God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1370: Return after one year

The first thousand three hundred and seventy chapters return after one year

"My brother is really powerful, this artifact is no worse than my box!" Catherine laughed.

"Xiao Lin, I have to ask you for something." Qin Qi put away the scepter of the gods and smiled slightly.

"Brother, you said."

"You first ordered the end of the war at Huluo Port, but you don't have to use too much to block Sen Luoyuan." Qin Qidao.

"Okay." Catherine nodded, and it was not difficult.

The reason why Sen Luoyuan’s strongman had to rush out of the Hulu port and attack the 13th League, just did not want to have another level of the 12 clan.

After all, that has no advantage for Sen Luo Yuan, only a bigger threat.

However, the situation has completely changed now, so there is no need to worry about the 13th League entering the holy mountain.

When everything was solved, Qin Qi was also a long sigh of relief. This time, the experience was unexpected. However, the harvest was unexpected.

I don't know the future. I saw Catherine standing on the side of Qin Qi. What kind of expressions are those ancient people?

Qin Qi is looking forward to it.

Catherine apparently trusted Qin Qi and took Qin Qi several times in the Senludi Palace.

And this ancient relic has many amazing things.

There are even a few areas, and now Catherine can't even set foot.

Those places, filled with mysterious powers that the Maharaja can't compete with, seem to lead to certain unknowns.

Pandora's Box was lost in this underground palace. Pandora, who wanted to come to the original, also came here. In the end, did he walk into these fogs?

It is a pity that the heart has doubts but cannot find it.

"These fogs..." Qing Litian frowned, her heart vibrated, she seemed to have seen a similar description in a certain ancient book.

"Do you know?" Qin Qi was in the heart.

"No, there is only some suspicion. If you can extract the part and bring it back to the analysis, you may be able to get some conclusions." Qing Li Tiandao.

"I am coming." Catherine smiled and took a hand, Pandora's Box opened a corner, and the horrible power fell down, thick and incomparably, turned into a dark evil spirit.

Among the Pandora's Box, it is terrible to have hundreds of millions of evil spirits.

However, at this moment, Catherine controls this power. Qin Qi and Qing Litian just feel the threat, and they are uncomfortable and will not be in danger.

The evil spirits bite forward, swallowing a mysterious mist, and then the belly slightly bulges and turns into a bubble.

Inside this bubble is the mysterious fog sealed up.

"I will bring it back to study first. Once there is a result, I will inform the adults at the first time." Qing Litian took up the bubble, respectful.

"Good." Qin Qi nodded.

In this way, it is impossible to continue to stay in the Senlu Palace for a long time. The time has passed for a year, and Qin Qi must leave as soon as possible.

I am afraid that poetry is already very worried.

Separate from Catherine, and warned her not to expose their own relationship, and Catherine naturally promised that the only thing that was unhappy was that Qin Qi left so soon.

"Cough, my brother will come back to see you, you cultivate with peace of mind." Qin Qi laughed, but also a little embarrassed.

The eldest sister of the white prince, how to get rid of his heart, is awkward in his heart.

Leaving the Senludi Palace, this time it was not difficult to break the barrier, but the law of the endless barren hills outside, the raging law is even more terrible than a year ago.

Fortunately, both of them have great growth, but don't worry about anything.

And there are no other wild animals that have been encountered along the way. I am afraid that they have reached their goal and have already gone.

Without paying attention to this, Qin Qi and Qing Litian returned to Nankouguan and immediately convened the top of the 13th League.

Seeing Qin Qi and Qing Litian returning, everyone is shocked.

But then, Qin Qi announced the order.

A truce, until the 5,000-month deadline.

Such a decision, the top of the 13th League is obviously surprised, after all, the 13th League has occupied the upper hand this year.

However, Qin Qi insisted, and asserted that Sen Luoyuan will not invade Tianyuan again.

Similarly, Qing Litian is also this attitude.

In this way, the 13th League did not continue to ask questions. After all, Qin Qi was on board with them and there was no need to deceive them.

As for Qin Qi doing this, it is not what they care about.

Anyway, their purpose is to enter the holy mountain, not to recover Sen Luoyuan.

As long as you can survive the five-year period, then the rest is not important.

At the end of the meeting, Qing Litian resigned, to return to the Athena clan, to inform the family of the income of the year, and to study the mysterious fog.

"Are you sure you won't be exposed?" Qin Qi asked.

He naturally refers to the fact that Qing Litian was broken by him.

Qing Litian heard the words, his face did not have a special look, just said: "You can rest assured that there will be no problem."

"And now you, with the scepter of the gods, and Katherine's sire as a backing, the ancient ancestor of my family wants to shoot, but also to measure."

"So best." Qin Qi faint.

"Then I will retreat first." Qing Litian respectfully said.

"Right, there is still a problem." Qin Qi suddenly screamed, and his look was somewhat different.

"Excuse me."

"You, you should not be pregnant."


Qing Litian is also somewhat difficult to maintain calm, but it is still calm and calm, and there is no wave of saying: "Adults are assured that the Mozu is extremely difficult to breed offspring, the more bloody, the more so."

"The grown-up is the Titan Protoss, and I am the purest blood of Athena, and we only have one chance, and the chance of giving birth is less than one-tenth of a million."

"Then let's go." Qin Qi waved.

Qing Litian retired.

When I met Qing Litian, it was indeed Qin Qi’s wish, but things have already happened. Qin Qi certainly won’t regret anything, but if she is pregnant, it will be a big deal.

Qin Qi never wants to do this.

So I can't help but worry.

After all, Qin Qi’s shooting technique is first-class. It’s not a problem that has never been done before. It’s a little white, and it’s pregnant once.

Thinking of Xiaobai, Qin Qi’s mouth couldn’t help but pick up a warm smile.

Now, the fetus in her belly should have been born, is it a boy or a girl?

Will you call your mother?

Is there any clamor to see him irresponsible?

"I will come back, I will be back soon!" Qin Qi whispered, his current strength, can return to the Terran!

Taking a deep breath, Qin Qi returned to his residence in Nankou.

It is very quiet here, and no one has been here for a long time.

The dragon dances lightly. After all, she goes back and returns to the Terran, and next time I see you, I am afraid that I will be facing the sword.

This is her choice, then, that's it!

Qin Qiguan went to the upper door of the courtyard and sealed the place. It seems that the memories of those two months have also been left here.

The war at the Hulu Port has come to an end, and Qin Qi naturally has no need to stay here.

Bring Lena, Qin Qi returns to the Holy Mountain.

He is going to see poetry.