God Level Star System

Chapter 104: Finalization of the novel

On the updated list of websites, these eye-catching titles suddenly appeared, and most people sneered at it... you can blow too much.

Although Zhonghai City is a bit famous in the country, it is only a provincial-level city. You are not the provincial capital! There are programs that can be used to get the hand, but also the creators of mysterious songs, the works of the gods, and the classics of the world. This is too much to blow.

It must have been a small place. I have never seen a big world. When I walked over a skinny black spot, I thought I saw the US president.

Yes, it must be like this.

There are not many stars in the sea that are so fart. Also super cattle B program, you are not afraid of the wind and flashed his tongue, blowing so big, so nice, shaved the number 10 typhoon.

Netizens who think they are smarter than monkeys are lacking in the interest to click and see. Some of the mouth tickles, the guy who wants to spray a spray, just opened the video, I plan to watch for a few seconds, then spray your individual without the skin... After the small things in the sea, don’t take it out, obviously a long one. Look at your face, but when you are a good horse, you don’t know what you know.

However, I don’t know what to look at, it’s a shock.

Anyone who has seen the video of the show is shocked on the spot. real or fake?

"Boss! Are you sure that this video was taken in Chinatown? Not in Beijing?"

"Yeah! This is too exaggerated. Where is the choreographer, it’s a big brain!"

"I rely on! This victory is simply too good! It's really exciting!"

"According to my speculation... this 100% triumphant march can become one of the national classic chorus tracks!"

"I didn't expect China Sea City to have such a great **** composer!"

"Get it! China Sea can still have this level of composer. This is definitely a work of a composer in the capital of the capital of China!"

"Are you sure that the famous composer in Beijing will take such a classic chorus new song and sing it to a small party held in China High School?"

"Oh... maybe his child is going to school in that class!"

"Go to you!" A large row of replies to the expression of the middle finger!


At present, Zhang Yu, who is working **** codewords, still doesn't know the video recorded on such a few mobile phones. It almost bursts into a red network overnight... The speed video network, which has the most clicks and the best recording effect, is also topped out. On the homepage, it can be said that the 12 classes are popular all over the country.

Victory March, a chorus created by an unknown composer in Zhonghai City. For almost two consecutive days, singing the lyrics of the north and south of the river, the lyrics of the mouth, full of explosive melody, almost everyone who has heard, can feel the military's kind of steel, like the mountain's brilliant momentum. Also let everyone, if you listen to this song, you can't do it.

In particular, the military circle has been widely forwarded, and the national soldiers have not heard of this song.

The circle of friends in Zhonghai City is even more swiping. From top to bottom, almost all of this video is forwarded. Various comments, all kinds of exclamations, the participants of the 12 classes, and the addiction of the big stars after a few days. All relatives and friends, cousin and cousin, up to Gaozu, down to Xuan Sun, have taken them to the sky, let them have a good B.


And Zhang Yu spent the last two days at home to brush up and laugh at the proud rivers and lakes, the mobile phone is also closed, can be said to be isolated from the world, do not know these big things. It was not until Sunday afternoon that he was so hard to finish the rest of the content of the Swordsman.

After knocking out the last word, Zhang Yu exhaled a breath, as if he had liberated, his fingers felt a little numb. He wiped his nose, turned his neck, opened the ICQ software, opened the apex editor Liu Wei's mailbox, and sent the complete manuscript to her.

Zhang Yufa did not last long, his phone rang, pick it up and look at it, it was Liu Wei’s phone, and pressed the answer button.

"God brother, how do you send me a finished email! Don't you say that you just sent it?"

"I have already finished!"

"Not a big brother! I ask you to be serious, good, you are not here for ten days. You are finished? Are you sure that you are the remaining more than 500,000 words? You write 50,000 words a day, you make me joke! ”

"How can I have time to make a joke! You don't know if you look at it!"

"No! I mean, you are writing too fast. You see, you have to go to school during the day, and you have time to write books at night. And after the live broadcast, you have time to write. The time of typing in one day is better than I have less time to go to the bathroom. In this way, you can still write 50,000 words a day! My big brother, you are going to kill my sister, my rhythm! You let me know how to take it to the boss! He I can't tear it at that time!"

"You just give it to him and you can't finish it! I can't do it, I don't want to see him finish it, how do you say it!"

"You...you! Oh, mad at me, I see you don't vomit blood, you can't stop. Okay! Then let me see how to say it. Right, have you modified it? You don't I want to help you modify it!"

"I have finished the modification! There should be no big problem. Look at it! It should be no need to modify it."

"Hey! I have served you. I don't want to write 50,000 words a day, but I also have time to change it. Then let me see it! But if I think that you can't write, you have to give me a rewrite." And this time you have to write it seriously! Can't you fool you?"

"Okay! I know. You can read it after reading it!"


Liu Wei put down his mobile phone and sat for a while and sat down for a while. He sighed and opened the mailbox. I downloaded the email attachment that Zhang Yu sent to myself, opened the document, and looked up.

Now Liu Wei does not recognize the rest of Zhang Yu’s arrogant rivers and lakes... This is simply making a joke. One day, I can write the author of 50,000 words, and I can only write a 50,000 words a day. You are still writing a novel. You are copying and pasting.

It is necessary to know that the original contract requires Zhang Yu to complete the remaining content of Swordsman in the remaining two months. In fact, it is already very demanding in terms of conditions. On average, more than 8,000 words are completed every day. These words are not too small for a normal author. What's more, for a person who is still in the key high school, the time of the code word is pitiful, the difficulty is even greater.

What's more, Liu Wei still doesn't know Zhang Yu's arrogant rivers and lakes, which are almost all written in these two days. The first few because of the rehearsal program, Zhang Yu did not write a word. At the moment, I am rushing, typing is like flying~lightnovelpub.net~ I wrote 500,000 words in two days. If she knew the truth, I was afraid that I could sneak out at the time and open a big international joke!

With a feeling of irritability and suspicion, Liu Wei followed the story of the arrogant rivers and lakes and continued to look at it... It’s getting more and more fascinated, and the more you look, the more surprised you are.

real or fake!

Is this the content of 50,000 words a day? impossible!

Five hundred words a day, can you code this quality novel! And there is almost no typo in the middle. This, this, is not scientific at all!

Liu Wei followed the contents of the book and became more and more fascinated. It has already arrived at the time when things are forgotten.

Liu Wei did not think of the behind plot of the Swordsman, so wonderful, so unimaginable. At this time, she was completely serving Zhang Yu’s brain. What is the brain of your kid? Write 50,000 words a day, and still guarantee this level. It’s just a big brain!

If this kid puts all his energy into writing!

50,000 words a day, no, if you write with all your strength, he can even write 100,000 words. Then three works in one month, one year out? God, the company doesn't need to sign other authors, and this guy can open a website.

Liu Wei thought of this, stayed, and then shook his head... secretly confused! How could this happen? The author who writes 100,000 words a day, and who also guarantees the quality of the work, does not exist in the world.

I am totally whimsical!

But now it looks! The rest of this Swordsmanship is already a classic in the classics. There is no need to doubt this at all. lightnovelpub.net~ Welcome to the readers to read, the latest, fastest and most popular serial works are all in ~ Www.lightnovelpub.net~ Mobile users please read.