God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 3337: Top 20

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Blood pool.

In the mysterious battlefield.

Great value.

Every time it is discovered, it will lead to a great battle, and extremely powerful people will intervene in the battle and seize the blood pool.

However, the blood pool itself does not emit fluctuations.

If the news is not leaked when it is discovered, it is also possible to avoid fighting and take it as one's own.

But this possibility is not very high.

After all, absorbing the power of the blood pool, it is difficult to get out of it by itself, and it must be protected by others. To be on the safe side, the manpower used will naturally be more.

But there are more people.

It may leak the news.

In the past, such examples abound.

So even Hill, there is no guarantee that the road will go smoothly.

Otherwise, Banks would not show up.


Soon after leaving.

In another mountainous area, Qin Qi and the others were ambushed from another team of powerful demons.

"Obviously, I have already discarded the magic induction, but is it still found? Is it eyeing before, continuing the previous trace and barely keeping up, or is there another way?" Hill's heart sank.

if the latter one.

That would be bad.

But if it is the former.

No one should find them again.

But no matter what.

You must kill the opponent first!

nothing to say.

There is no need to talk about the scene, just go to war.

Qin Qi didn't make Hill too hard this time, and didn't let her act as a physical shield, cooperate with each other, and endure harm.

The opponent is very strong.

Don't lose to Banks before.

But under the shackles of Qin Qi's physical body, he still failed to win the battle.

In the end, Qin Qi and Hill were consumed to death.

As usual.

Qin Qi packed up the spoils, helped Hill heal his injuries, and then moved on.

So, go all the way.

Although try to avoid fighting, but sometimes, they have to fight.

Fortunately, in the later battles, the other party didn't know the existence of the blood pool, but wanted to kill people and make money.

Everyone is proficient in business.

It was really hard to fight.

But in the end.

It was Qin Qi that they won.

"The shackles of the flesh are really convenient," Hill couldn't help but sigh, a little envious.

"This is the way Human Race explored because it was cut off. You guys are afraid it will be difficult to learn," Qin Qi snorted.

"But isn't it also beheaded?" Hill didn't want to let it.

The ancestor of the shackles of the flesh.


It was indeed beheaded.

The two kept moving forward and occasionally talked a word or two, but Hill's attitude was always cold, but Qin Qi didn't care.

Travel thousands of miles all the way.

at last.

They arrived at their destination.

And this way.

Qin Qi's realm has officially stepped into the 20th Pinnacle!

Strong combat power.

There is already too much beyond the same realm!

"The blood pool is in front," Hill said in a deep voice.

This is a snow-capped mountain.

Extremely bitter.

This place is a dangerous place. When ordinary people come here, they will not be able to bear such a low temperature, below 20 grades, for fear that they will freeze both physically and mentally, making it difficult to survive.

However, it is no wonder that Hill can find the blood pool.

Such a place.

Normally no one will set foot.

It is too barren.

"There are several dangerous places, which are extremely dangerous, and if you accidentally step on one, it may cause a chain reaction and it is difficult to get out again," Hill whispered.

Hill is proficient in the power of the ice element, and it fits very well here, so he can enter it without being dangerously swallowed.

This may be her chance!

of course.

Even so, this place can't stop the real strong.

"Now, dare to walk in with me?" Hill said lightly, looking at Qin Qi provocatively.

In this snowy mountain.

It can be said to be her home court.

Entering it, Qin Qi will be weakened.

Moreover, Hill is very clear about the danger here, but Qin Qi doesn't know it. If he is not careful, he may be calculated.

"This should be right for me," Qin Qi smiled carelessly.

Unless, Hill really wants to die.

Otherwise, you shouldn't make stupid decisions.

This snow mountain.

To tell the truth.

I really can't weaken Qin Qi.

For Qin Qi, there is no possibility of restraining and weakening any attribute.

Only pure and powerful can suppress Qin Qi!

Hill snorted softly.

The two walked in together.

The heavy snow flew, and soon overwhelmed the two of them.


In the mysterious battlefield.

The atmosphere became more tense.

Fighting is everywhere.

Mysterious creatures are constantly recovering, seeming to want to regain this territory that belongs to them!

The collision became more intense.

in the meantime.

The suppression of the human race by all races.

Also getting stronger.

That situation is intended to completely drive the human race out of the mysterious battlefield!

Many strong people.

Died in this fierce battle after another.

But there are also a group of people.

Grow in battle, become famous, and finally, become a dazzling star!

High hopes were given!

Take just the younger generation who are less than a thousand years old.

Really dazzling!

Far more outstanding than the previous strong.

You can almost see what the future of all races will look like!

And these famous young powerhouses.

Twenty strongest public recommendation!

Five monsters.

Four members of the demons.

The Dark Race, Sea Race, Buddha Race, Alien Race, and Chaos Race are relatively even, and each race has two people.

And Terran.

Only one person made the list.

Moreover, it is still hanging at the end, the twentieth place!

After the list comes out.

The young and powerful men of all races were sneered, angry, and very disdainful of the twenty, and each challenged them to kill the twenty!

This is the strongest twenty.

There should be no human beings in it!

Even if you don't want to accept the challenge.

But human pressure is increasing day by day.

If you don't fight, you can only retreat, flee from this mysterious battlefield in a dingy way, and then throw away this piece of soil for cultivating the strong.

Terran will only get weaker and weaker.


The 20th strongest.


The time is set in one month!

Everyone knows.

Terrans want to delay as much as possible.


A month.

It's not that you can't wait.

So all races agreed.

The attack on the territories of the human race also slowed down.

after all.

This kind of frontal battle, the victory under the eyes of the public, is extremely great for the improvement of the mood, and it is enough to make another strong future!

All ethnic groups naturally hope to give the younger generation such an opportunity.

A month.


But a month later.

Terran will not only lose the twenty strong.

The entire human race will lose!

In the end, the challenge location was set at Qianjun Mountain, a place where a battle between terrifying powerhouses of the thirty-fifth level had erupted.

Wind and clouds converge.

The powerhouses of all races all started to go to Qianjun Mountain.

Even mysterious creatures are mixed in.

The most watched battle in the mysterious battlefield of recent times is about to begin!


Among the endless snow-capped mountains.

The bitter cold wind seemed to freeze the air.

There is ice and snow everywhere.

No signs of any living creatures can be seen.

It's exactly like a restricted zone of life.

And in a place surrounded by snow-capped mountains, at this moment, there is a strong wave, two extremely life auras, like a pillar of air, straight into the sky.

Together, a little weaker.

And together.

It is extremely powerful!

Below the air column.

It is an extremely thick layer of ice, which blocks most of the breath.

And under the ice.

The brilliance of blue and red circulates.

The blue one is ice magic.

And the red one.

It is killing blood!

Here, there is a pond, which has dried up.

The two were suspended in it, naked.

Two extremely perfect bodies!

Obviously, they have swallowed all the power of the pool!

Hill opened his eyes first, and gritted his teeth while looking at Qin Qi in front of him.

According to the agreement, they enter the blood pool at the same time, how much they can absorb depends on their own ability.

In order to absorb efficiency, Hill does not even need clothes.

But in the end.

Almost nine-tenths of the power of the blood pool was obtained by Qin Qi.

The speed of absorbing power.


If Hill hadn't got a bonus here, and his own talent was also very strong, otherwise, I was afraid that he would not even get this one-tenth.

"How much potential does this guy have!" Hill gritted his teeth.

And Terran appeared such a monster.

For all races, being afraid is not a good thing!

Hill was hesitating whether to take this opportunity to kill Qin Qi.

He hasn't absorbed it yet, and his consciousness should not be clear!

It's an opportunity! "The girl looks at me like this, is it greedy for my body?" It was Qin Qi who spoke, eyes stunned, two dazzling lights jumped out, and thunder in the void directly shocked Hill's soul!