God of Fishing

Chapter 2346: Big killer, pi

Han Fei has never underestimated the Avenue of Time. In fact, even his not very strong Avenue of Time has saved him countless times.

Therefore, he showed a keen interest in the natural manifestation of the way of time.

For example, Han Fei scholars are natural, using the power of time to confine the possibility of natural dislocation of time. Then, countless fist imprints burst out, wanting to see how nature responds.

However, only a little bit of natural finger was seen, time was still, only Han Fei, who was added by the rhyme of time, was unaffected, and his fist imprints actually stagnated in the void.

"No. She can be static in time, and I should also remove the static in time. Since I am not affected by the static in time, there should be several ways to crack it. Add the rhyme of time to the attack, or turn this into my own domain. ."

Han Fei already had the skills in his mind. When he made his next punch, Time Daoyun was overlaid on the punch mark.

Just listen to natural scornful smile: "Such a simple application, you know nothing about time."

Han Fei didn't feel ashamed because of being laughed at. After all, he didn't study this way very much, and the Avenue of Time was also difficult to walk.

Seeing that the fist mark attached to Dao Yun was blocked by another piece of time Dao Yun, the fist mark exploded in the void.

Han Fei felt strange at the time, why could the other party's Time Daoyun block his own Time Daoyun? Although the avenues are the same, the frequency of time that everyone explodes is different, right?

"Fuck, she sees through the power nature of her own Time Daoyun?"

Han Fei couldn't help but gave birth to such an idea, but he was not discouraged. Because of the usage of Time Daoyun, he feels that it is limited. Time is misplaced, time flows forward, time flows backward, time reverses, time stands still...

This kind of thing should be about ideas and mastery of the avenue of time. Of course, the idea is also based on the degree of understanding of the Avenue of Time.

Han Fei is still lacking in understanding, but he has a lot of ideas ahead of time. It's just not implemented.

For example, at the sight of her own attacks that can’t hurt Nature, Han Fei’s heart moved. What she added to her fist mark was the power of disorder, that is, the chaotic power of the power of time flowing in different directions. How can she capture it? Your own time avenue frequency?

When I thought about it, Han Fei forced a shot, and the time around him was chaotic. But this time, unlike the chaotic time that Han Fei had just made, this time it caused a strong shock in space.

Just listen to the natural shout: "You don't understand anything, use it indiscriminately. The chaotic power of time requires an extraordinary carrier..."

But the next moment, the void around Han Fei exploded, and a storm suddenly broke out, but Han Fei's punch still came out.

I saw that Han Fei was as steady as Mount Tai in the midst of the void storm.

And the time that was thought to be chaotic, but a strange cycle appeared, all the power of chaotic time was sucked into this inexplicable time cycle.

So even if Han Fei's surroundings are chaotic, he will be in peace.

Even the old man and the young man couldn't help being surprised.

The man was surprised: "This is, time loop? How can he shape the power of time loop now."

The old man frowned slightly, pondered for a moment and said: "No, this is not the cycle of time. This is the frequency of the cycle of time."


The youth looked dumbfounded, what, what? Why didn't I understand?


The old man said: "You have all learned this technique. It is not the cycle of time, but the quantification of time. You should remember that the Void Temple has a great art description. Quantifying the rhyme of time can be used to quantify time within 10 units. , To construct a time attack method that only you can use and others cannot crack. However, this is chaotic time."

The young man frowned: "Remembering is remembering, but how to quantify it like this? It stands to reason that the time at this frequency will cause chaos. Why is he not chaotic at all? The power of time can't hurt him at all."

Old man: "As long as he follows a certain frequency, he will not be affected by the chaos. The time forward and backward frequency he found does not contain the current point in time, but at the moment when the time Daoyun bursts out, in the end, it is realized. The loop that goes from end to end... is like a circle."

"A circle?"

The young man didn’t know why, but the old man exclaimed, “Genius, really a peerless arrogant. I can guarantee that he has just realized it. Just now he naturally captured his time and Daoyun, and he was aware of it. So he immediately reacted. , Maybe at first he really wanted to resist with chaotic time. But then he discovered that he could shape the frequency of the rhyme of time. Then, he suddenly found an almost perfect frequency of time."

In fact, as the old man thought, Han Fei did find a unique frequency, which is the legendary pi.

Han Fei's original intention was just to find a time frequency that can't be imitated naturally. Because the natural methods are weird, what if the frequency you find is not complicated and is accidentally cracked by the other party?

Therefore, he thought of the endless Pi, but after using this frequency, Han Fei realized that something unexpected happened to him.

That is, he discovered that the chaotic power of time would not hurt himself at all, and they actually gave birth to an inexplicable cycle of power.

How inexplicable is this power cycle? For example, the punch that Han Fei hit just now was cut to pieces by a natural sword of time.

However, in the next moment, the chopped fist marks regrouped and continued to kill naturally.

"Time stands still."

Natural hastily exploded the power forbidden by time, but Han Fei's punch was not restricted by this power at all, because the time frequency attached to this punch penetrated the natural time frequency.

That's not a big deal. Naturally, I wanted to dislocate Han Fei's punch by time dislocation, but the power of dislocation was just exploded by this punch.

Naturally, the whole person was not good at that time. This person was obviously a newcomer who was not good at anything just now, and his understanding of the Avenue of Time was not deep enough. Why can't he break it with a sudden punch now?

Why can the rhyme of time and Dao that Han Fei strikes can be reorganized if it is broken?

In the end, Naturally drew the Daoyun of Time before him, and after touching Han Fei's punch, he exploded at the same time. This time, Han Fei's punch seemed to want to reunite, but it was annihilated before the reunion was completed.

It's just that the scene of the reunion of the fist marks, the old man, and the young men were all stunned, and with a random punch, they broke the natural many time magic arts? What kind of magical time frequency did Han Fei find?

Naturally they were just surprised, but Han Fei understood why this punch could not be reunited. That's because there is no great technique for absolute perfection, and there is no frequency for absolute perfection.

Pi, there is no end, I only used a thousand bits of fineness, and it was pretty good to be able to cause such a lethality.

In fact, even if you remember ten thousand digits, one hundred thousand digits, the effect may not be much greater than it is now. It is estimated that it will support two more rounds and gather two more times than it is now. The fundamental reason is still related to its own strength.

Naturally, the reason they don’t understand is because the things they come into contact with are not very profound, but they don’t actually understand the simplest things. It's as if they can't calculate the tens of thousands of digits of Pi.

The more complex things are often made up of simplicity, so Han Fei felt that he could win, it seemed natural.

At this moment, Han Fei suddenly grinned and said: "I! Do you have any other means?"

Natural eyes cold: "Don't be proud."

After that, a sword of time appeared in front of Tian Tian. What tricks Han Feixin said?

When the sword came over, Han Fei was preparing to resist. But the sword disappeared.


Han Fei was puzzled, this sword just disappeared completely, disappearing inexplicably, unreasonable.

But at this moment, the Time Sword Region naturally burst out around Han Fei, one after another time sword, killing Han Fei.

Han Fei couldn't help saying: "Hey! This trick has been used before! Is there a new one?"

Han Fei casually threw out a sea of ​​swords, and none of this so-called Time Sword Realm could touch him.


Just when Han Fei was about to continue clamoring, suddenly, a sword of time appeared in front of him, the one that had disappeared before.

The sudden appearance of this sword, even his own sense of crisis, appeared at the moment the sword appeared.

If this were for ordinary people, he would have been chopped by this sword long ago, because he could not keep up with resisting or evading.


Han Fei stole the power of this sword of time again, and as expected, he still couldn't underestimate the people of the Temple of Time. What is this trick? The sword that disappeared a moment ago, UU came out after reading www.uukanshu.com a moment. If it comes from a long river of time, then I can definitely see it. The key is that there was no movement for a long time just now.

It's as if this sword is jumping out of thin air for a period of time.

Han Fei's heart moved. This is a super big technique. If he learns this technique, it will match the Pi frequency that he has just understood. This shot is simply unpredictable.

Therefore, Han Fei did not hesitate to grab it again and directly stolen the natural highway.

Naturally, it is not Yi Qianxing, and he has no ability to evade stealing in an instant. Therefore, when this sword appeared in Han Fei's hands, Naturally forgot how to use the Avenue of Time.

Naturally suddenly horrified: "You, what did you do to me? Why can't I feel the avenue of time?"

Han Fei casually swung the natural sword out, cut open the Time Sword Domain, and said lightly: "I have temporarily sealed it, and after a while, it will naturally recover."

Even the old man couldn't help frowning: "The seal? Where does the power of the seal come from? Why didn't I feel it?"