God Level Villain

Chapter 774: Wise choice

The war horse fell into the trap, and the sharpened bamboo pierced the horse's belly in an instant. The mournful cry of the war horse dying suddenly rang throughout Loulan!

This is not over yet.

On the houses on both sides of the road, the people of Loulan had prepared various weapons.

boiling water!


Rotten eggs!

Rotten vegetable leaves!

Even things like mercury are dumped on the road.

The tragic roar of the Huns and their hideous faces could not scare the people on the house.

Because each of them was full of anger towards the Huns, such a wailing not only would not make them afraid, but would make them extremely excited, which is the pleasure of revenge.

"Scalding this bunch of craps to death!"

"Kill the Huns and avenge the dead people!"



It is a bow and arrow that never stops.

In the rooms on both sides of the street, suddenly a door burst open.

From the inside, there was a titan who was not someone else, it was the general Pound.

I saw Pound carrying a steel knife in his hand, killing one person in one step, it can be said that the knife sees blood, and he moves the throat!

He casually chopped down a Huns soldier, seized its horse, and stood up, like a demon god, slaughtering wildly in the battlefield, no one can stop it.

In addition to him, the four guards that brought were also elite in the army. They were soldiers under Pound's command. They were superb martial arts, brave and good at fighting, and they used killer moves to kill people.

King Loulan, who was watching the battle above the palace, suddenly widened his eyes and stared at this scene incredulously: "My lord, General Pang's martial arts is so powerful, it's incredible!"

Xun Yu smiled indifferently: "You said Ling Ming, he is just the second general in Xiliang, his direct superior, Sima Chao, Fang Yu is the number one general in Xiliang!"

Loulan Wang was shocked: "Such martial arts is only the second general?"

Xun might not take it seriously, and said softly: "It's just a strong general in Xiliang. In my Zhao Tianwang empire, there are at least a hundred people who are more powerful than Lingming in martial arts. Zhao Tianwang is also known as the world's most powerful general. Ling Ming is in his hands. You can't even do a trick!"

"This...this...how is this possible?"

King Loulan looked dumbfounded, he couldn't believe everything in Xun or his mouth, but from the calmness of the opponent to the appearance of no feeling at all, King Loulan had to believe it!


Or just smile without explaining too much.

To create an imaginable space for the Loulan Kingdom, the future will have only advantages for the rule of the Zhao Tianwang Empire, but no harm.

"Oh, right!"

Xun Yu seemed to have thought of something, waved his hand and said: "The king can now order people to take away all the food outside the city, but you can't move the food. It is my bargaining chip."

King Loulan hurriedly agreed: "Don't worry, my lord, this king won't move any of these grains!"

Or he said: "Don't worry, since you have already surrendered to our country, there will be no less things you should give you. A conservative estimate. It shouldn't be a problem to feed you!

At present, Loulan has a river flowing through it, which can be called an oasis.

Whatever, a super rice can enable all the people in this small place to live a life of worry-free food and clothing.

What's more, the night breeze also has drought-tolerant seeds, and various water conservancy technologies that are conducive to irrigation.

Any one of these things was given to Loulan, which was enough to make him grateful, so he knelt down and called his father directly.

King Loulan hurriedly clasped his fists and arched his hands: "Thank you for your love. For the enthronement ceremony in March, this king must personally rush to Mount Tai to express his gratitude to Emperor Zhao Tianwang!"

He Yu whispered softly: "It's not just you. At that time, at least half of the 36 countries in the Western Regions will participate. Anyone who doesn't show up will openly oppose my Zhao Tianwang Empire!"


King Loulan swallowed, he could clearly feel the killing intent flashing in Xun Yu's eyes!

This is definitely a nasty person!

King Loulan secretly confessed to himself in his heart!

Even a small envoy is so domineering, and his body is full of awesome words, so what will happen to the Zhao Tianwang empire behind him? What about the Zhao Tianwang empire behind him?

King Loulan is really hard to imagine, but he at least knows a little bit.

Today, he has no retreat. If he doesn't keep this thigh fiercely, then Loulan is bound to face disaster.

Looking at the battlefield in the distance, the Huns were beaten up and down and fled in all directions.

King Loulan took a deep breath: "My lord, the Huns are defeated. I will definitely make a comeback when I go back. By then, the Western Regions will face a disaster, and I still need to consider it in advance!"

Xun or carrying his hands on his back: "It's so best, so I don't need to go to him personally, and don't beat this guy severely, how can my Zhao Tian Empire gain a foothold in the Western Regions!"



full of confidence!

King Loulan’s hanging heart, for some unknown reason, when he saw Xun Or’s performance, he unconsciously fell silent. He took a deep breath and then slowly exhaled: “If your lord can defeat the Xiongnu, the Western Regions will definitely look forward to the wind. And down!"


King Loulan spoke up and down, and said softly: "Among the many forces in the Western Regions, the Xiongnu is not the only powerful country. The Guishuang established by the Yue clan in the west is only strong or not weak compared to the Xiongnu. It is your greatest Enemy!"

The breeze blows.

Xun or the waves were calm, and he slowly exhaled: "You have to eat one bite at a time, and the road has to be taken step by step. Today's battle is just the first battle of my Zhao Tianwang empire. The real battle has not yet begun."

The more calm and calm Xun Yu, the more calm, King Loulan was relieved that it was a correct and wise choice to take refuge in the Zhao Tianwang Empire!

He bowed respectfully, waved his hand and said: "My lord, today we will defeat the bandit. This king ordered someone to prepare a banquet. We might as well go back, drink slowly and peck at it, and celebrate."

Yu also gave a bow: "As it should be!"

The war that took place in Loulan Kingdom, like a plague, spread wildly on the land of Xicheng.

It lies in its nearest Qimo.

In the palace.

At this moment, there is an old man sitting right upright.

The old man's beard and hair are all white, he is the king of the Qimo kingdom, and is now 60 years old.

"What are you talking about? King Loulan defeated three thousand Huns? Impossible!"

Qiemo Wang was shocked, even if he was dim-eyed, he couldn't wait to get his eyes out of the frame.

"My lord, it's true, our horse-traveling witnessed the Huns fleeing!"

Under him, a minister leaned over and gave it his hands, and he also explained incredibly.

"Although Loulan is stronger than ours, but the army is only about 5,000. The three thousand elite cavalry of the Huns were killed by him? Impossible! This is absolutely impossible!"

King Qiemo repeatedly conceived the possibility in his mind, but he couldn't convince himself: "If he really has this ability, why would he rather be persecuted before resisting?"