God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1432: Ghost

Charm Ji is secretly happy.

Shi Yan took her to the sea with rare people and separated from the crowd. She didn't worry at all, because Shiyan and her did not choose to go with Audrey.

Such a difference makes her inexplicably happy and happy.

A layer of stars lingers around the side. In the star-studded mask, the charm is lazy, quietly and tightly attached to Shiyan. I don’t care if Fengmei’s legs and stone rocks are close, and smiles and says: “Actually You don't have to rush back to the wasteland. Yes, now the five ethnic groups are indeed looking for you, but we are not aimed at you, the phantom and the white bones?"

Shi Yan has a heavy breath, his brows, his eyes are red, and he sighs low: "What do you want to say?"

"As long as you are willing, our phantom family can accept you, we can quietly return to the phantom family. I believe that there is an esoteric tower in hand, our phantom family will inevitably regard you as the most distinguished guest! You can rest assured, I know Some hidden routes should be able to avoid many strong people!"

"If I reach the realm of the domain ancestors, I can come and go freely in your phantom movie family. I can now go with you to the phantom movie family. But now..." Shi Yan shook his head.

Charm Ji Yi, immediately understand, "Do you worry that we will be bad for you?"

"Now, except for myself, I don't believe anyone! According to what you said, the Oyifu Tower is so precious. Any one of the seven ethnic groups knows that my whereabouts will not be soft and soft. I don't believe that you are just immortal. It's easy to kill, can you stand it?" Shi Yan is cold.

Charm Ji is silent, think carefully, she does not think that the predecessors of the phantom family can look at her face properly.

"You are right, only you have enough realm to be able to talk to people." She is not stupid, but as a phantom, she has not turned around.

"What did you talk to them before? Why do you want to separate?" she asked again.

Shi Yan looked at her deeply, and her eyes sparkled with inexplicable radiance. The light has a strong aggression, which makes the charm Ji some uneasy.

He did not answer.

Charm Ji did not continue to ask questions. She always felt that she might be related to her. I felt that Shi Yan himself did not seem to make some determination.

This is indeed the case.

Because of the eagerness to swallow up the ups and downs, he did not stop the engulfing, and finally caused the gods and souls to be extremely uncomfortable, in a very unfavorable situation.

He has had a similar experience.

Several times before, he was released by venting. That is the way he is definitely effective. The situation today has brought him back to some thoughts.

He had two choices, one is Audrey. A charm.

In these two choices, he quickly decided to take the charm of Ji.

As for Audrey. Because of the ignorance and the glory of the glory, especially the glory of Ao Lili, the moment is everywhere, he can not take the level of the heart, can only be abandoned.

That can only be the charm.

Even if it is a charm, if it is based on the premise of rectifying the gods and souls, it will make it difficult for Shi Yan to forcibly communicate with her.

He also has a choice in a short time. If he encounters some female warriors, he can vent to vent.

This time, his situation is very poor. Based on his past experience, this time the engulfed souls and the deaths are too much, and his gods may not be able to withstand them. Those who have exchanged with him will be able to share great benefit. Can get mysterious energy to quench the flesh, and even refine the soul altar...

In a submarine stony forest area, a strange stone stands like a multicolored crystal. The stones are strange and faint, with a bright brilliance on the bottom of the sea. Quite magnificent.

Shiyan looked far away and found that this stone forest was quite vast. I am afraid that it is about a hundred miles or so, but it is an excellent hiding place.

Let go of the spiritual consciousness, and extend the sense of space. After a few seconds, he regained consciousness and rushed into Shilin.


A wide stone pillar was cut open, dug into the hollow from the inside, and the stone rock flashed into it with the charm.

Charm Ji's charming face is full of doubts, watching Shiyan's abnormal behavior, the heart is thinking about Shiyan's intentions, thinking that he is going to sit here to practice.

The stone pillar is like a huge trunk. After the interior is hollowed out, it is like a small jade chamber, which can accommodate three or five people standing side by side.

The chiseled entrance was blocked by the stone entanglement from the inside, and he condensed the ambiguity to prevent the person from being aware of the anomaly.

"Do you want to meditate and meditate? You can rest assured, I will pay attention to you around, someone will remind you." Charm Ji naturally said.

However, Shiyan just looked at her, didn't sit down, and the red eyes were getting hotter.

"You?" Charm Ji is growing up.

"I want you." Silence for a long time, Shi Yan suddenly spoke, concise and concise, "Your body can help me solve the troubles in front of me and help me to release negative emotions."

Charm Ji’s body trembled, and Cangjie retired and retreated on the jade rock wall, fascinating the faces of all beings, full of panic. “You, what are you talking about? When is this? You are greedy me. Should you find individual excuses for your body? The timing is not right..."

Under the scorching eyes of Shiyan, Charm Ji has completely retreated, and there is an inexplicable fear.

"I am not kidding."

Shiyan breathed heavily, and he found that when he made up his mind and decided to take this approach, the charm of the charm of his eyes gave him several times, and the fire of his heart was completely ignited. The method is suppressed.

At this time, the charm of Ji, a red dress with a narrow red dress, will show her perfect ketone body, the curve of the sultry fire, the full of bulging double peaks, the **** ruddy lips, the charm The sentiment of all beings makes Shiyankou dry and hearty.

"You make it clear!" Charm Ji screamed, and the back hips were on the jade, and the color was discolored.

"I cultivated the devouring esoteric, along with..." Shi Yan speaks very fast, and the anti-phagic phlegm that devours the righteousness is focused on the influence of negative emotions, and the power of purification is said to have a wonderful effect on the woman who is married. "This is equally beneficial to you. You don't necessarily lose, I don't have no other choice..."

"What other choices?"

"I can choose a woman to sing, but you also know that I will definitely kill her afterwards, and will not reveal my position. This will waste some power, this part of the power, may be valuable, to the body, Great for the transformation of life!" Shi Yan Shen Dao.

"You choose me, in addition to these reasons, there is nothing else? You have to give the benefits of the good, why not choose Audrey?" Charm Ji bites his teeth, his cheeks are red, she feels that her body is getting soft, she can Feel the heat and anxiety of the body, feel the inexplicable surprise inside.

"I just want you! You are beautiful, you know how to charm, you can give me an unparalleled enjoyment!" Shi Yan whispered, the body has always been the beast to rush out, look up.

"If I don't understand the mistake, you mean, I am more beautiful than her? I am more satisfied with her than you, and make you more tempted?" Charm licked his lips, and could not help but licked his mouth, his eyes filled with spring.

"That's it! Satisfied?" Shi Yan shouted.

"Satisfied." Charm Ji Jiaomei smiled, the watery eyes turned to the waves, "Look at the correct answer, I will, I will..."

The long red dress slowly faded, and a white smoky ketone body gradually appeared. The mature woman's unique fullness and sexyness can make any man crazy.

Shiyan is naturally a man, and naturally he is crazy.

After a fierce beast-like snoring, Shi Yan suddenly pressed against the hot body of the charm, and teared her long skirt that had not completely faded into a crush. The big mouth was placed in her heavy and intoxicating double peaks. Get rid of it.


Charm Ji screamed at the bones, feeling hot and tight, tightening her straight legs, she was ashamed to see that her lower body was already wet.

In the meantime, she remembered that at the time of the island, Shi Yan pointed her finger at her intimate place, and the whole person was softened.


Shiyan clothes instantly broke into pieces, and his strong and majestic body was immediately exposed. The body was poured like steel, filled with the man's unique masculine hegemony. The fascinating beauty of the enchanting eyes of the enchanting eyes sheds the color and secretly bites the lips. A heart melted like a fire.

Although she practiced the charm in the family, she did not really get along with the man. Looking at the majestic body of Shi Yan, she also swayed, and some of them couldn't help themselves. The white body gradually filled with amazing blush.

She is also emotional...

"Serve me! Use the charm of your phantom family!" Shi Yan licked his mouth, as the rifle straightened, the big hand slammed in the charm of Ji Feng full hips, the beautiful buttocks and flesh trembled, swaying charming waves, " You know how to do it."

The charm of Mei Meimei is extremely tempting, shy and soft, "I have learned all the magical skills in my adult life, but I have never really used it. Maybe there will be some oysters..."

In this way, she slowly squatted down and squatted in the rocky stern, her hair covered in a white waist, plump and slightly hips.

Her filigree jade fingers stretched out, and both hands held the thing together, and Fengze red lips were scraped together...

Shiyan sucked a cold breath, and the pores of the whole body stretched out, and it was shocked by the indescribable beauty. The body of the gods had to explode.

At this moment, he deeply realized the praise of the phantom family women. Every woman of the phantom family is a **** stunner, a man's endless dream.

Charm Ji buried in his crotch, half-squatting, beautiful buttocks slightly tilted, while moving his tongue, but also from time to time to cover the hair of the cheeks, looking up at him with a look of fascination.

That look, the whole soul of Shiyan has been hooked away...


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