God of Fishing

Chapter 1427: I bet your bones are not as hard as me

Han Fei is also very hot: Don't let me go? If you have the ability, you can try to kill me?

If nothing goes wrong, the law of the Great Black Chaluo King is the law of gravity. Therefore, within a few breaths, Han Fei suffered from the terrifying gravity.

If it’s not your own Taoism, you can confuse and break this kind of avenue, and fight a king in this state, for fear that Han Fei can be beaten so you don’t know the north, south, east, and west...

This time, Han Fei stopped letting the twins run in the opposite direction. The body of the black mist has been exposed, and even if the strength is weakened, it is impossible to hide it from the strong king.

If this is the case, Gemini is one, and there should be another one!

After unity, his strength doubled. Coupled with my own understanding of the dismantling of Reiki, the real secrets are all out, and none of these four projections can stop me.

Heichaluo Wang was also speechless.

Is the current Yin and Yang sky so powerful? Human beings are now strong, are they so strong already?

Although Heishaluo King didn't know this twin magic, he also knew that it was definitely a great technique. Just looking at the strength of the two bodies is almost the same, and both have the power of the Venerable Realm, you can know that the two bodies are both the main body.

Also, the body of the black shadow can't be seen by the naked eye at all, it can only be swept through perception. If you are not careful, you will miss it. I don’t know how this strange ability was born?

Moreover, he just overlooked one thing: This person is not using aura at all, but a demon. Not only did the other party use evil spirits, but the evil spirits were so endless!

This holy realm was created by himself. This space also follows his own will. Therefore, the King of Black Shalu said: It is impossible for Han Fei to escape from this world...

Of course, all the big snails here are also cultivated by the Black Brake Snail King. As long as he is willing, Han Feiyi wants to absorb a little bit of energy and aura from here.

Once the explorer or the venerable has no source of energy or spiritual energy, once the body's storage is exhausted, all that is left is physical strength.

But Han Fei is doing well now, his aura is gushing, his energy is endless, just like Te Mo ate explosives. At this point, the secret method was still on, and Yijian almost cut off one of his clones.

It stands to reason that with such a violent outbreak, Han Fei couldn't beat it.

The results of it?

Han Fei fisted like a shadow, the golden light was diffuse, dazzling, traversing dozens of miles.

With every punch, the strength is as high as 2000 waves.

Who can handle this? With the Dao banned, even if you are a king, if you only serve as an Intermediate Venerable, you can't beat Han Fei!

As for the avenue power that Han Fei controls: Blocked space?

Heichalulu didn't doubt anything. Needless to say, this avenue is very powerful. Being able to master the power of this avenue in the realm of explorers is also the reason why the Black Brake Snail King must kill Han Fei.

If Han Fei is allowed to grow, it will be a disaster in the future!

At this time, Hei Shaluo Wang seemed to understand: In the face of Han Fei, who is strong in body refining, simply relying on quantity is not enough to kill him!

Han Fei ran and blasted, and the "super nuclear bomb" erupted round after round. He doesn't care if he can really hurt the Black Chaluo King! Anyway, this energy needs to be consumed. So while hitting you, while destroying the secrets of this side, killing two birds with one stone, wouldn't it be right?

With almost every punch, Han Fei can consume a lot of energy and blood of corruption from the Black Brake Conch King. The Black Chaluo King is even weakening, and it is very obvious. After all, the supply speed of these corrosive blood is not very fast.

But with a bang, Han Fei's heart suddenly shocked: because he discovered that the silhouette of the Black Chaluo King had started to overlap.

"Fuck... are you finally going to fuse?"

Han Fei looked solemnly: If not surprisingly, this is the beginning of the fusion of the two clones.

Sure enough, it was just a breath. Although the Black Brake Conch King consumed a lot of energy and corrosive blood, the two bodies merged into one.

On the other side, Heisha Luowang did the same action.

Han Fei's face turned ugly again.

At this time, the old turtle said: "This evil king has gone mad and blocked 5,000 miles, directly detonating all the large snails and sea monsters in this range. In order to kill you, he has to improve his realm."

"Not really? I'm just an explorer, is it necessary?"

The old turtle said leisurely: "Do you think you are just an ordinary explorer?"

Han Fei gritted his teeth: "That won't lose so much power to hunt me down, right?"

When Han Fei came, he had a general understanding of the creatures in this so-called holy realm.

How big is the range of 5000 miles? The big snails plus the sea monsters, the number of which was properly over ten thousand, was sacrificed by the Black Chaluo King at once and transformed into his own power.

Just listen to the old tortoise said: "Now, it's all about fighting for reserves. You have to fight, and you can fight if you don't. His strength is increasing crazily, and now I am afraid that he has reached the peak of the intermediate level. This continues, but for a moment, He will be able to break through the high-ranking state. At that time, you will not be his opponent at all."

Han Fei gritted his teeth: "Old Yuan! Isn't that all the king's methods?"

The old turtle said leisurely: "This is not a lot! With the eyes of the emperor, this person is afraid that he has just become a king. Anyway, it is definitely not long. His strength is not as good as any of the three kings over Shui Mutian. So you think it’s hard to fight because this is someone’s turf, a world he specially created."

After dozens of breaths.

The strength of the Black Chaluo King has obviously improved a lot. Although he hasn't reached the high-ranking state, I'm afraid it will be soon.

Hei Shaluo Wang sneered: "Humans, die!"


Han Fei was waiting for this moment.

Seeing the magnificent ink wave swept over, Han Fei's heart moved, and the twins became one.

Thousands of miles apart, but between the two, Han Fei's strength rose sharply.

Black Brake Snail King: "..."

The Black Chaluo King is speechless: What is this special, what kind of magic is it? Thousands of miles away, in a moment, the two-body unity? This person has revealed his deity?

Han Fei's thoughts moved: Anyway, the Cao family has already pretended to be, so let's become Cao Qiu's appearance!

In the refining world, Han Fei's more than 200,000 top-grade demon stones containing hundreds of billions of demon energy are escaping outside.


Just after Han Fei joined forces, the Black Chaluo King came after him again.

Heichalulu didn't worry, and in front of Han Fei, the two bodies merged together again.

This time, without the old turtle, Han Fei knew that the Black Brake Snail King could definitely rise to the high-ranking state.

Heisha Snail King: "You have given me a lot of surprises. Let me see, how far can you go?"

But within a few breaths, Han Fei saw that the road was sealed again. Han Fei stopped running immediately, turned his head, and shrugged: "Do you think you are the king, so you will eat me?"

Hei Shaluo Wang "brushed" it, and he had already chased him, reaching out to grab Han Fei. The power of astonishment, wherever it passes, crushes the void.

In Han Fei's eyes, the demon energy rolled, two inexplicable different formations appeared in his eyes.

Just watching Han Fei grabbed with one hand, out of thin air he grabbed a ball of demon energy that was dozens of times larger than his direct body.

"Hey! It blows you up."

Han Fei stepped back, and within a short distance, quit Baili.


Han Fei just fell in one step, and the violent sea was already squeezed by the terrifying explosion. With such a terrifying explosion, Han Fei only used 5 billion demon energy, which was only 10,000 top-quality demon stones.

This explosion was exactly the same as when Han Fei bombed the Kraken Trade Valley outside the Ice God Gorge.

At that time, the power of that explosion directly crushed half of the city. Within a thousand miles, there is no life. Within 3000 miles, a piece of wasteland. The shock wave from the explosion stretched for thousands of miles.

The same explosion happened again.

Hei Shaluo Wang is not well: Nima, how much demon energy did you detonate? Human beings will use evil spirits, and I will bear it. As a king, his difficulty is not low, and many things can be understood. However, you just took out billions of evil spirits and used it for bombing.

After all, Heisha Luowang is just a projection.

Under such a terrifying explosion, he could protect himself, but he could not stop it. If he blocks it, he will be useless.

But even if he didn't resist, the shocking force still rushed him out for hundreds of miles.

Han Fei was stunned by the shock wave at such a short distance. However, the ban behind him has been broken.

"The wind is swift."

Until this moment, Han Fei used the power of the explosion to turn on the treacherous speed of the wind, pushing the speed to the extreme, blinking a thousand miles.

And in Han Fei's left eye, a formation suddenly popped out. At the moment this formation burst out, another formation appeared in Han Fei's left eye.

Behind him, King Heisha roared: "Did this king let you go?"

However, Han Fei has already gotten into the teleportation array.

In the end, Han Fei had already planned everything in his heart.

Han Fei could feel the glow of glow during the transmission. However, this does not affect his running. After all, he has caught the opportunity to escape.


Han Fei suddenly appeared at the entrance of the Sea-Monster Holy Realm. In the front, a huge crack still emerged in the air.

Just listen to the old turtle: "At least, this crack should not have been created by this king. He doesn't have this ability. It should be that the wall of death has a broken seal, which happened to be used by this big snail."

Han Fei directly hit the crack.



A dark green ban appeared suddenly without warning.


The formation engraved in Han Fei's right eye bloomed. Things were a bit unexpected. The teleportation array reappeared at the moment when the ban appeared on UU Reading www.uukānshu.com.


Han Feigang got into the teleportation formation, and the void broke open behind him, and the Black Brake Snail King had already pursued him.

"This king said, this is this king's world, how can you escape?"

Han Fei only felt: A figure followed him and rushed into the formation together. It seems that Heisha Luowang is behind him.



Han Fei only felt that his back was hit with a heavy hammer and his flesh exploded. In the lustrous light of the teleportation array, Han Fei caught another group of demon energy, fearing that there would be billions of demon energy.

"Are you crazy?"

Hei Shaluo Wang is speechless: Is this person trying to involve himself in the turbulent flow of the void?

Han Fei grinned, "I bet your bones are not as hard as mine."