God of Fishing

Chapter 198: Acupuncture waters

Acanthus jellyfish is not a rare jellyfish in the secondary fishery, but because the jellyfish group is too large, it will inevitably appear several variants, rare, and even rumors that there are strange species. In ancient times, there were legendary stinger jellyfish.

Walking in the ocean, jellyfish are like umbrellas and mushrooms. Especially by listening to the name of the electric jellyfish, this jellyfish can generate electricity.

However, some people also say that the thorn electric jellyfish is adorable and likes to play.

韩 When Han Fei reached the area of ​​Echinopsis water, he could always see a few scattered Echinopsis jellyfish floating on the sea. Even if it's dead, the blue hat looks great.

Qi Leren swallowed spit, "Go straight?"

Zhang Xuanyu shook her head: "Don't worry, this is only the marginal area, let's go down to the center area."

The music people were speechless: "I heard that the jellyfish group is very large, with thousands or even more."

Zhang Xuanyu said indifferently: "Afraid? Your thousand-edged tortoises can smash them in a minute. Little white vines can also protect us easily. Xia Xiaochan can still blink, and I have to worry that it is me and Han Fei ,Ok?"

Han Fei said, "Don't worry about me, I can control the water."

Zhang Xuanyu: "..."

Everyone counted up and went straight to the water.

As soon as I entered the water, everyone felt wrong. If you put it elsewhere, you can basically see the fish as long as you enter the water. As a result, there aren't, or very few fish here. I was dived for more than ten meters, and everyone saw a bonefish swimming in front of everyone in a hurry. Moreover, there is no intention to attack.

Five people stared at a fish like a fool, watched it come over, watched it leave.

Luo Luo Xiaobai heard: "Everyone be careful. It's not dangerous to talk nonsense, dive slowly."

Everyone nodded and dived for about 50 meters. Then they saw the blue-hat, white-striped spinel jellyfish floating slowly in the water.

There are only three or five meters above and below, so no one is afraid. The crowd also purposely surrounded the past. After all, they had not been to the secondary fishing grounds.

数据 The data flashed in Han Fei's eyes.

名称 [Name] Thorn Electric Jellyfish

【Level】 25

[Quality] Normal

[Reiki] 250 points

[Edible effect] Long-term consumption can improve the body's ability to resist electricity

[Can be collected] None


非 Han Fei remained calm, Zhang Xuanyu approached two meters away and looked carefully. As a result, the stinger jellyfish seemed to find something coming and floated over automatically. The small umbrella opened and closed, dragging its long tail, it was beautiful.

In the eyes of everyone, this thorny jellyfish also slowly moved around, without any intention of attack, and even wanted to use his head to slap Zhang Xuanyu.

Xiao Xia Chan: "It's so cute, can I touch it?"

Luo Luo Xiaobai: "Don't ..."

Without waiting for Luo Xiaobai to speak, when Xia Xiaochan touched the stinging jellyfish, a current "snap" and hit Xia Xiaochan, and a "snap" electric current blew. She shivered.

Xiao Xia Chan retreated quickly. As a result, the thorny electric jellyfish sprouts his head, and strikes Xia Xiaochan for two more times. It was found that no one was stinging, the current flashed a few times in his small eyes, and chased directly towards Xia Xiaochan.

Xiao Xia Chan was shocked: "Go away, you electrician monster."

The crowd only saw Xia Xiaochan dodging, and the stinging jellyfish chased slowly. From time to time, a trace of current erupted in his body, seemingly playing around with Xia Xiaochan.

Han Fei is thoughtful. Jellyfish have eyes, or are not real eyes. They are primitive visual organs, called stipples. They are similar to compound eyes of insects. Shadow changes.

However, this jellyfish jellyfish is different from the jellyfish that Han Fei has seen in the first-class fishing ground. This stinger jellyfish has evolved eyes and 4 eyes.

非 Han Fei's voice: "Be careful, the stinger jellyfish has eyes, and they can find us directly by sight. Little cicada, kill it."

Xia Xiachan said for a moment: "Don't you? Although it can call people, it's so cute!"

Han Fei: "then think about it, thousands of stinging jellyfish jellyfish try on you?"

After Xia Xiaochan's falcon, she had a little jellyfish. Thousands and thousands, should you electrocute yourself?

The Xia Xiaochan's dagger flickered, and the thorny jellyfish was cut directly into seven or eight pieces and began to sink slowly.

The music people wondered, "Well, they don't seem to attack people!"

Luo Luo Xiaobai's voice: "No, I took the initiative. It's just that the electric jellyfish is too slow, so it looks like it is playing a game with Xiao Chan."

Xia Xiaochan said, "Is that so? I thought it was playing a game with me ..."

The crowd continued to dive, and when they were 70 or 80 meters away, they saw a large number of stinging jellyfish. At a glance, there must be hundreds or thousands. And the further down, the more acupuncture jellyfish.

Everyone's eyes were blocked quickly because the tail of a creature like jellyfish was too long. Ordinary jellyfish can reach twenty or thirty meters, and this common spiked jellyfish also has a long tail of twenty or thirty meters. A large number of tails floated along the water, seriously obstructing everyone's sight.

When I waited for several people to try to get through the group of Acanthos jellyfishes, they had just penetrated the group of Atomic Jellyfishes and immediately found out that they were wrong.

Xiao Luo's face changed greatly: "Hurry away, all jellyfish are approaching us."

Zhang Xuanyu's face was fierce: "Dive down. If we go back, we will come in vain."

Although the jellyfish group was approaching, the crowd dived quickly, but the more they went down, the more they were shocked. Too many, and the stinger jellyfishes are almost dense.

Everyone saw a lot of jellyfish's tails, and they even became entangled. A thought appeared in everyone's mind, if these jellyfish discharge together ...?

"Crap ..."

Almost in sync with everyone's thoughts, the whole water exploded instantly. Within a hundred meters of the circle, the current was vertical and horizontal, and Luo Xiaobai had no time to cover the crowd with vines. But in the water, how could vines block the current?

At that moment, everyone was shaking, they were electrocuted, and their bodies were shaking.

"唔唔唔 ..."

Zhang Xuanyu rolled her eyes with electricity: "little little ... mad mad ... sword sword ah ah ah ah ah ..."

Just like Zhang Xuanyu, Xie Leren was released from his body while being electrified: "Thousands of smoke and smoke blades um um um ..."

"蹭蹭 蹭 ..."

Thousands of knife blades lay around, and a large number of spiked jellyfishes were crushed. However, the entire water area is already full of electricity. Even if the electric jellyfish is dead, the current does not disappear immediately!

Everyone shivered for a long time, Zhang Xuanyu finally "coughed" and sprayed blood, Luo Xiaobai followed closely behind. The musician was more exaggerated, with white foam spraying out of his mouth, and his eyes turned white.

Only Han Fei and Xia Xiaochan are fine. Www.lightnovelpub.net ~ Han Fei seems to be accustomed to electricity. I have eaten the thunderous nine days, and the dragon eel made me stiff. Such a large group of thorny jellyfish, the current added up, is not even worse than a shock from a dragon eel.

As for Xia Xiaochan, he was split by thunder with Han Fei at the top of the mountain. Although most of the thunder and lightning were eaten by Han Fei, this gadget is highly conductive and Xia Xiaochan can withstand it, which means that it is very different in physical constitution.

At this moment, everyone can understand why the big fishermen have never returned. This is so corona for ordinary people! Didn't see the fat guy Lerenkang, foamed his mouth, and rolled his eyes?

非 Han Fei was carrying a divine healing technique while holding his arms. It may be in a state of tremor, and Shenyushu has not been able to perform, causing several people to look at him with some resentment.

非 Han Fei's voice: "Not to blame ... me, Reiki ... not so good ... control."

Outside, Qianjian Turtle also gave a little electricity. At this moment, Qian Qianzhe's momentum has greatly diminished, and it barely lasted for a minute, and the people slowly recovered.

Han Fei immediately lost a few healers to a few people, and then said: "Run! Why are you bothering? Fat man, put away your thousand-edged tortoise, or use your own armor, or else it is Can be electrocuted alive. "

The music fanatic: "Or else, go back?"

Everyone looked up, glanced above, and suddenly their faces turned black, and they returned hair? It's full of electric jellyfish, and the long-tailed tentacles are about to fling to your face.

Xiao Xia Chan: "Run."