God-level Stealing System

Chapter 16: Shaky clothes




The moment the Decepticon stepped into the fire-winged lion’s lair, three monster beasts rose into the sky. Although they were only cultivated in the sixth layer of the Profound Origin Realm, the pressure of the fire-winged lion forced them to compete with each other. The Decepticons of the Eighth Heaven in the Xuanyuan realm faced each other.

"Hmph, a group of ignorant ants, dare to block this king's way? Eat you!"

The Decepticon's anger had been provoked, and it was impossible to look back at this point, and immediately rushed towards the red flame fire python in the center.

It speaks beast language, which human beings can't understand, but the three monsters of the Red Flame Fire Python understood. They were angry and startled, each looked at each other, and couldn't help but back off.

At the same time, the red flame fire python took a big mouth, and the immortal flame left by the fire-winged lion on this mountain formed a huge fireball in its mouth.


The Decepticon stepped forward and directly tore the Red Flame Fire Python in half. The fireball in the Red Flame Fire Python's mouth exploded, wrapping the Decepticon in it.

The Decepticon stepped out of the flames, and the hair was still burning. It opened its mouth and sent the upper body of the red flame fire python into the entrance, and the lower body was thrown away at will. A pair of tiger eyes gaze at the other two monsters, showing their fierce power.

With the look of that posture, he just said, "Who else?!"

In this scene, the silence in the distance was stunned, and his heart was about to explode. He thought that the three-headed Profound Realm and Sixth Heaven's monsters could block the Decepticons for a period of time. If Han Qingyun and others were faster, it would be enough to steal To the fire-winged lion cub, and retreat all over.

But I don't want to, he underestimated the Decepticons' combat power too much, and even tore the most powerful red flame fire python to life as soon as he shot. I am afraid that Han Qingyun and others have not had time to enter at this time?

The silent guess was right, Han Qingyun and others were indeed outside the volcano. They were about to go in, but suddenly they saw the red flame fire python being torn by the Decepticons.

This scene shocked them so much that they forgot to act for a while, and the half of the red flame fire python that was thrown away by the Decepticons fell not far from them, and a billowing fire wave rushed towards their faces. How dare they move?

There were even a few disciples of the Ice Sky School with weaker cultivation bases who couldn't help but have their legs weakened. Although they were already prepared, at this moment, their bodies still violated their own ideas.

Han Qingyun suddenly drew his sword and cut through the palm of his left hand, letting the pain wake up his senses, raising his leg, he wanted to step into the volcano.


Bang! Bang!

Two more corpses fell from the sky, but the other two monsters could not escape and were also beheaded by the Decepticons.

Han Qingyun fell to the ground with a plop, unable to stand up, and finally collapsed.

Watching this scene in silence, he couldn't help but swallow his saliva, and he couldn't help desperate. The huge gap in cultivation level was really hard to bridge.

"Is that really the case?"

Silent eyes raised their heads to look at the higher place of the Decepticon, their eyes brightened: "No, there is still a chance!"

"Decepticons, you are looking for death!"

The fight on the volcano finally attracted the attention of the fire-winged lion, and a flaming sword fell from a high altitude and fell straight to the head of the Decepticon.

"Roar!" Unwilling to roar, the Decepticons finally moved out three feet wide, and the small half of the body was cut down by the flame sword.

This flame magic knife finally made it sober, and the remaining two front legs quickly disappeared into the sky in the blink of an eye.

"It's this moment!"

Silent eyes were brighter, and another hole was drilled. Although the wood shank was dead, his understanding of earth penetration still remained.

After half an hour, the silence finally hewn into the volcano and saw a huge cave. The inner wall of the cave is inlaid with countless valuable flint stones, which is a specialty of the fire-winged lion's residence.

But the silence did not stop at all, and rushed directly to the end of the cave. It was a huge domed square. In the center of the square stood a stone ding. A small version of a fire-winged lion the size of a dog crawled out of the stone ding. .

The little guy obviously can't fly yet, his immature wings flickered, grinning towards the silence, it inherited the mother's fierce might, even so young, still let Wandao steal system capture the killing intent.

Silently ignored it, and jumped onto the stone cauldron, sweating profusely. If the red flame fire python had absorbed most of the immortal flames in advance, he might not even be able to enter this cave.

"There is still a half tripod, and a bath is more than enough!"

Silent and overjoyed, he stretched out his hand to catch the liquid in the cauldron, and his sleeves were burnt out in an instant. A heart-wrenching sensation passed into the heart along the fingers, as if the whole arm was about to explode, and he quickly invoked his true essence to resist.

Innate Fire Element Liquid is the liquid produced by a fire-winged lion with its children. Generally speaking, it is amniotic fluid. It contains extremely pure innate energy. It is a treasure that can be met but not sought. It can strengthen the body and strengthen the bones. Wash muscles and cut marrow, nourish blood and nourish vitality.

It is even rumored that there is an innate vitality in the Innate Fire Elemental Liquid. If it can be obtained by chance, it will benefit a lot.


"Human, you let this deity take a long time, it's **** it, you are a disciple of the Ice Sky Sect in Lingnan County? This deity swears that I will kill one disciple of the Ice Sky Sect in the future, and kill one pair if I meet two disciples!"

High in the sky, a hundred miles wide in the sea of ​​flames, a majestic fire-winged lion stood proudly, staring at the only alien in the sea of ​​flames ahead, mocking.

The fire-winged lion is very angry. You must know that it is a natural alien monster, and it exists in the world-removing state, and that human woman is only at the peak of the Profound Origin Realm. It can't be killed. It can only rely on dragging that Human women are alive to death.

This is a huge shame for it!

In the sea of ​​flames, the white-clothed snow-like woman didn't even notice, she didn't open her eyes, but the horizontal sword was on her knees. Her whole body was surrounded by a faint icy blue halo, which made the fire-winged lion. Helpless.

But her fair complexion was paler than at the beginning, and for two days and two nights, she had reached the extreme, the sea of ​​qi was real, and there was not much left.

"They should... escaped?" The woman thought in her heart, as long as Chen Bing and others escaped back to the sect, she would have no regrets.

She is the true master sister of Bingtianzong. This time she brought the inner disciples out to practice. It was her fault to encounter this difficulty.

"But before I die, I won't let this beast get better!"

The woman was quietly accumulating the last true essence. When she couldn't hold on, it was the moment when she took out the sword. That sword, she must make this fire-winged lion unforgettable for life.

"Fire-winged lion, get out of me!"

At this moment, a voice came from below, into the sea of ​​flames, into the ears of the fire-winged lion and the woman.

The fire-winged lion was furious, opening his burning pupils and looking down.

The woman's eyebrows moved slightly. The fire-winged lion's shots had never distracted her, but at this moment, she couldn't help but wonder, and wanted to see who was provoking the fire-winged lion.

Listening to the voice is not like her disciple of the Ice Sky School.

She opened her eyes and looked down. On the top of the burning volcano, a young man squeezed a cub with one hand.

Hunting in the wind, shaky clothes.