God of Fishing

Chapter 2661: The Secret of the Ancients (2 in 1)

Remember [] for a second,!

Hidden races have never seen the world, and when they see individuals, they chatter with curiosity, reminding him of the war giants.

Back then, when I went to the war giant clan, those little giants were like this, and they invited themselves to eat meat every day and held barbecue parties, which were extremely enthusiastic. . .

Now, after the initial hostility, when the Great Elder appeared and determined that Han Fei was not an enemy, the lava giant's enthusiasm was also high, making Han Fei a little uncomfortable.

The so-called simple folk customs is what I mean. I didn't expect that I would have seen such a simple race after many lives and deaths and thousands of disasters.

However, now is not a good time to chat and eat meat with these lava giants, but I saw Han Fei jumped off the giant fire elder, carrying Liu Qiansi, who was shaking slightly, and said to the first elder: "Let's go directly to see The place where the blood of the ancients was stolen."

The first elder seemed to hesitate for a moment and said: "The thing has been stolen, and now look at it, will it help?"

Han Fei: "Your Excellency Great Elder, I can chase him after 58 years, and naturally I have my means."

In the end, after the first elder was silent for a while, he decided to take Han Fei to see it. He wasn't afraid of what Han Fei would do, but he finally met a powerful outsider, and he didn't want to let him go so soon.

I saw the first elder greeted: "Everyone is busy, and I will do something with the guests."

After a while, the Great Elder, along with Elder Huo Huo, and a dozen or so experts who were also at the elder level, crossed thousands of miles and came to a divine front emitting a faint purple light. This mountain has a crack from the middle of the mountain, leading directly to the interior of the mountain.

At this entrance, Han Fei saw another Emperor Senior Realm powerhouse. Yes, although this world is not big, it can give birth to two emperors. It can be seen that the strength of this world is indeed more than one level higher than that of the riotous sea.

However, the strength of this Emperor Senior Realm powerhouse seems to be stuck at the peak of the Dao Demonstration Realm. Is this a coincidence? Or is it the upper limit of cultivation in this world?

When Han Fei entered the cave, he saw a human-shaped mummy sitting cross-legged in the center of the mountain. It was the kind that was only skin and bones. If it was bandaged, it would look like a mummy.

The mummy was sitting on an altar, with a small black hole between the eyebrows. When Han Fei saw the mummified corpse, his heart suddenly moved, because the bones wrapped under the skin and bones of the corpse were more powerful than the crystals of the gods.

Moreover, even after being dead for so long, there is still a lot of pressure here. This level of pressure makes Han Fei think of the emperor's handwriting, which means that the worst in his life is the emperor's level.

I just heard the first elder say: "That drop of the ancient blood essence came from the forehead of this ancestor. At that time, it was not the Emperor Zun who guarded the forbidden area here. It was not until 58 years ago that someone entered here and stole the essence and blood."

Han Fei: "Isn't there a ban on this kind of place?"

I just listened to the first elder: "Of course there is, and it is a very strong restriction. However, the restriction was triggered in just one breath, and it subsided, and no one even saw the appearance of the intruder. Because the two guards at the time were inexplicable. fell into a deep sleep."

"Void Thief."

Han Fei naturally knew what method the ominous Han Fei used. Of course, two Great Perfection-level guards could not stop them. Even if these two were strong, they were not facing ordinary Great Perfection powerhouses.

Even, even if there is a strong Emperor Venerable Realm guard here, the ominous Han Fei really wants to steal something, and it is also a steal.

Han Fei looked at the corpse carefully for a while and said, "This senior, why are you here?"

The Great Elder: "I don't need to hide it from you, because it is not necessary. According to the historical records of my lava giants, this skeleton, as well as the blood of the ancient human race, may contain the mystery of the origin of the human race. According to records, he If there is a bloodline reverter in the sun, he may inspire this drop of blood essence to discover and inherit the mystery. And my lava giants have guarded this mystery for generations. Unfortunately, up to now, my lava giants have no There has been a bloodline that can return to the ancestors. Who can predict that after a long time, the three drops of blood essence are gone, and the mystery of the human race has not been inherited."

"Three drops of blood essence? Isn't it one drop?"

Great Elder: "Millions of years ago, it is said that a fellow giant from the giant clan broke into this place unintentionally and aroused the bloodline. At that time, the great elder of the lava giant clan sent out a drop. About 80,000 years ago, there were two special The outsider who came in here by mistake, also stimulated a little blood essence, and I made the decision to send out a drop. But I didn't expect that the third drop was stolen by someone."

Han Fei suddenly thought: "More than 80,000 years ago?"

Han Fei was refreshed at that time: "Are those two people from more than 80,000 years ago called Han Guanshu and Jiang Linxian?"


The first elder suddenly snorted and looked at Han Fei: "You know it too?"

Han Fei's complexion changed: "To be honest, they are my parents, they have been missing for 80,000 years, and it is they who used their great supernatural powers to find a way to send a message, saying that they were caught in the long river of time. I am afraid that is also true. Therefore, my slaying my calamity will find this place."

"Oh? Are they still alive?"

Next to him, another Emperor Venerable spoke first.

Han Fei: "I'm still alive, but I'm in an unknown situation and I can't get out. In addition to getting through my calamity, the other thing I have to do is to find them and save them from that long river of time. return."

The reason why Han Fei was sure that his father and mother were caught in a long river of time was because he had returned to 100,000 years ago, and that was also his real birth time.

The emperor was slightly absent-minded, and murmured: "So they are not liars."

Han Fei glanced at it directly: "Liar? If the lava giants had that ability, the three drops of blood essence would have been used by themselves. But the result is that the three drops of blood essence were taken by outsiders. Besides, you look at the corpse. , he actually looks similar to me. But everyone, do you look at yourself like this ancestor?"

Juhuo said directly: "That's not necessarily. We may have been like you before. It was only because we needed to adapt to the environment here that we evolved into what we are now."

The first elder also said: "Even if we have changed from the ancient human race to the humanoid race, but the body still retains the blood of the former human race, how can this matter be concluded?"

Han Fei: "It's pointless for us to argue about this. Maybe it's a bloodline issue that prevents you from leaving?"

The first elder was about to speak when suddenly, he heard Han Fei say, "Wait a minute."

I saw that in Han Fei's eyes, the avenue of time was running, and he wanted to directly trace this ancient human race. This may be a figure in the era of chaos. Until now, God knows how many years have passed. If you can get a glimpse, you may be able to directly understand the secrets of the ancient human race.

However, when Han Fei traced back, before he could see through the fog of time, he only felt a cold humming in his ears, and then his spirit suddenly collapsed, and he suddenly spurted out a mouthful of blood.

"Shit, is this okay?"

A mouthful of blood splattered all over his body. It wasn't that he couldn't trace it back, but he felt that he was on the other side of time. Someone looked over and snorted.

Han Fei was a little speechless. At that time, the strong man was alive, and the other party actually noticed his spying through the fog of time.

Seeing Han Fei spouting blood, the elders, Ju Huo and the others immediately felt nervous.

I just listened to the great elder: "Did you just cast the Avenue of Time?"

Han Fei only felt a little pain in his head, and coughed twice: "Yes, maybe because this strong man is too strong, he suffered a little backlash, just a small problem."

Han Fei shoved a ball of liquid divine light into his mouth, calmed down for dozens of breaths, and started the Avenue of Time again. This time, instead of tracing the skeleton, he traced this space.

However, the ominous Han Fei was not stupid, and disturbed the period of time he had been here. This made Han Fei only see some broken and blurred pictures.

Looking at the picture, the ominous body seems to have stepped into the long river of time.

Han Fei frowned, entering the long river of time, is he going to kill himself? But why did the ominous body take away that drop of blood? He has an ominous body, can he use it?

Several possibilities appeared in Han Fei's mind.

First of all, it is natural that the ominous Han Fei can use this drop of blood essence, and it is precisely because he motivated this drop of blood essence that he came to steal it.

Secondly, it wasn't the ominous Han Fei who caused the drop of blood essence, but Xia Xiaochan. After all, the blood flowing in Xia Xiaochan's body is divine blood.

In the end, it was the ominous Han Fei who didn't want to provoke this drop of blood essence, so he took it away in advance.

Among these possibilities, the first one is the most likely. Ominous Han Fei didn't have the chance of my self, but it didn't mean that the ominous Han Fei wouldn't have the chance.

What kind of thing is the blood of the ancient human race, it is not a simple thing at first glance, it is only three drops that have been preserved since ancient times, and it was stolen by this thing.

Unfortunately, the ominous Han Fei also mastered the Avenue of Time, so he messed up the time, and he couldn't see what happened here at that time.

So now I can only chase it with the Navigation Vientiane, but the ominous Han Fei now obviously knows something he doesn't know, such as why he stole this drop of blood essence.

Since the first elder has not met with Ominous Han Fei, how does Ominous Han Fei know the value of this drop of blood essence?

Han Fei: "Elder, the junior would like to ask, apart from this drop of blood essence being stolen 58 years ago, did anything else happen?"

The first elder shook his head: "No, I have explored every speck of dust here, and if something changes, I will definitely not be able to hide it from my eyes."

Han Fei frowned: "When my parents were here 80,000 years ago, what did they do? How did they leave?"

Great Elder: "I remember the way they left. They opened a door to the void. As for where the door of the void leads, I don't know. But the door of the void is by no means leading to the outside world, and it can't carry it. When we enter it, only the two of them are available. As for what else has been done... It seems that nothing has been done, I just described the ancient people to them, and told some well-known ancient legends. "

"Ancient legends?"

Han Fei couldn't help but think: "I wonder if the Great Elder can also tell me about it?"

Just listen to the giant fire said: "Why should the elder elder come to talk about it, I will tell you. According to legend, since the beginning of chaos, the world has been dark, and in the darkness, all things are treasures, quietly born. According to legend, at that time A green vine was born, six fruits were born from the vine, and they matured in billions of years. They were born before the ancient human race, the ancient demon plant, the ancient strange beast, the ancient great demon, the ancient insect egg, and a stillborn. These six living beings are collectively called Innate six meridians. Six meridians are born, all spirits begin. Six meridians have started the journey of creation in the era of chaos..."

The giant fire paused and said: "After the six veins, all spirits coexist, all kinds of racial creatures were born in chaos, and an exploration and battle that stretched for an unknown number of years kicked off. For example, there is good fortune. The treasured Yin-Yang Mirror, which once fell into the hands of the ancient human race, can reverse life and death, and has accompanied the ancient human race to kill the Quartet. Another example is the ancient strange beast, who obtained the treasure of good fortune to swallow the sky bell, which can swallow the heavens and all things deliciously, and its power destroys Heaven and earth will be destroyed. If there is an ancient stillbirth, and the immortal seal of the treasure of good fortune is obtained, it can be immortal and immortal, and it will live forever in the world..."

Han Fei heard the huge fire wow, wow, wow, and said a lot, and Han Fei's eyes almost glowed with golden light. Speaking as if those treasures were right in front of his eyes, Han Fei was very moved.


"Then this skeleton, is it the ancient human race in the legend?"

The first elder shook his head: "No, no, how could it be that one. That one only exists in legends, this ancient human race, is a person from the flood era. But the blood flowing on his body should be the blood of that ancient human race. , at least, it is purer than the human race after the Great Desolate Era."

"Oh, like this?"

Han Fei couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief. He said in his heart, if this is the corpse of the ancient human race, why do you want that blood essence? This is the treasure!

When Han Fei thought about it, he couldn't trace this corpse back in time. If he wanted to really use this corpse, wouldn't he be at the level of an emperor?

If you don't go back, you can only dismantle the corpse, study and study its skeleton, maybe you can study one, two or three, and maybe it can be used for visualization.

Han Fei couldn't help but said: "How can the lava giants leave so many legends of the Chaos Era? Could it be that your lineage has existed since the Chaos Era? Have you been living here until now?"

The Great Elder shook his head and said: "Of course not, the Primal Chaos Era is too long ago. Our lineage is at the end of the prehistoric era. Some ancestors brought the corpses of the ancient people to this place, and then they left for no apparent reason. It can't be lost. But the ancestors recorded some things they knew, and they remembered a lot."

"a lot of?"

Han Fei couldn't help but ask, "Can I take a look?"

Great Elder: "You will kill me if you don't find yours?"

Han Fei: "I think I have found some clues. So I want to take a look at the epic legends left by the lava giants."

Great Elder: "Oh? Where are the clues?"

Han Fei: "That is naturally in the long river of time. I just want to know more information now, so that I can purposefully enter the long river of time to find it."

Han Fei said it was a long time, and a group of people didn't quite believe it. Even if you crossed the past, can you take action in those eras in the long river? Wouldn't the laws of heaven at that time limit you?

The current group of lava giants is no longer hostile to Han Fei, mainly because they have nothing to plot against. The only blood essence of the ancient human race is gone, and the corpse of the ancient human race that remains has been studied countless times in the past, but after all, nothing has been researched.

But to completely believe in Han Fei, that's not enough. Even this Great Elder, it is impossible for Han Fei to completely believe him because of his one-sided words.

It's just that in their hearts, they all want to believe it.

The first elder felt that Han Fei was here, and he was related to Han Guanshu and Jiang Linxian, and he was the self of the guy who stole the blood of the ancients, so the elder still had a glimmer of hope in his heart. And this time, he feels more hopeful than ever. After all, few outsiders can survive here. The key is that Han Fei is very powerful, and there are few lava giants who are stronger than him.

At this time, Han Fei heard someone voice transmission: "Elder, do you really believe that he can take us away? Why do I feel a little mysterious, he won't lie to us, right?"

I just heard Han Fei say frankly: "I have no need to lie to you. I am a contemporary emperor, and I am open and honest. If I want to cover up, I have a way to avoid your perception. I am not here to take you out, I am I'm here to chase people. The matter of taking you out must be done after I finish this matter."

Some of the lava giants don't believe these words. After all, seeing is believing. If you really want to take people out, you can completely convince them.

The other emperor's heart was moved, why don't you try it out, whether Han Fei is blowing fish, whether he is really capable, just try it and you will know.

Just listen to him: "Now I personally guard this place, even if you are strong, it is impossible to avoid my perception."

Seeing that these lava giants didn't seem to believe it, Han Fei pushed Liu Qiansi to the ground, and then time surged around him, and the whole person entered the river of time. Naturally, these people could see Han Fei, but the next moment, they saw that Han Fei disappeared out of thin air.


Huo Huo was anxious: "Where did he go?"

The first elder was also shocked: "Did he leave the long river of time?"

Another Emperor Zun was also shocked: "I was staring at him obviously."

Just when a group of lava giants were shocked and stunned, they saw a figure gradually emerge in front of their eyes, as if they had never left.


"How did you show up?"

"Impossible, you you you... What kind of sorcery is this?"

Han Fei said in his heart that it was just a twin magic technique. If he swallowed the body of Bai Wu, wouldn't there be nothing left. It's just, how could he tell these lava giants about this kind of thing.

Hearing Han Fei standing tall and straight, he said proudly, "I've said it all, I'm a dignified contemporary emperor, and I act in an upright manner. I have a way to keep you from finding out, but it's not necessary. Besides, I also want to get me from you. If you want to know the news, then there is no need.”


For a time, everyone looked at the Great Elder.

I saw the first elder pondered for a moment and said: "I can give you the historical data, but you can only read it here, we will accompany you."

Han Fei surrendered: "Thank you."

After all, this is the place, with a population of more than 4,000, Han Fei obtained historical materials about the records of the lava giants after only a hundred breaths.

Han Fei did not read any historical materials after the flood and famine era. There are very few historical materials before the prehistoric era, but there are many legends in it.

Because the story is very legendary, it was used by these lava giants to tell stories to children.

The record in this regard is actually not large, it seems to be the handwriting of one person. Regarding the Chaos Era, all stories are legends. Han Fei even saw the description of the treasure of Hongmeng, only to hear that its value is more than the treasure of good fortune. Then Han Fei discovered that in addition to the ancient six meridians, there are actually many racial descriptions, but these six meridians seem to be the first to appear and the first to rise.

Later, there are records of the birth of the dragon clan, such as how big the dragon clan's appetite is, and how much it can swallow the clan's food in one breath. Unexpectedly, Han Fei saw the record of Emperor Que.

Legend has it that the emperor bird was born in chaos, just when all the spirits were fighting, they were born from the infinite death energy of the battlefield, and they sang out, their voices were like weeping, and they had a heart-piercing feeling. Emperor Que grasps the emotions of all things, likes to fight, likes to devour the death energy of living beings, and likes to eat the grievances of all spirits. Possessing the eyes of cholera, chaotic things, and fearless... The emperor bird has obtained the secret of longevity and can be reincarnated from generation to generation, and neither heaven nor earth will accept it...

This legend is quite similar to the description, and just for this description, Han Fei feels that many of the materials of the lava giants are true descriptions, otherwise how could they know so many characteristics of the Emperor Sparrow.

After reading a lot of secrets, Han Fei suddenly saw in one of the records that the ancient human race developed rapidly, opened up the territory, began to open up the wild land, and gave birth to a huge ethnic group. Zhu Qiang thought that the human race had expanded too much and conspired to exterminate the human race, a race with such a powerful reproductive ability, and finally killed the ancient king in Dongshan Styx. Then, the ancient people walked down the altar...

"Tsk tsk, it turns out that the human race was so powerful in the past, and it is actually worthwhile for several of the ancient six meridians to personally take action against that ancient powerhouse."

"Dongshan Styx?"

Han Fei's eyes lit up, UU reading www.uukanshu. Is there any place for com to record it?

"Could it be that the father and mother and the ominous Han Fei are a little bit overwhelmed because they saw this."

Han Fei couldn't help but think that since the father and mother were able to pass the Navigation Vientiane Instrument to him, did they themselves have some kind of pointing ability?

He couldn't help thinking, if he kept going back in time, would it really be possible to enter the era of chaos? Once you enter the era of chaos, what will happen if you follow the ancestors?

This time, ominous Han Fei, shouldn't he also have the idea of ​​that era?

Wait, Han Fei suddenly thought that the Temple of Time kept going back in time. Could it be the same idea of ​​that era?

------off topic-----

In fact, the more you write later, the more you need to dig while filling the pits, because the structure is huge, and every secret needs to be set reasonably. The more you set it, the more difficult it will be... Sometimes, it is quite laborious to sort out various logics without conflict. Haha... At least for now, our plot and worldview should be okay, I can't say how good it is, but at least it hasn't collapsed. I will try my best to finish this book, I will write some light articles in the next book... By the way, the next few chapters will be more exciting...