God of Fishing

Chapter 1249: Break away

Han Fei went out of the Qianshan ancient realm as the fish dragon king. Strong domineering, one raised his eyebrows, one raised his head, and raised the height of his chin, which is extremely in line with the arrogant appearance of the former Yulong King.

However, even if imitated again, after all, he is not true. Especially those who are very familiar with the Yulong King, such as Gui Sanqing, a half-respect, need to be resolved quickly.

At the bottom of my heart, the old turtle's voice said: "I'm devouring the soul of the fish and asking, it will probably take about two hours."

Han Fei was speechless at the time: "If someone wins a house, it will be a short while. You are good, you are an emperor. You have won the house for more than a day. Haven't you won?"


The old turtle said angrily: "What do you know? Is this a normal capture? This is a capture unaware of the gods and the ghosts. The emperor only thought out a little bit, and the difficulty is higher than the normal capture. How many times do you know. Moreover, this king also needs to ingest the soul of this person, control his body, combat skills, law enforcement ability, and many avenues, do you think it is over to grab a flesh?"

Hearing the old turtle say that, it seems right.

Although the old tortoise only temporarily used the fish to ask the body. But it must be. Otherwise, once dressed, it will be finished.

"Lord King Young Master, are all kings of Tiancheng. You bluntly say that Master Red Flame died in your hands. Isn't that too much?"

I saw a mussel standing out, and the man was middle-aged, and his face was pale.

Han Fei disdainfully smiled: "What are you going to do? Do you want to blame this dragon king?"

Han Fei proudly glanced at the man Clam Girl with Yu Guang, then walked towards the fire step by step, and kicked with his feet: "Although this person's strength is not weak, he is still not the one who ambushed the dragon king. I I know, there must be a tremendous arrogance hidden in the blood demon. Oh... with the ability, you should never show your anger. Otherwise, the Dragon King will find you sooner or later."

During the speech, Han Fei glanced at Chu Feng and other blood demon.

When he glanced at Yang Ruoyun, he deliberately stayed for two more seconds before sweeping towards others.

At this moment, Yang Ruoyun really wanted to unscrew Han Fei's head.

Don't look at Han Fei's eyes, just stay for two seconds. With just one glance, I don’t know how much tongue I need to explain...

Moreover, Yang Ruoyun originally wanted to make a fuss about Han Fei slaughtering his kin. However, Han Fei was also a bachelor, and very directly indicated that he had killed another Tianjiao in Baibei Wangcheng. Moreover, what a matter of course.

Even the slaughter came from the extreme arrogance of Baibei Wangcheng, he did not blink his eyelids, and killed a few ordinary half-mermen in that area, what is it?

Of course, Han Fei mentioned the extreme arrogance that ambushed him several times, which moved Yang Ruoyun's heart.

This ichthyosaur king can kill even Huoer. Doesn't the blood demon who can ambush her show stronger?

The point is, is there such a person? Can ambush Han Fei a group of people, that's something a person can do?

Also, King Yulong seems to be too much aimed at Blood Sea God Wood City.

Yes! From the beginning, the fish dragon king was very targeted. If there is no such person, if everything is made up by King Yulong, what is his purpose?

At this moment, Yang Ruoyun's spirit was shocked. This Yulong King was far deeper than he showed. Fake, it must be fake, if you really have such a strong side, there is no reason to be forbearing.

You must become such a tremendous arrogance in order to survive today's robbery. However, people are really strong, they are still far away!

These people like Chu Feng looked at Han Fei differently. Although he was very angry with Han Fei's contemptuous look, he really could not beat him!

It can be said that, in their view, this Yulong King is really strong. So, he is so arrogant, so arrogant, you can't say yet.

Instead, Gui Sanqing frowned slightly and preached: "Young Master."

These two light words, Han Fei understood the meaning of Gui Sanqing: roughly, remind yourself not to be too blunt.

Han Fei hummed gently and walked towards his camp step by step.

Because Han Fei will not be close at hand, he can only go. Of course, when leaving, Han Fei set his sights on Lan Xue'er and Yu Cailing, humming gently in his throat.

When all eyes were on Han Fei, Jinger secretly squeezed the sweat in his heart: This performance is too strong? In this arrogant and arrogant posture, just looking at it, I wanted to kick up.

On the other side, the blood stains and blood venerated Venerable of the Blood Sea Shenmu City, after listening to Han Fei, both glanced at the group of Tianjiao in front of them.

Could it be that among these people, there is a tremendous arrogance not even found by oneself?

It was also at this time that the two found that Yang Ruoyun, who was kneeling, seemed to have a small movement of convergence. This made them wonder. As for your strength, what did you converge?

He chuckled when he heard Xueqin: "Baibei King Fish Dragon King is a personal thing. The deity remembers this name."

When Xue Qin talked about herself, Han Fei also tilted her head and looked at her, her mouth rising unconsciously. Even in the face of His Holiness, there is still a trace of arrogance. An expression of "how do you remember me?"

When returning to Gui Sanqing, Han Fei preemptively pretended to seem to casually say, "Wait later."

During the speech, Han Fei quietly touched, and in the world of refining and chemistry, aroused the Zunzi Ling, saw Jinger subconsciously glanced at himself, and then quickly looked at him.

Gui Sanqing, of course, wouldn't think that the King Yulong, even under his eyelids, was able to communicate silently with other people's venerables.

Although he has a lot of doubts, the young master of the Dragon King said, and so on.

Obviously, it's not good to speak at this moment. Therefore, it is necessary to wait.

However, Han Fei said in his heart: "Old Turtle, I'll give you time!"

The old turtle said: "The fish asked this person, it is impossible to show up. You deceive the turtle alone and avoid the eyes of the Venerable."

Han Fei wanted to vomit blood at the time, and he said: How do I avoid the eyes of His Holiness? In the realm of Venerable, Han Fei once doubted that what he could perceive could be thousands of miles away, or even further.

Although, no one has ever said that. However, as long as they know everything they can see and see everything, if their perception is not ten thousand miles, they can't believe enough!

Han Fei couldn't help saying: "Come here, you tell me, how to avoid Venerable? As long as he pays attention to me, how can I just disappear into his vision?"

Just listen to the old turtle with a chuckle: "Do you think that His Holiness has a wide range of perception? You can even clearly know everything within tens of thousands of miles?"

Han Fei asked: "Isn't it?"

The old turtle sneered: "No one can control everything, even the king. Do you think that people are doing nothing, will go to see what you do every day?"

Han Fei muttered: "I am too dazzling now."

The old turtle despised: "You are dazzling again, you are just a sea spirit peak, and you have not yet sought it. The emperor told you that the perception of the Venerable Realm can indeed be far away. But that is perception, not coverage. It is just what you are now. The perception is the same. You just need to lower your sense of presence. No one will stare at you if it’s okay. After all, there’s a half-master standing beside you."

Han Fei said: "That's right, as long as you don't know everything, you're fine."

Han Fei couldn't help but wonder: His own sister, the Queen of Life is quite powerful! Without looking at it, I found myself mixed into the Kraken.

It's just, don't know the Queen of Life, do you know that you are her cheap brother? If she knew that she was a junior explorer, she wouldn’t know if she would shoot herself to death...or maybe she would throw a lot of **** resources on herself?

The thought activity was quick, and I saw Jinger's first impatient: "Enforcement, go back all. There is nothing more about you here."

The strong of the two major royal cities naturally refused to leave.

After all, the loss this time was too great. Seventy percent of them were arrogant and fell into a thousand mountains ancient territory. This number is twice as much as before.

They didn't believe it: so many days of pride, they were swallowed by a cloud of mist like this?

Half of the mermaid looked at Han Fei: "Dragon King, have you ever encountered a mountain mist that swallows people?"

Han Fei shook his head: "Never. I have been fighting with a blood demon who doesn't know who it is. From start to finish, I haven't even gone to a mountain."

The Vener said, "Um", a little impatiently: "Hai Ling Realm, all go back."

On the other side of the Blood Sea God Wood City, blood stained lightly: "Send Yang Ruoyun back and wait for interrogation."

Han Fei glanced at Gui Sanqing: "Go!"


After leaving the Qianshan ancient border entrance for a breath, Han Fei directly changed direction and separated from the large army.

Gui Sanqing: "Master, don't we return to Bingshen Gorge?"

Han Fei said with a sullen face: "Don't go back! Let's go first and tell you later."

Gui Sanqing saw Han Fei's strange look, so he didn't ask too much. He thought in his heart: Han Fei must have something wrong. Otherwise, you will not leave the team so eagerly.

After half an hour, Gui Sanqing spoke again: "Master, no one should notice us now."

Han Fei secretly pinched, and did not find any problems, so he sullenly said: "I feel that my Dragon King blood will be awakened, and I need to quickly find a safe place to retreat."


Gui Sanqing couldn't help but wonder: "Young Master~lightnovelpub.net~Don't the blood of the Dragon King wake up long ago?"

Han Fei's heart moved: "No, I'm talking about second-degree awakening. Although I was ambushed in this encounter, I felt that the blood in my body was agitated, and there seemed to be a vision."

Gui Sanqing's spirit revived: No wonder, it feels weird about the Dragon King Young Master? Is it because of this Dragon King bloodline that you have to awaken twice?

Although I have never heard of the blood, is there a second awakening?

However, in the world of Tianjiao, who can understand? I haven’t seen it before. Who dares to neglect this matter?

Immediately, Gui Sanqing said solemnly, "Young Master, shouldn't we return to Bingshen Gorge to awaken?"

Han Fei shook his head: "No, this is my hole card, and no one else knows. Sanqing, the Dragon King is conceited but not stupid. You said, in case I wake up the strongest bloodline. Those guys, there are a few Allow me? Sanqing, I can trust now, only you are alone."

Gui Sanqing took a deep breath and turned red: "Young Master, San Qing is willing to crush the bones for the young Master, and he will say nothing."