God of Fishing

Chapter 1443: victory?

Hei Sha Luo Wang knew that he couldn't make a calculation.

Whenever this Thousand Star City family and this Han Fei child unite, do they want to sweep Broken Star Island and **** the king's corpse? That is almost impossible.

Therefore, the Black Chaluo King directly transmitted the voice of the great veners of Thousand Star City: "Everyone, this king only needs the corpse of the king. However, you have to be careful about this Han Fei child. It is better to join forces with the half king and punish this son first. Find another king's corpse? How about?"

The words of King Heisha Luo, saying that the aristocratic family is not interested, it is false! Even though several venerables have fallen continuously, the overall strength of the Black Shaluo King is still extremely strong.

Similarly, the strength of Thousand Star City is extremely strong. Even if there are only ten remaining here, they are more than all the venerables of the Seven Great Sects and Broken Star Island combined.

However, Old Monster Chu clearly knows: Thug Academy, has not yet appeared! The appearance of the faceless man is meaningless. Thug ancestors, Ren Tianfei, Han Guanshu... these people are the real trouble.

The power of Broken Star Island, in the eyes of the strong, seems to be empty, lacking the strong to sit down. However, in the entire Thousand-Star City, or the entire Yin-Yang Sky realm, are there really few strong people?

Old Monster Chu probably knew where Han Guanshu had gone.

But where did Ren Tianfei and the mob ancestor go? He really didn't know. Although the ancestor of the thug had turned to the immortal soul, he just showed up a few years ago, and he was only an intermediate sage.

However, from the shot a few years ago, it can be seen that the way the thug ancestor grew up was quite strange. He seems to be on an evil path, so he grows extremely fast.

There is also Ren Tianfei, the strength of this person is the most uncertain. Sometimes, it is rumored that he is only in the high-ranking state; sometimes, he is considered to be the pinnacle; sometimes, he is considered to be half-king.

Not only is this person's strength a mystery, but his origin is also a mystery. From beginning to end, no one knows.

Once you do it with Han Fei now? These two people are afraid that they will definitely come out.

The rest of the thug academy is not difficult to deal with. But the two Junior Venerables can handle it all. The seven major sects are also not panic.

Old Monster Chu made a calculation: In terms of strength, what if he really unites with the Black Chaluo King? Han Fei, it's really not necessarily an opponent.

However, the price of doing this is: to destroy the millions of human races on Broken Star Island at the same time. After strangling Han Fei, the aristocratic family had to compete with the Black Shalu King for the king's corpse.

It seems that it is not worthwhile to fight to the end.

Han Fei and the others have been wiped out, but it is difficult for the family to reach the end. If you are not careful, you will be criticized by thousands of people and rejected by all beings.


Old Monster Chu struck out, a **** hand, locked in the void, and buckled the projection of the Senior Venerable of the Black Brake Conch King, like a wave surging, terrifying and pure energy, rioting.


With a violent explosion, the Heisha Snail King cast another projection and died.

Han Fei looked at all this blankly.

It's just a projection of a high-level sage, is this what a half-king realm powerhouse should have? Old Monster Chu, is it possible to fool yourself with this?

When he had just obtained the power of half king, he easily killed Ziyuchuan with just one blow.

"Boom boom boom~"

At this moment, on the other side, Cao Shuang, from the Cao family, fisted like a thunder, with momentum like a dragon. It seemed that all of a sudden, I took some time out of power, and punched out, from the void to reality. Venerable Siren in the fierce battle was directly shattered.


When the swallowing technique was activated, Cao Shuang directly swallowed a large amount of energy of the Sea-Monster Lord, and even the shattered blood and corpses were swallowed as energy by him.

Only this time, Han Fei did not help him.

But Cao Shuang didn't mean to ask Han Fei to help, a tentacle stretched out between his brows.


Ten thousand electric currents blasted through a thousand miles of void. A figure was blown out as soon as it had condensed into half.

Cao Shuang took out a bead. One plant was thrown out, and in the void, a big hole in space like a black hole burst out.


The Sea-Monster Venerable, halfway through the **** rebirth, was twisted into the pure black cave.


In the sky, a blood stain penetrated, and the blood rain exploded again.

After many consecutive blood rains, millions of soldiers on Broken Star Island are all used to it.

Han Fei said: This is a great battle! For 10,000 years, there have been no such battles.

Most people also understand: In fact, what is really hard to fight is not their battle on the frontline battlefield. The frontline battlefield is just evenly matched. The enemy and us also need to rely on numbers, cooperation, battle formations, and command to fight.

However, at the level of explorers, in fact, these are no longer needed. At this level, there are all beings that can penetrate the void.

Han Fei's eyes narrowed slightly: Sure enough, the family is still bullying and fearing hardship. It stands to reason that my own side, at least on the bright side, must be the weakest among the three parties.

Even if there are three people including Lao Han, the ancestor of the mob, and Ren Tianfei, if the old monster Chu and the Black Shaluo are united, the probability of winning here is still not high.

Even if you are really desperate, you can fight at best. Want to completely strangle the family? This is obviously still a little unlikely.

But Old Monster Chu did not choose to shoot himself. At that time, Han Fei knew that he was right.

But in this way, Han Fei began to worry again: his own combat power is too little! If Jing'er doesn't use it, then when the king's corpse fights behind, she might still be at a disadvantage...

"Huh? Wait..."

Han Fei's heart suddenly moved: The corpse of the king?


Han Fei suddenly seemed to understand something: the corpse of the king, the corpse of the king. What these people want to grab is the corpse of the king, let them grab it! Is it about your own wool?

Han Fei immediately shouted: "Aristocratic family, only the Cao family is tough enough? Old monster Chu, do you think, Han Fei, I don’t know how strong the half-king is? You killed a high-ranking sage, very proud Are everyone else playing fake?"

Just listen to the Yang Family Yang Kun shouting: "Han Fei, I am waiting for the fight here, what are you doing?"

Han Fei suddenly yelled back: "Are you qualified to ask this commander? There are always three or five venerables who died in the hand of this commander. What are you, have you killed a venerable?"

Roaring to Yang Kun, Han Fei said indifferently: "This commander knows that you want the corpse of the king... do you want it? The commander will give it to you. This commander has never believed that a corpse can create a king. I, Han Fei, if I want to step into the road to becoming a king, I don’t care about a corpse of a king in this area. Want the corpse of a king, don’t you? This commander, as the supreme commander of Broken Star Island, can give you a rule. Who will kill many enemies? , Whoever gets more corpses of the king! Whoever kills fewer, then there is nothing."

Seeing everyone's expressions of surprise, Han Fei sneered: "This commander speaks, always counts. If he doesn't even have this strength, how can he be a king? I, of course, this commander said, including the explorer. The realm, the realm of law enforcement, and the realm of submerged fishermen, take this as a comprehensive judgment.

The Yang family's cerebral palsy, his eyes are bright: "Han Fei, is this true?"

Han Fei sneered: "This commander, why did you deceive you? Your family is not more difficult to deal with than the Kraken. The big deal, this commander swears to Dadao, provided that you kill the enemy first."


Before waiting for the aristocratic family and the seven major sects, the Black Chaluo King intended to withdraw from the battle first.

Such a war has no meaning anymore.

Judging from the current combat power, all the hole cards on his side have been opened. Although inside the wall of death, there are still channels that can extend out. However, if you take the channel, the price is not small!

Even if those channels are to be used, at least some people must be allowed to escape.

As soon as the Black Chaluo King retreated, the remaining Siren Venerable began to retreat one after another tacitly.

He saw Han Fei's hand, and the Sky Mirror flipped his hand to illuminate it, accurately hitting the picture of the Venerable retreating away.

Just listen to Han Fei's shout, and the entire Broken Star Island was heard: "All the soldiers, the Black Shalu King is defeated, and the Siren is starting to escape. Everyone, the battle of the ages, it is time to end this day...! Follow this handsome ,kill……"



At that time, the entire Broken Star Island was boiling.

Someone has just been rotated, ready to take a break before going to the battlefield. Seeing a scene on the Xuantian Waterfall, he suddenly roared: "You win, you must win, kill!"

Someone was overjoyed with a frantic face: "Hahaha, I can't believe it, the siren has this day."


Having fled, it shows that this is the decision made by Heishaluo King after thousands of considerations.

The Black Brake Snail King also knows: After this great war ~lightnovelpub.net~ the strength of Ten Thousand Demon Valley will directly fall to the bottom. But he had to go! If you leave, you can at least retain a portion of your combat power... If you don't leave, it's almost the same as waiting for death.

It was only at this moment that the Black Brake Snail King discovered that whether it was Broken Star Island led by Han Fei, or the family that represented the strongest combat power of Thousand Star City, he had never regarded himself as the ultimate opponent.

This point made Heisha Luowang's whole person bad.

Own, dignified, been played by someone?

It's ridiculous that I believe from beginning to end that the sea-monster army led by me is the strongest.


The voice of Heichaluowang rippled the world.

The sea-monster army, who had long been beaten to lose its temper, heard that it was about to withdraw. At that time, it was Sa Yazi who ran out.

Han Fei's voice followed closely: "All of them, chase the enemy for thousands of miles, kill..."