God of Fishing

Chapter 1333: Death Valley

This canyon was naturally discovered long ago.

But why does this long-haired woman still appear? The main reason is that there is an abyss cave in this Death Canyon. Even the venerable can't see through, the Emperor Bai Jia once said that this might lead to the wall of death.

With that said, naturally no one wants to go.

Therefore, if someone chooses this Death Canyon, Chang Shuiqin will definitely explain it. If they had no choice, when they did come to this place, they would feel that it was extremely difficult and would retreat consciously.

But, is Han Fei the kind of person who will retreat?

In terms of physical fitness, Han Fei already belongs to a small group of top-notch groups in Shuimutian and Yinyangtian. In these two sea areas, most of the dangerous forbidden areas, Han Fei can basically break through.

Of course, in very few places that are particularly dangerous, Han Fei is naturally not stupid, and will not venture out rashly.

At this moment, Han Feiquan is like a star, bursting with golden light in the canyon. Invincible Fist, completely ignoring these swift and terrifying skeletons.

Although there are big skeleton hands sticking out from time to time under his feet, like a life-threatening palm out of hell, Han Fei has double formations bulging at all times, and Yuhun formation and Pangui formation never stopped.

In addition, there are endless water jets like migratory locusts.

Therefore, there is not even a dead bone that can really shake Han Fei.

Just when Han Fei felt that he could rush to the depths of the canyon quickly, he heard the "ding-ding-ding" erupting.

This sound is slightly different from the other collision sounds before, and it is even more crisp, as if endless water met a well-matched opponent.

In this piece of white bones, Han Fei quickly found a few extraordinary skeletons.

When Han Fei saw these skeletons, his heart suddenly froze: Four pale golden skeletons, what do these mean?

Before Han Fei asked, he listened to the old tortoise: "Half-golden body, these four were four sages before their lives. They have already condensed a half-step golden body. Even after such a long time, their golden body still has Luster, it means that they were at least high-ranking sages."


Han Fei couldn't help saying: "Can't it? The wall of death is so horrible, there are so many withered sages on an island? There are kings hiding in it?"

Old Turtle: "Here, there may not be kings hiding in them, but there must be creatures of the noble level. These four skeletons are not the key. The emperor has a feeling that there are other creatures watching here."

Han Fei's heart moved: Not only the old tortoise felt this way, but even herself.

From the moment I stepped into this Death Canyon, I felt as if I was being stared at.

Han Fei suddenly remembered the dragon soul he had seen in the Palace of Ideals, and couldn't help asking: "Could it be that dragon spirit, and there is still a dragon soul?"

Old Tortoise: "The emperor has never seen the Dragon Clan, I don’t know. However, the thing peeping at us should be in the depths of the canyon. It’s just...there seems to be a blockade blocking perception. You should be able to beat these four people through. see."

Han Fei rolled his eyes: "You have said that, these are the four nobles."

Old tortoise: "After so many years, the golden body has deteriorated. You are also half-step golden. Why are you afraid?"


I saw that under the rush of endless water, four pale golden skeletons rushed up at a faster speed.


Han Fei took Xuezhimao in his hand and smashed it with the knife, trying to cut one off first.

As a result, I saw one of the skeletons, fists together, stepped on the foot, and pushed out together.


The horrible sword intent swept within a kilometer.

Hundreds of holes, the sword intent that escaped by this blow, impacted and rolled on the ground. Even a few skeletons were broken recently.

Of course, these four golden skeletons are naturally fine.

Seeing this scene, Han Fei was shocked: This is the power of the golden body? With a full blow, he was blocked by the golden body.

The old tortoise said: "Just look at your physique and you will know that your bones will not be any weaker than you. Do you think you can kill yourself with a single sword?"

Han Fei: "I am stronger than them. My physical body is still there, but it's not just the golden bones, this flesh is also immortal."

"Boom bang bang!"

Han Fei put away the sorrow of Snow, and immediately collided with these four golden body holes.

At that moment, Han Fei's figure flickered and flickered, and the addition of Tianxu and Shenxing was enough to reach the speed of one enemy four. With the addition of Demon Transformation, Han Fei doubled his strength, and his combat power was already higher than these golden bodies.



That scene is really fist-fighting, and within a few breaths, there are thousands of fist marks blasted out. Han Fei struck across with both fists, outrageously fierce, and blasted the four golden bodies backwards.


Han Fei punched again, hitting the head of one of the skeletons, and blasted it flying nearly 100 meters. In the pile of skeletons, a big hole was smashed.

At the same time, several fist marks hit Han Fei's body.

Rao Shi Han Fei had learned the melee method from Ren Tianfei, and he even had the peculiar physique technique of 108 Desolate God Body, which twisted his body and had to withstand the bombardment of this terrifying force.

However, compared to all kinds of weird combat skills, Han Fei prefers this kind of thrill to the flesh.

He clasped a fist, kicked it out, and kicked it out.

One person punched Han Fei in the chest, and Han Fei hit his head. Just hearing the sound of "clang", the skeleton was still knocked into flight.

outside world.

Except for the king of insects on the bright side, Yun Chu and Chang Shuiqin had never loosened their brows. Han Feinate, what kind of abnormal physique is it?

Everyone who enters the deity knows: Once you enter the deity, there is a great difference. Whether it's the body or the soul, it will be several times larger than the Taoist Realm. Especially the physique, even those who did not cultivate the physical body in the seeking realm. Once you enter the Venerable, the spiritual energy or demon energy is completely liquefied and the physique will be greatly improved.

Even some extremely arrogant arrogances have already absorbed the Qi of Chaos and began to change when they entered the deity. At that time, his physique and overall strength would only be stronger, and he began to develop towards the golden body.

Therefore, when they saw these four golden bodies, they were actually shocked. Able to cultivate a golden body, they must have been top powerhouses.

Those venerables who were hiding in the void were even more speechless, and said in their heart: Han Fei, what kind of body-refining method did he cultivate? Can he hit the four golden skeletons in close proximity without retreating?

Death Canyon.


When the battle lasted, Han Fei discovered the problem: With these golden bodies, the frequency with which they could fight was limited. They also need huge energy support, otherwise how can they perform that kind of terrifying attack?

Since it is energy, Han Fei's method of swallowing and inhaling is wide open.

Without massive energy support, these golden skeletons are no different from a few iron frames.


Han Fei blasted a golden skeleton with a blow. Of course, those bones weren't broken, they just fell apart.

"Boom bang bang!"

In a short period of time, four golden bones were crushed by Han Fei one after another.

At that moment, Han Fei discovered that there were no more skeletons bombarding him. I saw a skeleton standing there in the gorge, with the blue soul and fire flapping in his eyes, seeming to be watching him, but no one continued to do it.

Xu Shi knew that using the crowd tactics should not be of great use to Han Fei. However, Han Fei's scalp was a little numb when he saw the bones of that statue.

In the depths of the gorge, Han Fei did not shrink back, and has always come before the so-called ban.

The deep part of the canyon is like a black translucent energy shield.

However, when Han Fei approached, he saw a pale woman standing on the translucent black sealed inner wall. The woman held a fist-sized porous device in one hand and pressed one hand on a stone tablet.

However, on the stone stele, the three characters "Death Valley" were engraved.

When Han Fei saw the woman, the corners of Han Fei's mouth twitched slightly: This woman seemed to have flesh and blood on her body. However, he could actually see the bones inside her through the so-called flesh and blood.

In other words, this woman looks like a skeleton covered in translucent human skin.

A long distance away, Han Fei was a little dazed: The three characters of Death Valley swung over there, as if the three characters of "Ghost Gate" were placed in front of you, and they were fluffy.

Han Fei frowned, and said to her heart: What is going on? All I met before were skeletons. Now, is this a human or a skeleton? She didn't speak, but it didn't seem simple.

Just listen to this woman's words: "Death is forbidden zone, the living cannot enter. If you want to go to Death Valley, you should abandon the mortal womb and change to the immortal soul, do you wish?"

When Han Fei heard this, he shook his head directly: "I want to live."

The woman looked at Han Fei: "That's it, then go back."

Han Feixin said: Do you want to fight or not?

Just listen to Han Fei's question: "This girl, dare you to know the Dragon Clan?"

After hearing Han Fei's words, the woman was indifferent: "I don't know!"

Han Fei was puzzled: Is it not here? Or is this woman deceiving herself?

According to the truth, if something like Long Yuan Qi is not in a place where life is extremely rich, then it should be in the place where the blue dragon fell.

From Xiao Bai's perception, only here on this island is the deadliest and most sinister.

Han Fei could even see: Behind this woman, in the translucent ban, there is a big hole appearing, there may be something extraordinary there.

But the old tortoise said: "This woman does not seem to be weak. The emperor feels that she should be in the realm of nobles. However, she seems to be unable to leave the ban."

"I go!"

Han Fei was stunned at the time: Wouldn't it be possible to slap yourself to death?

However, UU reading www.uukanshu.com seems to have no intention of killing. Han Fei pondered for a long time, can't he just go back without knowing anything? What if Long Yuan Qi is here?

Han Fei said, "Are you sure, she can't leave the ban?"

The old turtle said, "If you can leave, would you still dare to stand here?"

Han Fei was silent for a long time, then suddenly raised her head and said, "This girl, Han Fei came to seek opportunities, please give me a little bit. Otherwise, I will be very shameless."

The woman turned her head slightly: "What if you don't?"

Han Fei's mouth twitched: "Smashed your valley and swept your bones outside the ban."

There was a blue light in the woman's eyes, but Han Fei did not take a step back.

In the end, the woman didn't know what she was thinking, and she threw out the strange porous object in her hand.

The woman said: "You can guarantee that you will not be affected by the dead. If you don't retreat, then fight."