God of Destruction

Chapter 3952: Festival disaster

Chapter 3952 Disaster

When the descendants dissatisfied, their luck also dissipated. If they can work together, they will not have the opportunity to turn over. Unfortunately, they gave up on their own and they could not reach a consensus. Under this situation, Their luck is inevitably scattered, but they are not reincarnated to enter this world. Before, they could cover their aura without being noticed by the will of heaven and earth, but now it is different. The will of heaven and earth began to directly target them and began to dissipate their own. Luck. If they lose their luck, they are naturally a dead end, and there is no chance to resist.

Everything in the heaven and the earth has a ray of vitality, and this ray of vitality is not looking for, but in contention, even if there is no heart to fight, how can it be possible to seize the vitality of the sky and the earth? It can be said that these descendants are not heaven abandoning them, but themselves Giving up their vitality, they would never have a chance to stand up again if their luck completely dissipated.

There is still a ray of life when striving, and there is ten death without life if there is no fight. The person who gives up bluntly is completely killing himself. Maybe he will die later than others, but in the end he will be dead without life, because he Abandoning everything, giving up the struggle for resources, the great catastrophe of heaven and earth is the coming of the world, everything is fighting, fighting is the theme of the world, why those hidden powerhouses will attack madly one by one, regardless of the fortune of the empire Threatening and making a big move, Xing Tian and the others understand that the world is fighting.

These descendants said that the situation was out of control and all their plans were in vain. In fact, all this was just an enhancement of their plan. They have been pushing the world into chaos, but they did not expect that when the day was really chaotic, everything had gone beyond the original. Imagine that everything has become so unhealthy and terrifying, they turned from the strong behind the scenes into ants in an instant!

In contrast, Xing Tian is much more powerful. None of his subordinates are stupid enough to be overpowered, and their power is also limited. The most important thing is that they are all protected by Xing Tian Yun, and Xing Tian did not fall. Next, these people don’t need to worry that their origins will be exposed, so they are much more relaxed than those who descended.

It’s just that this situation cannot be chaotic for such a long time, otherwise it will be a disaster for the entire human race. Once the empire collapses, the major forces will also pay a heavy price. After all, they are also human races, and they are lucky. , If the human race loses this humane luck, everything will be completely different. All race forces will suffer a huge blow. For this, all race forces know it well. Although they are unwilling to accept the order of the empire, but They still have some consideration in their hearts. They can’t fall down in the empire so quickly, because then the entire human race will not have time to react. Every epoch, every time change, the rise and fall of the fortune dynasty, the human race occupy the world. The general situation is in control of humanity. This is the consensus reached by all forces. Those forces that attempt to overthrow the empire but do not know the underlying rules of this human race are waiting for them in a **** storm, no matter which force comes to power. , Can not tolerate their existence.

You can secretly collude with foreign races and put pressure on the empire, but you can't break the foundation of the entire human race. If you don't even have this knowledge, there is no need to live. In this world, you can truly understand the power of this unspoken rule. Not many, and there are not many families that can understand in the imperial fortune, because these are all hidden rules, they will not be placed on the surface, they will not be known to the weak, and there is no need to let them Know!

The world is in chaos, and it’s only now. When many forces reach an agreement, the turbulence of the human empire will slowly come down. When the **** of the day appears, it is also the time when the empire moves and the humanity changes. , It’s just that no one knows when this lord of humanity will appear, whether the emperor of destiny will come, after all, it’s not the world’s creatures that are chaotic right now, there are also changes in the world, and the will of the world, a world with wisdom Will is not so easy to give up. For this world will, the creatures of the whole world are their own nutrients.

Chaos is terrible and dangerous to many people, but for some people, this is a great opportunity to do things that could not be done in the past. It is good to take advantage of the fire to rob or kill with a knife. The whole world is going crazy. With a **** storm, the pressure is boundless for the people at the lowest level. Although no one will actively oppress them, at least those high-ranking powerhouses disdain it, but the situation changes and they suffer the most. No one cares about their life and death!

If the weak forces want to develop, they naturally have to swallow more power, but in such a chaotic situation, there is basically no possibility for the weak forces to develop, because they will be swallowed up by those big forces in the first place, otherwise it is directly Being destroyed, no one cares what they think in their hearts, no one cares what they think, and the ants will confess their lives.

With the chaos of the world, the land of the north is also surging, and Xing Tian's phantom body also took this opportunity to make a big move. Some weak forces directly turned into the nourishment of Xingtian, and strengthened the phantom body of Xingtian. Among them, they are the most suitable for survival and development. They don’t care about other people’s life and death. Even if Xingtian wiped out a few small forces, they still didn’t attract attention. The reason is simple. In the northern lands, or even the entire empire. There were so many things like this that made everyone unwilling to waste energy watching, and this Qiaqia gave Xing Tian a chance to grow stronger.

This is a disaster and a baptism. Those who are weak will be washed away, and those who are disobedient will also be washed away. What is left is a hero with background and strength. Perhaps this is also a part of the human race. After all, the existence of too many small forces has affected the great cause of the human race, and those big forces annexed them, they will naturally grow up, strengthen their own strength, and accumulate for future race wars, although this is unavoidable to damage. But this damage is still affordable for the human race. After all, there is no undead in war. Only those who come out in the **** sea of ​​corpses are the fighters needed to rectify the race, and can open the border for the race. Win this race war.

Allies, are Xingtian's allies still there? Xingtian himself does not know whether the God of Tongtian River can overcome this difficulty. Xingtian does not know. However, it is very difficult for the terrible situation now, because it is only the change from the north to know that the empire will be transported. Regarding the situation in other places, those superpowers are madly taking some, whether it is Shinto or humanity, they are all eyeing them, and the God of Tongtian River has the luck of God, for those who hide deep enough. For the door, it is naturally eager. If the Tongtian River water **** is still in the north, Xing Tian may resolve the disaster for him, but now the other party has already left, and this departure may also mean death, even the current general, Xing Tian sighed!


As far as the entire north is concerned, the general’s power is the most powerful, and from the situation of the army, we know that the general also has a lot of gains in the secret world, but this amazing army cannot be used for internal The suppression by the barbarian appeared, and the centaur that held the general in check. As for the past covenants, they have become waste paper. The giants in the north will no longer obey the command of the general. The north will once again Torn apart, everyone is busy grabbing territory and luck!

This is the reality. No matter how good the covenant is, the world will change. When the environment changes, everything will disappear. Although the general's heart is very annoyed, there is no way to take the other party unless the general can give up on the barbarians. The defense, otherwise, there is no army to cast under the suppression of these wealthy families, and it is impossible to restore the peace and stability of the north!

As for Xing Tian, ​​the general didn’t think about it. It’s a pity that after the secret world, he could no longer find Xing Tian. No one even asked for advice. At this time, General Moreau was deeply moved. At this time, the imperial movement still did not regard itself as the same thing, and still did not arrange for a large army to rush to help, as if the northern land had been abandoned by the empire, let yourself toss and let the many forces intervene in this northern struggle.

The king of the north, Moreau also thought about giving up the imperial fortune, becoming the king of the north, collecting the luck of the entire north in one fell swoop, and then using violence to suppress all those who resisted, but this idea was in his mind The middle is a flash, now is not the time to shoot the first bird, he is already the first bird, has caused the empire's unhappiness, and then become king, if it is self-defeating, the empire will clean up the north as soon as possible. , And his own strength is incomparable with the Empire, and even the barbarians can't guard it. If the barbarians hadn't taken care of it, I'm afraid the north has been attacked by the barbarians.

Those powerful auras all mean a strong man. There are as many as a dozen barbarians outside the north. If so many strong men take a shot, the borders can be broken easily. After all, no matter how good borders are, there is not enough. The mighty power can't be guarded, even if Philo has the ability to reach the sky, he can't stand the impact of these dozens of powerful men!

These barbarian kings all escaped from the secret world. They were not strangled by the strong humans, but although they escaped the death, they were also severely injured. Their strength is not one in ten. The general is Mo Luo was afraid that they would raid the border town. He could only say that he looked too high on these barbarian kings. If they had that strength, they would have already acted, and once these barbarian kings took action, and they took action against the power of the general human race, this Means the arrival of the decisive battle.

At this time, under such circumstances, the barbarians did not dare to start a decisive battle, even if they had a great array of all directions in their hands. Who made the secret realm and their king suffered a heavy loss and escaped a catastrophe. They are all seriously injured, and now they can barely maintain the current situation. It is a great thing for the army of the Empire to not attack the land of the barbarians.

Regarding Xingtian, whether he is a strong human or a strong barbarian, he hates it. Why these barbarian kings did not return to the barbarian clan to recover, but stayed in the north, there is only one reason, they Can’t let go of Xing Tian’s chance, and the northern land is where Xing Tian appeared, and it has great cause and effect and great connection with Xing Tian. They believe that if Xing Tian appears, it will also appear in the northern land, so they are all waiting for Xing Tian’s appearance. !

It’s not that no one has thought about calculating Xingtian’s traces. What’s terrifying is that the world is a catastrophe, and the secrets are chaotic. The most important thing is that in the eyes of everyone, Xingtian is the person who has been robbed. , In the end, it will only be backlashed by the heavens, no one will be stupid enough to do so, even those strong human races are the same!

Isn’t the strong human being hidden in the northern land? Yes, many. It’s just that they have good luck in them. General Moro didn’t even notice their existence. After all, they are strong human beings, not foreign enemies. So many strong people are hidden in the dark. Why is no one against Xingtian’s mother? No one threatened Xing Tian’s presence with Xingtian’s mother. One is that these are the pinnacle powerhouses of the major forces and they can’t afford to shame others. Second, Xingtian’s mother is not without a backstage, so they dare not act rashly. After all, once a super power showdown will bring the entire human race to a crisis of destruction, no one can bear this responsibility. The most important thing is Xingtian. In the secret world, Xingtian behaves too hard, no one dares to do everything. , Or else they have to face a crazy counterattack from a madman who masters the avenue of time and space. As a strong man, they can attack without fear of Xingtian, but can their sect?

A sect targeted by a lunatic who has mastered the avenue of time and space, no matter how powerful you are, as long as you can kill the lunatic with one blow, you will surely suffer a crazy counterattack, and the strongest sect is stared by such a lunatic. Shang will gradually decline, not to mention that it is now a catastrophe, and the secret is gloomy. No one wants to be targeted by the lunatic Xingtian, and does not want to make wedding clothes for others!

Being targeted by Xingtian during the catastrophe is definitely a dead end, so it is clear that Xingtian’s mother is in the north, but no one dares to act rashly. It’s a pity that these people don’t even know that Xingtian is undergoing transformation. If they could not complete the strangulation of Xingtian at this time, when Xingtian’s chaotic **** and demon's real body was conceived, then there would be no chance again, and now because of the existence of the phantom body, Xingtian still has a glimmer of causation. When the Demon Body appears, this last trace of cause and effect will be completely cut off, and Xing Tian will no longer bear any cause and effect!


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