God of Fishing

Chapter 291: Merciless shrimp

Secondary fishing grounds.

On the sea, the sun is dazzling. The heavy waves, covered with a layer of golden light by the sun, are spectacular.

非 Han Fei and Xia Xiaochan have been at the secondary fishing ground for almost two months. Because of the two guys, Qu Qunan and Ling Xie, Han Fei was unable to explore any Jedi.

Of course, it's not that they didn't do anything very much. Xia Xiaochan found the weirdness in this water area right now. The water temperature here was too cold, and there seemed to be something extremely cold.

At this moment, Xia Xiaochan was sitting on the back of Daxia Arowana, two little feet swaying in the water. Not far from her, a large patch of seaweed lay on the sea. These seagrasses sometimes change into nets, sometimes into spears, and from time to time they can entangle a few ironhead fish.

Ling on the seagrass, Ling Xie was holding a pair of swords and was fighting a big lobster. The two swords and shrimp ao were called a "ping pong".

Xia Xiaochan kicked the water and shouted, "Ling Xie, you are a soldier armor division, not a war spirit division. You can control the sword, but don't use the sword ... and Qu Qunan, you make such a large piece of seaweed, Want to farm in the sea? The main purpose of the controller is to limit the enemy. What are you limiting? You provide the enemy with a favorable battle environment. "

As soon as the words of Xia Xiaochan came to an end, the large piece of seagrass suddenly gathered towards the middle, and then spread to the body of the big lobster.

After a short while, the lobster was almost covered with seaweed. The lobster tried to break free, but the seaweed was so tough that it caught its joints.

"Ding Ding Ding ..."

Dozens of long swords flew out of Ling Xie's armor box, attacking a corner of the big lobster's head, and then beheaded.

After a short while, the seagrass gathered and turned into an adult form. Qu Junnan scratched his head somewhat embarrassedly: "Sister ..."

Xiao Xia Chan waved her hand and said, "Go and cook on a fishing boat. I'll go to the bottom of the sea and see what Han Fei is doing!"

Uh ...

According to nonsense, Han Fei found a gathering place for mantis shrimp in the secondary fishery. This is a sandy seabed with numerous large caves on the sandy bottom of the sea.

Every time a school of fish passes by and looks for food in the sand on the sea floor, a long figure pops up from a big hole, which is exactly the same kind of shrimp.

At this moment, in a certain hole, the sand was flying and the dust was billowing.

"嘭 ..."

The shrimp hole collapsed, and two giant mantis shrimps were seen facing each other. The picture was once indescribable.

非 Han Fei was black-faced: "Shrimp Ritian, you're enough! I've been watching here for a long time, why haven't you played?"

I saw shrimp Ritian's tail waving in the water, but also wanted to come over and was kicked away by Han Fei.

Han Fei: "I'll give you more time to breathe. If I don't finish it, I will braised the mantis shrimp."

Suddenly, Han Fei turned his head and looked aside, only to see Xia Xiaochan's eyes widened, looking at the shrimp rolling in the sand, and looking at Han Fei again, his face was aggressive.

Han Fei blushed: "Uh ... that ... Actually, I just brought shrimp to find a girlfriend every day, and it was over."

Xiao Xia Chan with a black face: "You guys, it's disgusting."

Han Fei is speechless: Why are we really sick? Obviously it's so disgusting for shrimp Ritian. Yes, it must have been single for too long.

After the punch was finished, Han Fei punched out in a fist. In a shrimp hole next to it, a praying mantis shrimp ran out angrily, and was followed by a large hill-like seal.

After a short while, Han Fei dragged a 34-meter-long mantis shrimp directly upstream of the boat. I can't stay anymore, my face is all gone.

On board.

The three Xiaoxia cicadas watched as Han Fei came back with a praying mantis shrimp, all stunned. Do you eat mantis shrimp in front of shrimp? Is this bad?

非 Han Fei hummed and said, "Your hands, the mantis shrimp tastes better, Ling Kite, peeling the shell ..."

After a short while, Shrimp returned every day. Seeing a bunch of mantis shrimp shells on the boat, he suddenly pulled his head and hid to the side, the whole shrimp shivered.

Yu Qu Bannan: "Brother, otherwise you still have to take the shrimp ... Jiuwei take it back!"

非 Han Fei hummed, "No, let it watch."

The prawns secretly raised their eyes every day and froze Han Fei. They said, "The second owner is too terrible. Shouldn't I just go find a girlfriend?" As for you

It ’s okay for Xiaoxia Cicada to pick up a large piece of shrimp and stuff it in his mouth. After eating for a long time, he slowly said, "Go back tomorrow?"

Han Fei: "Well, anyway, you said you didn't find it there, come back ..."

After he finished speaking, Han Fei looked at Qu Junnan and Ling Xie: "Can you two break through the big fisherman?"

Yu Qu Junnan shook his head: "Brother, I feel a little weaker."

Han Fei waved his hand: "It's time to break through. Your physique is comparable to the normal peak fisherman, and you can stand on the same starting line with others. If you want to break through, that's a matter of chance, and we won't help Look for it. "

Ling Lingjie nodded: "Thank you Brother and Sister."

Two people have long wanted to break through. Hearing words at this moment, immediately broke through.

This seems to others to be impossible. But in the eyes of Han Fei and Xia Xiaochan, it was taken for granted. If under this kind of high-intensity training, with the help of exercises and spiritual fish, you cannot break through to the big fisherman within one year, what kind of genius is it?

Don't watch this year, everyone is going crazy, but there is nothing less to do.

Xie Leren is crazy, and now the amount of armor control is terrible, I am afraid that it can be compared with the original Li Yiyi. After all, it's not easy to trim the leaves with a torrent of swords.

Luo Luo Xiaobai discovered a new ability of his own. She can actually be attached to Ling Zhi and shuttle between Ling Zhi, which is simply a magic skill.

Zhang Xuanyu is the most diligent in the sea. According to him, it was because the two major combat techniques of the Nu Hai Jiujie and the Nu Hai waves were deduced. He will temper for a while in the sea. What is more intriguing is that he created these two major combat skills.

Xiaoxia Chan, not to mention. During this year's free activities, the time to go to sea was as long as half a year. Her heavenly figure "Roaming tactics" has been successfully cultivated, and speed is a well-deserved first among a group of people. Even if Han Fei Xiaojin possesses her body, plus the "Yingyou Jue" method, it is not easy to catch her.

However, Han Fei himself, after a year of precipitation, the biggest gain was in the formation method.

The "Juling Scripture" left by the old man from Minjiang, he copied from beginning to end. Although in these large formations, he only fused through a single spirit formation. However, other types of formations are not without their gains. It can be said that he has learned some of the small arrays in the book. For example, what kind of sleepy formation, aura enchantment, invisibility formation, concentration breath formation, explosion explosion formation, etc. cover no less than 30 types.

Of course, these small formations will not make Han Fei stronger, but just make him an all-round master.

之外 Outside the formation, Han Fei's energy in the body was basically digested. Although the strength has not been improved, the indestructible body has gone further. Not only is the skin thick, the internal organs are now tougher.

Breaking through the sea is definitely a dangerous thing, especially for the splendid new ones like Qu Qunan and Ling Xie.

Of course, Han Fei and Xia Xiaochan are not afraid. Han Fei kicked Xie Ritian's body: "Go, kill me all the fish trying to approach."

Han Xia Xiaochan pouted his lips: "It's miserable to be your soul beast!"

嗤 Han Fei 嗤 laughed: "You don't know how happy it was just now."

Frown frowned, Xia Xiaochan asked, "We have been here for two months, why not give them a contract spirit beast?"

Han Fei said silently: "Would we like to help them cultivate to fishermen by the way? Some things can help, UU reading www.uukanshu.com Some things have to be done by themselves. At the beginning, five of us went to catch strange contract spirits Although there is a little leucorrhea, but it wasn't five people who took it together in the end? "

Xiao Xia Chan thought for a while: "Yes, we left them the map we marked before, and let them find it for themselves."

非 Han Fei nodded indifferently: "This time I'm going back to the tertiary fishing ground, right?"

Yu Xia Xiaochan stretched her back: "Yeah! It's been all right for a whole year, and I'm almost bored to death."

He said, Xia Xiaochan stood on the deck and poured into the sea on his back. I just saw her lying on the sea water and said cheerfully, "How fun is the sea ... what is the land to plant? It's not for me."

Han Fei: "Come up, this is all about to cook, and still running into the water?"

Xia Xiaochan: "Let's break it too! If nothing else, Xiaobai should have broken into a fisherman now."

The next second, Xia Xiaochan appeared next to the hot pot with a teleportation, and Han Fei was speechless: teleportation, amazing? Will it teleport and do whatever you want?

Yu Xia Xiaochan reluctantly: "I don't know why. Recently I feel that I can't run out of Reiki, so I want to use some.

Han Fei is speechless, is this special, show off?

Suddenly at this moment, suddenly Xia Xiaochan's body was full of aura. With the aura, there was even a hint of red light.

In a moment, Han Fei's complexion changed greatly, "蹭" immediately stood up.

不好 "No, why did it happen suddenly?"