God of Fishing

Chapter 678: Realm of Conscience?

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After ten days.

Late at night.

Han Fei took You Lingyun to investigate at night, and they were hanging on the sea a hundred miles away.

Han Fei swept around and found no special creature: "Walk, go around again."

Xiao Wu asked carefully, "Captain, are you leaving?"

Han Fei said, "Why is that?"

Xiao Wu sighed: "Samsung Refiner, Feng Ling Refiner, Seven Star Powerhouse often come to you, aren't you leaving?"

Chi You Lingyun remained calm: "The investigator was not a permanent position. Everyone left step by step, leaving the captain should be due."

Tong Lenghui: "Although the captain's time is short, our strength has improved rapidly."

Kariya grinned and grinned, "Yes, I'm intermediate."

Han Fei laughed and said, "Why, can't bear me? I haven't left yet! You still have to hurry up and practice, in case I'm going to stay long?"

Suddenly, Han Fei's heart moved, and he said to several people, "Yu Lingyun, you lead the team to continue the investigation. I'll go grab some food in the sea."

Chi You Lingyun: "???"

I didn't wait for a few people to ask, Han Fei jumped directly from the fishing boat. At a height of hundreds of meters, Han Fei slammed into the sea with a bang.

He easily chopped down several large sword water flea, Han Fei stepped on it, a hidden array appeared, followed by a constricted array.

Han Fei's hand, the fishing rod shot, and the hook came out ...

影子 In the sea water and in the sand, a shadow suddenly popped out, and was about to escape. However, it was seen that Han Fei had already cut it out, and the knife light appeared directly 800 meters away.

非 Han Fei sneered: "Who are you? Follow me, not a day or two, right?"

The double dagger burst out of the black shadow, and then burst. I saw her turned into a black smoke, followed by a flash of light, appeared 4000 meters away.

女人 "Woman! Amphibole?"

Judging from the person's physical response, Han Fei could tell at a glance that it was a woman.

Han Fei “蹭”, swim quickly there. During the swim, the hook shot again. This time, Han Fei has introduced a lot of aura onto the fishing hook.


4000 meters away, the man responded quickly. Just after being hooked, he cut himself a piece of meat and flashed away again.

This time, she used the amphibole more than four or five times in a row, and moved out of Han Fei's perception.

非 Han Fei frowned: "It's a human being. He is so flexible and responds so fast, hunter?"

Han Fei doesn't remember offending the hunter! These days, I feel that someone is following me more than once, but most of them are thrown away by my matrix.

He originally suspected that this man should be sent by Starbreaker. But now I think about it, the person of the Starbreaker should not be discovered so easily, isn't she a person of Starbreaker?

This time, the woman finally appeared in the sea.

Han Fei wanted to capture it in one fell swoop, but the man was quite good.

Seeing being run away, Han Fei stopped chasing. No matter who is going to deal with himself, since he did not come in person, it is not a fear.

After finishing the fight, Han Feibu sat on the plate, and it was time to break through.

Otherwise, being stared all day is not a pleasant thing.

I don't know, 30 miles away from Han Fei, a girl in black showed panic: "How is that possible? I'm still 3,000 meters away from him, but still invisible, why can I still be found?"

少女 The girl's eyes were cold, and she casually threw a healing medicine into her mouth, betting, "Han Fei, you and Xia Xiaochan will plant in my hand sooner or later."

After half an hour.

非 Han Fei opened his eyes and frowned slightly: "Spot aura limit. Alas, has increased by more than 1,100 points? Can body ..."

Han Fei moved his bones and felt for a while silently, his brows tightened: "The upper limit of the Aura has come up, and his physique has grown a bit. But this time it is natural growth, the improvement is not exaggerated. It seems that it is difficult to break through later! "

Han Fei immediately swallowed two soul fruit, then took out dozens of soul crystals, and began to refine.

A moment later, the information emerged in Han Fei's eyes.

Master: Han Fei

Level: Level 44 (Intermediate Angler)

Reiki: ()

Mental strength:

Perception: Meter

Spirit Pulse: Grade 5 Top Grade

Talented Soul Beast: Twin Yin and Yang Swallow Spirit Fish [Level 38]

Major Gongfa: The fourth chapter of "Void Fishing" "Breaking the Void" [Fairy-level God Product]

Uh ...

"Shocking God Map" recorded 40 pieces, the mental strength has reached the upper limit, the perception range has increased by 3,500 meters.

非 Han Fei couldn't help but sigh: shocking map, but there are 1,000 small pieces! Until now, I only remember 4%, and I already have such a large range of perception. If all this is remembered, wouldn't it be a thousand miles?

Uh ...

For half a month, it flew by.

The Skeleton Coast seems to be safe, and it has been almost three months without major incidents.

It is said that this turned into a beautiful talk on Broken Star Island, saying that the fishermen had given up the Skeleton Coast.

Suddenly, Captain Han Fei of the Skeleton Coast was eating hot pot on the grass of the Broken Star, and Tang Ge was sitting next to it.

He was originally only two of them. As a result, Ye Xiangxiang didn't seem to see Han Fei's eyes, so she sat down, took out chopsticks, and started eating.

非 Han Fei was speechless: "No, you really don't take yourself as an outsider?"

Ye Xiangxiang: "As comrades-in-arms, we should help each other. By the way, this time, you played as a spiritual master. You can't expose the strength of the war spirit division until the critical moment."

Han Fei wondered: "Why?"

Tangge: "It's to save strength. It's not just you. This time, another person came in, you know."

Han Fei wondered again: "I know?"

During the conversation, Han Fei saw a group of people appearing, and a familiar figure appeared in the forest. He suddenly stumbled: "Gong Yuehan?"

Qi Liangtian said: "Do n’t eat anymore, you are familiar with it first. This time, you have a total of seven people set off. Han Fei, I know that you are easy to be skillful. This operation, you must be easy to go."

非 Han Fei blinked his eyes: "Does this siren fight for a secret place?

Liang Tian: "In the battle between Heaven and Man Strait, you have too much limelight. It is not easy to accept, the other party will not let you in. Even if you let in, there will be additional staff. Therefore, you will easily become an ordinary spiritual master. Blended in an ordinary team, Gong Yuehan is responsible for protecting your safety. In fact, the two of you are the hidden backhands. Until the end, neither of you should expose your strength. Gong Yuehan is exposed, you must also be stable live."

He said, Liang Tian handed Han Fei a fish skin with a portrait of a stranger on it.

Han Fei: "This is it?"

Liang Tian: "A spiritual master in the angler's union, named Duan Jiang, has a small reputation and good strength. The peak strength of an intermediate fisherman is quite talented in spiritual gatherings. He died in the first two days, but No one knows yet ... "

"and many more……"

Han Fei suddenly said: "Senior, how do I feel that this is not protecting against outsiders, but against burglars? Could it be said that Siren can also find personal information on Broken Star Island?"

Qi Liangtian did not give an accurate answer, but squinted and said: "Everything is possible. Everything is prepared in advance, it is always right."

Han Fei pointed at Gong Yuehan: "What about her? Gong Yuehan, isn't she famous? The heavenly pride girl in Yuxian Palace, will this information be unknown?"

Liang Tian: "If there is any change, Gong Yuehan deliberately let the other party discover it, making them feel that Gong Yuehan is our hidden master. And, for more than six months, Gong Yuehan did not have any particularly outstanding performance ... If the other party found clues, It will only target Gong Yuehan. If the other party doesn't find it, both of you will be behind. "

非 Han Fei took a breath and the task sounded as if it was not simple.

Wu Gongyuehan looked at Han Fei with curiosity and annoyance in her eyes, but she was quite quiet and didn't say anything.

Qi Liangtian said: "This time the captain Meng Guiyi. After entering the secret, all obey Meng Guiyi's dispatch. If necessary, everyone other than the seven of you can sacrifice."

When he heard this, Han Fei's pupils shrank. The first thing he thought of was not to sacrifice something wrong.

He thought, would Liang Tian have said the same thing to Meng Guiyi? For example, can anyone but himself sacrifice?

For a while, Han Fei felt shivering. Where is this special exploration? Isn't this special palace plan?

Meng Guiyi took the conversation: "In this secret exploration, we will be transferred from up to 13 places including the Pioneer Regiment, the Dark Hunting Regiment, the Guard Regiment, and the Law Enforcement Regiment. It will be too colorful ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ This time, there are only two spiritual masters. So Han Fei, you and another spiritual master can be regarded as the object of full protection. I did n’t agree, I ca n’t shoot anyway. "

Han Fei wondered: "But none of the seven of us has a controller."

Meng Guiyi: "No way, excellent controllers all went to another special mystery. That mystery is even more important than ours. Without a top operator to control the overall situation, it is better not to."

非 Han Fei just wanted to speak, so he listened to Meng Gui: "Luo Xiaobai has gone, otherwise he will be called."

非 Han Fei was wrong: "Xiao Bai, also joined the broken star one?"

Xi Liangtian leisurely said: "Early than you."

Han Fei: "..."

非 Han Fei was speechless: "Where is Xia Xiaochan? Zhang Xuanyu, how about a crazy person?"

Liang Tian: "Those three have considered it. However, Zhang Xuanyu's strength is almost enough. The musician's madness is enough, but whether the guy can fight or not needs to be reviewed ... As for Xia Xiaochan, her temper is too explosive and easy Misunderstanding. "

非 Han Fei was puzzled: "This kind of calculation team, Xia Xiaochan's temperament really does not seem appropriate. In case of fire, it seems difficult to control.

Xun Mengui glanced at everyone: "Well, let's go now ..."

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