God of Fishing

Chapter 372: Squeezed seaweed

When he saw the ball, Han Fei didn't see any information and knew that there was something wrong with the ball.

In other words, there are indeed creatures in it, but it is definitely not the seagrass ball itself.

Without giving the seagrass ball a chance to beg for mercy, Bihaiyoulongdao cut the seagrass ball into hundreds of petals just like cutting a watermelon.

Then Han Fei was dumb.

The six starfish also seemed stupid.

Han Fei's mouth shook twice: "So, this thing is an octopus?"

In the eyes, information emerged.

[Name] Octopus

[Introduction] The extremely rare creatures in the deep-sea jungle are caused by the erroneous eating of seaweed essence and fruit, which can freely control the unconscious spirit plant. To some extent, life can be shared with seagrass. In the overgrown seagrass, it cannot be killed without special means. The main body combat ability is very weak, extremely timid, and generally does not show up. Containing grass beads, there is a very small chance of eating the ability to control seagrass.

[Level] 39

[Quality] strange (variation)

[Contains Reiki] 15626 points

[Edible effect] Greatly enhances mental power and soul resistance

[Collectable] God grass beads


After seeing this information, Han Fei couldn't help but be speechless. So, this guy is really just a character playing a pig and a tiger? Obviously I am weak, I am good at blowing fish, and I threaten to give myself 10 dead leaf Cordyceps?

At this moment, the **** grass octopus was also stupid, and the whole shrank.

In fact, it's very large, bigger than the seagrass ball wrapped around it. However, octopuses, where they are small, like to drill wherever they are.

Han Fei used to salvage some bottles and other things more than once. On one occasion, he salvaged a large bottle with a volume of 9 liters and a diameter of less than 5 cm, and found an octopus over 30 cm thick hidden inside.

This is the seaweed octopus. According to Han Fei's judgment, the size of this product is almost as good as that of six uncles. However, at this moment shrunk into a ball less than 10 meters.

"Don't kill me, I'll get you Cordyceps."

Now, this big octopus still talks to Han Fei about this.

Han Fei smiled, his mouth grinning widely: "To make Cordyceps? I'm not in a hurry right now, and I want to make you especially."

When I saw Han Fei going up, it was a punch and kick.

"I asked you to give me a soul lock."

"I make you flicker at me."

"Let you threaten me."

"Let you block me."

"Let you pretend, let you blow fish ..."

"Let you ... uh ... make you look ugly, long like grass."


In the dull eyes of the six starfish, Han Fei suffocated for ten minutes.

Finally, Han Fei twisted his neck: "It's much more comfortable, and it feels so good to hit the punching bag."

The devil octopus was reduced to a punching bag, and he did not dare to speak or ask. Anyway, Han Fei didn't use any aura when he hit, so let him fight.

At this moment, the **** grass octopus said weakly, "Can you let me go?"

Han Fei laughed and said, "Uncle Liumen, the six gates are open."


Han Fei: "Ah, what? Drive off and throw this guy in."

The **** grass octopus suddenly had a shock, but the six starfish quickly said, "No! My six gate array does not seem to be able to trap it for a long time!"

Han Feihe said, "Doesn't there still be Forbidden Spirit Network? Afraid it will not run?"

Listening to Han Fei's words, the six-star starfish also reassured and raised its six-door array.

I saw Han Feisheng pull hard and threw the **** grass octopus directly into the six-door array, and then he moved his mind to the top of the forbidden network. Whenever this **** green octopus changes, you can cover it with a click of Forbidden Net.

Han Fei himself was holding two blue sea dragon swords, and 30 were suspended on his side, sitting on the head of the **** grass octopus.

Han Fei: "Give me 10 dead leaf Cordyceps first, and then I will consider whether to let you go."

At that time, the **** grass octopus gnawed: What if it had three hearts and nine brains? Under this situation of absolute control, a hundred brains are useless!

God grass octopus: "No! I'm trapped in the ban, I can't use it ..."

"Hmm ..."

Without waiting for his words to be spoken, Han Fei pierced his head with a stab: "I've had my brain before speaking, what did you just say? No?"

"Okay ..."

The **** grass octopus is crying so fast, should it be so brutal?

I saw Han Fei "slipping", pulled out the knife, and nodded in satisfaction: "Okay, what are you still doing? Give me the dead leaf Cordyceps!"

God grass octopus slapped his tentacles: "But there are no wormholes here!"

Without waiting for Han Fei to speak, the six starfish said: "This is easy to handle, I know where there are wormholes ... humans, can you get me two dead leaf Cordyceps?"

Han Fei grinned and waved his hand: "No problem."

The **** grass octopus wants to kill the six starfish: What are you doing?

A piece of seagrass wall without this big octopus seemed suddenly out of danger. Until the six-door starfish took Han Fei and found the wormhole through the hundreds of miles, they did not encounter any special strange things.

Although those seaweeds are still entangled, it seems that it is only instinct and not climate.

At this moment, seaweed was madly drilling into the wormhole. Han Fei watched a lot of seagrass wither instantly, and finally turned into powder, and couldn't help but be shocked in his heart: I didn't get rid of these bugs at first, otherwise I'd be cold already.

When the first Cordyceps spp. Was in his hands, Han Fei cried out with a smile: good stuff! If there are really 10 Cordyceps sinensis, he is confident that he can push the immortal body to a new height.

This dead leaf Cordyceps has caused the seaweed to be empty within a few kilometers, and even more. Of course, the follow-up seaweed was soon added.


"Two plants."

"Five strains."


When the **** grass octopus was attacking the eighth worm nest, the worm nest rioted.

Not a wormhole riot, but an earthquake, it seems that hundreds of wormholes rioted at the same time. A large number of dead leaf worms emerged from the ground like locusts.

Just listen to the **** grass octopus said: "No, the insect king is coming out."

Han Fei directly dragged the Forbidden Spirit Net, bound a sage octopus, and jumped on the six starfish: "Run and run ... why is there a worm king in this ghost place?"

Six starfish stared like meteors while responding: "I don't know!"

Han Fei stabbed into the head of the big octopus, "said, why would the worm's den riot?"

God grass octopus hurried: "I don't know! Maybe there are too many bugs killed?"

"Papapa ..."

Han Fei raised his hand and shouted a series of slaps: "Let you not know, let you blow fish, and have been running here for so many years, even the King of Bugs does not know? You have a big head."

When pieces of dead-leaf worms emerged, Han Fei discovered that, as far as the field of vision, almost turned into a piece of scorched earth in a blink of an eye, and a large number of vines withered directly.

Fortunately, Han Fei responded fast enough, as long as it was a half a minute later, I was afraid that he would not even be able to escape.

However, what Han Fei did not know was that this wormhole riot was not just a riot in his place. Within thousands of miles, even farther away, there were riots.

Some people heard that the grassland on the sea was passing through the seagrass city wall. As a result, when the wormhole riots, it was swallowed up instantly, and even the bones were left behind.

Some people have n’t gone deep yet. When they saw the worm burst, they lost all three souls and seven souls. Return directly to the original road, fleeing wildly.

at this time.

Dozens of blue sea dragon swords were inserted directly into the body of the octopus of God grass by Han Fei's body: "Do you really think I'm stupid? You mean it, don't you?"

The big octopus was jabbed by a sudden knife, terrified and said, "I don't! I really don't know. Occasionally, a blast will happen here, but it has nothing to do with me!"

"Insect explosion? How does it explode?"

Big octopus: "Every wormhole, all broke out."


Han Fei had a cold heart at that time: all wormholes exploded together. What is that concept? No longer leave alive!

Han Fei watched Liumen starfish frantically drill into the green place, but the seaweed nearly 50 meters near the bottom of the sea had almost been eroded. Han Fei had no idea how many wormholes were hidden underground?

The speed of the six starfish can be described as unpleasant, but it cannot be thrown away at all. Because the wormhole eruption is not one place, and it is strange that these bugs chase themselves for some reason.

Han Fei looked at the shrewd octopus shuffled into a ball ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ He wondered: "Is it really the ghost?"

Secretly released mental perception, Han Fei finally found something wrong. I saw the Bihai Yulong knife directly submerged into the body of the big octopus, and began to stir.

It turned out that when the **** octopus was running, the body was still secreting a slimy liquid. This slimy liquid is extremely small, tens of meters in size and only one drop.

If Han Fei had not been deceived by Yang Ruoyun, I am afraid he would not have guessed at all. However, he observed three times, and each time this liquid dripped, it would cause a wormhole riot.

Han Fei faced coldly: "Submit or die, you choose one."

"Submit, surrender ... don't kill me, I can be your covenant spirit beast, don't bother."

The corner of Han Fei's mouth raised slightly: "Since you surrender, don't resist your spirit."

"Receive ..." The God of Fishing