God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1366: Dip

The illusion stone, the condensed **** Dan, the celestial star compass are quite extraordinary. For him who cultivates the space, the illusion stone once formed a small world, can instantly form a small world, and can also detonate the small The world will kill or hit the enemy.

Fantasy stone, extremely useful, used well, and even kills the immortal realm!

Condensed Dan can instantly restore strength, one swallows, and immediately full of power, life and tiger, is also a weapon in the battle!

Of course, the most precious thing is the fantasy star compass. This Xuan Tianzu's tempered star compass, such as the Xinghai, clusters of nebula represents a vast expanse of the Xinghe area. With this day's magic star compass, he will Really have a direction, no longer a headless fly.

More importantly, the Magic Star Compass has a detailed label for each special area, indicating the mystery.

For example, where he is now, there is a line of common language descriptions inside the magic star compass: the dragon lizard territory, the second-rate racial forces, the head dragon lizard is the second generation of the early life "lizard", the immortal peak realm, only the difference Comprehend the dark energy, you can break through the domain ancestors, the dragon lizard and the soul family Singer have a lot of friendship, the actual situation is not known...

Each specific location, Xuan Tianzu has a similar description. Later, Shiyan and Audrey walk around in the virtual sea. They can know each other and know the situation in special areas. They can avoid dangerous dangers early and find a safe route. The unique record of this Xuan Tianzu cannot be measured by price.

In order to deliberately hand over him, the emoticon even took out the fantasy star compass, so that he was so arrogant that Shi Yan admired it.

The same is true, his perception of the Xuan Tianzu, it is surprisingly good.

"That... two seniors, there is something I hope you will pay attention to." Auntie, who was in amazement, was stunned at the moment, screaming at the relationship between the two sides, whispering: "The soul of the soul refining Called the murderous soul of Minghong. It is the ancestors of our family. I know the gates of our wilderness. If you can kill Singh, please..."

When she got here, she suddenly looked at Shiyan, because she knew the stone rock in her heart.

Shiyan looked at it and immediately responded. He said: "My wife said. It is exactly what I want to say. That is the sinister warrior, knowing our domain door, and we both... lost. I don't know. How should I return, and I can return to the wasteland through the glory."

At the beginning of Yayun, he and Audrey were young couples, if he and Audrey opened up a relationship. The old man and Yayun will not pay attention to Audrey's proposal at all, nor will Audrey be the same thing.

After all, Audrey is only a **** of the first day, and not as dark as he is. For the Xuantian people, Audrey is too ordinary and will not attract any attention, only Audrey and If they are alone, they will be able to pay attention to Audrey.

Audrey is smart and snowy. Knowing that Shi Yan’s name for her “wife” is entirely for her to receive the respect she deserves, but she has never been treated as a man since she was a child, and she has been in a mess for a while, and she is calm and self-conscious. Picking up the raging waves.

But she did not defend her, pretending to be calm. Obviously, the facts have been recognized.

Sure enough, once she heard that she was Shiyan’s wife, she never had the emoticon that she had just seen. She smiled and said with squinting: “The meaning of your cultivation is similar to that of the soul. You need a strong soul to enhance your strength, um. I There are just a few good souls, just meet up."

A green-green ball flew out from the embroidered cuffs, and the inside of the ball floated with a soul cloud. The soul screamed, and the ball fell to Audrey.

Ao Li Li Fang was shocked and looked at the green ball. He tried to say: "Five souls of the first god?"

The emoticon smiled and nodded and said: "The two gods are one heaven, the two gods are two heavens, one is the first god, three heavens, um, the souls of the soul people, their souls are famous for being powerful, I have not erased their consciousness. If nothing happens, they will be tortured. If you have the ability to separate their soul consciousness, it will be of great benefit to your realm."

The Xuantian and the Souls have always been evil. This can be seen from the engagement between the couple and Singh. The emoticon is an immortal triple heavenly realm. Killing some of the souls of the realm of the gods is simply It’s easy, he imprisoned the other’s soul, tortured and tortured, and it’s a way of venting.

Shi Yan was so fascinated that his expression was awe-inspiring. "The gift given to me by my predecessors is too heavy. I really don't know how to thank you."

The souls of the five souls are even more precious than the three souls that he had previously exchanged with the wind and thunder. Because the five souls belong to the souls, the memory and consciousness are not erased. If Audrey can refine it, The separation of the memory of the righteousness is equivalent to the understanding of the unique cultivation of the soul family.

The Soul, as one of the seven races, always leads in the cultivation of the soul. The royal family is created by the standard of the souls. It can be seen that the soul of the soul is unique. If Audrey can put the five souls The souls are refining and refining, and it is possible to break through the immortal realm!

This ceremony, for Audrey, is simply invaluable!

He looked at Audrey and found Audrey's body twitching, the cold scorpion shines brightly, and even after seeing Audrey Jade hand trembled, he took the green soul ball and then grabbed his arm. With a stunning smile, said: "Thank you for the gift of the predecessors, I will help the seniors to look at him and let him and your Xuan Tianzu go together!"

"You girl is very lovable, haha!" The emoticon laughed loudly.

For him, the souls of the five Soha people are not worth mentioning, far less than the value of the fantasy star compass, but can get the Audrey's goodwill, if it can subtly influence the stone rock, it is definitely cost-effective.

When it is not good, Audrey refines the soul of the Soha people, and it must also go to the opposite side with the soul group. The stone rock must also be a bad enemy with the soul family, become a deadly enemy, and be able to erect an enemy of the future domain level to the soul group. Seeing that his Xuan Tianzu earned it.

"The evil spirit called Minghong, we will pay attention, but the possibility is not great. Our couples can only join forces with Singh. It is impossible to kill him. We are just immortal, but he is At the peak of the realm, this matter must be considered from a long-term perspective." Yayun Dao.

Audrey sighed softly.

Shi Yan can see it. I feel that it is possible to have a fantasy star in hand and not be able to return to the wasteland in a short time.

This imaginary domain has given him too much surprise. He believes that he can cultivate to a high and deep level and return to the wasteland to make a great contribution. The present strength is even a return to the wasteland. He is not an opponent of any early life.

"Right, the predecessors know how to refine the artifacts of the early days?" Shi Yan Shen for a long time, suddenly asked.

The three-legged giant tripod always made him feel that he was not quite right. The thing was hidden inside the meteorite. He swept all the way from far away. At this time, he should enter the belly of the dragon lizard. The dragon lizard is the immortal peak. Don't you know nothing? The three-legged giant tripod is obviously deliberate, and will there be any deep meaning in the abdomen of the dragon lizard?

He gradually felt that the matter was unusual, and the connection between the trace and the tripod gradually became weak, and it seemed that he would soon lose contact.

"Refining the early artifacts of the refining?" The emoticon is dumb, "How can you ask this question?"

Shi Yan’s brow was deep and locked, and he was hesitant and hesitant. He said: “The predecessors’ enthusiasm made me admire. I will say one thing that happened on our way. On the way, we...”

He said that he encountered the three-legged Yuding thing. When he came to see the refining of the artifact, it was impossible. Therefore, the toy had entered the abdomen of the dragon lizard. He could not take it out. Even if he entered it, it would be difficult to get it. It is not as good as asking the origin of the artifact.

Surprisingly, listening to his words, the emoticons and Yayun have long been silent, and their faces are extremely shocked.

For a long time, Yayun took a deep breath and said: "It seems that the Soul is uneasy about the dragon lizard. It has already secretly killed the killer. If the dragon lizard continues to be unspoken, he will be finished."

The embattled eye-catching, seeing Shi Yan confused, said: "The three-legged giant tripod, if I did not guess wrong, it is the treasure of a domain ancestor of the soul family, it should be borrowed by Singh To deal with the dragon lizard, quietly concealed, in the meteorite fell into the dragon lizard belly, once the dragon lizard refused to submit, then the three-legged giant tripod will **** the dragon lizard soul, enhance the strength of the tripod itself. ”

"The dragon lizard should still not know about this." Yayun’s eyes lit up and said: "The old man, we are now immersed in the light of this child, already knowing this, now tell the dragon lizard, can you get it out, and then let him and Let's deal with Singer together?"

"There is definitely a lot to do with this!"

"If you can convince the dragon lizard, deal with Singer with our husband and wife, and prepare him in advance, there is a great chance that Singer will be killed! In this case, your ruin in the wilderness can also successfully break away from Singer. Controlling." Yayun is extremely excited, grinding the fists of Huo Huo: "If Singer is dead, it is a heavy punch for the soul family, the dragon lizard... intervene in this matter, and definitely walk with our Xuan Tianzu Come together."

"Little brother, you are really our lucky star. It seems that you are our luck." The emoticon laughed and said, "Well, when you meet the dragon lizard, you still come out, we don't Adaptation is too obvious."

"I am coming out?" Shiyan was amazed.

"Look at it, if it will take long, the dragon lizard will announce that he knows the dark energy mystery, can see the dragon lizard himself, and can exchange the immortal Dan. The dragon lizard, stuck in this realm, do not know how many years, dreaming I want to penetrate the dark energy and make it into the realm of the domain. His immortal Dan will naturally be used in the blade." The emoticon knows everything.

"Well, I will run errands for the two predecessors." Shi Yan looked at him and he should bear it.

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