God Level Recovery System Instantly Upgrades to 999 (Recycle System Upgrades Instantly)

Chapter 496: Mingjing Yuzhu, test the strongest attac


The core disciple surnamed Luo stared at Su Ba, his throat stretched out and made a weird sound, like a duck was suddenly strangling his neck.

This scene is almost like a dream, but it actually happened in front of everyone.

Many people rubbed their eyes again and again, but the fist marks and cracks on the stele did not disappear, but became clearer.

Su Ba's expression was calm, but he was a little surprised at the hardness of this force measurement stone.

With this terrifying punch, the weaker Xuandan Extreme Martial Artist is the killer, but it only made a part of the crack on the force measurement stone.

It seems that this force-measuring stele is estimated to be able to withstand the full blow of a half-step Shenhai Peak Warrior.

Su Ba turned his head, looked at the responsible disciple who had completely become dumb, and said, "I'm breaking the record like this."

After asking several times, the disciple woke up and quickly replied: "Forget it, forget it!"

The tone was full of awe and respect, and he didn't regard Su Ba as an outside disciple.

"Is there a reward for breaking the record?"


Gu Dong, the inner disciple in charge of the force measurement monument, swallowed, took out a scarlet jade charm from the storage ring, and gave it to Su Badao.

"This...Brother, you can exchange three thousand middle-grade true essence stones at the contribution hall with this charm."

"it is good!"

A hint of joy flashed in Su Ba's eyes, he collected the scarlet jade talisman, turned and left without looking back, muttering slightly to himself.

"Breaking a record can win three thousand middle-grade true essence stones. The Leiyang Sect is indeed rich in wealth. Then I broke ten records. Wouldn't it be 30,000 middle-grade true essence stones..."

The inner disciple who was in charge of the force measurement monument nearest to Su Ba heard these words, and his heart trembled again!

Breaking ten records...

Who the **** is this guy, his tone is too big, the record breaking in his mouth is as simple as eating and drinking!

After Su Ba's back disappeared from the sight of everyone, the area around the quiet force measuring tablet suddenly burst into fierce discussion!

"I rub, who is that person, it's terrible!"

"Sixty-four ancient true dragon powers, which are especially achievable by martial artists in the Pill Pill Realm? This fellow is still an outer disciple, I'm going crazy!"

"It's going to be crazy, Brother Ba Qing didn't even catch up to one-sixth of him!"


Everyone was amazed and shocked, and suddenly a voice sounded.

"That person...what's his name?"

It was the core disciple surnamed Luo. At this moment, he looked at the inner disciple who was in charge of the force measurement tablet with a complicated expression and asked.

Others also reacted quickly and asked questions.

"Yeah, what is his name?!"

Only the disciple in charge of the force measurement tablet knew Su Ba's name.

He thought hard for a while, and stumblingly said, "Su...Su Ba, yes! His name is Su Ba! Seeing that the disciple's waist card is new, he obviously just joined the sect soon!"

On the ranking list next to the dynamometer tablet, the name of Tianfeng, which originally belonged to the top of the list, quietly became Su Ba.

Sixty-four million catties, sixty-four ancient true dragon powers!

This result makes people blindingly open their eyes!

There are also deep fist marks and dense cracks on the black force measuring tablet...

Everything was blowing like a hurricane, violently sweeping toward the entire Yunlian Peak!

However, more and bigger hurricanes are still being fermented silently...

Mingjing Yuzhu, testing the strongest attack power of the martial artist.

Su Ba stood not far away, and looked at the grayish-white round pillar-shaped pillar.

This is what he just discovered, and it is another item with the largest number of people tested besides the force measurement tablet.


At this time, standing in front of the Mingjing Yuzhu was a tall man with a blue waistband on his waist, and he opened his mouth to spit out his spin pill.

The fifth-rank Xuandan rolled around five times, and after his whole body reached its extreme momentum, the tall man suddenly shot it out!


The originally bleak Ming Jing Yuzhu burst into light!

On the Mingjing jade pillar, there is a clear grid pattern every one foot, dividing the Mingjing jade pillar into one grid, a total of one hundred grids.

The tall man slapped the Ming Jing Yuzhu more than 30 squares with his full palm, and his face showed an excited look.

"Haha, it's more than four frames brighter than last time. It seems that my penance during this period has worked well!"

Others also went to the test one by one, most of them scored 30 or 40 grids, the most powerful one scored 50 grids, causing the surrounding disciples to cry in low exclamation.

Su Ba still watches the rankings as usual.

The first place is a familiar name, Tianfeng, eighty-three grids.

Looking down, Su Ba also saw that Chao Fan, who led him to the beginning, was also on the list.

The eighth place, seventy-one grid results.

After casually scanning the ranking list for a few more times, Su Ba stopped looking, and stepped forward and handed his disciple's waist badge to the test disciple.

Since it was the strongest attack in the test, Su Ba just wanted to check, after condensing the pill exquisite product, what level of his poly element attack method had reached!