God of Fishing

Chapter 2715: Han Fei opened the world

Yes, after a period of observation, it is not difficult for Han Fei to notice some problems.

That is, in one's own natal star, although the life demon plants can grow naturally and have natural rules, they are far from enough.

So just a simple sign of growth can make these people worship. And this should have been their instinct.

Thinking about the fate of Emperor Wanlin again, Han Fei can quickly summarize some basic problems. Although he is only in the testing stage, these problems are equally important.

The problems can be roughly classified as:

Most of the known rules are given by their own avenues, which are too powerful.

There are only people on the star of one's own destiny, that is definitely not acceptable. Creation requires a complex ecological environment, not just people.

The category of spiritual plants is too single, and most of them are auxiliary supplementary spiritual plants, but the real nature has everything. There are good ones, and naturally there are also bad ones.

Everything is a relationship of competition, not just human beings, flowers, plants, trees, birds, beasts, fish and insects, all things must compete.

In the past, I could not care about these, because the stars of my life were my back garden, as long as I put things that were useful to me.

However, now I am creating the world! All the rules that create this world are the laws of heaven in this world. Before the laws of heaven were created, it was meaningless to just create a few people and observe their behavior, so what I need to do now is not just to create human beings.

And the difficulty is here. If you want to create everything, it is in line with the principle of creation. And to create everything, how much work does it take?

Han Fei couldn't help but understand that the difficulty of creation lies in creation, and the foundation of creation is the law of heaven.

"It turns out that it is no wonder that Lao Han asked me to keep all my willpower, which was prepared for this moment."

The corners of Han Fei's mouth twitched slightly. Before, he wanted to take shortcuts and observe people directly. But this idea is wrong. What I should observe is the relationship between man and nature, and the relationship between man and heaven and earth.

And this relationship has not yet been established. Seeing that Han Fei's heart moved, he left Benmingxingchen immediately. He did not re-grow the fruit trees where the small tribe was, because that would mislead them to bow down and get the gift, which is obviously wrong.

But he opened up this area, allowing them to find these people in the beginning, and it was a guarantee that they would not die.

After the birth of the stars, Han Fei immediately went to the rioting sea. Although the rioting sea is now empty, it does not mean that humans have given up the rioting sea.

It's just the origin of life here that needs to be restored. And if the human race does not go out for a day, the riots in the sea will not recover. After all, the breakthrough of every realm requires resources and spiritual energy. 180 billion people, endlessly demanding, growing, and recovering from the turbulent sea is a bit difficult.

But there are still a lot of low-level creatures in the riotous sea, such as animals and plants in the ocean, and some plants in the land.

In the turbulent sea, Han Fei is constantly stuffing things into his natal stars, such as all kinds of fish, marine plants, algae, insects, coral reefs, shellfish, and even floating, dusty , and a small number of birds, etc.

Of course, Han Fei didn't just end up stuffing these things into his own destiny.

These plants are the plants of the riotous sea, and they enjoy the law of heaven in the turbulent sea. But his human power actually comes from the riots in the sea. Therefore, these things can carry their own laws of heaven in their own natal stars.

However, the creation of the world did not just carry these things over. Every kind of creature has its own unique composition. Han Fei transported these creatures over, just because the time in his natal star is 256 times that of the outside world, he can have time to study these creatures.

A few days later, Han Fei entered a state of retreat again, and he began to analyze the composition of these creatures one by one. Dismantling a living being is much simpler than dismantling aura.

Normal people can't see the spiritual energy, even the practitioners can't see it at first. So even if there is such a thing as a microscope, it is still invisible. And dismantling aura is a more difficult process. To dismantle something so subtle that it is almost invisible, it is naturally much more difficult than dismantling a living being. At least, cells can be seen.

Life is made of cells, and the way of making it is known before Han Fei came to this world, but it is more complicated here. Because of the world of practice, cells also need to carry the upper limit of practice.

Han Fei has thousands of incarnations and is preparing to study different lives. But suddenly, a cry woke Han Fei from the study.

He followed the sound, and suddenly his color changed.

"how come?"

Han Fei was surprised because he saw that a baby was born.

Yes, he read that right, a baby was born.

His own law of heaven has not yet been established, but has the influence of the soul sea already descended on his own destiny star?

Don't the natal stars exist independently for each person? Yes, the natal stars exist in this vast sea of ​​stars. Aren't all the stars in the sea of ​​​​stars within the reincarnation range of the sea of ​​​​souls?

Yes, there is the birth of life, which means that there is the incarnation of the soul. Reincarnation with a soul body means that they can summon gifted soul beasts or companion spirits.

But these people created by oneself cannot summon innate soul beasts. Perhaps, they are artificial humans, but this newborn baby is not, he is the first living being born naturally in this world.

However, this episode only surprised Han Fei a little, but what followed was joy. Because since the soul sea can be reborn, it means that the life in the stars of one's own destiny is running, and there is no problem.

He originally thought that after the establishment of the Law of Heaven, there would be an opportunity to connect to the soul sea. He even thought about it, going to ask the God of War and the senior brother how to connect the laws of the heavens and the stars with the soul sea.

Now it looks like it doesn't work anymore.

In this way, Han Fei felt at ease and no longer had to worry about, and began to study with great concentration.

One year, two years, three years...ten years...

Until Han Fei studied here for more than 500 years, thousands of avatars were unified, and countless information formed a huge network. Han Fei knows that he still has many, many things to study, but it doesn't matter, for now, it's enough.

Because of the adjustment of the time acceleration, except for Han Fei's own place, other places have returned to normal time.

Looking at the wild people at the beginning, they have already started to practice under their leadership in the beginning, and all of them have put on clothes, they can eat and drink without worry, and they can still practice, so don't be too happy.

The corners of Han Fei's mouth twitched slightly. In the beginning, they explored too many areas in their own destiny. Now that the world has changed drastically, they still have to watch it, otherwise they may not be able to understand the future world.

On this day, people are practicing.

Taichu sat in an open space and looked up at the sky, but he couldn't see anything. He is lonely, he is the strongest in this world, he was born to know it, he is incompatible with these savages, the world seems to have only these fruits all over the ground, and there are some places that he can't explore, and there is nothing new.

Over the years, he has tasted all the fruits he can eat, bathed in the aura river, and soaked in hot springs in the crater, but his strength is unable to break through and go further. It seems that there is something that limits his growth. , limiting his progress.

The same is true for other people, no matter how they practice, once they reach the bottleneck stage of their current realm, they cannot go any further.


Suddenly, I saw an explosion from the sky above. In the beginning, he stepped on the void, but as soon as he stepped into the void, he was suppressed by some force and fell directly to the ground.

Tai Er, Tai Yi and others all ran towards Tai Chu.

Tai Er: "In the beginning, what happened?"

Taiyi: "What a terrible voice."

Taichu: "I don't know yet, but we are safe..."

While talking, Tai Chu and the others were stunned, because they saw an incomparably tall giant appearing inexplicably where they could see.

The giant is 33,000 feet high, like a god. For them in the beginning, this was an existence that was incomprehensible to them.

A group of people knelt on the ground in horror, trembling.

Han Fei looked at all this indifferently, but he didn't care about these people at all. He is thinking at the moment that in his own destiny, the foundation of the law of heaven can only be willpower.

And wishing power, in other words, is actually the power of the human world, the power of the human world that has matured.

As early as after determining the direction of creation, Han Fei naturally understood what Lao Han meant. He wanted to use his will to transform the Dao of the world, which is the law of heaven on the stars of his own destiny.

When the Tao of Heaven is in motion, there will be impermanence in the world, and there will be all kinds of living beings.

So far, Han Fei's natal star actually does not have the Heavenly Dao running. I saw that Han Fei opened his mouth, and a ball of golden light spat out of his mouth.

As Han Fei's thoughts moved, he saw that golden light suddenly dissipated, and in the sky, billions of mysterious lights were formed, scattered between the heavens and the earth. But the will is too much, and it has not completely dissipated. Because Han Fei found out that the law of heaven transformed by wishing power did not fully work. Those profound lights dissipated between heaven and earth, but they only dissipated between heaven and earth.

"Hey! Can't form the way of heaven?"

Han Fei thought about it and realized something.

Yes, people follow the earth, the earth follows the sky, the heaven follows the Tao, and the Tao follows the nature. Above the stars of your own life, although all things are growing, it is also because of the power of the basic rules, but that is the basic rules of the stars of life.

Now, wishing to melt the way of heaven, but it does not work, it should be that the rules of all things here are not perfect. At the same time, the yin and yang that evolved from one's own avenues should also be changed in a different way.

Han Fei's natal star is only 810,000 miles away, but he is surrounded by a thick defensive layer, like a big ball wrapping a small ball. Therefore, his natal star is actually protected.

At the very beginning, these people are on the inner small sphere. And now that he wants to create the world, he will transfer these people to the outermost surface.

But seeing Taichu and others disappear in the blink of an eye, and when they opened their eyes again, they found that the place they were in was a barren and lonely place, without flowers, trees, green mountains and waters, without the vast sky, and the world was dark. .

But the giant was still there, and they could only tremble and pray.

Han Fei blew out a cloud of mist, covering the sky, and then the stars in the sky were visible, flickering constantly.

"Let there be light."

So, Han Fei stretched out his hand and grabbed it, and a burning star hung high above the nine heavens. This was the blazing sun.

Then, a dimly lustrous star was also placed on the other side of the nine heavens, this is the dark moon.

At that moment, light appeared, and the whole body was bright and radiant, like a golden flame piercing the darkness. The twinkling stars in the sky were replaced by blue sky and white clouds.

Xuan Yin rose again.

"The earth is flat, the mountains are towering, and the water is falling from the sky..."

At that moment, the ground began to tremble violently, and some places sank deeply, showing irregular depressions. In some places, there are peaks that appear to be towering after a violent collision. And between the heavens and the earth, there is a river that sweeps across the sky, the nine days fall into the water, and the blue turns into the sea.

In the beginning of this kind of miracle, they could only kowtow frantically, and then kowtow again, instinctively in awe and fear, making them look extremely pious.

"There must be air, there must be spiritual energy, and there must be wind."

First there was a gust of wind, then a gentle breeze, white clouds floating in the sky, and layers of ripples on the water surface.

"Let the ground grow green grass, a spiritual plant that bears seeds, and a tree that can bear fruit! The fruit must be wrapped in a pit."

Han Fei waved his hand, as if sprinkled by a galaxy, the stars scattered all over the world. Endless spiritual energy is pouring in continuously, spreading between heaven and earth. There are seedlings growing all over the land, flowers and trees everywhere, lush and full of vitality. The breeze was blowing, and there was a strong aroma of flowers and fruits in the air.

"There must be life in the water, and birds in the air!"

Han Fei has studied all kinds of life for five hundred years. Of course, there are not many births in groups in the water. He can't create hundreds of millions of creatures at one time.

But fortunately, the natural reproduction of life can accelerate the process of life derivation, at least it does not need to evolve slowly from cells.

At this moment, a flock of birds swept across the sky, and various life forms in the water began to swim.

"The earth will produce living creatures, livestock, monsters, and beasts."

Some creatures that had been cultivated in Han Fei's five hundred years of research were released.

For a time, on the ground, these animals ran rampant.

At this time, Han Fei had already felt the madness of his willpower. They seemed to have connected everything here, and finally formed a magical rule.


Is it finally done?

Han Fei knew that he couldn't be in a hurry. It takes a lot of time for all things to grow and multiply. Fortunately, the most important thing in his own destiny is time.

Han Fei didn't have to wait for thousands of years, he only needed one year from the outside world, and 256 years on the stars of his life would be enough. Biological reproduction is actually very fast. Reproduction without restraint is naturally impossible, so apart from the human beings created, the ecological balance of all things makes their reproduction rise steadily, but not exaggerated.

As for these people in the early days, Han Fei gave them some time to adjust, sleeping for a year, and after waking up, he found that the world had changed, wouldn't it be interesting?

After doing all this, Han Fei hurriedly crushed a number of refining stars, and collected a huge amount of resources to supplement and transform his natal stars.

Don't look at how arrogant he looked just now, he actually pretended. However, even if he is willing to transform the way of heaven, the resources that should be consumed are not small at all. This is because he has created some creatures in the past five hundred years. Otherwise, the resources on the stars of his own destiny may not be enough to consume. of.

As for the transformation of the natal star, Han Fei wants to set up some dangerous places, fierce places, Jedi, blessed places, etc. on this outer surface.

Moreover, although Han Fei practiced supreme magic, he did not need other stars to assist his natal stars. But Han Fei felt that in order to create a reasonable environment, some things were also needed to pretend, such as the blazing sun, the dark moon, and a few refining stars used to balance the natal stars.

After hundreds of years of transformation, Han Fei was satisfied to announce that he was done.

And for the next hundreds of years, Han Fei was not idle. Because, after wishing to transform the way of heaven, the law of the way of heaven appeared, and the origin of the world of the stars of one's own destiny was born.

The origin of this world is completely different from the origin of the world of riotous seas and demons.

Han Fei discovered that his world's original lake was only a small lake with a vertical and horizontal length of less than 100 meters. The lakes looked like they were about to dry up.

The origin lake of the world is not big enough, but it doesn't matter now, because these creatures created by themselves, except for the small tribe, people like Taichu will generally be stuck at the peak of their current strength level.

When the strength of all living beings on the stars of the natal star generally grows, this place will evolve into a world similar to the yin and yang days of the past.

Finally, after Han Fei felt that all creatures had begun to take shape, Han Fei created more than 10,000 small clans, each with a population ranging from dozens to hundreds.

At the same time, he also created some relatively powerful monsters and beasts, and placed some treasures in the current world in some dangerous places, and then stopped.

The creation of the world cannot be achieved overnight, and I am still in the realm of Taoism. It is not realistic to want to draw inspiration from such a new world.

Han Fei thought to himself, let's speed up the time by 256 times first, and then look at it in tens of thousands of years.

On this day, in the beginning, they woke up.

For them, it was just a nap, but the world has already undergone earth-shaking changes.

Han Fei erased most of their memories, only kept his own memory of the creation of the world, and transformed some memories of Taichu and Taier's origins. The reason why he kept the memory of the world was to tell them the origin of this world.

However, the matter of Han Fei's opening of the world is still engraved in their minds, and I am afraid they will never forget it for the rest of their lives.

The awakened Taichu and Taier, who were still in shock, looked around and found that the world-shaking giant had disappeared. At this time, there were birds passing by in the sky, butterflies playing around, Taiyi pulled out a soft insect from the ground, full of curiosity.

Others exclaimed: "What is this? This, and this..."

The crowd followed the sound and saw someone grabbing a bird and twitching their wings curiously. Someone got a snake from a tree trunk and let the snake bite on him. Someone even got a few bird eggs, but they were accidentally crushed, and then they licked it with their mouths. I was amazed to taste something different.

In the beginning, looking at all this, his eyes couldn't stop being surprised, he raised his head and shouted: "A miracle, a miracle. In the beginning, the world was chaotic, and darkness shrouded everything. We were floating in the boundless chaos, and the whole world was bleak. There is no light, there is silence. It is a god, a great god, who created the world...the gods created all things, gave us light, gave us food...thank the gods for their gifts."

In the beginning, he brought people to kneel and worship, and after a lot of gods and gods, these people began to live in groups again.

When this time is different from the last time, last time, their life was just eating fruit, lying flat, and studying the affairs of men and women.

But this time, it was obviously different, because the diversity of creatures and the complex world made them feel unprecedented novelty.

The number of fruits is not that many, and it no longer belongs to the spiritual fruit level. Moreover, with the leadership of Taichu, they discovered the secret of hunting, and Taichu, who was born to know it, also ignited the spiritual fire, making them feel the pleasure of eating cooked food.

This group of people is undoubtedly happy. Han Fei did not stop it at first, but it is impossible for these bugs to be mixed with ordinary people in the beginning.

On the other hand, for the other small tribes, life is not so optimistic. In just three days, there have been different degrees of falling phenomenon.

Their living conditions are relatively poor. In addition to being a little stronger, they have no weapons and can barely satisfy their stomachs through the fruit, but the fruit will always be eaten, and a new crop of fruit is not a matter of a day or two. Helpless, they began to choose to lie down.

However, if lying flat is useful, what do you want those beasts to do?

When a beast invaded these tribes, the instinct of life made them escape, and when it was impossible to escape, the **** brave appeared. So, these people started to fight until they found that they could also kill the beasts, and starvation made them live a life of drinking blood.

Originally, Han Fei had already anticipated all of this, and whether he saw it or not was of little significance to him.

However, just a few days after his tens of thousands of years plan began, Han Fei discovered an unexpected thing. This incident shocked Han Fei inexplicably.

That is, Han Fei found that these people on the stars of his life, after the fall, the soul body did not completely dissipate, but a complete soul body.

But according to the undead senior brother, after the fall, part of the soul will return directly to the soul sea! But these people on their own natal star do not. Including those creatures who died accidentally due to various reasons, their soul bodies did not return to the soul sea. Instead... they converged towards the Jasper Stone Bridge.

Yes, this is what shocked Han Fei the most. Their souls directly penetrated the outer surface where they were located, and were sucked into their real 810,000-mile natal star.

Moreover, these souls numbly got into the jasper stone bridge.

Han Fei thought about it for a while, so he followed these soul bodies and entered the Jasper Stone Bridge.

Then, Han Fei discovered that these soul bodies were all gone.

Yes, he originally thought that these souls would appear on the road of the Jasper Stone Bridge. But when he was standing on the jasper stone bridge, or walking on the road of extreme cold, or on the road of supreme yang and fire, he didn't even see his soul body. Those soul bodies, disappeared out of thin air, disappeared without a trace.


At this moment, Han Fei couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva and muttered - "Reincarnation"?