God of Fishing

Chapter 1382: Han Fei's conjecture

At this moment, Han Fei was still breaking through at the bottom of the Great Waterfall.

As early as when Han Fei was still very weak, he was at the level of the angler and the big angler, then every breakthrough was a direct breakthrough to the peak.

Then, he will think about polishing things.

However, as this goes on, this inborn advantage seems to have been forgotten by myself. However, this advantage has not been lost. However, Void Fishing didn't lead Han Fei to do that.

At this moment, Han Fei sat cross-legged all day and night, using the king's coercion and massive demon energy to constantly wash away the flesh and blood of his spiritual veins.


I saw Han Fei's body, like a dry river. The bloated body had already recovered from the previous breakthrough three hours ago.

At this moment, breakthrough again. Under the pressure of the king, Han Fei's body became a little thin.


When the swallowing method was activated, Han Fei's body was like a whirlpool and his mouth was gluttonous, absorbing the energy here frantically.

Han Fei's rapid breakthrough made the old turtle shocked. This growth is too casual! In just two days, he even broke two levels?

However, out of friendliness, Laogui reminded: "Is there really no problem with your strength increasing so fast?"

Han Fei said frankly: "I will not directly rush to the top."

On the third day, Han Fei's body once again returned to its original perfect shape that was neither fat nor thin, but very strong.

At this time, Han Fei closed his eyes, and information emerged in his mind.

Owner: Han Fei

Level: 79 (Advanced Explorer)

Reiki: 240,000 / 240,000

Mental power perception: 4500 li

Power: 1024 waves

First Spirit Vessel: Unknown

Second Spirit Vessel: Unawakened

The first talent soul beast: Twin Yin and Yang Spirit Devouring Fish [Level 67]

The second talent soul beast: not awakened

Main practice: "Void Fishing", the sixth layer, "Stealing Heaven" [Exemplary Artifact]


Seeing this message, Han Fei secretly breathed a sigh of relief: Sure enough, the meaning of breaking through the two levels is still different.

Of course, the overall improvement is not great. The strength has only increased by more than a hundred waves. The mental power has only increased by more than a thousand points.

In the latter stage of Shuimutian, Han Fei was actually trying to recover his mental power. Fortunately, I split the soul out, so it is not difficult to add it.

Moreover, Han Fei has a line of nothingness. As long as you give yourself enough time, the replenishment of the power of the soul is only a matter of time.

As for the aura ceiling? Han Fei felt that he might not need the so-called upper limit of aura at all.

In fact, when it comes to the realm of explorers, although it is impossible to ingest enough aura from the void in an instant...

However, as long as there are enough resources in the Explorer realm or Pathfinder realm, if they are prepared in advance, they can actually swallow it directly, and they can also deal with a long battle.

Therefore, the meaning of the upper limit of aura is not significant.

Looking at his own data, Han Fei had no waves in his heart.

If you polish yourself slowly, this data will probably look better. However, it is no longer possible to greatly improve. Unless... your own indestructible golden body can be completely refined.

Han Fei couldn't help saying, "Old Yuan, how much chaos did you swallow?"

The old tortoise said: "Not much. The emperor has sucked it up to now, but he can't **** a wisp of it."

Han Fei sneered.

Han Fei had a lot of water by default in what the old turtle said. However, Han Fei didn't want to stop the old turtle, just remind him.

By the way, Han Fei asked: "Lao Yuan, I have adapted to this superficial coercion of the king. Moreover, my strength has improved again. If I use the coercion of this king to polish my golden body ?"

Old Yuan paused for a moment and said, "Are you eager to improve your strength?"

Han Fei: "Aren't you talking nonsense? Broken Star Island is in such a situation now, and this will be my territory in the future. There are so many venerables in front of me, wanting to do looting...in the outer waters, more Countless sea-monsters are watching, can I not think of ways to improve my strength?"

Just listen to the old turtle said: "You now want to improve your strength, there are only three ways."

Han Fei was stunned: "Three, so few?"

The old turtle couldn't help but sneered: "How can there be so many fish falling from the sky?"

"The first one is naturally to polish the foundation. Although growth is slow, it will be great for the future."

"The second type is the golden body, the strength may increase by 20%."

"The third is the method of Reiki dismantling. During this period of time, you don’t have much time to sink your heart to dismantle Reiki. It should be noted that the higher the Reiki dismantling degree, the more thorough your understanding of power. The strength will be higher."

Han Fei listened: I want you to talk about these three methods?

Polish yourself, that is what I have been doing.

It takes chance to cultivate the golden body!

As for this aura dismantling? It takes time. Sometimes, after spending time, it may not be useful, and you have to understand it.

Han Fei: "These three methods don't seem to solve my urgent need."

Just listen to the old turtle: "There are two ways to polish the foundation. To put it bluntly, it is the body's load of various forces, right?"

Han Fei nodded: "Yes, then what?"

The old tortoise said again: "You know that the body carries all kinds of power, which comes to a greater extent from the bearing of spiritual energy, which is the energy of heaven and earth. Aside from the title of spiritual energy, it is the body's bearing and use of this energy structure. So, the deeper you polish your foundation, the higher your aura mastery at this stage. It’s just that you don’t know it."

Han Fei suddenly shuddered. This was the first time he heard Old Turtle put forward this statement.

Han Fei couldn't help but said: "So, in fact, as long as you increase the degree of aura dismantling, you can not only increase the use of strength, but also a way to polish the foundation?"

The old tortoise buzzed: "Naturally, the spiritual energy is deep enough. You only need to wash the body with the disassembled spiritual energy, and the so-called foundation will be quickly polished."

"Misty Grass, didn't you tell me earlier?"

The old tortoise said leisurely: "I told you earlier, it's no use! After all, it takes time to disassemble the Reiki, and the more difficult it becomes later. If it takes time to understand, it is not as fast as the experience. Your entry is already very fast. Actually, you don't need to rely on this method to improve yourself. But since you asked, if you really want to take a shortcut, this is a way."

Han Fei thought: Do you want to dismantle aura again? You can give it a try. My other methods seem to be stuck. Only this way, there is still room for improvement.

Han Fei couldn't help but said, "What about the golden body?"

The old turtle said lightly: "Although the energy here is scary, it is not fierce or pure enough. If you want to use the energy here to become a golden body? You have to find a way to gather the aura here. Otherwise. , Relying on a little bit of swallowing and shock, the entry is bound to be extremely slow."

Hearing what Old Turtle said, Han Fei suddenly understood: Sure enough, there is an old man in the family, like a treasure!

This old tortoise, as a universal encyclopedia, can avoid detours most of the time. With just this point, his own cultivation speed is more than several times faster than others.

Han Fei is also very simple and neat.

Since I currently only have these three paths to follow, and the first two are blocked, then no matter whether the third one works or not, I have to try it!

The meaning of Reiki dismantling is huge!

Han Fei knew this before. I am much better than others, to a large extent, it is that I have a deeper understanding of the degree of aura dismantling than others.

When Han Fei drew out a little aura again, using the method of aura forging, only the flame in Han Fei's hand was peeling off, the speed was extremely fast. In a moment, when the aura shrank by more than half, it finally became unstable and annihilated into a ball of water.

"Sixty-two percent."

Han Fei frowned slightly: Seventy percent is the basic requirement for being respected.

Originally, when I was discussing this aura dismantling method with the Insect King, I still made a vow and felt that 70% was not difficult.

The old tortoise also said: It is not difficult for me to be 70%. But although there was some slack during this period, it was 62%, which is really not much.

After all, after the Insect King talked to himself about this method, in the first month he quickly raised his spiritual energy dismantling degree to 58%.

Later, after more than a year, it has only increased by 4%.

The so-called 62%, Han Fei now has a deeper understanding.

In the past, when Shu Shan was still alive, his understanding of the dismantling of aura at that time was to split a little aura into two uses. In this way, you can double the power.

Later, when his spiritual energy dismantling degree reached 50%, Shu Shan only said: in the explorer state, continue dismantling...

Others, did not talk too much.

Now, Han Fei suddenly began to wonder: Is a bit of aura really used in two points?

He had this suspicion before. A little aura, divided into two points... According to the conservation of energy, isn't it still a little in essence?

Shu Shan said: That's because everyone failed to fully exert all the power contained in the spiritual energy.

When I really split a little aura into two points, I don't need to use my brain to understand, just use it, and completely detonate the power of the aura.

Then, the result is: probably more than doubled, 1.5 times less than the power.

In fact, after getting to know the insect king and the old tortoise in depth, Han Fei knew: The truth about the dismantling of Reiki is not the case.

In their terms, Reiki is an energy.

There is a certain Dao rule in the aura.

This avenue rule is not understood. However, this kind of avenue is the source of spiritual energy to exert its power.

Han Fei had doubted: If you use a percentage to calculate, then the spirit energy is dismantled to the end, is it true... just to dismantle the last percentage of the source of power? That is the power of the great power?

But the old tortoise said again: No one can do it 100%. If the aura is disassembled to 100%, there will be nothing...

What does that mean? Perhaps, in the deepest part of the aura, there may not be the so-called power of the great power? It is not as simple as a flower with a pistil and a fruit with a pit...

The great power that drives the aura and bursts out of power is actually completely integrated into the aura. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

While disassembling the aura by himself, in fact, it just separates the power of this great power.

In fact, it's just that the amount of Reiki has increased. The power that aura bursts out of each grain is different.

If the dismantling of the aura is 50%, the power of the dismantled aura will naturally be the same.

But because of quantitative changes caused qualitative changes, the number of auras has increased, and the destructive power it can cause has doubled. Therefore, everyone thinks that if the aura is dismantled by 50%, the strength is tripled.

But in fact, a little aura becomes two points, and it can't increase the strength by twice, only about 1.5 times. More people will not pursue the root of the problem at all, nor have the ability to pursue it.

Moreover, there is another premise...

Ordinary people can't exert the full power of every bit of aura at all.

This shows that: it is possible that what you saw with your naked eyes, the so-called one-and-a-half-fold increase in battle, is actually fake?