God of Fishing

Chapter 1403: Willingness

Looking at the four people like Chu Qing and the others, who looked like clowns, Han Fei sneered: Xiaoye, I may indeed have a little problem, but so what? I'm rich!

If you have money, you don’t need to be rich and you don’t want to be rich.

Although the aristocratic family has a huge amount of resources, there are so many children of different levels in the aristocratic family! The resources needed to cultivate a good child are unknown, let alone such a big family?

Therefore, in the aristocratic family, the allocation of resources is firmly controlled by the people in the right center.

But what about Han Fei? One person is full, the whole family is not hungry. Too much money is too cumbersome! If it weren't for that thing, it could be regarded as a resource. He has no interest at all now.

Just say that this spirit of enlightenment is useless to me now.

If it weren't for fear that he would throw out a billion catties of Qi Lingye all at once, it would scare away the noble family and even make people covet it, Han Fei would have thrown it out without knowing it.

In the past, Han Fei's pattern was too low when blackmailing the family. Those ten thousand spiritual fruits, one million catties of spiritual springs, are not enough to leak out of people's fingers.

That being the case, let's be a bit tougher today!

Han Fei pondered: I must personally check this matter. Anyone who has few resources and says that they will not come to Broken Star Island will not come. When he comes, just get rid of him, or do it with integrity.

Chu Qing gritted his teeth: "Han Fei, you are fine..."

Han Fei disdainfully said: "Nonsense! Is this handsome good, do you need your comment? Also, don't call this handsome next time, please call me Han handsome..."


Chu Qing "chill", tore open the void, and walked away griefly.

As dignified venerables, Chu Qing and others have never thought that one day they would be so embarrassed!

When he left, he still said in his heart: This hatred is not shared!

However, Chu Qing and Han Fei lived at a different level. It's impossible for them to get Han Fei into gag.

When these people left, Han Fei spoke again, his voice trembling, and thunderous: "Now, this commander succeeds to the throne and dare not disappoint Xue Shuai. He will do his best to give back to my human race."

After a pause, Han Fei continued: "This commander ordered the material war preparation team to classify and distribute the items to the lower departments within three days. This matter is subject to the supervision of everyone on the island. Whoever is greedy for ink, cut off. ."


At that time, millions of people lifted their spirits: Nima, what kind of fairy efficiency is this? In three days, should such a large amount of resources be divided?

Wang Lin's complexion collapsed at the time: This Nima, is it going to spin? For three days, my material war preparation group, don't need to open it?

However, Wang Lin thought: At the moment, the battle is tense, and efficiency is the top priority in everything. He is going to do it himself.

Suddenly, Wang Lin said: "Han Shuai, Wang Lin is brave, ask Han Shuai to give resources to his subordinates immediately, so that they can immediately make preparations."

Han Feixin said that Wang Lin was reliable, and nodded immediately: "Yes. But such a huge amount of resources, let's count them in person here! After the count is over, go to the treasury by yourself."

Wang Lin smiled bitterly: This Han Fei, if he has to pretend to be forced, what can he do?

Suddenly, Wang Lin shouted: "All members of the material combat readiness group, come here quickly to cooperate with the envoy. Everyone, please let me open a space..."

Han Fei didn't care, just waved like that. Millions of spiritual springs and tens of thousands of spiritual fruits hang in the sky. In that scene, the spirit spring was like a Tianhe hanging upside down, and the spirit fruit was like a sky full of stars, making people's eyes hurt.

Many people couldn't stand it when the Qi Lingye cleared like a waterfall.

Xue Shenqi is speechless, do you have to do this? It's as if you, a handsome man, were bought?

Han Fei also seemed to have not expected it well, and threw out a lot of swallowed seashells at will: "I! You yourself, slowly sort it out."


When a group of people from the material war preparation group sorted out the materials, the millions of soldiers underneath were either talking through the voice or talking in a low voice.

After being drunk by Han Fei, his voice suddenly became quieter. What else would Han Fei have to say?

However, Han Fei’s voice became thicker: "Everyone, you know that the sea monster has become stronger and stronger recently. After repeated confirmations by this commander and Xue Shuai, we can already speculate with certainty that the legendary sea The Demon King City has appeared."



"What? Sea-Monster King City?"

Suddenly, the whole Broken Star Island fell into an uproar.

Even Wang Lin and others who were counting resources were all dumbfounded.

Some people wondered: "Where is the Sea-Monster King City?"

Someone was astonished: "Wangcheng, in the legend, it is the super power behind the sea monster!"

Someone's face was solemn: "Before, Tianjiao from the Sea-Monster King City appeared occasionally. But, is it true? No one can say clearly. Is it really confirmed this time?"

Just listen to Han Feidao; "Recently, you may have also discovered that my broken Star Island powerhouses are increasing, and even the venerables have appeared. This was unheard of before. On the sea monster side, the search for the realm There were as many as 20 great monsters who fell in the hands of this commander alone. The noble one also died. It can be seen that the number of strong sea monsters is rapidly increasing."

At that time, someone lost his voice: "What should I do? Is there going to be a war?"

Someone scolded: "What is to be called? It is because a war has broken out."

Someone sighed: "No wonder, no wonder there have been more and more wars over the past few months."

Someone dumbfounded: "Before, it was not easy. Now that the sea monster has become so strong, can we still be able to hold it?"

When the millions of soldiers felt a little panic in their hearts, Han Fei shouted again: "Everyone, don't panic. The sea monsters are getting stronger, but my human race is not without strong ones. Although the sea monsters are strong, they cannot be infinite. Endless. In several wars, which time did not my humans win? This was the case before, and it will be the same in the future. The reason why this commander wants to tell you this is that this commander is preparing to do a big thing. This matter, although this Shuai can decide in one word, but you still need to respect your opinions."

Everyone heard: The Supreme Commander wants to seek advice from people like himself? This Han Fei looks very close to the people!

There are also speculations: What is the matter that Han Fei dare not decide in one word?

Amidst the discussion, Han Fei said: "Soldiers from Thirty-Six Town, how many of you did not know the existence of this place when you came to Broken Star Island? How many of you had family members after the fall? Are you still waiting? How many of you have dedicated silently without being known...? This commander knows you. Because this commander also comes from 36 towns. Like many of you, you belong to the same family and have been together for the first level. Fishing grounds, second-class fishing grounds, third-class fishing grounds, the commander has also boarded the dragon boat and broke through the secrets..."

With a few fluttering words, Han Fei separated the soldiers of Thousand Star City from the people of 36 Town. Because the soldiers of Thousand Star City had no such experience.

Moreover, the people in Thousand Star City have always known that Broken Star Island, only 36 towns are hiding it.

Why are you hiding? Because Thirty-Six Town is too weak, not many strong people have been born. More people hope that the people in Thirty-Six Towns will live with peace of mind and seek to become stronger.

Therefore, when Han Fei said this, countless people felt the same way.

Someone laughed: "At the beginning, when I was fighting for resources in the village, I took the first place. At that time, I was the pride of our village."

Someone slapped their lips and said, "You may not believe it. When I got on the dragon boat for the first time, my Te Niang was almost scared to pee. Why is there such a big boat in this world?"

Someone sighed: "Think about it now, although there was danger at that time, but danger and excitement coexist. Adventure, treasure hunting, becoming stronger, everything is simple..."

In a voice of emotion.

Just listen to Han Feidao; "Everyone, this commander and Xue Shuai have discussed with each other and feel that it is time to tell the people in Thirty-Six Town in the land of Broken Star Island. And let them know that their easy life is yours. Fight with one sword and one sword. Let them know that the spirit-enlightening fluid they used for talent enlightenment, the weapon for the courage to venture into, was made by your flesh and blood. Invasion of the Sea-Monster King City, the fate of mankind is overwhelming, with cold lips , They need to wake up."

After a while, many people were silent: this question is actually quite tangled.

Although deep in their hearts, they hope that others will know what they are doing on Broken Star Island. However, in the thirty-six towns, that day was easy! Such a good state of life is just broken? Show them a **** world? How cruel is this?

But when many people were silent, those from Thousand Star City looked like they were taken for granted: "Isn't this what it should be? I said before, what is there to hide the existence of Broken Star Island? I'm dead, I don't even dare to say how I died? When I said that I was eaten by a powerful fish during the adventure? Hahaha..."

There is the ordinary humanity of Thousand Star City: "I am waiting to kill the enemy outside, my son, and then I have the motivation to work hard. We have been weaving them in a beautiful dream. Once this dream is broken, what should I do?"

Suddenly, millions of people, all ordinary people from Thousand Star City, took this for granted.

Half of the people from 36 towns actually wanted to tell those people in 36 towns. However, half of them, mostly with families, are very entangled. They may not want their family members to worry about themselves.

Just listen to Han Fei said: "What this handsome hopes is. Even if you fall, your family, your children, your relatives and friends... will all know that you are the true heroes who fought for the continuation of the entire human race. hero."

Han Fei's voice was agitated: "This handsome hopes that there is a look of trust and expectation behind each of you. If you do not die, you will become their heroes. If you die, you will inspire them to move forward."

Suddenly, many people at UU reading www.uukanshu.com looked up at Han Fei.

Suddenly, someone shouted: "I agree, Broken Star Island should tell the truth about 36 Town."

The people in Thousand Star City naturally agree. In their opinion, this is a matter of course, and they all agree at this moment.

Someone took the lead, and the scene suddenly showed a lopsided trend.

Just listen to the sound of the mountain calling the sea, echoing over the Poseidon Square.

The voice of the millions of soldiers rolled out: "I am waiting for consent, and tell the 36th town about the broken star island."

With millions of people working together, a strange power suddenly appeared in the world. This force is drilling into Han Fei's body.

Han Fei's feelings are most obvious: this is not popularity or will, but a wonderful soft power. Into the body, it dissipates invisible.

Suddenly, Han Fei's eyes lit up and he felt it.

This is... willingness!