God of Fishing

Chapter 809: The subtleties of spirit veins

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After a day, when Han Fei had fully adapted to his current body, he finally realized what it means to lift weights lightly, and therefore he solidified his cultivation well.

Even, Han Fei has a feeling:

If you learn the reiki dismantling technique earlier, improve the spirits earlier, practice the "108 Desolate Body" earlier, and deduct "Void Fishing" earlier, perhaps in the battle with the Pure Emperor, Not to be beaten so badly.

Even, he felt that at that time, the pure emperor's hit on himself with the angle of the angler should have a 50% certainty to stop him.

Because refining the world is not the outside world after all, Han Fei wants to explore the changes of the seventh-level spirit veins, after all, he has to go outside to try.

Han Fei pondered: After all, four days have passed, and those people will not stay outside. Anyway, after seeing myself disappear, more speculation should be that I have already run away!

Thinking that I have a terrible finger press, the problem should be small.


Han Fei appeared to the outside world, and it really was calm. Distant sky, sparse flowing clouds, within the perception, a small number of creatures swim on the ocean floor. It's just not much compared to other places.

No matter what, Han Fei didn't stay in place for the first time, but controlled Fengshenzhou and flew out 20,000 miles in the direction that Xiao Bai had pointed. Then it stopped again and landed on the sea.

The stopped Han Fei released Xiao Jin and Shrimp every day. At this moment, it was exactly when sunset was over, and Han Fei was suddenly moved. How long have you not tried to practice in the daytime by using nether fishing?

Han Fei bowed his head and glanced at the ocean beneath my feet. In the refining world, there is also an ice stone. Even if you burn yourself, as long as you don't burn yourself all at once, it should n’t be a problem, right?

Immediately, Han Fei tried desperately, sitting directly on the surface of the sea, and started practicing.

At the moment when the fishing in the void was carried, suddenly, as if nine days above, a fiery column of light fell, directly covering Han Fei.


Within a kilometer, seawater riots, endless ocean creatures, suddenly went mad, converging to this area where Han Fei was located.

Almost instantly, Han Fei's hair and eyebrows just started to burn.

Rolling aura, like initiation, really frightened Han Fei.

However, what surprised Han Fei was that the moment when the fiery beam of light enveloped him, Han Fei suddenly realized that although he seemed to be in a magma purgatory, he miraculously felt that he could still support it.


Two interest.

Three interest.

After the third interest, Han Fei immediately stopped practicing. He found that the skin on his body was damaging and his flesh was tearing.

Seeing that the pillar of flames gradually subsided, Han Fei grinned.

He found that when his physique was strong to a certain degree, he could actually block the invasion of the sun and be able to absorb the essence of the sun directly in the day.

Han Feiyin has a hunch: If he urges his immortal body during cultivation, then he may be able to persist to ten breaths or even longer.

At this moment, he finally understood why Ren Tianfei could return to the top with an "Immortal Body" after being abolished?

What's so special? The aura of aura just now is ten times more than normal practice. If none of this can quickly improve your strength, what else can you do?

Moreover, Han Fei suspected that Ren Tianfei had already started to do so when he was from the realm of fishermen.

Feeling the creatures rushing underwater, Han Fei stretched out his hands and murmured, "Energy is enough to make a powerful punch of body-building. Reiki is infused instantly. No, you have to try again. "

Han Fei sank and fell into the sea.

Suddenly, hundreds of golden light fist marks exploded, and invincible art should not be the same as the money, thrown out.

In a short time, countless living creatures were crushed by Han Fei. At the same time, he deliberately did not use the reserve aura, so that the aura and energy in the body were also rapidly consumed.

"Oh! Reiki flows abnormally smoothly. The effect of the invincible spell is at least 20% stronger."

When this sea was covered with the blood of living beings, Han Fei returned to the sea again.

He started practicing again.


Two interest.

Three interest.

When Han Fei stopped practicing, he only felt that his aura was full, with more than 12,000 points, and he recovered a little over 60%.

Energy can almost fight another battle. However, it did not return to its peak 100%, about 70%.

Han Fei pondered for a moment: "Persistently until five breaths, all came back."

"Oh! No wonder, it's no wonder that Immortal has broken the triple barrier and can walk sideways in an unknown place."

Han Fei couldn't help but sigh: It is estimated that when Ren Tianfei said this sentence, he never expected his own situation. I can now walk sideways!

It only takes three interest periods, and most of the consumption has returned. As long as the timing is correct and used properly, you can fight infinitely.

Moreover, Han Fei clearly found out that when he was still a low-level spirit vein, there was no such terrible effect at all!

"Well! This should be one of the benefits of Level 7 Spirit Vein. But there must be other benefits, too."

A moment later, because he attracted a large number of creatures, Han Fei did not deliberately consume energy and energy this time. With 20% of the consumption value left, he controlled the fishing boat and left.

Han Fei found that the rate of natural absorption of aura during battle was much faster, so much that he could obviously feel it.

At first, Han Fei doubted that the effect of practicing his combat skills would be higher and faster.

But he found that his resilience was increasing, which was greatly enhanced.

Controlling Fengshenzhou slowly flew for an hour. Han Fei was surprised to find that the aura that the body autonomously absorbed and the aura that was consumed by manipulating the fishing boat tended to balance to some extent.


"So amazing recovery speed."


Two days later.

Han Fei found the first merman. The moment he saw the little mermaid, Han Fei knew that he was probably within the reach of Broken Star Island.

Three days later.

Han Fei found that the number of little mermaids has increased. He landed in the sea and walked directly towards the little mermaid.

The little mermaid discovered that Han Fei was a human.

Although the difference between the two sides was too great, the little fisherman could not clearly feel the strength of Han Fei, so he rushed over.


With one punch, the little Mermaid's body burst.

Killing a little mermaid will inevitably attract more mermaids.

When a large murmur surrounded them, it really was a punch. Even the one who has cultivated to the peak of the demon monster still has one punch.

At this moment, Han Fei roughly summarized the advantages of the seventh-level spirit vein.

Greatly enhanced its own recovery effect.

The fluency of the reiki application has been improved by about 20%.

The increase in the strength of the meridians, not to mention doubling, is definitely at least 50% stronger than before.

Because of the practice of "Immortal Body" and "108 Desolate Body", Han Fei is not so sure. Is the restoration effect of the cultivation in the previous day directly related to the spirit vein?

However, at the time of Aura initiation, the meridian's ability to withstand did increase significantly. This is also one of the reasons to be able to recover Reiki and energy so quickly.

In short, Han Fei found that higher-level veins have an absolute advantage over lower-level veins. Whether it is combat, cultivation, recovery, etc.

Seeing those panic-streaking mermaids, Han Fei did not immediately run away. After picking up a large number of harpoons, he walked in the sea like a walk ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ According to his estimation, the little mermaid called the mermaid at most, and it was the sea monster. Han Fei wants to know to what extent his current strength has reached? This needs someone to refer to.

After more than an hour.

Some people carried golden harpoons.

When the half-mermaid saw that Han Fei had the same strength as himself, he squinted at his golden harpoon and immediately pointed at Han Fei: "Human, die!"


A sacrifice of body punches directly blasted out. In the half-mermaid Tianjiao's shocked eyes, the Neptune's secret method was used shortly after, and he was blown into the air by the punches of his body and sturdy.


The remains of the little mermaid flew more than 800 meters and were crushed directly, leaving no room for struggle.

When he stepped out of the void, he saw that Han Feizheng was holding his demigod strong and suppressing it.

The half-mermaid was so arrogant that he dared not take the time to recall the weapons, and immediately turned around and wanted to run.

Han Fei didn't stop, he ran! Call for a stronger one.

And those little mermaids have long disappeared without a trace.

Sitting on the surface of the sea, practicing for three hours, Han Fei quickly left the area.

After waiting a full hour, Han Fei saw a mermaid who was carrying a monster weapon.

However, looking at the weapon in his hand, Han Fei couldn't help laughing, "You don't even have a demigod weapon. How dare you come?"

The half mermaid seemed to know the strength of Han Fei, hissing, and a waterman more than 100 meters high was condensing.

"Human, but the hump-fisher is at its peak, and you dare to be arrogant?"

Han Fei twisted his head: "Come, let me feel the power of the sea monster, how powerful is it?"

First more ... ask for a ticket ...

(End of this chapter)

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