God of Fishing

Chapter 652: 30% off every day specials

Han Fei's purpose was achieved. The alchemy hall has always lacked an alchemist, and there is no such thing as Han Fei.

Superb magic weapon, it will be refined for you in a minute, who can stand it?

Regardless of the level of Broken Star Island, it is much higher than the third-level fishing ground.

However, Need for Spirits is still the mainstream, and there are also means of sealing spirits in it.

We do n’t know how much better the weapon is than the top spirit. As for the third-level fishing ground, how many people have the best spirit? There, the middle and lower grade spiritual tools are the mainstream, and they are still unsealed.

Because there is a skillful sculptor, who is not in the tertiary fishing ground at all. People are either in Broken Star Island or Qianxing City. Only these two places can make money.

Han Fei didn't dare to act too evil, and it took 50 breaths to walk out the door.

But he saw Han Fei holding a spear in his hand: "Come, seal it, you feel it."

Han Fei threw the spear in his hand to the War Soul Master.

The latter injected aura with excitement, and immediately, a dazzling thorn appeared at the tip of the gun, which was the tail pin of the giant feather-winged pupa.

In the eyes of everyone, not only this tail needle, but also the spears have several faint acupuncture, which is the effect of other spikes on the tail of the giant feather wing. On the body of the gun, Guanghua is visible and dazzling.


"It's done?"

"Fast, Feng Ling, could it be so fast?"

The war soul master was so happy that he couldn't keep his mouth shut. However, before he paid, a group of people rushed over.

"Master Han, here I am, I have enough points."

"Master Han, me, I came first."

"Don't grab it, I'm crowded up."

Passers-by along the way turned their eyes.

Someone couldn't help but ask one person: "Who is this? The smelter is a one-stop shop, and every day special discounts are 30% off ... This sign is crazy!"

The person being pulled was wary: "You don't want to jump in line, this position is mine."

Han Feidao: "Please line up in order. Come one by one ... But let me give you the first and let me collect the money first ..."

When 40,000 points were in hand, Han Fei immediately laughed.

The refining team is really making money and earning a family!

Han Fei couldn't help but sigh, what good is there to make money in this world? Just like falling from the sky.

After a while ...

Xixing Island Xicheng Refining Hall, which is already overcrowded. In front of the No. 18 Refiner Room, no one could squeeze anymore.

Outside the Refiner Hall.

Someone was passing by, and couldn't help asking: "Hey! Brother, what's up with Lianqitang? Why so many people?"

Someone responded: "It is said that there is a master of the refiner. The refiner is sealed, and the special price is discounted every day. This person is extremely fast, and the quality of the refiner is good. You can get weapons on the spot.

"His! Really?"

"That still lied to you? It's full."


Mu Jiaer and Guan Qingyan just got the news.

Guan Qingyan is devoting himself to designing weapons. He is wondering if it is possible to make demigods by engraving arrays on the weapons?

God soldier, he doesn't expect much. Refining soldiers must first have good materials, and the second method is a problem. Then, the level of Fengling's creatures must be higher. If you want to find another way, you have to take an unusual path.

There are already many large refining divisions who have begun to study the method of forging and quenching. It can be said that the material is quenched to the extreme, but the magic soldiers have not yet come out. This made Guan Qingyan move his mind, he was determined to study the formation.


Mu Jiaer screamed and rushed over: "Guan Qingyan, Xiaoguanguan ... the big thing is not good."

Guan Qing did not raise his cigarette butt, and responded gently: "Don't disturb me."

Where does Mu Jiaer control so much?

She directly pulled Guan Qingyan's clothes: "Hurry up, I heard that the Refiner Hall has a Refiner Madman, with a success rate of 10%, never missed, and even Feng Ling never missed."

Guan Qing Yanhu looked up suspiciously: "Ten percent?"

Mu Jiaer: "Yes, yes! It must be a five-star refiner who has opened the altar refiner. It seems to be the refiner on the spot, let's go and see."

Guan Qingyan looked: "Five-star refiner? Go ..."

When the two hurried to the refining hall, they were dumbfounded.

There are already long queues from outside the Refiner Hall, and hundreds of people are waiting outside.

Mu Jia'er was dumbfounded: "Are these people sick? Even if it is a five-star refiner, how can there be so fast? So many people are waiting, when will it be?"

Guan Qingyan nodded solemnly: "The master is undoubted."

The two were preparing to go in. I saw a staff member in the refining hall. "You, my refining hall and Master Han have initially passed. Master Han refining this time, only 300 handles. So, the number Those who are ranked after 300 can go back first. It won't be too late when Master Han opens the altar again next time. "

"Master Han?"

Mu Jiaer and Guan Qingyan looked at each other and said, "Han Fei?"

Mu Jiaer said, "Isn't it possible? How long did it take for that guy to get the Samsung Refiner Certificate?"

Guan Qingyan looked slightly: "How is that impossible? Han Xionglian, you and I have seen each other. The speed is fast, few people have come."

Mu Jiaer reluctantly said, "I went in to see, and it was a 30% discount, so it was mysterious."

Mu Jiaer and Guan Qingyan are both Samsung refining divisions, and they are two refining geniuses, so when they enter the refining hall, naturally they do not need to line up.

However, when the two entered, they saw a long line all the way to the door of a groceries store.

The first few dozen people, all **** with a soul, are waiting quietly.

When Mu Jiaer and Guan Qingyan appeared, someone immediately exclaimed: "Mu Jiaer and Guan Qingyan are master Han masters and are called the three talented masters."

Mu Jia'er then hesitated and said to the human, "Who tells us that we are the three talented master craftsmen?"

The man grinned: "Naturally, it is Master Han. By the way, shepherd, do you have a 30% discount? If you have a 30% discount, I will go to your side."

Mu Jiaer fangs: "I ... I will not fight."

Mu Jiaer hurried to the door and was about to rush in. The shopping guide was about to stop, and Mu Jiaer had been held down by one hand.

Guan Qingyan said lightly: "Reckless."

Immediately, Guan Qingyan said to the shopping guide: "Thank you to go in and have a call with Brother Han, and say that we are here."

The shopping guide took a breath, and these two talented craftsmen came. Wouldn't it be to come to the scene?

"Okay, the two wait a moment."


Han Fei is eating dried fish, Feng Ling is extremely fast for him. During this time, he can take a break and have a snack.

Seeing the shopping guide coming in, Han Fei immediately stuffed the dried fish into his mouth: "Have you come in?"

Shopping guides are also stunned, the heart said: Isn't it Fengling?

However, she didn't ask much, just respectfully said: "Master Han, Miss Jiaer and Master Guan are here."

Han Feiyi: "Who? Mu Jiaer and Guan Qingyan?"

"Yes, let them in?"

Han Fei was speechless: I finally made a lot of money. Are you ready to grab business?

Han Fei immediately said, "Go in, let them in."

Han Fei's mind turned around: they had to flicker for a while, but why did they flicker to earn points for themselves?

But saw Mu Jia'er and Guan Qingyan have come in.

Mu Jia'er said, "Ah", pointing to Han Fei: "You, you, you ... how can you keep working?"

Han Fei: "I, I, I ... I'm a refiner, what's your business? If you have the skills, you can also get a 30% discount.

Guan Qingyan curiously said, "Brother Han, your mental strength is enough?"

Han Fei's heart moved. What did they ask?

Han Fei laughed immediately: "Oh! It's not enough, do you think I'm resting now?"

Talking, Han Fei took out the dried fish and gave them to two people: "Two pieces?"

Mu Jiaer took the dried fish and stuffed it directly into his mouth: "Can dried fish increase mental strength? Well ... it's delicious."

Guan Qingyan accepted the dried fish in doubt and chewed: "This is the ordinary dried fish."

Han Fei said with a smile: "Of course it is ordinary dried fish. Of course I rely on eating spiritual fruit to supplement my spiritual strength!"

With that said, Han Fei took out a lingering fruit, and when the fruit was like a bar, he took a bite. Then, three or two gulps swallowed the fruit, and the room was full of fragrance.

Guan Qing was relieved: "So it is."

Mu Jiaer put his hands on his hips: "When have you been with us and called the three geniuses?"

Han Feidao: "Do I have one? All customers are too enthusiastic. Names are false names ..."

Mu Jiaer: "Then you get a 30% discount, how do you let others do business?"

Han Feizheng said: "This, you have to criticize you seriously. Are we trying to make money? No. We are trying to spend the least amount of money for more people to get their favorite weapons.

I'm trying to reduce costs, for what? I'm for Broken Star Island, a warrior struggling on the line of life and death.

You said, it ’s not enough for the refiner to make enough money? A superb magic weapon, plus materials, plus Feng Ling, must have at least 60,000 points. Can ordinary people afford it? "

Mu Jiaer exclaimed, "How can there be 60,000? Obviously, about 40,000."

Han Fei grinned: "That is the material provided by others. Look at me, I provide the material, how much can someone save? So, girl, think of the world ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ to achieve great things."

Where did Mu Jiaer speak of Han Fei? After Han Fei's set of words, he was tidy, directly: "I, I, I ... I ..."

Han Fei: "It's not too late for you, you to realize in time ... it might be better to help me with the refiner, be good. Everyone will remember your good. Come, I have more than 200 sets of materials here, we Divide them. End early and I can invite you to hot pot. "

Mu Jiaer was fooled by Han Fei, and the northeast, southwest, and northwest were already indistinguishable: "What is hot pot?"

Han Fei said, "That's the most wonderful food in the world."

After speaking, Han Fei looked at Guan Qingyan: "Brother Guan, do good deeds?"

Guan Qingyan shook his mouth, and this silly girl, Mu Jiaer, could be fooled by Han Fei. He saw early in the morning that Han Fei was making money.

But Guan Qingyan also wanted to take a look at Han Fei's appearance, so he said, "Then I studied with Brother Han ..."

Han Fei: "You're welcome, you're welcome.