God Level Star System

Chapter 214: Hu Wei’s score

Hu Wei sang, but the music has not stopped, and continues to float around... He wiped his face and tears, the girl standing in the scene, came over again, handed over the blind stick, and the two went together.

Wow! The whole scene made a loud scream... It can be said that it is earth-shattering! The whole hall of the earthquake was shaking.

Hu Yu sighed and took off his sunglasses. He expressed his gratitude to the girl who helped me. Followed by the shouting, re-entered the center of the stage, eyes red and followed the audience to salute.


Tian Hao came to Hu’s side in a deafening shout. But now I can't talk, because the voice is too loud, he can't talk. After a long time, it can be said that the shouting is a little smaller, only to open the mouth: "Hu Wei! This 'you are my eye' is simply fantastic. Say what is good! Simply... I can't say anything. Let the three teachers talk about it!"

Lu Ling is a tear in her face, and some choked words: "Hu... Hu Yu! How to say it. It’s great! My son is a visually impaired person because of illness. When you sing this song... My tears are beyond control. This song is so nice that I can hardly describe it in words. It can be said that this is beyond the scope of music, a special perspective that has risen, a special perspective of ethnic groups. Really! Really! Great. Thank you, Zhang Yu! Thank you for standing in a special perspective to write this song. Thank you!"

what! The whole room burst into screams... "Thank you teacher!"

Xu Bingyi sighed: "How do you say, Hu Wei, this song is no longer an ordinary music category. This is already an art! To know such a touching song, you can say that it has been left to me not only It’s just moving. It’s wonderful!”

"Thank you, teacher!"

阎 Platinum Road: "Hu Wei, do you know why Zhang Yu wants to write this song?"

Hu Yudao: "Zhang Yu said that he saw a public welfare program about the blind! So I was deeply touched and wanted to write a song about people with visual impairment."

阎 Platinum Road: "I want to say how good this Zhang Yu! It is a genius. Although he has proved it many times, but now it is proved again. The genius is simply unimaginable! Hu Wei, your singing is perfect. I hope All the audience present can support you! I think you must have a promotion position!"

what! The whole room burst into screams... "Thank you teacher! Thank you!"

Tian Haodao: "Hu Wei, several judges and teachers praised you very much! They even think that your song is already a kind of art. Do you have anything to say?"

Hu said: "To be honest, this song is really great. I have sung it many times because of practice recently. In order to pursue that feeling, I almost sing my eyes blindly every time. Almost every time I sing, I have new ones. The sentiment. The blind, as a special group, does have a lot of sorrows that are difficult to understand. I am very honored to have the opportunity to sing such a good song. I also thank the composer Zhang Yu for trusting me and everyone. Support. Thank you! Thank you!"

Hey! The audience gave a warm applause.

Tian Haodao: "Good! Now we want to enter the scoring session! From the moment when the big screen starts counting down, in 60 seconds, everyone can score with the scorer on the hand. At the end of sixty seconds, the scoring channel will be closed immediately. We will In the valid voting score received, remove the 10% minimum score, remove the 10% highest score, and the remaining score, we will take the average score, which is Hu Wei's final score. Please prepare... score begins! ”

The huge number "60" appeared on the big screen of the LED immediately followed by the start of the countdown... The audience began to use the scorer on the hand and began to input the score that they thought was correct.

55, 54, 53...3, 2, 1, 0!

At the end of sixty seconds, Tian Haodao: "The countdown is over and the scoring channel is closed! Let's take a look at the big screen and see the final score of No. 11 player Hu Wei."

"National professional singer TV contest, sponsored by Jinlong Wine Group... a hundred years of famous wine, from Jinlong mellow, Jinlong gold classic wine series, the entrance is mellow, lasting aftertaste, is the best choice for you to send friends and relatives, to receive friends and family. Jinlong Wine Industry, I wish all contestants a good result!"

As soon as the LED big screen advertisement ended, the audience immediately sounded nervous music...

On the screen, the avatar of the popular singing singer appeared on the screen. Hu Wei was in the top independent waiting area... Soon, Hu Wei’s picture was rotated and appeared in the first place, and the data appeared later. Vote 983, original work + 0.1 points, the player's final average score of 10 points.

Wow! The audience heard a deafening shout... I know that Hu Wei actually got a perfect score. This is the first perfect score that the contestant has won since the start of the match. It can be seen that all the audience in the hall unanimously recognized Hu Wei’s singing.

Tian Hao smiled and said: "I didn't expect it! Hu Wei actually won the first perfect score since the start of the competition. Let us congratulate Hu Wei!"

The audience screamed... The exit music also rang, and Hu Hao looked happy, waving his arm and stepping off the stage.


Music sounds weakened... Tian Haodao: "The last player tonight is the last player tonight, No. 12 player Xia Ziqi. Xia Ziqi is the most popular song of the professional group, the singer of the Great Wall. The three teachers on Xia Ziqi Is there any estimate for singing tonight?"

Lu Ling said: "I am very much looking forward to Xia Ziqi's singing! Because Xia Ziqi still sang the song of spring songs by Zhang Yu~lightnovelpub.net~ This song is the second professional class created by Zhang Yu. Song. I don't know if this song can reach the height of the Great Wall. But I now very much recognize Zhang Yu's creative strength! I believe he will give me a new surprise."

Xu Bingyi said: "The singer of Xia Ziqi is very good. I was very impressed with her. This time she is singing Zhang Yu's work! I can say that I am very much looking forward to it."

阎 Platinum Road: “Zhang Yu is an excellent composer! This is unquestionable. But the professional group players’ works are very good tonight, so the average score is very high. Although I also appreciate Zhang Yu’s songs. However, his songs have a big problem, and the difficulty is generally low. The professional group is different from the popular group. The songs of the popular group are mostly close to life, so it is easy to impress people, and the requirements for difficulty are not too high. But the professional group The difference is that the professional group is still based on singing, and the performance is second. If the difficulty of the song is too low, even if your song is pleasant, it is also a short board. Although I am very much looking forward to Xia Ziqi’s singing, but I I think that her work and personal singing level tonight can't reach a new height. If I want to advance with direct qualifying, I still have to accept certain challenges."

Hey! The audience applauded... (to be continued.)