God Level Villain

Chapter 974: roar

Ye Yun couldn't help but sweat deeply for Zhou Yu. "These enemy soldiers kill when they say they kill, and the governor is too courageous."

The enemy soldier roared, picked up his spear, and pierced Zhou Yu's heart. He blocked easily and grabbed his clothes.

After all, this enemy soldier drew too much peach blossom powder. Although the explosive power was very strong, it quickly withered. He fell directly to the ground.

"Come on to you!" Zhou Yu stretched his arms gently, and immediately pressed the enemy soldier with his body heavily, and avoided the spear.

The enemy soldier also woke up, trembling wildly, begging loudly. "Heroes, forgive us, we are just doing business."

Listening to that guy's random lies, Zhou Yu smiled coldly. "Just like you, with long knives and spears, what business are you doing? Do you fool?"

The enemy soldiers stepped back, staring at Zhou Yu tightly. Ye Yun saw that the current situation was so nervous, and pulled the reins over.

"Everyone takes a step to talk, we have no other intentions, we just want to buy peach blossom powder and ship it to the Central Plains so that we can make a fortune."

The enemy soldiers behind looked at Ye Yun's majestic and mighty face, afraid and suspicious. "How can you make peach blossom powder?"

The ridiculous appearance of those guys also amused Ye Yun. "How can you say no? People die for money, and birds die for food. Now there is no war."

The enemy soldier looked at Ye Yun with complicated eyes. "Could it be that you, General Ye, came to us and rode this horse alone."

Ye Yun looked at them and said with a smile. "I don't think you guys are like local people on this grassland. They are the original ones. I am General Ye."

Seeing this, these enemy soldiers immediately dismounted and bowed their heads. "General Ye, we are also hard-working people, but this Tuntian Mansion does not give military pay."

It turns out that these people are ordinary farmers recruited from Hebei and Guanzhong. Unexpectedly, not many military payments were issued at all, and all were corrupted.

"Then I want to ask you, where exactly is Taohuasan sold?" Ye Yun asked them very seriously, and they shouted loudly.

"Just by the sea, where the Greek merchants stayed, there is an island on it with many peach blossoms on top. The recipe is said to be confidential."

Zhou Yu thought of this, and it was the same as what he had predicted before. The island should be in the Caspian Sea, and no navy could get there.

"Then you will take us there." Zhou Yu thought for a while. Now these enemy soldiers, as long as they give enough money and get rid of the corrupt officials, they will still be loyal to the court.

At the same time, Zhou Yu stayed inside for a long time. Although Zhou Yu gave him a kit and ordered him to open it in five days, the more he thought about it, the more curious he became.

"Capital Governor, what task will I give me?" Zhou Yu and the palace maid sent to him by Zhou Yu every day also had a lot of fun. I haven't enjoyed it in a long time.

Under the dim oil lamp, Zhou Yu gently opened the kit and looked at the cursive script written on it. It took a while to see clearly.

"Let Zhou Tai, Ding Feng, bring the brutal soldiers and the others, remember to put more water and ice in the ancient city of Jiangbul, and stand there waiting for them."

Zhou Yu felt that Monk Zhang Er couldn't figure it out. In such arid place, what would the mountain barbarians go to do? He was puzzled.

"This captain is really fun too, but the Yetian Empire is getting better and better and flourishing." Although he couldn't understand Zhou Yu's meaning, he never missed it.

The next morning, Ding Feng was talking with the brutal soldiers. They thought that they were going to the eastern island, and they were still very happy.

"The court ordered us to do this, and we have nothing to do. After all, the Western Regions also need the sea, and there must be barbarians to pass."

The brutal soldiers were also afraid of Ding Feng and didn't dare to say anything. They just clung to the oars hard, their eyes were piercing, and they were very mighty.

"Go west, this matter is not easy to handle." Ding Feng is also very anxious. He is doing this now because it is completely the emperor's order, because he has to travel farther by sea.

Ding Feng looked at the clear water, everything was arranged by fate. Since these brutal soldiers are not adapted to the northwestern climate, it is a bad thing to go.

Looking at the brutal soldiers, Ding Feng could also understand their meaning. "After going to Xihai, we have enough money, more than staying here."

The brutal soldiers pouted one by one, with mixed feelings in their hearts. "My lord, our little one takes the liberty to say that the West Sea is too far away."

Ding Feng really didn't want to let his soldiers suffer. However, there was no way to defy the imperial order, and he could only do so.

"General, it's just that my Yetian King empire is established and the world is unstable. We also have wives and children. We still hope to stay at home to take care of it.

Ding Feng listened to the brutal soldiers, "Then it's not so good, right? We have just built so many navy forces. Could it be that you let you rest."

At this time, Zhou Tai walked over directly and patted Ding Feng on the shoulder. "Brother, the imperial court asked you to take mountain barbarians to the ancient city of Jiangbuwei."

Seeing Zhou Tai coming in, the brutal soldiers kowped their heads and pleaded. "My lord, we don't want to go south, but they keep letting us go."

Zhou Tai took the hand of the brutal soldier and said uncharacteristically. "That's it, after all, there are more people who need to go to the sea to the west than here."

Ding Feng singled out three thousand mountain barbarians who were the best at fighting, and pressed them to the west with ten thousand troops. Although they were unwilling to go west, they could only agree.

After a day, Zhou Yu took those people and rode around the grassland on horseback. Those peach blossom vendors were not easy to find.

The enemy soldiers were very curious about who Zhou Yu was. He was just afraid of Ye Yun's fame, so he didn't dare to ask directly, he could only guess from behind.

Zhou Yu didn't care about all of this. He just breathed the fresh air for a long time. After all, he had been in the capital for too long, and he wanted to exercise.

Over there, a small enemy soldier couldn't bear his curiosity, and ran to Ye Yun's side and whispered. "Who is this adult?"

Gan Ning was speechless for a while, what should he say? If he does not reveal his true identity, I am afraid that Zhou Yu will be unhappy, but if he tells the truth, I am afraid that the governor will be in danger.

"I'm a horse leader, you don't need to pay much attention to me." Looking at the enemy soldiers, he turned his head and smiled evilly, and the little enemy soldiers felt even more strange in their hearts.

While they were chatting, the ancient city of Bagan was just ahead. This city has a long history, but now it has been abandoned.