God of Fishing

Chapter 2845: Epic melee (Part 1)

Chapter 2845 On the epic melee

At this moment, Han Fei, like a blackened demon, with pitch-black pupils, black wings, surrounded by black energy, looks very strange.

But in addition to being weird, it's also a little funny, because Han Fei was still holding a fishing rod after the outbreak.

This kind of picture is as if a trick broke out, but it is used to fish.

Jiang Buyi frowned slightly, in this state, Han Fei was still thinking about going through the long river of time, who would be fishing to help the battle?

However, Han Fei's idea is different. The Eye of Disaster of the Emperor Sparrow is an indiscriminate attack. When the disaster strikes the enemy, it will also fall on his own head.

And in the current terrifying land, there is no source of disaster at all. It's just such a big place, with so many god-killing levels, you have already seen it through. If there is something extremely terrifying, everyone will have discovered it long ago.

Since there are no disasters in this great land, the disasters must come from outside.

Since disasters can come, it is bound to break the blockade of the Hidden Divine Seal.

At that time, it is time to do it yourself. Once the Void Mark can be used, all these people will die.

Otherwise, just relying on his current strength, even if he used the strength to eat shit, he would not be able to kill a god.

Even with the fortune-telling chessboard, being able to kill a god-killing level is already insane.

However, there are three god-killing levels on the opposite side. If one of them is in danger, it is impossible to watch the other side be killed.

What's more, there is also a god-killing puppet of the Zhenhai **** level. If you don't get foreign aid, you can't fight it at all.

Therefore, if the summoning of the disaster is successful, the Void Mark will surely be activated, and then the Void Temple will unilaterally slaughter.


In the next moment, the entire prehistoric land began to vibrate.

Even the billions of stars in the fortune-telling astrolabe began to vibrate slightly, and the heavens and myriad laws were rioting.

I just heard Han Fei burst into laughter: "Jiang Buyi, since you guys want to play, let's play a big game.

Let me see if the Hidden God Seal is that powerful. "

"boom boom"

At this moment, five breaths have passed since the disappearance of the Prehistoric Pagoda. Under the successive attacks of the Void Drum of Creation and the God-killing Puppet, the enchantment is about to shatter.

Just listen to Han Fei shout: "After retreating into the enchantment."

The thirty-three-layered barrier of the gods is naturally unable to block the opponent, but it can block it for a while.

At this moment, the Eye of Calamity has erupted, waiting for the calamity to come.


I saw that the sky had changed from day to night, and the tremors became more and more severe. There seemed to be a thin film above the sky. Han Fei and the people from Zhonghai Shenzhou seemed to be able to hear the sound of the surging waves behind the thin film.

The complexion of the goddess in red changed greatly: "Not good, the fortune astrolabe is changing."

The ancient demon clan's god-killing powerhouse shouted: "It doesn't matter if the fortune-telling astrolabe changes, the hidden gods cannot be shaken, otherwise we will all have to finish the game."

Jiang Buyi frowned: "It is absolutely stable within the envelope of the Hidden God's Seal. He can't break the blockade of the Hidden God's Seal."

The ancient demon clan roared: "Is he breaking it?

He was using the ominous physique of the Emperor Sparrow to cause disaster.

Damn, this Emperor Sparrow is nothing but the Great Emperor Realm, how could it be possible to trigger such a change of power? "

The golden-robed man's face was solemn: "The disaster does not depend on the strength of the emperor, but the disaster depends on the comprehensive strength of the people present.

But don't panic, we have already predicted this, so we only brought the God-killing Puppet, not the Zhenhai God who came in person.

I'm just waiting for the god-killing level. Even if it can cause disasters, it will be at the Zhenhai **** level at most, and it is impossible to trigger a master-level disaster.

The Godkiller Golem should be able to deal with it. "


The ancient demon clan roared: "Okay! No matter what, don't worry about the disaster later, kill Han Fei as soon as the barrier is broken, as long as he dies, all worries will be solved.

Also, this is probably the best time for us to kill him. "


At this moment, in the ninth breath time after Honghuang Tower left, the enchantment he left was shattered.

After all, when the Honghuang Pagoda was forced to leave, it didn't know that there was a god-killing puppet.


"boom boom"

As soon as the barrier of the Honghuang Tower was broken, in just a breath, the first defensive barrier of the gods was destroyed.

"So weak?"

Han Fei raised his brows. After 100,000 years, this goddess created such a defensive barrier?

Just listening to Han Fei, a **** said: "This is the limit of our ability.

Most of us are stuck here, so there are very few resources to grab.

After the growth of the supply tribe, there are very few resources that can be used to build the barrier. Otherwise, how can only the thirty-three barrier be built in 100,000 years. "

The Nandou **** sighed slightly: "Moreover, the two great treasures of good fortune on the other side are equivalent to two Zhenhai gods!"

Han Fei: "Emperor, what about the disaster, why hasn't it come yet?"

Di Que replied speechlessly: "I am not a disaster, you ask me, who am I to ask?

Disasters come quickly and slowly, but eventually they will come. "

Han Fei: ""

Han Fei couldn't help looking at Qiu Wanren: "How long will it take you to grow old?

According to the speed of breaking a barrier with one breath, it will be pierced in thirty-two more breaths. "

Qiu Wanren was also very anxious at the moment, but this was the critical moment for his spellcasting, and it was almost there.

Just listen to him: "Bai Xi, I still need Bai Xi, you stand up!"

Han Fei's mouth twitched: "Who do you think I am?

I am a great emperor, you let me conquer the sea gods? "

He said so, but Han Fei's eyes were fixed on the sky.

I thought to myself: "Hurry up! Hurry up!"

After ten breaths.

The thirty-three barrier has become twenty-one, and the sky is still trembling.

Han Fei's eyelids were shaking. Behind him, the six gods were extremely nervous at the moment, and their hearts were beating like thunder.

Although they were ready to die, they would rather have a hearty fight than face the two great treasures of good fortune and the three Zhenhai gods.

Time passed breath by breath, and six breaths passed in a blink of an eye, and Qiu Wanren couldn't help shouting, "Kid Han Fei, where are you fishing for souls?

Are you still holding on to the fishing rod?

You listen to the old man, the old man can't stop at this moment, but he can forcibly interrupt other people's spellcasting.

You call the Gate of Infinity to come and take them away.

This old man has left his life-long secret skills on the second floor of the Divine Creation Prison. Later, you will take away the old man’s bones and blood. If you practice the old man’s secret skills in the future, you will be able to restore the blood of the gods.”

"hold on!"

Han Fei's expression was solemn, and his voice was crisp.

Qiu Wanren watched as time passed three more breaths, the thirty-three defense barrier, and only the thirteenth level remained, and immediately said angrily, "What are you waiting for?

It's not terrible to lose once, leave the green hills, and don't worry about no firewood. "


At this moment, I just heard the red-clothed goddess sneer: "What do you think the fortune-telling astrolabe is?

Although the door of no distance can go anywhere he has been.

However, he has never been to the fortune-telling astrolabe.

You are no longer in the Western Wilderness, and at this moment, you are in the fortune-telling astrolabe. "

The ancient demon strongman laughed: "Boy, if it weren't for the critical moment of the gods' recovery, do you think you could summon the Gate of Infinity?"

Han Fei's pupils shrank slightly. If he can summon him, he will know after a try.

Unfortunately, this time, as they said, the Gate of No Distance did not appear.

I just heard Jiang Buyi indifferently say: "Han Fei, the number of times you shot in the sea world is still too many.

Your means have all been under our control.

Otherwise, do you think so many of us would come and kill you together? "

Han Fei didn't say a word. His eyes were still fixed on the sky. At his wrist, the Blade of Hope began to glow faintly.

His trump card is the Blade of Hope.

At this moment, suddenly, the transparent film of the sky was shattered by the violent shock of the created astrolabe.


A piece of sea water with a faint blue light sprinkled from the sky, and this sea water changed into a vast blue soul fire in the void.

"This is the water of the soul sea?"

The golden-robed man's face changed greatly, as if he had thought of something.

"Brush brush"

A series of fifty-two soul shadows flew out from this piece of blue soul fire.


Everyone was shocked. They didn't expect that the Eternal Race would come, and these fifty-two people were all super powerhouses above the gods.

Among them, there are as many as seven god-killing rank, and two Zhenhai gods appeared all at once.

"It's now."

Han Fei didn't care who came, he immediately activated the hook and broke the river of time.

The sudden appearance of so many Eternals at least means that the soul sea is connected here! As long as you get through it, you can fish by yourself.

However, when Han Fei tried to fish the undead brother again, he encountered a lack of time again.

"Impossible! Why is it still blocked?"

The next moment, I heard Jiang Buyi say: "The rules of the hidden gods have not been broken. They didn't just come here, they have already been ambushed here."

"Have you been ambushed long ago?"

Han Fei was shocked and couldn't help but turn his head and said, "Isn't the realm in the realm very mysterious?

How did these guys get in here? "


I saw that one of the two sea-suppressing god-level powerhouses of the Eternal Race blocked the ethereal drum of creation, and the other shot back the god-killing puppet.

However, one of them looked at Han Fei and said, "The realm in the realm, after all, is in the sea of ​​stars.

Wherever in the sea of ​​stars, there are traces to follow.

Although there are not many gods in the lineage of gods, but there are many peaks of great emperors, how could my eternal race give up?

When the blood of the gods is restored, if we take these gods, we can add thousands of gods to the eternal race. Isn't it beautiful? "

Although Qiu Wanren was casting a spell, when he heard this, he shouted angrily, "I am delusional, do you believe that this old man ruined the bloodline?"

The Zhenhai deity who spoke sneered: "Qiu Wanren, don't forget who created our Eternal Race, it's you.

Let's see, is the current sea world still able to accommodate you?

Zhonghai Shenzhou has such a big battle, do you know why?

They want to take away the real blood of the gods, cultivate the world's first bloodline, and create a supreme ruler.

Do you think that at the end of the prehistoric period, it was really just because the gods made mistakes, so they temporarily sealed the gods blood?

It's just a pity that some people don't want the blood of the gods to be stolen. In the end, the blood of the gods is still taken care of by others. This is your destiny. You have always been proud of being the gods.

As everyone knows, in the eyes of others, you have always been a cauldron, a cauldron, hahaha”

Another Eternal Sea Zhenhai Spirit also said: "Qiu Wanren, to this day, no one except my Eternal Clan even remembers your name.

You are nothing more than a nobody to them.

However, if you can return to our Eternal Race, the entire Eternal Race will take you as a teacher, and you will be the first person under the Lord.

Together, we can push the Eternals to new heights, and even make them powerful enough to rival Ominous. "

"Oh shit!"

Han Fei is unlucky, these Eternals are already hidden in this world, and the location of the co-authors of the gods has long been exposed?

It stands to reason that the original idea of ​​the Eternals should be to hide in a sea of ​​souls, sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight, and when necessary, come back and reap the benefits of the fisherman.

However, the change in the fortune astrolabe distorted the space and broke the soul sea they were in, so they had to appear earlier at this moment.

"Is this a disaster?"

Han Fei was a little puzzled. The so-called disaster should be indiscriminate damage to both the enemy and us, right?

Just listening, Qiu Wanren snorted coldly: "What if I don't agree?"

The Zhenhai God sneered: "You have no choice.

If you agree, we can spare some of the Progeny.

If you don't agree, you won't be able to escape the palm of my Eternal Race in the end.

But if you are willing to cooperate, at least our Eternal Race is willing to kill these powerhouses in China Sea Divine State for you. "

Qiu Wanren: "Then you should kill these Zhonghai Shenzhou people first."


Then the sea **** laughed and said: "Don't worry, it's not impossible for me to wait for the shot.

However, the premise is that two things are needed.

First, you score half of the blood of the gods.

Second, the emperor needs to hand over the refining demon pot. "


Even if this old man destroys the blood of the gods, he will not give it to you. "

Qiu Wanren shouted angrily, this group of people and Zhonghai Shenzhou are just the same thing.

However, they want more than those in Zhonghai Shenzhou, and they also want to use the entire Divine descent lineage as their wedding dress. How could he agree to this.

Han Fei also narrowed his eyes slightly: "If you want my demon pot, what are you guys who deserve to be made?"


Just listen to the other party laughing loudly: "Don't be in a hurry to answer, you have ten breaths to think about it.

Anyway, there is still time before the bloodline of the gods will recover.

By the way, Human Sovereign, you may not know one thing yet. The last little vine for refining the demon pot was given to me by the Chaos Protoss, and you have no chance to get it. "


Han Fei suddenly looked at Jiang Buyi, but saw that Jiang Buyi's face was not good-looking at the moment, and he was staring coldly at the Zhenhai God.

The latter smiled contemptuously and said, "Boy, if you want to play with a knife to kill, you are a little more tender.

Sometimes the knife is too sharp and it will kill you."

Han Fei understood, Jiang Buyi gave Ninth and Xiao Teng to the Eternals.

I wanted to use a knife to kill with one hand, but I smashed it.

"What an idiot of a really special mother, thinking that you are the smartest in the world, but it turns out to be nothing."

Han Fei looked at Jiang Buyi with contempt.

Jiang Buyi's eyes were cold, and he just heard a light voice: "So what if it's clear?

The demon pot divine vine is now in your Eternal Race after all.

The reincarnation is now, and the Wan clan will eventually wipe out the Eternal Clan.

Don't take yourself too seriously, here, my palm hides the divine seal.

Once the power of this seal is eliminated, you will all die.

So, at this moment, you may wish to change your mind.

Break their barrier first.

I don't want to refine the demon pot, we all rely on our abilities for the blood of the gods. "

Han Fei looked at Jiang Buyi speechlessly. This guy was not angry at all because he was exposed to any plans, and his face was as thick as a city wall.

Now the three-party forces, it is obvious that the Eternal Race is stronger, this guy can even pick three and four.

The Zhenhai deity of the Eternal Clan took a deep look at Jiang Buyi, and after a few breaths of silence, he revealed a stern smile: "Your proposal is not bad, then it's up to you."

Han Fei couldn't help but scolded: "What about the ten-breath consideration of time?"

The Zhenhai God smiled lightly: "No more."

"The fart Zhenhai God."

Han Fei scolded angrily, none of this group of gadgets counts.


The moment the Eternals and Jiang Buyi reached an agreement, Han Fei knew that he couldn't wait any longer. What he wanted to wait for did not appear, but the Eternals came. The appearance of these guys was indeed beyond his expectations.

According to his conjecture, if the blood of the gods is really worth the price Zhonghai Shenzhou has to pay, then there should be more than these people behind it.

But until this moment, the Honghuang Tower has left, and the Eternals have come out, but they haven't seen the real planner. Does that person know that he still has a hole card?


As soon as the Eternal Race powerhouse shot, the power of the group of gods erupted, and the enchantment instantly shattered.

I saw that the dragon blood soul bead appeared, Han Fei ran the Dao of Self, and added ten times the combat power, his strength has reached the limit of the gods.

And from the weight of Han Fei's wrist, the blade of hope swept out.


I saw that the Blade of Hope slashed into the long river of time in an instant, and opened the blockade of the Hidden Divine Seal.

Cut a hole in the power that blocks the flow of time.

The blade of hope can break the blockade of the treasure of good fortune. This feature was known when I cut me.

The clock of good fortune can't stop the blade of hope, and it also blocks the long river of time, so naturally the hidden gods can't stop it.


When the Blade of Hope broke the blockade of the long river with one stroke, Jiang Buyi, and all the powerhouses above the god-killing level on the opposite side, suddenly changed their expressions.

"The Hidden God Seal was broken?"

Everyone's heart trembled, if this really broke, all of them should run away.

Jiang Buyi snorted: "Don't panic, it's just that a gap has been broken in the long river of time.

But the heavens here are in chaos, and the fortune astrolabe is an independent star sea, so it is impossible for him to use the void mark. "

Han Fei did activate the Void Mark right away, and he couldn't stop it any later.

However, this time, when he activated the Void Mark, there was still no response.

"how is this possible?

Could it be that the idea of ​​connecting with the outside world over time does not work? "

However, time fishing is useful, so I can't just catch it.

Outside, including the people of the Eternal Race, they also made their full shots, and the enchantment was broken only between three and five breaths.

Han Fei pushed his strength to the extreme, naturally to fish for the strongest person he had ever seen, namely the undead brother.

"One breath, two breaths, three breaths"

Han Fei saw that only the triple enchantment was left, and all the six gods behind him erupted in secret techniques. When Han Fei was about to shake the tree, Han Fei finally retracted his fishing rod.

"Undead Brother"

Han Fei shouted violently and was about to let the undead senior brother kill these guys.

However, when the hook was retracted, Han Fei was dumbfounded, because he was clearly fishing for the undead brother, but the hook was surrounded by twenty-four dragon balls.

"Twenty-four heavens?"

To be honest, Han Fei himself was dumbfounded. When did I catch the twenty-four heavens?


When Han Fei fished out the twenty-four heavens from the long river of time, both Zhonghai Shenzhou and the Eternals breathed a sigh of relief.

The Zhenhai Spirit of the Eternal Clan snorted coldly: "So this is your trump card. After playing for a long time, it should be over."


And Han Fei can't control that much at this moment. Although the undead brother didn't catch it, the twenty-four heavens are not weak.


Han Fei shouted, twenty-four heavens, the power of twenty-four galaxies, directly covering the battlefield outside the enchantment.

At this time, only the solitary first layer of the thirty-three barrier of the gods was left.

At this time, if you are hit by the Zhenhai God, or you are hit by the ethereal drum of good fortune, or you are killed by the gods, the gods will not even have the last trace of protection.

Qiu Wanren was still in shock: "You guys still have the means, take them out as soon as possible! The old man almost committed suicide."

Qiu Wanrenrao has also experienced a big battle, and he was shaking a little at this time. Two offensive treasures of good fortune, two sea-suppressing gods, ten god-killing gods, and more than sixty gods. In this battle, one person breathed a sigh of relief. gone.

Han Fei didn't respond to Qiu Wanren, at this moment blood was pouring from the corners of his mouth.

No matter how strong the twenty-four heavens are, they are only the treasures of good fortune, but there are four special treasures of good fortune on the opposite side. At this moment, they are madly fighting against each other.


Others thought that this was Han Fei's last card, but only Han Fei knew that his last card was the Blade of Hope.

He was clearly fishing for the undead brother, but why he came to the twenty-four heavens, there must be a deep meaning.

At this moment, the Good Fortune Kongling Drum began to play music directly, and a faint divine sound suppressed the power of fifteen galaxies, corresponding to the fifteen divine sounds of the Good Fortune Ethereal Drum.

And the God-killer Demon Puppet, the two sea-suppressing gods of the Eternal Race, plus all the God-killer-level and gods, together resisted the power of the remaining nine galaxies.

Fortunately, the God Slaying Demon Puppet is just a puppet, and it focuses more on combat, which is equivalent to a powerful person in Zhenhai, so it can't disperse its power like the creation of the ethereal drum.

Otherwise, just these two treasures of good fortune would be enough to suppress the twenty-four heavens.

I just heard the ancient demon clan slaughtering gods: "A treasure of good fortune, how long can you stop me from waiting?"

Seeing this scene, Han Fei frowned deeply and slowly stretched out.

He couldn't help looking at the still shaking Star Sea, as if he had thought of something.

"The catastrophe has not yet come.

The Eternals are just players in the game. "

At that moment, Han Fei's mind became clear, and he suddenly retracted the fishing rod, and the blade of hope returned to his wrist.

"No more fishing.

come to fight. "

I saw that in Han Fei's hands, the Fortune Chessboard appeared, and 179 pieces appeared at the same time.

"clap clap"

However, I saw that the chessboard of good fortune was transformed into a thousand miles, falling like rain, and the ghosts of gods appeared one after another.

Those people in Zhonghai Shenzhou, although they have learned from the sea of ​​​​watch that Han Fei has such a treasure.

But who knows, how can this summon 179 ghosts of gods at once?

This time, including those from the Eternal Race, they were all dumbfounded.

How many gods have blessed that chessboard?

Are those gods brain sick?

Put all the power on this chessboard?

And the people of the gods who are recovering their bloodlines, although they can't move, it doesn't mean they can't feel it.

From the beginning to the present, they have all watched Han Fei stand alone against all the enemies.

Just listen to Qiu Wanren shouting: "Everyone concentrate, don't waste time, the old man will join the war soon."


For a time, the sky-killing technique covered the sky and the sun.

Among them, seven consecutive kills, three times the peak strike, and reached the twenty-four heavens.

"Puff puff"

"boom boom"

"dong dong dong"

There are only seven killing sons, and Han Fei will not use them on god-killing powerhouses, because they cannot be killed.

However, if it is used on ordinary gods and the twenty-four heavens are added, it is a lore game.

The sky is roaring constantly, and the death knell of the heavens is one after another, resounding continuously.

In just one round of attack, there were seven gods in Zhonghai Shenzhou, who were directly killed on the spot.

I just heard Han Fei shouting angrily: "Until the last moment, who will kill the deer is still unknown.

If you want to kill me, first break my game. "

"bang bang bang"

Han Fei only saw that the two sea-suppressing gods, the top ten god-killing gods, and a god-killing puppet all took action.

Almost every other breath, three or five phantoms of gods are annihilated.

In fact, after the seven killers were shot, Han Fei knew that there were no more people to be beheaded.

There are too many strong opponents, but he still exhausted almost the entire power of the chessboard in order to delay time.

In the blink of an eye, fifty breaths passed by, and there were only 17 ghosts of gods left. During the period, only one **** of Zhonghai Shenzhou and two gods of Eternal Race were killed.

More than 100 gods, Xu Ying, were beaten up.


At this moment, Qiu Wanren shouted violently: "Take it!"

Just like the sky above the city of gods, the great formation began to fade, and the eight million gods, some kind of shackles in their bodies, seemed to be broken.


Han Fei knew that everyone's bloodlines had recovered.

That is, at this moment, one after another silhouettes rose into the sky, all of which were the pinnacles of the great emperors among the gods.

The first to bear the brunt is the elder of the gods, Granny Meng. At this moment, she is soaring into the sky, surrounded by nine small worlds.

She just heard her cry out, "My gods are lacking in resources, and the resources in these nine small worlds are only enough for nine people to overcome calamity and become gods."

"I come!"

Yue Lingke immediately took one in hand.

Chu Hao sighed: "The foundation is broken, but I also want to feel the style of the gods."


"And I."

"Don't grab it, the elders come."

"Put down, give me the small world, my foundation is like you, I will come first."


Almost in an instant, the nine small worlds were robbed.

These people have been at the peak of the Great Emperor for too long. At this moment, there are probably not one thousand, but eight hundred who can cross the Divine Tribulation.

However, there are many strong people in Zhonghai Shenzhou and the Eternal Race on the opposite side, and it is a miracle that Han Fei alone has blocked them so far.

Although they know that even if they become gods, it is meaningless.

It wasn't even enough for the other party to kill the Zhenhai God in a moment. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

But becoming a **** is hope.

Only Yue Lingke shouted: "Whoever gets the small world, follow me to cross the calamity."

Yue Lingke's idea is very simple, she wants to use the power of divine tribulation to kill the enemy in the calamity.

But can gods kill gods?

That's not necessarily true. Even if the gods interfere with the gods, it will cause the power of the gods to skyrocket, but no one knows whether they can kill the gods.

Even if it can, how many can be cut?

Therefore, even if Yue Lingke and the others went through the divine tribulation collectively, it would be meaningless.

"Nonsense, give me back."

Qiu Wanren shouted, "Han Fei, let this old man come."


Just when the powerhouses of the entire god-born lineage were aggressive and were preparing to commit suicide to defend against the enemy, they only heard a sound like the sky and the earth shattering.

Everyone hurriedly looked at the sky of the sea of ​​stars, and saw that in the sea of ​​​​stars that created the astrolabe, a huge mouth suddenly opened, and the endless dark fog, in a blink of an eye, crossed the sea of ​​​​stars and appeared in everyone's field of vision.

When the black fog was close, everyone saw that it was densely packed and endless ominous creatures.

An ominous beast is running, and the number is hundreds of thousands.

Han Fei's pupils shrank slightly: "Doomsday level ominous?"

On top of some of the ominous giant beasts, there are some thin figures standing. Han Fei has seen such a picture before. It is a god-killing ominous god, and there are more than one hundred in number.

And in front of them, four ominous figures, carrying a huge black coffin, arrived in an instant.

Han Fei was dumbfounded: "Sparrow! Isn't the disaster you brought a little too strong?

Isn't this over? "

Emperor Que also felt that something was wrong: "No, it shouldn't be! Is this poking an ominous old nest?

Where did they come from? "