God Level Villain

Chapter 307: Good means

"When is Champion Hou planning to go on the expedition? All the soldiers and horses in Datang, the food and grass are up to you!" the emperor asked eagerly.

It has been more than half a month since Qin Qiong and the soldiers and horses of Datang have been trapped in Muyang City.

Continue in this way.

When there is insufficient food and grass, the city will be destroyed!

Among them are more than 100,000 horses and several generals from Datang. How could he not be in a hurry?

"Your Majesty, rest assured, tomorrow I will lead the National Protectorate on an expedition."

"Put the ink in just a little bit, don't worry!"

"The two hundred thousand soldiers and horses have already been assembled by the whole country!"

"As long as you defeat them, you will not be afraid to go to the ink!"

Ye Feng said plainly, as if it was as simple as eating and drinking.

The emperor and the rest of the ministers' eyes twitched!

Although the night wind is telling a fact!

But how do they feel that the night wind is pretending!?

And it's so natural!

It's so irrefutable!


That's a whole 200,000 army!

Do you want to be so plain!

They are simply powerless to complain!

But it is undeniable!

The man in front of me does have this strength!

Ye Feng said only the facts he believed in his heart!

Sure enough, invisible force is the most deadly!

You have to look good and learn hard!

"Champion Hou Shenwei is overwhelming! It will be a victory!"

"I hereby wish the champion Hou Triumphant return!"

The Great licked Ye Feng quickly.

The other ministers also followed suit.

"Champion Hou Shenwei is overwhelming! It will be a victory!"

"Champion Hou Shenwei is overwhelming! It will be a victory!"

"Champion Hou Shenwei is overwhelming! It will be a victory!"

The loud voice resounded throughout the Wude Hall.

Everyone's face is full of confidence!

Sweep away the haze before.

The arrival of the night breeze.

The sound of the night wind.

It was injected into the whole court like a potion of heart.

Let everyone be full of confidence. Full of vitality.

The next day.

The National Defenders assembled.

The current Protectorate Army is too luxurious compared to three years ago.

The new function of the system allows Yefeng to extract many famous warriors under the generals.

Also added Wei Wuzu infantry.

It is also the only large-scale infantry under the command of the Night Wind Protector Army, with an establishment of 30,000.

They are heavy infantry like the trapped camp.

He once set a record of seventy-two in the battle, sixty-four wins, and the rest.

There has never been a defeat.

In fact, Wei Wuzu is equivalent to a weakened version of the camp.

Although not so strong in the camp.

But the same is the elite of the elite.

After all, all the camps are made up of the strongest soldiers in the army such as centurions and thousands.

Such an army is destined to be impossible to form on a large scale.

Thousands of people are already the limit.

The number of people under Ye Feng increased from more than 10,000 to around 50,000.

And all of them are elite.

Soldiers are strong soldiers.

Will be a famous player.

Not to mention such a luxurious lineup is a 200,000 army.

Even if it is three hundred thousand, four hundred thousand will definitely not be its opponent!

It's simply a sledgehammer.


Ye Feng's gaze is more than just an inking.

Jin Yiwei is not only in charge of the intelligence of the Tang Dynasty.

These neighboring countries are also infiltrated by power.


But not at all rest.

Since it's restless.

Then let you settle down forever.

The grand ambition suddenly spread in Ye Feng's heart.

Three years of immersion.

North Korea action.

The whole world will tremble again.

Outside Chang'an city.

The National Protectorate is ready to go.

Ye Feng was dressed in military uniform and stood on the stage.

Majestic and majestic.

Domineering unparalleled.

It makes people afraid to look directly.

Coming soon.

The emperor led hundreds of civil and military officials out of the city to see them off, and countless people from Chang'an City also came to see them off spontaneously.

Looking at the night breeze and the orderly and powerful guarding army was full of deep shock.

There is no murmur from the fifty thousand army!

All armies are arranged in a square formation.

Whether you look from the front to the back, or from the left to the right, it's all a line.

Neat and outrageous.

The emperor and all the ministers had never seen an army that was so neat and powerful.

Not to mention ordinary people.

The people who were almost overwhelmed just by standing there were breathless.


It's too scary.

But apart from shock, there was more excitement.

This lineup.

This kind of power.

Ink in a mere way.

Count it as a dog egg.

How can Datang not win?

"Xiahou Dun listened to the order."

"I order you to lead five thousand tigers as a pioneer, open the way in the mountains and build bridges in the water."

Ye Feng shouted loudly, and handed a vanguard command arrow to the warlord who integrated the heroic soul of Xiahou Dun.

Even if Ye Feng let them die, they would not hesitate.

Without any hesitation, Xiahou Dun immediately stepped forward to take the Vanguard Command Arrow.

His eyes revealed his ardent worship and loyalty to Ye Feng.

The point will proceed in an orderly manner.

Every general's eyes were the same as Xiahou Dun.

Soon the generals were arranged by Ye Feng.

The army is all ready.

Ye Feng finally took a deep look at the princess who was standing next to Empress Changsun who was already crying into tears.

Newly married Yaner, leave now.

It was so cruel to the newly married princess.

But there are some things that men must do.

"If the two loves last for a long time, how can they go back and forth?"

"Wang Hao, wait for me to come back."

Ye Feng said to her with his mouth.

The husband and wife had a strong heart, and the princess instantly understood the meaning of the night wind.

Holding back the sadness of parting in my heart, waved to Ye Feng.

"Husband, you are out on the expedition. Be careful about everything. I'll wait for you to come back."

Although I feel reluctant.

But Ye Feng still turned around cruelly.

"The army sets off."

With an order, the National Protectorate moved quickly and orderly.

The cavalry is in front, the infantry is behind, the swordsman is outside, and the archer is inside.

Advance can attack, retreat can defend.

Never give the enemy any chance.

The fifty thousand army lined up in a mighty dragon and slowly left the border of Chang'an.

"I wish the champion Hou triumphantly return." The emperor gave a deep bow to the far away army and congratulated him.

The emperor is like this.

The rest of the people naturally followed suit.

"I wish the champion Hou a victorious return."

The shouts of tens of thousands of people shook the sky and resounded across the sky.

The soldiers of the National Protectorate were full of enthusiasm and passion.

It is not in vain to have such a group of lovely people supporting behind them, throwing their heads on the front line and shed blood.

The border between Datang and Shangmo.

Muyang City.

Qin Qiong and other generals and the remaining army were all besieged here.

An army of 200,000 Shangmo surrounded the small city, and the surrounding area was impervious to the flow of water, and even a fly could not fly out.

The food and grass in the city are almost exhausted.

The morale of the soldiers under his command was low.

Already on the brink of desperation.

Once the food is exhausted, it is the day they are defeated.

All soldiers are flesh and blood.

How do soldiers without food fight.


Qin Qiong led a group of generals on the tower to look at the surrounding Turkic army, all with sad faces and melancholy.

"Has the news not spread?" Qin Qiong asked anxiously.

"Back to the Marshal, the Shangmo army has sealed all the exits of the city."

"The scouts we sent out couldn't rush out at all."

Duan Zhixuan replied.

"Oh. His mother. The Shangmo army is so cunning and treacherous."

"The people who deliberately let us out before broke out to ask the court for help."

"It turns out all this is their conspiracy."

"Hateful. I hope your Majesty can see through it. Otherwise, Datang would be in danger."

Cheng Yaojin hit the wall with a fist, cursing angrily.

A deep worries flashed in his eyes.

Qin Qiong shook his head, disapproving of Cheng Yaojin's words.

How can there be any cunning and treacherous warfare?

Soldiers who, deception also.

Winning is king.

No matter what the means.

As long as it can win, it is a good method.

"I hope your Majesty can be vigilant."

Qin Qiong thought with some self-blame in her heart.

It's all because of his greed and adventurous advance, and the attack on the grassland caused the army to defeat.

Besieged in this Muyang City.

In desperation, he could only ask the court for help again.

However, it was discovered afterwards that this was just a conspiracy involving ink, or a conspiracy of the entire grassland.

No wonder he felt so relaxed when he broke through.


It turned out that everything was calculated by the other party.

"Marshal Qin, let me break through again."

"Such important news must be sent to the court."

A brave and heroic female general in red armor came out to ask Qin Qiong for her orders.