God-level Bodyguard in The City

Chapter 335: Unworthy of being a thief

Chapter 335 Unworthy To Be A Thief

Buu was originally a full-time thug in the street gang in the United States. In the famous black community, he had learned to fight before he learned that 1 + 1 was equal to 2. Before graduating from junior high school, he has become a full-time thug of the Gangster. Buu is not good at using guns. Targets within 3 meters are not accurate, but his fists are very scary. He is a genius for fighting.

He mastered the skill of judging the opponent's muscle movement without a teacher. He learned boxing, wrestling, and free combat, and combined them into a set of combat fighting techniques that suits him best.

Whether it's punches or feet, or fighting consciousness, he has no shortcomings. On the streets of the United States, he once broke the legs of two SEAL members with his bare hands, and fled to East Asia because he murdered the leader of the party leader.

Excavated by Liu Qingcheng in a black boxing arena in a backcountry, he was fortunate enough to come to the heavens and find the beginning of a truly happy life.

He firmly believes that he is the king in this iron cage. As long as he is within a square inch of his feet, there is no living thing to win his black punch. But the drearyness in front of him has caused this most proud king to fall into a doubt.

Shen Ming didn't have the bluff of bluffing or the action of slashing his sword, so he walked so slowly, just like a friend he met unexpectedly on the road.

The most important thing is that he has been frank and open about his moves, but his whole body muscles are completely unprepared for punching. Is it the same tactical fraud? The moment Buu's eyes looked down at the bottom, hey!

A punch flew from the front, not fast, at least not as fast as Jin Ding just now, but Buu was as indifferent as a sandbag, was hit by the bridge of his nose, and took 2 steps back.

The injury was not counted, but the blood was covered, and it looked extraordinarily infiltrating.

"Fxxk!" Buu called with a heavy nasal sound.

The audience on the stage also shouted, although most of them bet on Shen Ming, but everything that happened in front of them seemed to be a sign of fake punches, booing.

Buu was too lazy to explain to this group of idiots what happened and the boxer-level fast punch combined with the pace of the dance version made Buu an attacking machine.

Shen Ming refused to make a step, and used the same angle and the same speed as Buu to mirror his fist, and every time the impact of the phalanges made a thumping sound, within 30 seconds, the two stood and kept punching and punching. After a hundred fists, Buu finally couldn't hold back and took two steps. The back of his hands was already full of blood. If you look closely, you can find the white phalanges.

But looking at Shen Ming's hands was stained with blood, but not even a trembling motion.

"Are you still playing?" Shen Ming asked with regret.

"Stop playing till you die!" Buu called up, cut his feet into legs, and black feet stepped on the ground. He was so healthy that he was as light as a swallow in the air, and his long legs started to move. New offense.

Without a run-up distance, Shen Ming raised his arm and made a hard connection, one, two, three, and he retreated back and forth under Buu's crazy attack. If Buu forged his body into a black iron block, his deep body is like a yellow titanium alloy, which is enough to kick off the legs of the human arm bone.

When Buu kicked back again, Shen Ming, who had been defensive, used Buu to kick Jin Ding's straight kick and kicked him out.

Buu, who hit the iron cage, even pushed the iron cage weighing hundreds of kilograms in parallel to a distance of half a meter. Nearly you can see the slightly deformed curve of the iron rod.

"You ..." Buu supported his body and wanted to stand up and say something, but spit out blood on the ground.

"The so-called demon, but can only bully the weak on the fist; the self-proclaimed king can only show his strength in the iron cage; he has learned a skill, and finally turned into a clown performing for a group of rich people ... you have seen in the zoo Does the monkey feel that he is amazing? "Shen Ming despise everything in the underground Eden, but it attracted a lot of joy.

Obviously, these rich people worship only the strong, but they never look good to those who are prone to inflammation.

"Here is my world! It's mine! Never allow a kid like you to preach here!" Buu growled up, grabbed the iron rod behind him by the iron cage with both hands, Jumping on both feet and stepping on the iron cage, the muscles of the whole body swelled as if to burst open the skin. He just removed a 1-meter iron rod from the iron cage! Pounced again.

"Dead!" Buu's iron rod screamed like a sword, stunned to pass by the dodging dimness. The floor was smashed into a hole on the wooden floor.

Buu, who was tired and unconcerned about the state of his muscles, kept on waving and attacking with iron rods. Shen Ming's blood began to escape, but not deep, but every time he avoided it, he was extremely thrilled.

"You can't stand still, let me kill you well?" After 2 minutes, Buu was so sweaty that he felt bald with the top of the iron bar, and his fist became stricken, but deep. There was still no one frontal attack, just a few more words of blood.

"Last time, this time, I still beat my face." Shen Ming stood sideways on the ground, breathing and regulating the breath inside the body.

"Do you want to use the same trick twice for me?" Buu rushed forward, and the dragging iron rod pulled a long mark on the floor, and the waving iron rod lifted it up. A splash of sawdust. Buu behaved like a samurai's straight slash, rounding his stick and smashing into the deep heavenly cover.

The indomitable Shen Ming punched straight in a horizontal punch, and the trajectory just hit Buu's iron rod. The audience saw a magical attack. The iron rod was sunk, distorted and deformed by the position where it was bombarded by the Shenming, and it became a l-shaped strike against Buu's face. The shock made the devil Buu roll his eyes and fell to the ground, his mouth spit with white foam and passed out. When it came to injury, it was better than Jin Ding.

In the slow-motion playback on the top of the iron cage, Shen Ming's fist fired a few millimeters before the iron rod, as if the iron rod was pushed with air.

Seeing this, Yuxi was also shocked. Dad ’s energy may be unknown to outsiders, but they have all learned to be children, but they just want to play to the point that Shen Ming is so damaging. Only Dad can do it.

How long has he been with Dad after all, and why can he be so determined? Or is he a genius? Too many questions filled Jade's mind, but Liu Qingcheng was still more confused.

One of his own ace boxers fell in front of the barefoot Shen Ming, and the gambling compensation exceeded 3 million. But even so, Liu Qingcheng was not angry, he was just marveling at the deep magic.

"Your uncle, it's not easy." Liu Qingcheng teased at Yu Mao.

"He ... it's not always worrying, masculine people just want to pump him, but ... very reliable." Yuxi smiled happily.

At this moment, looking at Jade's admiration for Shen Ming, Liu Qingcheng admitted for the first time that he was jealous of this muddy leg.

Tonight's boxing match has ended, and the guests in the underground Eden have left more than half of them, and the rest continue to have fun.

Liu Qingcheng also personally sent Shen Ming and Yuxi to the elevator. It was supposed to be a time to chill with Yuxi. However, Liu Qingcheng came to Shenming.

"Sculpture of worms, now society takes money as king, and Mr. Liu is our idol." After leaving the boxing ring, Shen Ming restored the appearance of muddy legs and clasped his back with a smile.

"Come, here you are." Liu Qingcheng smiled and took a thick white envelope from the female bodyguard behind him and handed it to Shen Ming.

"What? Money! My obedience! This is so much!" Shen Ming could almost see his eyes fall, and quickly returned, "Why give me money!"

"This is your remuneration for punching today. Although you have caused me a lot of losses, the rules are rules. When you stand on the fist stand and stand down, this is what you deserve." Liu Qingcheng said quite eloquently.

"How sorry is this?" Shen Ming hadn't seen so much money, and he was still holding it.

"Boss Liu will reward you. Hold it." Yuxi pushed him to let Shen Ming accept it.

"Thank you, we had a great time today," Yuxi thanked.

"Me too, I have the opportunity to play again, and you, as long as you are short of money, you can come here to make some extra money." Liu Qingcheng opened the door of convenience to Shen Ming.

"Hey, hey, the cheap security guard I managed to find. Do you still dig with me? Go!" Yuxi pulled Shenming coquettishly into the elevator.

The smiling Jade Wife, who was sitting all the way, suddenly turned into a bitter gourd and looked at Shen Ming after sitting in the car.

"Sorry, I forgot it again." Shen Ming, who did not want to remember the seat belt, remembered the rules in this car, and quickly buckled the seat belt.

"Do you really forget all of this? Again and again! You broke the plan again. Do you know what a plan is?" Yuxi could not bear it anymore.

"In my opinion, watching the plan to kill his teammates is nonsense."

"That was an accident outside the plan. Such a consequence was his choice, and he should pay the price for his choice, even if that price is life." The identity education of Yuxi's predecessors said.

"Saving him is also my choice. I understand that attracting Liu Qingcheng's attention too much is not something I should do. I also know that it is dangerous, but I will pay for my choice," Shen Ming said calmly.

"You don't deserve to be a thief at all, you don't even deserve to be a bad person. You are too kind, so that you will one day be killed by your own goodness." Yuxi sighed helplessly.

"I don't know when it will die, but I know that Jin Ding survived today." Shen Ming was already satisfied.

Jade can't argue with this good guy anymore, because the stubborn Shen Ming can only set off his own bad.