God of Fishing

Chapter 710: Forcibly go to sea

Facing Han Fei's threat, Gong Wenhai smiled instead.

Gong Wenhai sneered: "Xia Xiaochan ran away. I saw it with Yang Ying. Later, Captain Shuiran saw it. Do you think we will lie?"

Han Fei said indifferently: "Who knows if you got stuck in it, such as what poisons you used, what kind of fantasy means ... There is no solid evidence, it is best to shut up."

Gong Wenhai had anger in his eyes: "You are so eloquent and want to kill me?"

Han Feihan whispered: "Just say this to you. If you meet you at sea in the future, you will kill."

Gong Wenhai frowned, and he was stunned by Han Fei's cannibalistic eyes. This guy really wanted to kill himself.

Shui Ran chuckled: "You're Han Fei, aren't you? It's best to talk about it, too."

Han Fei glanced at her: "Shut up without asking you."

The water stagnates, isn't this teenager too arrogant? You do n’t see, on whose site is it?

In fact, Han Fei didn't really plan to save face this time. In the case of the dark hunting army, Jiang Qin or the old man in Jiang can give a lot of money, even if King Marshal can't afford it. He doesn't care about this.

What he cares about is where is Xia Xiaochan going now?

Others may not find Xia Xiaochan, but he can. There is Xiaobai, a versatile tracker here. As long as you start searching slowly, it is only a matter of time to find Xia Xiaochan.

Han Fei continued to ask: "Did Xia Xiaochan be injured at the time?"

Yang Ying replied: "No. Xia Xiaochan's attack was too sudden, and then she ran away alone. At that time, the situation was chaotic and we had no time to distract him. Gong Wenhai chased but did not catch up."

Han Fei glanced directly at Gong Wenhai, who looked sarcastically at Han Fei: "She ran to the deep sea. You know how fast Xia Xiaochan is, no need to say anything. And, I correct A moment, it wasn't I who chased it out alone, but also a Kraken. "

Han Fei frowned: "What do you want to say?"

Gong Wenhai shut up. With that said, Siren pursued Xia Xiaochan, of course, there were two possibilities.

One type is naturally that Xia Xiaochan kills the Siren and is pursued by others.

The other is terrible. If Xia Xiaochan is really a human traitor, the consequences will be serious.

Han Fei looked directly at Pei Yi, "Where is that bottom chimney?"

Pei Yi shook her head: "Even if you know it is useless. There, it has long been occupied by Siren and marine creatures. By this time, the assassination should be almost over. The undersea chimney should have been flattened."

Han Fei looked quietly: "Location!"

Pei Yi smiled coldly: "8000 miles to the south of Hell Coast. However, if I remember correctly, you are restricted from going to the sea to carry the commander?"

Han Fei was hesitated for a moment, but Wang Shuai was restricted from going to sea?

This Han Fei never thought about it. He always felt that Wang Shuai was staying in Broken Star Island because of other reasons. Didn't you say that you have two older brothers and sisters outside?

I have n’t seen them since I ’ve been to Broken Star Island for a long time, why is Wang Marshal restricted from going to sea?

Mr. Wang Shuai: "Anyway, it is not impossible to take a trip."

Han Fei: "Brother, I'll go by myself."

Music Maniac: "And me!"

Han Fei gave the musician a mad look: "You can't do it. You have a good talent on you, but you don't want to cultivate, taking you there will only hinder you."

"Oh! Are you an intermediate fisherman and still want to go to sea? Or go to 8,000 miles away?"

But listening to Gong Wenhai smiled, his eyes were full of mockery.

Han Fei glanced at him: "I hate the yin and yang of others, and now I have another reason to kill you."

Gong Wenhai's face sank, and he immediately felt very angry. Han Fei didn't take him seriously, did he?

It was just that Gong Wenhai was about to speak, and just listening to the sky, a voice came: "Go to the sea, you don't have to think about it, just come back to Starbreaker!"

As soon as the voice fell, I heard another person's voice: "Mr. Wang, smashing into my secret hunting legion and hurting my people, are you nobody in my secret hunting legion?"

Zhang Teng from Starbreaker is here. Almost at the same time as him, there was also a cold, middle-aged man.

Wang Shuai scratched his head: "It's a bit troublesome, but it doesn't matter. Little Master, otherwise you don't have to go, it's a bit dangerous. Go back and wait for me to think of a way and go out in person."

Han Fei shook his head: "Brother, if anyone can find Xia Xiaochan as fast as possible, I am the only one."

Mr. Wang Shuai rarely looked at Han Fei very seriously: "Must go?"

Han Fei nodded: "Sure!"

Mr. Wang grinned and grinned: "Good kind brother. I'll stop you, these two people, let's go!"

As soon as Wang Shuai said this, Zhang Teng and the cold man in the sky changed color at the same time.

Zhang Teng: "Master Wang, don't make yourself wrong. I have reasons to suspect Xia Xiaochan's betrayal of human beings. I took Han Fei away, just simple routine questions."

Han Fei gave Zhang Teng a glance: "I'll go to your turtle son!"

As soon as Han Fei said this, everyone at the scene changed. Insulted the Seven Stars, and provoked the current Chief of the Starbreaker in public, has this guy been caught in the sea?

However, Han Fei directly took out Fengshenzhou and jumped up in a vertical leap.

Zhang Teng's face was ugly; "Han Fei, do you know what you are doing now?"

"call out!"

A light and shadow cut through the sky, Fengshenzhou burst out at full speed, how fast!

But saw Zhang Teng and the cold man shot at the same time, throwing fishing hooks. But on the ground, a roar raged, the space shook, and the waves rolled.

Wang Dashuai lifted up the Daqingmen and stepped empty. A dazzling blue light erupted on the whole person. At this time, when Daqingmen turned his hands, it turned into a huge gate of several hundred meters, and took a bright green man to shoot at the two people.


Han Fei has considered it. If you don't leave this time, if you really take Zhang Teng away, it will be another round of surveillance.

Even though I am now a member of the Broken Star, I have only experienced a mission after all, and the foundation is not thick.

Even if Zhang Teng doesn't move himself, he only needs to drag himself for a few days, and then when he wants to find Xia Xiaochan, it will be really hard to find.

Moreover, if what Gong Wenhai said is true, then if Xia Xiaoci's onset time is over, she will find a way to come back, that is the big problem. I almost know with my butt, I will definitely be taken directly to Starbreaker. At that time, unless you are looking for the old man from Jiang, you ca n’t rescue someone by looking for Mr. Wang alone.

However, Han Fei felt that the old man Jiang actually had a lot of restrictions on the Broken Star Island. Otherwise, it should not dwell in the twisted jungle.

Therefore, this time, after Han Fei found Xia Xiao Chan, I am afraid that he will not return to Xingdao in a short time.

His idea was to first find a way to kill some of the mermaid arrogant, and then use military power to seal those faces.

At the same time, Han Fei himself needs to go to sea once. He always wants to go to the sea. He needs to find the right time, the right place, and deduct the fifth floor of "Void Fishing".

But if you want to get a hundred people on the Broken Star Island, you can only wait for the mission or wait for the Kraken to attack.

Even if the mission is frequent and the fighting is fierce, without months of prospects, I am afraid that it is difficult to qualify for promotion, and naturally it is not qualified to go to sea.

Therefore, in comparison, Han Fei chose to forcibly go to sea.

Although this behavior will lead to many consequences, Han Fei can't control so much at this moment.

In this ghost place, others will not care about your life and death.

Xia Xiaochan is also Tianjiao, but in this case, no one will care about her life and death.

However, others don't care, Han Fei cares!

If you take the musicians crazy with them, the goal is too big, instead of coming as fast as you alone.

At 8000 miles, this distance is not far. At the speed of Fengshenzhou, it took less than two hours to arrive.

However, Han Fei was too fast, which attracted the attention of many people and creatures.

On the surface of Broken Star Island, there are actually battlefields and more front lines, but Han Fei could not reach them before.

While Han Fei was controlling Fengshenzhou's flight, he happened to pass by a scuffle, which was a battle between humans and mermaids, with seven stars leading the team.

When Han Feifeng passed the Shenzhou, the seven-star star had only one time to ask: "Four stars, how dare you go to sea?"

Then there is no more.

Fengshenzhou turned into a streamer and flew far away ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ The strong man should take care of the battlefield and have no time to pursue.

For another example, during the flight of Fengshenzhou, Han Fei saw a mermaid appearing on the sea surface, and a red demon occasionally jumped out of the sea, but more of them were ordinary mermaids jumping on the sea. Moreover, he will stupidly chase the red light left by Fengshenzhou and run two steps.

In addition to the sea monster, Han Fei saw a fish school crossing, Xinghai flying fish. They can turn into a beam of light in midair, a kind of alien that bursts into kilometers, and its ability is comparable to teleportation.

There are creatures like Chenlong, whose huge body is passing by in the sea. On the water surface, a huge shadow was reflected. If you look at it with your eyes, it reminds people of deep sea monsters.

Han Fei perceives the past all the way, only 8,000 miles in the sea, he encountered no less than 50 strange creatures.

Some creatures, at the moment Han Fei sensed it, had already slid away, or tilted his eyes and looked at Han Fei from the bottom of the sea.

"Hisse! The unknowable place is really more terrifying than the tertiary fishing ground."
