God of Fishing

Chapter 1441: The guilty black brake king

The battle between Han Fei and Heisha Snail King was invisible to ordinary people.

However, the venerables who are in the fierce battle can see clearly. Han Fei, a lunatic, exploded himself into a skeleton. Such a brutal style of play, casually changing individuals, will be frightening.

At this moment, Han Fei killed Venerable Mo Family without even blinking his eyelids.

Old Chumen scolded, "Han Fei, this is the war time. You keep saying that for the foundation of the human race? There are so many big clans here to help you block more than a dozen of the Venerable. If there is no aristocratic family in the Thousand Star City, what would you take to resist Siren King?"

Han Fei sneered: "If you want to prove your worth? Your family, you should strangle a few venerables and show them to this commander? Don't just talk about it. Also, the explorers of the family are in this Under Shuai’s perception, Erdan has nothing to hide. If Erdan can't kill an enemy a thousand, then he will be rolled back to Qianxing City."

Han Fei stepped out in one step, entered the Xuantian Waterfall, and hid in the shadow of the void.

At this moment, Gui Sanqing had already escaped because of Han Fei's apocalyptic magic. At this moment, he was fighting fiercely in the void south of Broken Star Island with the clone of Heisha Snail King.

Because the star tortoise was still breaking through, it couldn't move, and was involved in the void.


When Han Fei stepped into this void in one step, the forces of all directions bombarded and rushed toward his face.

It turned out that all the venerables of the Valley of Ten Thousand Demons, the Seven Great Sects, and the aristocratic families were all fighting here.

Under the hanging sky waterfall, a large section has been blasted open. Everyone wanted to go to the bottom of the abyss, because no one would let anyone, so they beat each other hard, and it was a vicious beating.

Han Fei just came in, he felt that the power Tang Yan gave him was almost exhausted. Such a chaotic battle of the Lord, I am afraid that I can't hold it for a while, and I will be beaten back to its original form!

As soon as Han Feichu came in, he heard the old Chu family yell: "Han Fei, the dispute between you and me is an internal matter within the human race. Now, it is time to work together to strangle the Valley of Ten Thousand Monsters."

Han Fei didn't speak, he was thinking: Why is Old Monster Chu coming out? Judging from his current performance, Old Monster Chu should be the strongest among the Chumen. At the beginning, Lao Han, the Lord of Heavenly Sword, and his own interception finger, failed to take it down. Such a ruthless character, now it is the other way round, to negotiate with yourself?

Of course Han Fei would not think that Old Monster Chu had such kindness.

Han Fei can think of: Either this old monster Chu came for the cloud whale wreckage at the bottom of the pool, and it is the kind that is bound to win; or, old monster Chu wants to get something in this complicated battle. Special promotion...

Everything has a reason.

People of high status will not end easily. Once it really ends, something must happen. But no matter what his purpose is? Han Fei won't let him succeed.

Just listen to Han Fei shouting: "Okay, want this handsome to believe you? First, I slaughtered all the projections of the Black Shalu King, and this handsome believes. Even if you want to divide the corpses in the pool, it is not impossible. But, the premise Yes, you have to let this coach see some sweetness. Otherwise, you think the coach will believe you?"

Han Fei did not continue to shoot, but stepped to the star tortoise's side and stood on the star tortoise's carapace.

At that time, Star Turtle almost cried with joy.

How many times he felt that he was going to be torn, but he was not torn. Now that Han Fei is here, this guy is so ferocious that he doesn't look like a human at all, so he was relieved at that time.

Han Fei didn't take any action, just standing calmly on the back of Star Turtle. In his opinion, Old Monster Chu has taken a shot, and the front-line battlefield outside should not lose. Moreover, I just tried too hard, and I really need to keep some.

These aristocratic clans wanted to win merits. Since they wanted to win merits, the dozens of explorers who appeared at last had to kill the enemy. At present, the fighting power of the Lord is not lacking. With an explorer-level combat power, Broken Star Island is once again equal to the Sea Monster.

As for the power of law enforcement? This level is actually barely enough because there are faceless people who have joined the battle.

A great battle, with the participation of all forces, has tended to a short-term balance.

When will this balance of combat power be broken? Han Fei is always paying attention. This is what he should do most as the commander-in-chief.

Han Fei had a cold face at the moment.

Outside, at all times, people are falling.

However, at this moment, Han Fei could not do anything. From the moment Old Monster Chu appeared, Han Fei’s enemy was no longer the Black Shalu King, but one more.

There are 12 nobles of the noble family, including Old Monster Chu. One of the unlucky Mohists was killed by himself, and 11 venerables remained.

What a terrifying combat power this is! Where is Han Fei unclear?

Therefore, the current Han Fei, one wants to consume these people, and the other wants to delay time. If these people can really kill the Heisha Snail King, it would be perfect.

It is said that it is the two forces of humans and the sea monster, but it is actually a three-way force. Not only Han Fei knew this, but the family and the seven sects knew it. Even the low-level officers on the island are slightly aware.

Now, Han Fei is clearly set to push the family against everyone, in order to threaten them to punish the enemy.

After the ten breaths, Han Fei saw that the battle situation still hadn't changed much. He only heard him shout: "Within 30 breaths, if the noble family can't kill the enemy, don't blame this handsome man himself."

Everyone's heart shuddered: What Han Fei said is definitely not a lie!

Han Fei's half-king strength, although it was weird, but that strength was real, without any moisture.

The reason why Han Feineng waited was to vote for his name.

However, the venerable family members understood: Even if the vouchers were given, Han Fei would not believe them.

Therefore, this is equivalent to Han Fei forcing them to kill the enemy, otherwise the two parties will do it together.

Although Han Fei did not have this strength, he went to fight with the two sides. But, people of aristocratic family, dare to leave at this time? Whenever someone dared to leave, Han Fei opened the sky and told everyone in Broken Star Island that someone from the family had run away...

That scene, imagine it, was terrifying.

Han Fei can definitely do this.

After all these years, Han Fei's details have long been cleansed by everyone.

Even when Han Fei was in the village, looking around for Lingling Fish Soup had already been recorded. This is the ability of the family!

Because of this, they know what kind of person Han Fei is?

In their investigation, Han Fei was a selfish person at all. What million soldiers? Will this guy take care of it? I'm just talking about it! I'm afraid this guy doesn't care at all.

Xue Shenqi has been in power for more than 50 years and has never fought such a big scene of war.

Good guy, this Han Fei hasn't arrived for 50 days before he reigned, so a total war broke out between humans and the sea monster?

Moreover, if this guy is okay, just open a sky curtain and perform in front of a million soldiers? Have long been accustomed to showing up in front of people, the kind of shameless?

In fact, although these aristocratic families know Han Fei very well. However, they are also clear: Throughout the history of Broken Star Island, it seems that every supreme commander seems to have such a habit when he first took the throne. This makes them a little unclear. So, is it only this kind of character that can be the commander-in-chief?

Heichaluo, at this moment, he has no bottom. The current situation seems a little bit wrong! On Broken Star Island, a strong man appeared in a while, and another strong man appeared in a while? What is this special, how many have already appeared?

Moreover, the relationship between Han Fei and the family of Thousand Star City was not good at all. But despite this, this one is still shooting! This made him feel as if he understood what was wrong.

Hei Shaluo Wang has always felt that the power of Broken Star Island is actually not that strong. Even if he knew that there was a Thousand Star City behind Broken Star Island. However, for this he has made enough preparations.

After all, when Tang Yan was there 1800 years ago, Broken Star Island and Ten Thousand Demon Valley were both defeated. The strong have lost a lot of them.

Hei Shaluo Wang originally thought: How many powerhouses could be born in Broken Star Island and Thousand Star City in a mere 1800 years?

Counting the projection that was just wiped out by Han Fei, he was stopped at this moment with three full half-king projections. A venerable peak was actually dragged by a senior venerable. At this moment, he was also in a fierce battle, unable to win.

The Senior Venerable became even more depressed, and was pinched to death by Han Fei. Another one was stopped by an old man who was about to decay. The remaining unmatched combat power was blocked.

It stands to reason that since Han Fei can be the commander of an island, he cannot be a short-sighted person. At this moment, with the power of a half-king he still has, whenever he kills one or two Junior Venerables, this victorious Libra will lean towards humanity.

But Han Fei won't make a move? This makes Heisha Luowang's heart, the secret way is not good.

Han Fei won't make a move?

What does it mean? Means that he still retains strength. He has already confessed the entire holy realm, and he has all played all his cards. Why does he retain his strength?

Immediately, Heishaluowang's whole person is not good: hiss, does this mean that Han Fei is still defending against his own people in Qianxing City? From this moment on, Han Fei didn't even regard himself as an opponent?

Hei Sha Luo Wang figured this out~lightnovelpub.net~ The whole person is not good. Han Fei looked as if he had eaten himself! The loss of my family was so huge, as a result, even the shadow of the wreckage of the king could not be seen!

Immediately, Hei Shaluo Wang set his sights on Han Fei.

Oh no, to be precise, he set his eyes on the star turtle under Han Fei. As long as you can obtain the remains of the king, with your own ability, you can quickly seize the power of the remains of the king.

Road or road or something? Then I'll talk about it later, get the corpse first, and replenish yourself. This is the fundamental strategy to remain invincible.

"Han Fei~"

The star tortoise shivered all over and yelled.

Han Fei turned his hands, with the hanging sky mirror in his hand, the sky curtain unfolded, reflecting himself and the star tortoise completely on Broken Star Island.

Just listen to Han Fei’s voice rippling: "Under this commander, the corpse of the star tortoise town seal king has been credited to mankind for thousands of years. The family wants to prove that they are really fighting for humans? Then, in front of this commander, In the face of a million soldiers, blasted and killed the Black Shalu King."