God of Fishing

Chapter 151: 1st Tip

Xiao Zhan's words severely stimulated the five people present. Five people, including a peak fisherman, are going to win an angler?

Luo Luobai did not hesitate and said, "Yes."

Xiao Xia Chan's eyes lightened: "Just right, I also want to try."

Han Fei is also looking forward to it. What is the angler like?

Only musicians murmured, "I'm a armored division, and it's up to you to fight."

Everyone: "Cut ..."

Obituary Ren Yu looked at the white old man around him and said, "After a certain amount of strength, does the number make no sense?"

Old Man Bai: "You haven't experienced the fighting of that year, what's the difference in level, admit defeat? They have five comprehensive professions, not to mention a stick of incense, even if you kill the strongest in the realm of anglers.

Obituary frowns: "I haven't experienced the fighting of that year, but I haven't seen a few junior big fishermen who can beat the anglers."

Uh ...

In the field, five people lined up in turn.

Luo Luobai: "Begin."

Everyone is used to Luo Xiaobai's decisiveness. At this moment, she shouted, and that was the start of the battle.

Everyone: "Fusion."

Han Fei: "Appendage."

Although Han Fei now has a bit of control over the fusion of twin yin and yang swallowing fish, it is not enough, so the fusion at the beginning may be a big deal.

Luo Luo Xiaobai: "Bind!"

In all directions, numerous flower vines burst out and bound Xiao Zhan's limbs, waist, and neck directly.

Luo Luo Xiaobai: "Biting."

Xiao Xia Chan: "Shadow Kill ..."

"Sword Storm."

Zhang Xuanyu: "Seven waves of the angry sea."

Han Fei: "Seven Star Chain ..."

Instantly, five people shot at the same time. Luo Xiaobai's vine, Han Fei's chain entangled, the swords of the madman's mad box came out. Xia Xiaochan already appeared behind Xiao Zhan, and two daggers were inserted directly into Xiao Zhan's neck. Zhang Xuanyu's frontal attack also came instantly.

In the blink of an eye, Xiao Zhan was surrounded by brilliant combat skills.


"嘭 ..."

I saw Xiao Zhan's body suddenly burst into a strong aura, centering on himself, suddenly burst out.

With only one shock, Zhang Xuanyu and Xia Xiaochan were collapsed. The sword of the musician's madness made a jingling sound, but none could break through Xiao Zhan's aura.

非 Han Fei and the musician looked at each other wildly: "Hit."

This is a combined combat technique developed by Han Fei and Leren Kuang. Both of them are of amazing strength, and at the same time they slam out, no less than a small hill.

"嘭 ..."

On top of Xiao Zhan's two fists, Reiki rolled out, and in front of the two bodies, he blasted out, but saw the musician flew straight for seven or eight meters and was caught by a vine. However, Han Fei used his aura at that moment. At the moment when he was about to fly out, the purple bamboo stick boxed on Xiao Zhan's knee.

Xiao Xiaozhan's left leg was slightly bent, and her aura was smashed. Han Fei also took the opportunity to fly, but did not fly out. I saw Han Fei's foot empty, and his double-knife shot at the waist, inserted directly into Xiao Zhan's chest, and shouted "spiral blow" at the same time.

Xiao Xia Xiaochan took advantage of Xiao Zhan's aura and disappeared, and the whole person turned to the left of Xiao Zhan like a shadow, stabbed under Xiao Zhan's armpit, sharp blade, visible to the naked eye.

Zhang Xuanyu: "Burning blood ... soul burst."

Luo Luo Xiaobai: "Ghost Whip ..."

As soon as he was repelled for the first time, the crowd immediately began a second round of bombardment, and none fell.

Xiao Xiaozhan yelled, "Bingjia."

He saw only a pair of armored phantoms, and then he punched Xia Xiaochan's dagger with a punch, and a cross fist blocked Han Fei's two daggers.

But at this time Han Fei had arrived, and a solid spiral bombarded in the middle of Xiao Zhan's ribs.

At the same time, a huge vine slammed on Xiao Zhan's left leg. At this time, everyone said in unison: "Fat, a fatal blow."

Qi Leren patted the box with a frantic hand, and a weird knife burst into the air, piercing Xiao Zhan's abdomen.

"Crush ..."

The virtual shadow armor is broken, and the aura is broken.

Xiao Xiao battled his legs, but didn't stop his hands. He grabbed Han Fei's stick with one hand, and caught Xia Xiaochan's hand with one hand, and threw the two at the same time.

The only thing that made Xiao Zhan a little bit swaying was that his mind was attacked by Zhang Xuanyu. He can cope with attacks from all directions, but he can't cope with soul attacks.

Uh ...

After half of the column incense, the music player was the first to die. His armor and combat skills were too much, even if Han Fei gave him enough aura, he was already pale.

Zhang Xuanyu was caught by Xiao Zhan and she slaps her head and lays on the ground.

Han Fei: "Two unmotivated. Xia Xiaochan, Blade Storm."

With two swords in hand, Han Fei and Xia Xiaochan shot at the same time. I only saw Xiao Zhan's knife spreading around him, knocking "Ding-Dang-Dang."

Relatively speaking, Xia Xiaochan, as a hunter, was even more violent when he shot. On Xiao Zhan's body, many white marks were left, and his skin was even cut. Han Fei beat soy sauce. Although he also cut a lot of Xiao Zhan's knives, he failed to cut the flesh.

Xiao Xiaozhan: "You're done? It's me."

Xiao Xiao Zhan fiercely drank, not far away his own armor box opened. The same is the sky sword lightsaber shadow. For a time, no one else can get in. Luo Xiaobai's vines were crushed in a short time, and there was no chance of approaching.

This state lasted for nearly 30 breaths, Han Fei found helplessly that most of his clothes were broken, Xia Xiaochan spit out his blood, and retreated. She did not have Han Feina's abnormal defense.

Luo Luo Xiaobai: "Han Fei, it's time."

非 Han Fei sank: "Fusion."

When the yin and yang god's eyes appeared, Han Fei immediately revealed his face and made a "Hey" sound.

As a result, everyone only saw Han Fei facing Xiao and Xiao Zhan. But everyone also apparently found that Xiao Zhan's sword couldn't cut Han Fei, and each time he was dodged by Han Fei.

In the distance, the old white man's eyes froze slightly: "In the future, the ability of the yin and yang god's eyes is forbidden to use him."

Obituary Ren Yu nodded: "It's too wicked, so I'm afraid that someone who cares about me will remember it."

Old Man Bai: "Well, it can't be recognized for the time being. He is too weak now, and premature exposure is really not good."

Obituary Ren Yu nodded: "Is this a pass?"

Old Man Bai: "Reluctantly! The battle is well coordinated. However, the application of the soul beast and the contract spirit beast is extremely bad."

"Hey, hey, Han Fei, it's time." The musician yelled beside him.

Xia Xiaochan frowned and said, "It's no use calling him now, I have to wait for him to stop playing."

Zhang Xuanyu got up from the ground, booing, "This yin and yang god's eye is indeed a bit powerful! It seems that one guy can't do this guy."

Luo Luo Xiaobai: "I'm coming."

He said, dozens of vines shot at Han Fei. However, Han Fei's body only twisted a few times ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ A few flashes of cold light, the vines fell to the ground.

Zhang Xuanyu said, "You can't touch him if you say anything."

Xiao Xia cuckolded her dagger and stopped paying attention: "Okay! What shall we eat today? How about hot pot?"

"I agree, and barbecue."

Zhang Xuanyu said, "Did you eat any day?"

Xia Xiaochan: "I go to the plantation to pick the spiritual fruit."

Qi Leren rushed after him: "I'll go with you."

After half an hour, Xia Xiaochan and Lerenkang came back with a big parcel, and found that Han Feizhen was lying on the ground and looked at them with a tilted head.

"You two have no conscience, I'm fighting over there, you pick vegetables?"

Wu Xia Xiaochan said indifferently: "No one wants you to continue to fight. Look, you can't even control your own soul beast. Blame us?"

Han Fei: "..."

Xiao Xia Chan: "What's the trick?"

Luo Luo Xiaobai raised his hand.

Xiaoxia Chan quickly ran to grab the bag and read, "The Bihai Arena has a hundred winning streak."

Luo Luo Xiaobai said indifferently: "I heard that Bihai Arena has only two hundred winning streaks since its opening. The last time was 30 years ago. It was our thug college that broke the record."

Zhang Xuanyu sat on the trunk and sighed: "The teacher said that this is the easiest of the six tricks. If you want to go to the fishing ground, complete this first."