God-level Royal Beast: Start a King Kong Skull Island

Chapter 375: Possession tracking

Nadal Smith looked down on the interim commander Outlander a little.

In his opinion, not only does the other party do things with a sense of enthusiasm, but they also don't know how to prioritize issues when dealing with them.

Based on these two points alone, the opponent is not the one to be a commander.

It was for this reason that he decided not to listen to the other party's orders, but to decide what to do next.

The most important thing right now.

Undoubtedly, I was trying to save my life.

When possible, it's best to shelter Roger Smith, let the other party live with him, and leave this ghost place.

After all, Roger Smith is his brother anyway.

The relationship between the two has always been very good.

He doesn't want to lose this brother

Returning to the main story of the book, to a certain extent, their action this time can be said to be a failure or a success.

It was said that it failed because when they came out, there were a total of more than 20 people in their group, and they were full of three armored vehicles.

But now, the only people alive are their brothers and Outlander.


All right! Miss Fran Madison, who was missing, as well as the other two companions, the black driver Jeffery and the computer expert Steve, may also be alive at this time.

Considering the current external situation, this possibility may not be very large.

But in any case, this possibility always exists without seeing the other party's body. I believe no one can deny this.

As far as the current situation is concerned, the two sides fighting fiercely outside, it is obvious that the official support forces of Seville have the upper hand.

If this situation continues to the end.

Then the ending of these people may not be so wonderful.

Fortunately, his current location is the nuclear power plant in Kraguye.

As long as you can enter the control center of the nuclear power plant and fully control the operation of the nuclear power plant, then even if it is the official Seville army that wins the battle in the end.

The other party didn't dare to tell them what to do.

After all, nuclear power plants are no ordinary civilian funeral facilities.

If it is well managed, it continuously provides clean electricity to humans. If it is not well managed, it can instantly become a mushroom bomb that will not explode.

Regarding this point, I mainly refer to the accident that occurred at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. I believe it is an individual who can understand it.

Therefore, as long as they have the control of the nuclear power plant, they can be invincible, and this is his current plan.

For the temporary commander Outlander, he really looked down upon him.

But anyway, the other party is on their side after all.

It was for this reason that he briefly explained his plan when the other party stopped him.

On this point alone, he has done his best to the other party.

"I understand what you mean, then let's go together!"

After hearing what Nadal Smith said, Outlander finally calmed down.

Fortunately, this product has not been confused.

After thinking for a moment, he nodded at Nadal Smith, and then stopped thinking about Fran Madison, but followed.

Outlander did not emphasize his identity as an interim commander to the opponent.

Feeling that what the other party said was reasonable, he won by his side, as if the other party was with him before.

Seeing this, the Smith brothers glanced at each other, and then did not say any more nonsense, but turned and walked towards the internal command center of the nuclear power plant.

Everyone is a smart person, just know some things in mind.

If you really want to say it, it doesn't make much sense.

"Buzzing! Buzzing!"

The three of them made a turn in the corridor and then disappeared. At this moment, there was a buzzing sound all around.

Immediately afterwards, a dozen red light spots appeared in the middle of the corridor.

Because the inside of the nuclear power plant is called darker outside.

Therefore, each of these red light spots looks very eye-catching, even if they are not large in size, they are still very easy to attract people's attention.

These red light spots are not the other ones, they are just the few poor **** ice and fire ladybugs released by Chu He, considering that they are too attractive to attract people's attention.

The little guys flew, and then disappeared from the light emitted from their bodies.

Of course, this was not what they did on their own initiative. In fact, it was all because of an order issued by Chu River from a kilometer away.

As a beast master, after Chu He has advanced to the warlord level, he can share with his beast masters his various perceptions of the outside world through certain small methods in the beast master inheritance.

The little tricks mentioned here are actually taking over the hearing, smell, and even sight of a certain beast, but there is still a little limit on how much this kind of sharing can be.

Specifically, there are two main relevant ones now.

First, Chu He could not receive the perceptions of multiple Yu Beasts at once, but could only have one goal at a time.

Second, this ability to share the perception of beasts has a certain distance requirement, and this distance requirement is closely related to the strength of the beast master's spiritual power.

Due to the long distance from the urban nuclear power plant.

Chu He felt that Qiong Nai Shenbing was difficult to borrow. The effect of borrowing was not very good. As a last resort, he had to let go of his mental power, and you only assisted the former.

Adding the two methods together, he roughly "sees" the internal trends of the city's nuclear power plants, and at the same time clearly heard the dialogue between Nadal Smith and Outlander.

For some of Nadal Smith's plans, he still agrees.

In fact, if you swap positions with the other party, it is estimated that he will make the same choice as the other party, but obviously, the other party will be disappointed in the end.

The reason for saying this is that the urban nuclear power plant in Kraguye is not an ordinary civilian facility in the other party’s imagination, but a secret scientific research institution.

In other words, if the other party continues to move forward.

Then there will definitely be a surprise, of course, to some extent, it is not unreasonable to call it a kind of shock.

But for Chu He, the other party's current behavior is exactly what he wants, because the other party's approach is tantamount to finding the way ahead for him.

Speaking of it, Chu He is also a little curious about what is going on inside the city's nuclear power plant.

Judging from the current situation, the answer should be revealed soon.

When I thought of this, Chu River, one kilometer away, felt a little bit excited in his heart.