God of Fishing

Chapter 383: Exchange

The man was relaxed. Han Fei could even feel a faint smile behind his mask: "The first thing you came in was to observe, and it seemed quite surprised and puzzled by the situation inside the ghost ship. So, you boarded the ghost ship What is the purpose?"

Han Fei smiled slightly: "Selling things and buying things are just two reasons."

The man looked around: "These people are selling things and don't know what you sell? Is there any good product?"

Han Fei hesitated for a moment, and replied, "Sell the seashells, and there are some scattered things."

"Well! It's worth your intention to go on a ghost ship to sell Seashells. It seems you killed a lot of people! However, it's really convenient to shoot here ... Apart from seashells? Is there anything authentic? For example, top-grade spirits or something? "

Han Fei's mouth twitched: your sister's top grade magic weapon? Look at the tertiary fishing grounds. How many people have top-notch spirits?

I just listened to that person and laughed, "It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter if you don't have it. In fact, here, more of them are bartered. The pearl of Zhongpin is useless, it is troublesome to change hands. If you don't mind, I will take you Turn around? "

Han Fei asked: "How much does it cost?"


The man laughed dismissively: "Do you think this is a dragon boat? It's just a friend."

Han Fei didn't move, but said blandly: "You're really joking. Everyone is wearing a mask, you tell me to make friends? Funny me?"

The man slightly shook his head: "Okay! Mingren don't say secret words, do you have top-quality magical tools, best materials, and demon-level combat skills? If so, I accept them. Of course, you can also It was sold to the Ghost Ship, but the price was 50%. You and I traded for 20% of the handling fee. "

Han Fei was a little surprised, and was very surprised. Is it so rich that he came in casually through a door and met a person casually?

Top-grade magic weapons, weapons of this level are definitely high-end goods. A superb magic weapon is worth about 50,000 Chinese-style pearls.

Han Fei asked: "If there are so many people on board, why do you have to pay a handling fee if you trade privately?"

The man shrugged: "You can also try not to pay. Maybe, you can hide it in the past. But if you find it, you will die. There is no eyeliner in this ghost ship. Of course, you don't have to worry about this, The fee can be 10 per person, as long as you have good things. "

Han Fei tilted his head and looked at the humane: "The point is, what do you exchange with me?"

I saw the man squinting his eyes slightly and said, "Demon-level combat skills, cultivation exercises ... I have everything you want."

When I saw Han Fei turned and left, he murmured, "Neuropathy."

The man behind him hurriedly chased after him: "Ah, don't go! Are these not enough?"

Han Fei spit out: "I hate those who pretend to force and blow fish. If you have these, you would have changed them here. If you have everything, you still use it in this ghost place?"

The faceless man stepped down and did not continue to catch up, but thoughtfully: "Blow too much? Forget it, wait for the next ..."

Han Fei was black-faced, walking inside this huge and gloomy ghost ship, and someone would exchange with him from time to time.

For example, at this moment, a faceless man is sitting on the ground in the middle of the cabin, his voice hoarse: "You boy, change something?"

Han Fei: "How do you know I'm a teenager?"

The man smiled slightly: "Look at how you walk and how hard you walk, then look at your hands."

Han Fei stopped, shrugged, and looked at him: "What do you have?"

The man responded lightly: "What do you want?"

Han Fei thought for a while: "I don't know, see what you can give me ..."

The man thought for a while and took out a green fruit saying: "The grassland on the sea, poison dill, can protect you from poison here."

Han Fei's eyes narrowed: What a big guy! He knows this poison pot. He just didn't know that there was such a thing on the sea steppe?

According to the "Lingzhi Daquan", poison dill is a detoxification fruit that grows among thousands of poisonous vines and melts hundreds of poisons. Although there are no other special effects, but in terms of detoxification, it is definitely the top spiritual fruit. Once taken, the tertiary fisheries are afraid of being non-toxic.

Han Fei couldn't believe that such an extremely precious thing even encountered individuals at will.

Han Fei: "How much is it?"

The man snorted softly: "A top-grade spirit knife, a hundred pounds of spirit springs, and 500,000 middle-grade spirit beads."

Han Fei took a step back, saying nothing: "You look like I'm such a rich man?"

Who knows, this person said lightly: "You have a dazzling sword, for fear that weapons are more than just top-quality swords. People like you usually don't lack the other two."

Han Fei smiled coldly: "Although the poison dill is good, the price is too high. Sorry, wait for the next one!"

Han Fei rejected the deal. What a killer this is, not so! However, the transaction proposed by this person also made Han Fei suddenly realize a problem.

At the time, when I bought spiritual fruit on a dragon boat, most of them were filled with aura, and only one detox was used, and the effect was not very good. But in the sea, there are thousands of spirits. He never expected that the poisonous fruits of other special categories would be so expensive.

Han Fei walked all the way and ignored the transaction requests of others, instead walking to a place where people gathered.

Han Fei saw hundreds of people gathered there, faceless people everywhere. Want to come, the transactions there should be more reliable than those encountered outside.

It was only when Han Fei approached that he discovered that there was an exchange there.

Yes, it is the exchange. It occupies a large area, but the brand of this exchange is very ordinary, and it will be ignored if you pay little attention to it.

Outside the exchange, the voice started to noisy.

Someone shouted, "Chinese pearls can be exchanged for anything. It's 10% cheaper than the exchange."

Someone greeted: "Large-scale acquisition of Xiapin Spirit Artifact."

Others held the top grade sword: "Only for the demon-grade top grade sword."

Han Fei was stunned, why are so many people hawking outside? Han Fei casually pulled himself and asked, "The exchange is in front of us, why should we trade outside?"

"Go away."

In response to Han Fei, it was a disapproval. This person does not seem to intend to answer Han Fei's question at all.

Han Fei frowned, squeezed directly through the crowd, and entered the exchange.

Han Fei said for a moment: The scene inside is a bit like a restaurant or a bar. There are tables and chairs, but there is no supply of drinks and meals.

Many people are talking at the tables and chairs, and they seem to be talking about various prices.

On one of the walls, there are countless brands, each of which has a lot of information.

such as:

Zhongpin Lingbian, selling 500,000 Zhongpin pearls;

Blood vine fruit, directed exchange of demon-level lower-level combat skills.

Crystal Xuanshi, directional exchange Zhongpin spirit knife.

High-grade spirit sword, directional exchange of demon-grade high-grade soldier armor combat skills ...

Han Fei couldn't help but be stunned: What a peculiar thing, it really is an exchange! It's just like an intermediary. All the babies are listed on it for people to choose freely.

This wall is 100 meters wide and 20 meters high, with countless transactions written on it.

Han Fei calculated it a little bit, obviously not enough. This shows that there are still many such exchanges on the ghost ship.

Looking not far away, there are several trading counters, where up to 30 faceless people stand behind the counter, and from time to time someone comes forward to trade.

There is another counter, and there are two people and two people going to the counter over there. Then, what they paid for was basically Chinese pearls.

From this, Han Fei knew that the counter over there should be privately traded by others and then pay 20% tax at the counter.

Han Fei shook his head slightly. It wasn't that he didn't want to take out all the swallowed seashells for personal exchange, but that he had a lot of swallowed seashells. Moreover, there is still a lot of mess in swallowing Highbury. Dealing with people is troublesome.

It's the ghost ship itself. Even if the price is 50% lower, it doesn't mean that they won't ask anything, won't they care? When Han Fei saw this, the top artifacts were sold out casually. He sells swallowed seashells ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ shouldn't he be stung by the owner of the dragon boat?

Thinking for a moment, Han Fei walked to the counter: "I want to sell something, do you take it here?"

The trader behind the counter nodded slightly, and then immediately said, "Receive everything, but the price is only 50% of the original price."

Han Fei nodded: "I need someone to take inventory."

The faceless man in charge of receiving Han Fei made a gesture of please, the direction of the gesture was the tables in the hall.

Han Fei was surprised: "Is this right?"

As a result, the faceless humane said: "It's here, anyway."

Han Fei frowned and followed, then followed. When he sat on the chair, an invisible barrier rose up around him, and all the outside sounds disappeared.

Opposite faceless humane; "There is a soundproofing here, now you can say, what do you need to do?" The God of Fishing