God of Fishing

Chapter 303: Dangerous?

Originally, when he first saw Linguo, Han Fei's first reaction was surprise. How could he find Linguo so easily?

But when he saw that the guardian creature was only a level of unicorn shark, he suddenly became interested.

Generally, the more powerful the guardian is, the higher the level of the spiritual fruit. Therefore, Han Fei had no hope for this spiritual fruit.

When he walked to the spiritual fruit and saw the spiritual fruit message, the result was unexpected.

[Name] Secret Date Tree

介绍 [Introduction] The remaining treasure tree can be used to make the best magic weapon. Trees grow secret jujube, which can strengthen bones and bones.

等级 [Level] 37

品质 [Quality] The best treasure tree

[Contains Reiki] 92645

[Collection] Secret Date



非 Han Fei gave a slight startle, and judging from the level of this secret jujube tree, it is clearly at the same level as Xueyinzhu. The refined stick is probably only a magic weapon level.

But this reiki content is so high that it is so high that it is a little worse than 100,000 reiki!

Han Fei immediately flashed his eyes, and I was not too small for 100,000! At the beginning, I was as happy as a few thousand auras. This fruit contains 100,000 auras. What other function does it ask for?

Immediately, Han Fei picked the secret date and threw it directly into his mouth.

At that moment, a sweetness that had never before slipped across the tip of the tongue, the taste buds opened, and a pleasant fragrance began to escape to the limbs and bones.

Han Fei deliberately did not leave and stayed where he was.

He just wanted to see if the sea floor of these three-level fishing grounds would be similar to the previous fishing grounds? If not unexpected, there should be a large number of fish and crabs swarming by now.

However, the result disappointed Han Fei. He only saw some deciduous starfish drifting here, some fear shrimps got out of the sand and waited for a while, then they re-drilled into the sand.

Not only did the creatures under the sea not move, even the school of fish just hurried past them, and did not attack.

Han Fei suddenly patted his thigh, I went, and forgot to take back Xiaojin and shrimp every day.

Immediately, Han Fei thought of it and took back the little gold and shrimp every day.

After a short while, a lot of creatures such as fear shrimp, snail snails, and anti-swords appeared.

The first to attack was the snail snail. Such creatures rely on their strong defenses and are not afraid of Han Fei. Their mouths are wide open, like black holes.

He saw that Han Feixue's silver stick was in his hand, and under some slamming, the panic shrimp began to dispatch in large numbers, followed closely by the anti-sky knife.

"Shrimp every day, Xiaojin."

At the moment when these two guys came out, those swarming anti-saury swarms turned and slipped away.

The panic shrimp and snail snails also retreated and got back into the soil.

Han Fei, of course, did not really want to fight these ordinary marine creatures, he was only trying to test the danger level of the tertiary fishing ground.

It turns out that the creatures here are really smart and already know how to save lives.

They seem to be able to perceive the power of Xiaojin and Shrimp. Therefore, all offensives were abandoned in the first place. Only deciduous starfish, a low-level creature, kept banging on Han Fei. Unfortunately, when Han Fei held up the aura, they could not even break it.

At this moment, Han Fei is enjoying, the energy in the spirit fruit is not violent at all, as if trickling, flowing into the limbs and bones.


非 Han Fei felt the small gourd on his wrist light up, flashing. He found that a part of the aura flowed into the pot of the demon monster.

Han Fei is wrong, I do n’t eat so many spiritual springs in the world of refining and you do n’t eat them, you come to grab a piece of mysterious jujube with me

Immediately, Han Fei's heart moved, and there seemed to be a slight change in the demon pot that had not changed for a long time.

闭 He quickly closed his eyes to feel, but as if seeing the dark and empty world in the pot, there seemed to be two words looming out of the chaotic darkness.

Xu Xu is less spiritual, or for some other reason, these two words have not been able to project.

"His ..."

非 Han Fei was taken aback at the time. Does the refining pot have new abilities?

非 Han Fei thought for a moment: Yes, at first, he also ate nirvana and sucked aura, and only then appeared new functions! But later, because the spiritual fruit is hard to find, most of them use the method of touching fish to accumulate spiritual energy. Even if I do n’t touch the fish anymore, I directly obtained the Lingquan from places like Mantis Shrimp Cave, Liumen Starfish and Huoyun Cave.

On the contrary, Han Fei has forgotten one of the most fundamental things, which is that people eat heaven and earth, which is nature. The demon pot was silent for a long time, and he was about to use the little gourd as a furnace and space equipment.

"Don't ... Only if the refining pot absorbs more aura from the spiritual fruit, will it continue to grow?"

The thought flashed by, but Han Fei's heart was overjoyed. This is a way to try it anyway without delaying time! I want to spend a full year in these three-tier fishing grounds!

Han Fei patted Xiaobai's head and said, "Look, are there any other spiritual fruits?"

Xiao Xiaobai is also sensible, it is simply a caring little cotton-padded jacket. The level of finding a baby is first-rate.

Only three days.

Han Fei found 7 spirit fruit in this area, and 7 sticks were collected. Although it is only the material for refining magic weapons, magic weapons are also money! There is a superb magic weapon in the exquisite tower, and it also has hundreds of thousands of high-quality pearls! Not much cheaper than the fishing boat they bought.

Maybe there are too few spiritual fruits, and the demon monster pot has not changed yet. Han Fei followed Xiaobai and continued to swim in the sea.

Because of the vast sea area, Han Fei does not feel that he will easily encounter human beings. Moreover, you can hide in the depths of seven or eight hundred meters. Those who run the ghost ship business do not need to dive so deep? Therefore, he took Xiao Jin out of the picture as a matter of course.

At this moment, Han Fei is sitting on Xiao Jin's back. The latter has wings spread and glides through the sea. One person and one strange swim on the bottom of the sea, but no creature dares to approach.

Han Fei couldn't help wondering: This fish is smart, but it also has smart benefits! The advantage is that you no longer have to worry about those brainless fish rushing up and attacking yourself.

Suddenly, Xiaobai stopped and began to swim downward.

非 Han Fei quickly patted Xiaojin: "Go on, the spirit fruit comes."

But when Han Fei fell, he found that Xiao Bai was trying to drill into a stone.

"Oh! No, Xiaobai is back."

非 Han Fei's expression changed slightly, and he studied the matrix method for one year, so that he knew a little bit about the matrix method. When he saw the garbled rocks here and the rare past school of fish, he knew there was a battle there.

A long knife appeared in Han Fei's hand.

长 This long knife is an extra blue sea dragon sword made by Han Fei. Unlike those used for 10,000 knives, this long knife is long and protected by a scabbard.

This is the special type of knives in Royal Knife. At the beginning, Han Fei also vowed, "The Book of Swords", this heavenly **** warfare skill has only one trick "draw sword", so shameful.

However, six months ago, when he first used the sword-drawing technique, he directly smashed the six-faced turtle shield of Lerenkang. At that time, he knew that this sword-drawing technique was an overwhelming life-saving combat technique ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ less than necessary, he did not use it.

At this moment, Han Fei took out this knife because he was afraid of sorrow.

Ba Du said that there are thousands of dangerous places in the third-level fishing grounds. It seems that wherever they go, there will always be several dangerous places.

It's just a bit dangerous, obviously. For example, suddenly sinking trenches, such as the waters with a lot of vegetation, such as the ruins of stone, are all easy to find. Of course, these have been explored long ago.

However, there are some insignificant dangers. These places are deeply hidden. For example, Huoyun Cave, which was encountered by one's own team at the time, the ban on sunken ships in ordinary fishing grounds, and the invisible potholes found by Xia Xiaochan when they became ill ... it is difficult to notice.

At this moment, Han Fei is quite sure that he has encountered a dangerous place surrounded by formations.

This place looks ordinary, Han Fei doesn't think it is a dangerous place. As the old man said, when you meet, you know the danger.

非 Han Fei thought of it, and collected Xiao Hei, Xiao Bai, and Xiao Jin, and then threw the shrimp out every day. Fighting this kind of thing, shrimp every day and they cooperate more tacitly.

Han Fei made a circle around these stones, his mouth slightly raised: "Mysterious obstacles? The design is quite clever. It is not a pile of rocks, but an ordinary reef and a shipwreck."

非 Han Fei kicked a piece of crushed stone, and the crushed stone hit a certain stone in the reef pile, and then completely disappeared.

"Hey! Found it."