God of Fishing

Chapter 2637: Ragnarok (2 in 1)

This is also the first time that Han Fei has seen a god. He doesn't seem to be much different from ordinary people, just a young man with a good appearance.

I saw that the physical heart of this demon god's phantom was beating at the moment, and every time it beat, there was a ray of light like an electric current, which turned into countless electric currents in the phantom's body, and swam out an extremely complex spiritual pulse map.

In this situation, after a full 100 breaths, it slowly stopped. Although Han Fei couldn't understand it, it should be the heart of the devil that was running the veins of the soul.

It was not until Bai Baixi that the Demon God opened his mouth and said, "There are still great secrets in the sea of ​​souls, and the level involved is not clear to me even now. It is good luck to be able to escape this time. Don't enter the sea of ​​souls."

Han Fei nodded and cupped his hands: "Congratulations to the senior demon **** who has obtained the double veins."

The devil nodded slightly: "Yes! The acquired vein and the original vein of heaven and earth are incomparable. Dual veins are the foundation of the ultimate balance. Today, you and I should be the only ones in this world with dual veins. However, I have another Something needs your help."

Han Fei: "Senior Demon God, please tell me, as long as the junior can do it, he will spare no effort."

The ghost of the devil's soul slightly raised the corners of his mouth: "This matter is also more troublesome. If this is done, I can help you unconditionally once. In addition, I can give you a self-created magical technique. The way of extreme balance can be repaired, and it is called Ragnarok of the Gods."

Han Fei: "..."

For a while, Han Fei had a hard time imagining what kind of divine art this was. Only those with extreme balance can cultivate it. Does that mean that only he and the devil can use it in this world... Oh no, there are also Qinglian and Honglian These two sisters can also use it. Doesn't this mean that the magic **** created the magic technique for the ultimate balance?

However, this kind of magic and magic must be passed on to him. It seems that it is not easy for him to help himself!

In fact, the soul sea and the others don't really contribute much by themselves, mainly because the devil himself is awesome, otherwise he wouldn't be able to save his soul body.

However, it is actually dangerous to say that it is dangerous. If you are not careful, it will be an irreversible result.

Therefore, although Han Fei was curious and wanted, he could only promise: "Thank you, Senior Demon God, I don't know what Senior Demon God needs to help me?"

He only listened to the demon god: "No hurry, you can think about it after listening to it. Before that, let me ask you, do you know the origin of the sea of ​​gods and demons?"

Han Feidao: "I heard rumors that in the past, many people tried to take the path of extreme balance, but because they did not have the conditions to practice this path, they were distorted one after another, and they were called demons by the sea world. This Dao is the Dao of the Devil. The Daoist of the Devil, due to distortions, great changes in temperament, cruel and bloodthirsty, is not tolerated by the powers of the sea world, so there are powerful people who open up the sea of ​​gods and devils and suppress all those who practice this Dao in the in."

The devil smiled lightly: "I, the rumors are not a big problem. But, do you know who opened up the sea of ​​gods and devils?"

Han Fei shook his head, but suddenly raised his head to look at the devil. Hearing this, it seemed that something was wrong.

No, I saw the devil nodded slightly: "It's me."

Han Fei: "..."

At that time, Han Fei's whole person was not well, and he said why the devil asked this, because he created the sea of ​​gods and devils.

Han Fei wasn't stupid either. The devil created the sea of ​​gods and devils for the purpose of suppressing these people. It should be that the devil discovers that the further back this road is, the bigger the problem will be. If it is not for those with dual veins, these people may become disasters when they grow up, and this is the last resort, and places like the Sea of ​​Gods and Demons are set up.

The devil doesn't care what Han Fei thinks now, just listen to him: "Since you have seen Xuanwu, you should know that there are many top-level powerhouses suppressed in the sea of ​​gods and devils, and there are also many emperor-level powerhouses. It is the Sea of ​​Gods and Demons itself that cannot suppress them. Therefore, I can only succeed if I sit in the Sea of ​​Gods and Demons with myself."

Han Fei couldn't help but look at the Demon God's heart, as if he had guessed what the Demon God wanted to do.

But I saw the devil nodding: "Yes, this is busy, and it is to bring my spirit of the gods to the sea of ​​gods and devils. Only when my two veins are united can I be a real god, and can I give all the strong people who are suppressed in it. Another way out."

Han Fei didn't speak, just waiting for the devil to continue.

If you just simply send the devil's heart over, it shouldn't make the devil pay such a huge price. An unconditional shot, an original magical technique, shouldn't be so easy to get.

Sure enough, the Demon God continued: "However, this trip is not easy. At the time when I was in the Buried God Ridge, although I eventually became a god, it was not allowed by the way of heaven. The way of heaven, after the calamity of the gods, will not give up. Death. As a last resort, I cut off my demon body and sealed myself. Today, since I have not united my two veins, I still look different in this world. So I can't appear directly in the sea world."

Han Fei had a bad premonition in his heart. He couldn't go directly to the sea, so how could he send it?

Han Fei: "Senior mean, boarding?"

Demon God: "Yes, my heart will reside in your body, and it will seal itself to the greatest extent, preventing the world from perceiving. However, even if I hide myself, my luck will affect you, so during this period, You may have bad luck. It's not that this world wants to kill you. It's just that the rules of heaven and earth will spontaneously purify and eradicate those uncontrollable forces. Therefore, before you send my heart to the sea of ​​gods and demons, you can only rely on I can't help you myself. Otherwise, I might still be alive, but you probably won't be able to survive under the punishment of God."

"Doomed? God's punishment."

Han Fei's heart froze, sure enough, this opportunity is still not easy to take!

I just heard Han Fei weakly ask: "Senior Demon God, how difficult is this bad luck?"

Demon God: "I hide in your body, so Heavenly Dao naturally thinks that you are a variable, and the bad luck is naturally aimed at you. As for the difficulty, it is naturally aimed at your strength, but it is not too exaggerated, most of the danger is still It comes from the Open Heaven Realm. But if the power of the Open Heaven Realm is invalid for you, the Emperor Venerable Realm powerhouse is also very likely to attack you. But the Emperor Venerable who shoots against you should not be too strong, after all, this bad luck is only based on Your strength, like the strength of the stick in your hand, should be the limit. This is why I want you to cultivate five chain locks in advance. The stronger you are, the stronger the ability to save your life. "

After a pause, the devil said again: "Of course, if you can let the people from the Void Temple help you, this matter will be very simple."

Han Fei immediately shook his head: "This matter is still my brother and sister who don't bother."

The Demon God didn't say anything. He seemed to know a little about the Void Temple. Han Fei was reluctant, naturally because there were only three chances in total, one less than one use, and the price/performance ratio was no worse than the unconditional shot promised by the Demon God.

Han Fei had a calculation in his mind. If it was only the strength of the Open Heaven Realm to stop him, then he would definitely not be afraid. But at the level of Liu Qiansi, to be honest, it is difficult to deal with.

Although he has condensed five Dao locks now, but the Dao locks can't be opened, his combat power is no different from before, so it is quite dangerous to encounter Liu Qiansi's level.

It was a coincidence that he was able to capture Liu Qiansi, and he fought hard. But the reality is that in most cases, it is impossible for you to fight with all your strength, and that will only make others miss out.

However, the only consolation is that since he captured Liu Qiansi, he is equivalent to having an extra emperor-level combat power by his side.

Han Fei: "If this is the case, the junior can give it a try."

Han Fei thought that the distance from the western mining area to the northern mining area was actually good. He hurried on the road with all his heart, and it only took a few months to get there. Then from the northern mining area into the sea of ​​gods and demons, it will take at most one month, and if it is fully calculated, two months is enough.

That's it, Han Fei calculated the occurrence of some unexpected events, which would take some time.

The Demon God smiled lightly. Before speaking, he was worried that Han Fei would have any accident, but after hearing that Han Fei was a disciple of the Void Temple, he had no worries.

Being able to become a disciple of the Void Temple, coupled with the urination of the Void Temple, he felt that the probability of Han Fei falling into a situation of ten deaths and no life is directly zero.

He just listened to the devil said, "Come forward."

When the senior brother was paying attention, Han Fei was not afraid. When he came to the Demon God, he saw that the ghost of the Demon God's soul suddenly dispersed into a wisp of blue smoke, which was collected into the beating heart.

The next moment, I saw the heart "swish" and drilled into Han Fei's body, which was also where Han Fei's heart was. It's like being possessed.

Han Fei was about to investigate when suddenly a fresh air rushed into his mind, and the next moment, countless complicated and secret texts appeared in his mind and disappeared.

Soon, information appeared in Han Fei's mind:

"Twilight of the Gods" [No Grade]

Introduction: Twilight of the Gods, the Demon God created the original double-killing magic technique. This technique can combine power and gods into one, make the two intensify each other, and give birth to the power of the source of chaos, which can slay gods and destroy armor and destroy all things. The law of broken avenues. This technique can be applied to any tactics, so that it has the characteristics of double-killing of the legal body and doubles the combat power. It can also be independently blended into a strike, destroying gods and slaughtering demons.

Deduction consumption: cannot be deduced

Effect: Double Kill

Remarks: This technique is only for those who practice the way of balance, others who practice it will not adjust the body of the law and suffer backlash.

"The magic double-killing technique?"

Han Fei was stunned. Previously, only his Yangshen had left the body, and with the God-killing gloves, he could form the effect of the law-killing technique. But that's just before the late stage of Huaxing, and after the late stage of Huaxing, there are actually not many people who have cultivated into the sun god. Although their cultivation is not as good as their own, high and low people are also considered sun gods.

Although he can still use the transcendent power of double-killing, but for the real powerhouse, the effect is greatly reduced.

But the Ragnarok of the Gods is different. This completely creates a third power. This kind of power from the source of chaos can make any fighting technique and any killing technique have the characteristics of double-killing with the legal body, and it does not need the Yangshen to separate from the body. Even this kind of power can shatter the Dao Law, which is the top priority.

To be able to break the power of the Great Dao, Han Fei took it for granted. But the power of breaking the law, Han Fei called it high energy, doesn't this mean that he has the power to fight Emperor Zun?

Han Fei was sure that this technique was definitely the strongest magic technique he had ever seen so far. In the early stage, the divine art of apocalypse might be comparable to it, but the significance of divine art of apocalypse lies in healing and recovery, and this art is in killing. In the later stage, the powerhouse's own resilience is very strong, and the advantage of Ragnarok is particularly obvious.

Just listening to the voice of the devil sounded in Han Fei's mind: "I suggest that you practice the Ragnarok before leaving here, or between the emperor's tombs outside. Within this range, Heavenly Dao cannot understand your Abnormal, once you enter the outer sand sea, bad luck will follow."

Han Fei: "Thank you, Senior Demon God for your guidance."

Demon God: "By the way, I need to remind you of two points. First, Ragnarok of the Gods, because other people can't practice, only practice the way of extreme balance, so it's easy to get started. Although you can stay here for a while, don't stop there. The time is too long. Without the support of my soul power, the sha demons and aberrant mine demons here will riot soon, and then this place will become a battlefield. It is meaningless for you to stay here. Time, you can't enter the stars of your life, and you can't make any level of disguise and fate change, you have to be mentally prepared."

"Can't be easy?"

Demon God: "I am not hidden in your heart, but in your body, in your blood, in your form, spirit, and luck. Only by imitating everything from you can I avoid the detection of heaven."

Han Fei's heart froze, if that's the case, wouldn't he have no secrets at all?

Seeming to understand what Han Fei was thinking, the devil said: "I can't understand everything about you. There are infinite pulses, so I can't know everything. Moreover, you have an extremely powerful soul-suppressing artifact and the imprint of the Void Temple. Spy on your soul. As for the rest, even if I don't possess you, I can see through it at a glance."

When the Demon God said this, Han Fei felt more at ease, as long as there were still secrets to speak of. Even his own bloodline can grow and cannot remain unchanged.

"Senior, is it possible to enter other people's natal stars?"

Demon God: "If that person has fallen, yes."

"Understood, junior is fine."


Suddenly, Han Fei felt that the devil was silent, as if he had disappeared from his body at once.

Ragnarok of the Gods definitely needs to be practiced. This divine technique is too powerful. It can double the strength of oneself without opening the Dao Lock. Moreover, it has the characteristics of double killing of the legal body, and it can also break the law without practicing well in advance. That is stupid.

As for the inability to enter the star of life, Han Fei is not surprised. Even if he can enter, he does not want to enter. What if this demon **** came, and his own destiny star could not bear the power of the god, and collapsed directly?

Gu </span> "Ah! Are we out yet?"

At the moment when the Demon God disappeared, Liu Qiansi trembled in Han Fei's hand and made a sound.

Liu Qiansi's first reaction was naturally to observe the surroundings. But from this look, it doesn't seem to be the Emperor Venerable Cemetery. But an unknown cave.

Liu Qiansi: "Where is this? Is the **** alive? Have you seen the god?"


When Liu Qiansi asked curiously, the space where Han Fei was located began to vibrate violently, and the rock fell, and it was about to collapse.

Han Fei: "Shut up."

When it was over, Han Fei grabbed Liu Qiansi, turned around and stepped out. This is a simple passage. Han Fei stepped over the void outside the mountain when he came, and took another step, and people already appeared on the mountain.


At this moment, the Emperor Sparrow also rushed out of Han Fei's body.

When the three of them saw it, the huge statue on the opposite side had collapsed, and the mountain under their feet had begun to tremble.

Emperor Que: "This reverse world is about to collapse, let's go!"

The road was overhead, Han Fei jumped, and the next moment he appeared on the Emperor Zun's cemetery. And the hillside under their feet was not at all abnormal. It seemed that the collapse of the world would not affect this place.

When Han Fei saw Emperor Que come out, the first thing he did was ask: "After I left Soul Sea, what happened there?"

Emperor Que: "No! After you came out, the water cage there collapsed. Originally I wanted to take you with me, but you walked very fast, so I left the place with Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai. By the way, Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai fell into a deep sleep. They devoured a lot of power, and I am afraid that they will not be able to wake up for hundreds of years. But I have already brought them into your natal star, hundreds of years, in a flash But let them sleep."

Han Fei breathed a sigh of relief, everything was fine, he thought something had happened in the soul sea, but fortunately Di Que was wise and escaped from that place.

Xiaohei and Xiaobai fell into a deep sleep. This is a trivial matter. After spending hundreds of years on the star of his own destiny, in reality, it only takes a few years at most.

However, during their trip to the Sea of ​​Gods and Demons, they may not be able to wake up.

Han Fei: "Okay, don't you already have three locks? Just in time, take advantage of this time to hunt the evil spirits here and gather five locks."

Emperor Que: "Huh? So calm, so the devil just let you go?"

Han Fei: "Senior Demon God always asked me for help, and there is nothing to let go."

Di Que tilted her head and glanced at Han Fei, as if she understood something. After leaving that place, Han Fei still maintained his honorary title. In addition, the collapse of the world just now, Di Que was speechless, a tortoise son, the devil will not live in Han Fei now, right?

Seeing Han Fei Wei Wei nodded, Di Que just shut up and stopped talking about the devil. Although he has the pride of a great emperor, he is not a **** after all, and he has not reached the point where he can ignore the existence of a god.

Only Liu Qiansi was dumbfounded. He had no idea what Han Fei had done. Anyway, I knew that I saw Han Fei deformed into a monster, and then changed back again, as if all this had never happened.

A month later.

Above an emperor tomb in this emperor cemetery, the battle is endless. A group of 70 or 80 sha demons are fighting, and those who lose will be quickly swallowed by other sha demons.

The Emperor Sparrow occasionally swept across and entered the battle, killing a Sha from time to time.

On the other side, Han Fei sat cross-legged on a mountain col. Liu Qiansi stood behind Han Fei and protected him.

At this moment, two sha demons discovered their location, and they naturally killed them immediately. Liu Qiansi was about to shoot, but saw that Han Fei suddenly opened his eyes, raised his hand and flicked his fingers, and a sword burst out.


I saw that the bodies of these two evil spirits were torn apart, and their soul bodies were immediately annihilated.

Liu Qiansi looked at Han Fei in astonishment: "Have you finished your cultivation?"

Han Fei got up, his whole body crackled, he moved his body a little, looked at the two fallen demons, and said lightly, "How is the situation here during this time?"

Liu Qiansi: "It's terrible here. Since there is no magic sound, all the evil spirits here seem to be crazy. They actually started killing each other and devouring each other. I think, if you swallow them according to this situation, they will appear here soon. There is an emperor-level shaman. Oh no, according to Lord Dique, it seems that there is already an emperor-level shaman here."

Han Fei's eyes suddenly lit up: "Oh? Where is it?"


Liu Qiansi was speechless: "What are you doing?"

Han Fei grinned: "Of course I'll go to meet for a while!"

Liu Qiansi: "..."

After a while, Han Fei and Liu Qiansi found the emperor's graveyard where Di Que was located. When Han Fei arrived, Di Que was like a thief who stole a demon that had been killed by other demons with one claws.

Han Fei saw the red light flickering on Di Que's body, apparently using the magic of eating evil to devour the power of this evil.

Seeing Han Fei coming, Emperor Que glanced at him: "It's over? In the past few days, this place has been completely chaotic. All the evil spirits began to kill each other, and they even crossed the border to kill. So far, an Emperor has been born. The sha demon of the respected realm is gone. I think it's better for you to leave early, just as my fourth dao lock is about to be successfully formed. The fifth one will wait for the opportunity in the future."

Han Fei knew that Di Que was thinking about himself. The longer he stays here, the more dangerous it will become. Even though Han Fei is guarded by Liu Qiansi, as the saying goes, two fists are hard to beat with four hands. Top use.

I just listened to Han Fei: "Don't worry, is there such a strong suffocation here, as a prehistoric land, there is no more suitable for your cultivation. Now that you have started to condense, then you can also condense the fifth item at one time. Go. , let's go find the sha demon of that land."


Emperor Que was stunned for a moment, Han Fei is crazy? Of course not, his understanding of Han Fei is still very deep, and without absolute certainty, Han Fei will not let himself fall into despair.

Moreover, Han Fei opened his mouth to be the emperor's realm demon, which made the emperor a little unsure for a while.

Emperor Que: "Are you sure?"

Han Fei: "Naturally sure."

Di Que gave him a deep look: "Come with me."

Several people crossed seven or eight emperors' tombs, and finally came to a large emperor's tomb, which is the cemetery of the immortal realm powerhouse.

At this moment, in the sky above this cemetery, there is only one sha demon that seems to be absorbing the law and rhyme of this place, and there is no second sha demon.

When Han Fei and the others arrived, the evil demon immediately cast his gaze.

Emperor Que looked at Han Fei curiously, but he was not worried that Han Fei would have an accident, after all, Liu Qiansi was still beside him.

Liu Qiansi also looked at Han Fei curiously at the moment, thinking that this person must not come to court death. It seems that this month, Han Fei has cultivated very extraordinary things, otherwise he would not have come to find the evil spirits in the emperor realm.

But I heard Han Fei say: "Liu Qiansi, if I don't speak, don't come to help me for the time being."


Liu Qiansi was also curious, where did Han Fei get his confidence.

The next moment, I saw that Han Fei stepped on the void, his fingers volleyed into the sky, and a sword burst out from the Great Way. However, at this moment, the Dao Guiyi sword has some unknown powers.

The shaman seemed to have mastered the law of fire, and even Han Fei felt that he had regained some consciousness. With the wave of the evil spirit, three thousand fires blazed towards him.

"Puff puff~"

However, when the three thousand fire lights touched the Dao Guiyi sword, they all shattered, and none of them could shake the sword.


Liu Qiansi said in surprise, "This move can cut through the power of the law, why didn't I feel it before?"

Only Di Que knew that this should be a kind of power given to Han Fei by the devil, a power that could cut through the law.

The Sha Demon pushed horizontally with one hand, grabbed the Dao Guiyi sword, and tried to crush it. But when one hand was on the Dao Guiyi sword, the whole hand was cut off easily like tofu.

That's not all, the power of this sword, after beheading one hand of this shaman, the arm also exploded with a bang.

As the saying goes, taking advantage of his illness and killing him, the first strike is a surprise, and everything must be based on actual combat.

However, seeing Han Fei's Dao running, the invincible fist burst out, and the sky above the emperor's tomb suddenly turned into a sea of ​​fire.

"Bang bang bang~"

"Dong, dong, dong~"

After fighting for a hundred breaths, I only saw that the evil spirit was completely intact, his body was almost smashed, his soul was completely destroyed, and the boundless evil intent was surging and violent here.


In the end, Han Fei blasted the wrecked body with one punch, looked down at his fist, and muttered: "Although it can be suppressed head-on, once the opponent just wants to use the law to suppress people, it will take a while to break through. Yes. If it is against a real person, it should be at least 30% more difficult. However, my Ragnarok still has a lot of room to provide, and it will only be stronger in the future. Now I should be able to face up to the experts in the Taoist realm."

The corners of Han Fei's mouth twitched slightly, and he finally reached this point.

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