God of Fishing

Chapter 768: Derived from the Seventy-two Youkai

Han Fei was shocked with eyes: not because of this person's words, but because of the guy who appeared in front of his eyes, he was personal. There is no tail, not steel teeth full of mouth, but a pure human appearance.

This young man's appearance is straightforward, there is a British spirit in the eyebrows, and a scholarly atmosphere.

Moreover, the clothing on his body was not a battle suit, just a gauze suit.

It feels to Han Fei, he is like a person, a person that Han Fei has almost forgotten-Underwater Desert City, Li Huang.

Han Fei squinted his eyes: "Are you a ray of spirit, or a drop of essence?"

The man asked instead: "Sure enough, you are not surprised why I am not a race with you?"

Han Fei pretended to hold back: "People?"

The man laughed, "Aren't you human?"

Han Fei's mind turned sharply: "Do you look at me like this?"

The man laughed: "The strong among the siren can basically be transformed into human beings. Of course, some people can also be transformed into siren! You said, right?

Han Fei frowned slightly: "I don't know what you're talking about?"

The man slightly shook his head: "Don't hide it. Although it is much harder to humanize a siren than a siren. However, it is not impossible. If you are not a human, you cannot go into this 72nd floor at all. If you are not a human, How could you come here easily? Do you really think that you have unlimited talent? "

Han Feigang wanted to speak, and only listened to this human saying: "You must not know that the so-called 72 demon realm does not refer to the 71th floor below. That is all helpful. But because of this layer, the 72 demon realm, It's called 72 Demon. "

Han Fei took a breath: "So, what's different about this 72nd floor?"

This personified human form, took a few steps at will, looked up and down Han Fei: "Can you change back? If you have cultivated the magic of magic, there is no way to reverse, you should still not be able to enter. But you Come in, it looks like a Kraken again, I'm afraid it can be changed back? "

Han Fei was surprised: "So you are sure I am human?"

The man nodded.

Han Fei asked again, "But if you are a human, why is 72 Demon Realm not built on human territory? Instead, it is on the sea monster realm?"

The man smiled lightly: "Because of the vicissitudes of the sea, the land of mankind was submerged, and the 72 demon realms were also submerged. Originally, the aura was full, and there was no demon. But later, it was full of demon, and it became the sea. The holy land of demon cultivation. "

Han Fei was calm and thinking: he felt that he had been deceived too many times!

For example, the people in the Snow Temple were full of good words at the beginning, but the results were all scammers.

In case he changes into a human form at this moment, then the person says, "Okay, you are a human ..."

In the face of such words, what should you do?

Seeing Han Fei thinking, the man said lightly, "Did you see the monster monument below when you came in?"

Han Fei nodded: "I saw it."

The man smiled softly: "Originally, there was no monument here. After I died, this monument was erected to protect the 72nd floor."

Han Fei frowned: "What to protect?"

The head of this man's hands raised his head slightly: "Originally! This is called 72 Soul Realm, which is the holy land for my people's cultivation. As long as you are talented, you can learn how to enter the Soul Sea if you enter the 72nd floor ... Oh, you know Soul sea? "

Han Fei's heart trembled: Sea of ​​Souls?

Is this so special, he wants to know too much!

Hun Hai is a good place! At first, I went in by accident. The result was good, he had little black, and ate for a while. That level soared upwards, it was simply the best place for soul beast upgrades.

Han Fei lowered his head, his eyes full of horror: no one has ever mentioned the word soul sea to himself!

But today, the top of Wangao Valley, cultivation canyon, 72 demon land, some people mentioned it.

The man smiled softly: "How did you know that? It's incredible. It turns out that after the end of the Dharma era, there are still people who can know the sea of ​​souls!"

Han Fei looked up: "I once heard of the Sea of ​​Souls in a secret place called Snow Shrine. But I only know the name. It seems that the soul beast inhabits it."

The man looked into Han Fei's eyes, and smiled after a long time: "It seems to be a good excuse. You have a strong spirit, you still have to change back to have a way to enter the soul. You just need to know that I don't need Lie to you. Otherwise, why haven't I let a Kraken come up since this ancient time? "

Han Fei was silent, and his brain was moving fast. After thinking about it for a long time, he failed to come up with any method to verify the identity of the other party.

Suddenly, just listen to this human saying: "You don't believe me, and want to verify whether I am human or not?"

Han Fei was wrong: How did he know what he was thinking?

The man smiled gently: "Come with me."

The two walked in a vast cave. Han Fei found that this cave is much larger than he thought. The 71 layers below are not as wide as this one.

This man took Han Fei to the wall picture in a circle, and chuckled, "Look, this is the last submerged scene of 72 soul realm. Look at this man, it is me."

Along the direction of this man's finger, Han Fei saw a cylindrical giant city among the murals.

"Wan Yao Tower?"

Han Feigang said the name, his eyes suddenly blurred. His consciousness seemed to be sucked into the mural. The next second, I entered a imaginary illusion.

This is an obvious illusion. Han Fei is like a bystander standing in the air.

Wanwan Tower at that time was indeed built on a piece of land.


Several figures, passing by the sky, but unfortunately there was no sound.

Not far, about 20 miles or so, there is the coastline. A huge octopus is bigger than the sea monster he imagined and bigger than the cloud whale he has seen. At this moment, it was throwing its huge tentacles and slapping.

Above the sky, there are large handprints of the void, which are shot from the sky to the ground. Probably because of the speed, the big handprint lit a heavy flame in the air and bathed in the fire.

In the cylindrical city not far away, thousands of people spread their wings, as if a big bird swept across the sky, rushing towards the coastline.

Han Fei shocked inexplicably: Are all the snorkelers so worthless?

These snorkelers, like immortals, whistled past Han Fei's eyes. Han Fei could even see that many armored boxes of the armored division had been opened, and a stream of light was blowing out.

The snorkeler plunged into the deep sea and disappeared.

Suddenly, Han Fei was attracted by a crimson head. He couldn't help shaking, who was fighting in the sky? The red light shone through the sky.

Immediately, Han Fei saw a human being, a scale-covered armor, and a long-tailed monster of unknown species fighting. The two were fists to flesh. With each punch, Bai Yun was turning, and the waves of waves broke for thousands of kilometers.

When Han Fei saw the man's face, he suddenly realized that this man was just the man just now?

This man is fighting fiercely, his fist prints are as bright as the scorching sun, as if a round of scorching sun burst out, reflecting the sky. Just as the two hit him in front of him, the man's fist prints were like a fire dragon spewing out, punching a hundred miles away with a punch, and blasting the monster into the deep sea.

Then, a giant octopus tentacle was drawn from the void. He clasped his hands and dragged again, pulling the big octopus that seemed to have a huge body out of the sea.

Then, a giant kilometer tall banged with punches.

However, the octopus is too huge, and the kilometer giant is not enough. Just as he bombarded the octopus, a starlight flickered from above the sky for nine days.

Where can Han Fei see this level of attack clearly? Suddenly, a harpoon and the man's fist print exploded in one place.

However, the man didn't stop, his fists shattered, and a big hole was punched through his chest.

This man finally did not use his fist, but pulled his sword, a sword swinging like Changhong, sweeping away dozens of miles of mist and swept upward.

However, the harpoon seemed like a bright sun, a harpoon shattered the shadow of a sword, and the big waves floated out of the clouds.

Immediately, a big hand, who didn't know where it came from, held the harpoon, and the other hand dragged the man, and flew towards the training gorge, which is now 72 Demon Realm.

In Han Fei's eyes, the last thing left was a beautiful, pretty woman.

The woman was wearing a layer of light tulle ... wait, that's not a tulle, it's a fin like a holy tunic?

Han Fei immediately looked at the woman's legs. Yes, she has legs and feet, and it looks great! The kind without shoes, the feet are very tender.

Han Fei was surprised: "Stupid?"


The picture suddenly disappeared, just like the magnificent picture of the 5d movie, suddenly disappeared, Han Fei returned to mind.

Han Fei turned back stupidly, looking at the man: "You ..."

The man nodded: "Yes, there are royal families in the Sirens. The true Siren is too powerful, and I can't resist it."

Han Fei took a deep breath: "That woman just turned into a human?"

The man nodded: "Of course, and it looks good. To be precise, there is no ugliness in the Siren Royal family. Even those ordinary mussel girls are attractive and attractive."

Han Fei took a deep breath: "Then ... where does she live?"

There was a slight mistake in the gentle expression of this man: "No, how many years are there, where do I know where she lives? Teenagers, there are many more beautiful. Even if you find her, she is too old, maybe Already a bunch of bones. "

Han Fei rolled his eyes: "No, I mean where is this race? Today, it's all my little mermaid, red demon, mermaid ... that's good-looking, never before."

This man laughed: "Nonsense, people live on the endless end of the ocean! Of course you can't see it. Just the strength of your angler who hasn't reached the peak of ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ thought about the endless ocean, it is impossible. "

Han Fei: "What strength can endless seas?"


The man seemed to be looking at Han Fei intently: "Have you thought about the endless waters? You won't fall in love with a Tatar royal family?"

Han Feizheng was ready to explain, and he listened to this human saying: "In fact, it's nothing. In history, for a time, human races and sea monsters were quite harmonious, and there was no mutual exchange between them. Marriages were even more common."

Han Fei was shocked: "What? Still this situation?"

The man laughed: "Of course. What kind of race is important to the end of the cultivation? I have read an ancient book saying that a guy married an octopus daughter-in-law. Alas ... I heard that his daughter-in-law has a lot of brains and changes it every day. This kind of character, falling in love with a different character every day ... Well, I don't know how he can stand it? "

Han Fei: "..."

Just listen to this humane: "Okay, don't talk to you about this first. I have limited time, so you turn me back?"