 collections when it was put on the shelves. It couldn’t be more miserable. The majority of book friends are powerful. The first recommendation after the book was put on the shelves was a small explosion. Straight up.

47,000+ collections, 100,000+ fans and recommendations, and subscriptions are not bad. Shell thinks it’s okay and content, and I know that everything is all thanks to everyone. Thank you again.

The end of the year is coming soon, and I would like to congratulate you all a Happy New Year in advance!

Shells have also been planned. After the hard work for so long, there is almost no time to accompany the family. This year the Spring Festival will be a good company. The family will go for a walk and have fun. After the Spring Festival, Shells will upload the next one. The new book, when the time comes, I hope everyone will continue to support me.

Thanks again everyone!

Thanks also to the editor and everyone in China Reading Group!