God of Fishing

Chapter 387: 1 fish skin

The underpass of the ghost ship was like a sewer. Anyway, the conditions are not very good, dark and narrow, and I don't know where to go.

Faceless Woman: "His Excellency walks along the road, and any door carved by a murderer on the door can go out. However, I would like to ask you to conceal the knife on your body a little too strongly.

Han Fei hesitated slightly, and some people said that he had a strong knife, why didn't I feel it?

He didn't take it seriously, even if it was taken seriously, my concubine converged? Nope!

What Han Fei can do is try to be calm and try to be as ordinary as possible.

Han Fei did not fully trust this faceless woman. Who knows what will be in this channel? Therefore, he also deliberately transmitted six starfish: "Master Six, is there a ban here? If I use amphibole, can I flash out?"

Six starfish, who have been pretending to be weak chickens, responded, "It doesn't taste like a ban! If anything, it can be broken."

After hearing the words of six starfish, Han Fei nodded and walked in along the narrow passage.

After walking about 5 kilometers, Han Feicai saw the first door carved with the so-called murderer carving.

However, what made him speechless was: Who painted this sculpture in the end? It's ugly. The so-called murderer on the door is a bare-chested and sweaty, with eyebrows flying and fierce eyes, holding a big axe in his hand, like I am going to chop people.

"It's ugly."

Han Fei did not choose to go out at the first door, listening to the meaning of the faceless woman, there seemed to be many doors carved by the murderer. Therefore, he was prepared to choose a more random one.

At the same time, Han Fei also said to the six starfish: "Six masters, give me a hidden circle."

Six Starfish: "It's safe here."

Han Fei: "Fart, when you go out, you don't know if it's safe or not. You spend too much money today and it's easy to be watched."

I just felt my shoulders squirm, and an invisible array fell on Han Fei's body.

Han Fei couldn't help but said, "Six masters, you use the array better than me. How long have you studied?"

Six-door starfish: "Don't learn, naturally it will!"

Han Fei: "..."

Han Fei doesn't want to talk. Is this the benefit of inheritance? My dear, after reading the "Juling Sutra" for a year, I couldn't figure it out all the way. People have n’t learned, they will! Really do n’t know what to say?

About half an hour later, Han Fei walked to the door carved by the ninth murderer, and then he pushed out the door.

Outside, there is no way to disembark. After Han Fei went out, there was a concave corner in the cabin, and no one was around.

Han Fei secretly exhaled. When it was over, I looked back and muttered to the door, "It's ugly."

After walking a few hundred meters, Han Fei said to the six starfish: "Master six, let me tell you, don't pick up those golden and broken ones next time. It's all right, take me to explore and explore the mystery. We cooperate , Tertiary fishing ground, where can't I go? "

"Six-door starfish is timid, do you tell it to use fish feces?"

Just as Han Fei flickered with six starfish, a hoarse and bland laugh came out of the corner.

After a while, Han Fei's fur was erected: was he close?

Subconsciously, Han Fei took out a blood-drenching knife, and his whole body was prepared. The opponent is so close to himself, he didn't even realize that his strength should not be underestimated.

When Han Fei followed his voice, he saw a faceless man in the corner.

But what made Han Fei even more shocked was that this corner was not the kind of concave corner he just came out, and it was not so dark. Even if you can't sense it mentally, your eyes should see it! However, this place was ignored by myself.

Han Fei warned: "Who are you?"

The man drew a **** and laughed, "I am a faceless person!"

Han Fei frowned: "Sorry, I'm in a hurry, I have no time to chat."

However, the man sneered and said, "Why rush? Why not? I'm afraid I'll eat you? You have the taste of thousands of years of red glutinous rice! Hey ... I haven't seen it for a long time."

Han Fei was stagnant at the time, this time his face became extremely ugly: "What do you want?"


There is no such thing as a chair in a place like a ghost ship, and it is still wet everywhere. However, it doesn't matter who comes here, so there is a habit of sitting on the floor.

Han Fei was hit by a single point. Although he had so many thousands of years of great red crickets, but he used spiritual stones, he did not dare to show them. As a result, this person broke the word casually, how to make Han Fei not surprised?

Han Fei paused, then sat on the opposite side of the faceless man: "How do you say?"

The faceless man chuckled and said, "This is killing me? Rest assured, I have no interest in Wannian Red Hung Hom. However, I am curious about you. Your physique surpasses the peak angler. How did you do that? "

Han Fei snorted: "The chance."

The man laughed: "Thousands of people are looking for opportunities, and they haven't seen anyone who is so strong ... forget it, I'm too lazy to ask you. Boy, what you said was ugly, what is ugly?"

Of course, Han Fei couldn't tell the truth, so he casually said, "I say the mask is ugly."

However, the man shrugged slightly: "You mean that the carving of the murderer on the door is really ugly?"

Han Fei was surprised again: "You came out of the secret road?"

The man hehe said: "Of course ... I agree with it. You do n’t believe it. The thing is really ugly. I also tried to modify it, draw a good-looking one, and sell it to the ghost ship to make some money ... No. "

Han Fei was speechless: Are you so neurotic? Who are you? If you sell, they want it?

However, Han Fei's face was not expressed, and he said lightly: "Then you continue to paint, maybe one day it will meet the standard of the ghost ship?"

The human said: "Or else, do you draw one? Let me help you sell it?"

Han Fei looked cold: "Do you think I'm free?"

The man stumbled unconsciously: "I don't know if you're idle. The key is I'm idle! I'm too lazy to move to the sea, I'm already a salty fish."

Han Fei: "..."

Han Fei: "Otherwise, if you continue to be a salted fish, I will go first?"

The man sneered; "Draw it, make a friend ... I'll figure it out, boy, you're in trouble."

With that said, the man even found the pen and the fish skin map.

Han Fei stared at him silently for a long time, what am I experiencing? It is inexplicable.

However, the snake sperm disease belongs to snake sperm disease, and Han Fei does not think this is an ordinary person. In fact, he found that few of those who dare to come to the ghost ship were ordinary people. Here can be described as masters.

Perhaps, the thinking of masters and ordinary people is different! It's as if a genius always does something that ordinary people don't understand.

After taking the pen, Han Fei drew in circles. Within a hundred seconds, an image of a one-eyed skull wearing a red scarf jumped on the paper. Below the skull were two pirate scimitars.

Yes, Han Fei directly provided the pirates with a standard pattern for pirating. However, it does not matter, just draw a picture, he did not care.

The faceless man snorted: "Somewhat interesting! Boy, you are suitable for running a ghost ship."

Han Fei laughed dismissively: "I don't have the time to run a ghost ship ..."

The man smiled softly: "Well, you are so suspicious of life, I'll give you some pointers ... you have a peach blossom."


Han Fei almost chopped a kitchen knife on the head of this faceless man. Why do you think you are a bullying guy? Why did you tell me peach blossoms? I still use you to say?

Han Fei stood up silently: "I just pointed you out for a while".


Han Fei crooked his head and said, "I'll figure it out. You're an ideal salted fish of" Mold ". You have salted fish."

Faceless man: "... skin."

Just when Han Fei was about to turn around ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ suddenly a dark shadow flew over. Han Fei subconsciously picked it up and looked at it, it turned out to be a roll of fish skin.

He smiled without a face: "If one day, you should be robbed, open this picture, or you can save your life."

Han Fei mumbles: Let's go crazy!

I just wanted to throw away the fish skin, but it wasn't very good to think about losing it. So Han Fei shoved the fish skin into the refining world: "Thank you, I wish you continued salted fish."

Han Fei turned and left, no longer staying. Although surprised by the strength of this person, the powerful snake disease is the most terrible! Who knows what's wrong with this product?

Han Fei did not make more stops in the ghost ship. Although there may be a lot of opportunities to fight for here, but I have become poor. He is now penniless, not even a medium-grade pearl.

At the rear of Han Fei, the faceless man smiled secretly, closed the fish skin on the ground, and murmured, "Sure enough, evil!"