God Level Recovery System Instantly Upgrades to 999 (Recycle System Upgrades Instantly)

Chapter 593: Do you think you win?

This bear-faced man is Abi, one of the seven masters of Shura, and in front of him sits a young orc named Midongbin. When he heard Abi’s words, his face was slightly happy, "Oh? In this way, Abi-sama already knows my opponent?"

On the third floor of the Asura Tower, if you want to fight or if you haven't played for three months, the official will match the tester with opponents of similar strength. Before the fight, the information on both sides is not known.

In this way, both sides of the war are not clear about the details of the other side, and there is suspense in the fight, but if you can get the opponent's information in advance and make preparations in advance, it would be better.

"Jie Jie, don't look at who I am. Since I have asked, I know it naturally." A proud arc appeared at the corner of Abi's mouth. He is the seven masters of Asura, and the master of Qianyuan Pagoda is the backer. He is on the third floor of Asura Pagoda. It can be said that there is wind and wind, rain and rain, so how difficult is it to get some battle information!

This Mi Dongbin's opponent was Su Ba. To be precise, Abi had searched for Su Ba's opponent in advance and found that it was Mi Dongbin before he found the door.

Abi leisurely raised Erlang's legs, and after eating a little bit of vegetables, he didn't rush to speak; "Not only do I know the name of your opponent, but I also have the phantom array and other information about your opponent's previous battles with others. ."

Ok? !

Mi Dongbin's eyes lit up and his expression was overjoyed, but suddenly thinking of something, he put a smile on his face and deliberately put on a look of embarrassment, "Abi-sama, I am embarrassed recently. This information may not be given to me for free. Right."

"Haha, you are wrong, it is the information given to you for free!"

Abihaha laughed and drank a glass of wine, looked at Mi Dongbin and smiled, "But you don't cry less, as the top sixty strong in the third-tier strength, how can you have less family background? Knowing your true strength is likely to be in the top forty!"

There are a total of five or six hundred people on the third floor of the Asura Tower. The strength of the top forty is called the strongest of the first echelon!

The rule of Xiulota matching is to match people of similar strength, and the gap between the two parties should not be too large, otherwise it is obvious that the matter of death, who will agree!

The Yan Luo that Su Ba previously killed belonged to the middle level on the third floor of the Asura Tower, barely more than 200. Su Ba was able to defeat Yan Luo with some advantages, so his strength was recognized as the top 150!

But Su Ba practiced on the second floor of the Asura Tower for half a year before he came up. With Su Ba’s amazing talents, the senior leaders of the Asura Tower are naturally willing to overestimate Su Ba’s strength. They directly believe that Su Ba’s strength is not bad after half a year of retreat. Reach the top sixty!

Forget it, the strong man who matched Su Ba in the first battle still hides a lot of hole cards, and the real strength can reach the top forty Mi Dongbin. Such a matching arrangement is self-evident.

Hearing that Abi said that he was hiding his hole cards and his strength was comparable to the top forty strong, his face changed slightly, and he immediately grinned with a strong smile, "Abi-sama, you are joking, even if I hide a little hole card, there are so many people. It’s also the worst, incomparable to others."

Abi was noncommittal, his face suddenly became solemn, and he lowered his voice: "Okay, less gossip. I am looking for you today because I gave your opponent's information for free, but although you don't need to pay anything, you kill Su Ba. Just give me a spar from his storage ring."

"Huh? What spar?" Mi Dongbin's eyes rolled around, his heart moved slightly, what even Abi longed for was definitely a treasure!

Suddenly, Mi Dongbin became vigilant, Abi's temperamental personality, sinister and cunning, this time he offered such good conditions, is it possible that there is a pit?

"Hey, Mi Dongbin, are you worried that I will cheat you?" Abi smiled and shook his head. "Tell you, if your opponent looks normal this time, he will definitely not be your opponent, but that fellow Something is abnormal, so..."

"Who is he?" Mi Dongbin frowned.

"Then let me just say it straight, your opponent is called Su Ba!" Abi said lightly.

"Su Ba? Didn't he just come to the third floor? He hit me as soon as he came up, right?" Mi Dongbin was a little surprised. He had heard of Su Ba's name a little bit, and it was said that he killed Yan Luo. The new king on the second floor.

But, what about it, the king on the second floor is also an ant on the third floor, and Yan Luo is in front of him, which means he was killed in seconds in seconds.

At most, Su Ba's strength ranks more than one hundred on the third floor. Although he has been in retreat for half a year, everyone on the third floor is training against time. In the past six months, his strength has grown tremendously!

In this case, even if Su Ba's talent is amazing and brilliant, he is considered highly in the top 100. Such strength is very abnormal for a newcomer, but fighting him is still looking for death!

‘Could it be that Su Ba offended a big man? Oh, right! Mi Dongbin remembered that Yan Luo on the second floor seemed to be the favorite subordinate of Qianyuan Pagoda Lord, but was killed by Su Ba. No wonder...

Mi Dongbin consciously figured out something, and a happy smile appeared on his face. Picking up a head for nothing is really refreshing!

Kill Su Ba, get ten Shura points, and then end Su Ba's winning streak, at least there are several Shura points, earned, haha!

Abi saw Mi Dongbin’s careful thinking at a glance, and chuckled lightly, and said, "Do you think you are sure to win? Did you know that the original Taishan and Yan Luo also had this kind of thinking, but they all died in Su Ba hands!"