God Of Slaughter

Chapter 778: Curfew

Seventy-seventh chapter of the curfew

"There are life trends in all five directions!"

Alan touched the purgatory token, frowned and looked around, a little headache.

Tiemu is also frowning and shouting: "This old ghost doesn't know how to influence the purgatory token, so that we can't tell the truth. Now there are five directions to convey his breath. I don't know which one is him. The location of the real body."

Shi Yan was covered in blood and came to the side of the two people. He wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and sneered: "The breath of the five directions is not true. This old ghost is screaming."

Both Alan and Tiemu couldn't help but look at him deeply. After a few seconds, Alan said: "You guy is really powerful. After breaking through to the kingdom of God, it is so powerful!"

In this battle, Shi Yan was the main force. His powers made the old man stagnant for a moment. Just then, let Alan and Tiemu have the opportunity to take the opportunity to actually hurt the old man.

If there is no stone rock involved, they can't break free from the illusion, and naturally they can't hurt the old man.

The battle between Shi Yan and the old man, both of them looked in their eyes and asked themselves, even if they were, there was no way to deal with the old man, but Shi Yan did it.

And they, the real realm, are even higher than Shiyan, but still have nothing to do with the old man.

Shi Yan really showed strength and really shocked the two.

"Follow me, I know his position, Mom, this old ghost has a bad stomach, before the provocation, I hope we will kill each other, and then slowly clean up the mess, see us not fooled, and confused with the illusion, he did not I plan to let go of any of us." Shi Yan snorted and said: "I have left a **** in his knowledge of the sea. I can accurately grasp his position. The induction of the purgatory token is all his deliberate. For it, one is not true."

"Your **** king is a heavenly realm, can you leave a **** in his knowledge of the sea? Are you sure?" Alan's eyes lit up in vain, full of incredible.

Tiemu is also a big mouth. "No? It's possible to leave two small classes apart. It is possible for you to leave a mind when you know the sea. How can you?"

"The special meaning of my cultivation is special, and the sacred thoughts in the space can be used to avoid his feelings in a short time. But it will not last long, we must find him quickly. If it is late, it will be cleared by him. A glimpse of God, we really can't find him anymore." Shi Yan hurried.

When Yalan Tiemu listened to him saying this, he reacted and nodded again and again.

Shiyan was in front, like a long rainbow, flickering and passing through the forest, followed by Alan and Tiemu.

After half an hour, he suddenly stopped and looked at a valley in front and waved and said: "It's here!"

Both Yalan and Tiemu, suddenly in the body, looked at the valley with a look of horror, and exclaimed: "No?"

The valley is covered in the dark shadows of the mountains. There is a layer of enchantment. The inside of the enchantment has a very chaotic energy atmosphere, which is extremely special, as if it contains great danger.

There, it should be a forbidden place in the Pole War. In this wonderful area, there are many similar forbidden places. Participants usually encounter it and will try to avoid it.

It is said that those enchantments were originally constructed in the natural way of the land, from the hands of the previous generations of the national dynasty, not to mention the participants, even the Lord of the Kingdom of God is plated, perhaps not clear The mystery of those enchantments.

Every time the Pole infernal field is honed, before the entry, the principals will say, let everyone avoid those forbidden places.

According to them, those forbidden places are the main hubs that constitute the Pole Wars. There are many mysterious and terrible dangers, and they will go deep into the soul. Perhaps the soul altar will dissipate, and it may destroy the balance of the Puritan. The road to the prison is not working.

Many of the former participants are obsessed with the statement of the principals. They will not enter easily, and those who are bold enough will rarely be alive.

In the valley, the wonderful fluctuations that came out were obviously one of the forbidden places in the Purgatory.

Before the change, Shiyan would not touch it easily, and would leave early so as not to get stuck in it and what happened.

But now, the old ghost is obviously hiding in it. Once the old ghost is restored to the original, it will inevitably bring more sinister dangers to him, and he will not be killed by him, let him go again. Can't do evil, Shiyan is definitely not willing to give up.

"He dares to go in, what are we afraid of?" Shi Yan glanced at Alan and Tiemu, and looked firm. "Whether you can't get in, I am sure to go in. This old ghost has a bad stomach and has already avenged us." Naturally, it will not be so easy to let us go. He is very familiar with the Pole Wars and can avoid the pursuit of the Purgatory Token. He is alive and, for us, is always a potential threat and must be cleared."

"The old ghost has participated in the Pole Wars on several occasions. He is definitely familiar with this place. He dares to enter, maybe he has to rely on it. And we don't know anything at all. Will it be too risky and radical?" She was bitterly worried, very worried, hesitant, and did not immediately decide.

Alan is also frowning and deep, and seems to be struggling to struggle, whether to enter or leave.

"Perhaps, there will be secrets within the forbidden land. There will be some kind of secrets about the Puritan. The old man can avoid our purgatory token. It may be related to this secret. He can know why we are. Can't?" Shi Yan indulged, suddenly shouted: "I have to go in."

Then, as a sword, he stabbed the valley covered by the enchantment.


Like a huge ball on the huge ball, under the amazing ejection force, he rushed over and slammed back and forth, a force of smashing, reaching his whole body, and he was dizzy.

Feeling groggy, he stood still next to Yalan and the iron shepherd, his face sullenly sullen. "The enchantment is very strong and difficult to break. I can't penetrate the past, Mom, why can he?"

"He must know the mystery of the enchantment." Alan also looked heavy and hesitated. He said, "If you don't, let's give up, take a break, fight in the area that he is familiar with, and you may not be able to get the benefits." On the contrary, if the battle takes place outside, the three of us will work together and we may win."

Tiemu also echoed, "Shiyan, don't take risks, you are too obsessed with paranoia, not necessarily able to get the benefits."

"Every major event is a paranoid." Shi Yan was silent for a second, and suddenly sneered, and said: "Not that is the enchantment, I will not believe it."

Then, his thoughts moved, and the clouds in the magical emptiness ring suddenly appeared, and a soul rushed into it. "I want to break the enchantment. How much power do you need to push?"

"You are one-third of the power."

"it is good!"

In the body, a stream of energy and fine flow, rushing out, and injecting clouds into the Tissot.

Get the infusion of strength in his body, the flow cloud that breaks all enchantments and bans the Tissot, becomes a streamer, tears the layers of enchantments, and goes straight to the center of the forbidden land.

Shi Yan looked back at Tiemu and Yalan. Regardless of the horror of their faces, they slammed into the streamer and disappeared instantly.

"Broken? Is it broken?" Tiemu’s eyes were incredible, and he shook his head in a weird way. "What is this kid, how come there? How can there be so many wonderful things?"

"No wonder he can replace Oglas. It really is a powerful figure. I finally understand why Kashun’s adults will look at him." Alan’s indulging, it’s also a look of surprise, she paused, she turned back. Looking at Tiemu, "What should I do?"

"This..." Tiemu is hesitant. "We are not familiar with the situation. It is not going to be able to get a benefit. The other side, but the king of heaven, is still the area he is familiar with, no. Great?"

Yalan sinked for a long time and nodded. "Forget it, let's wait a moment. I also feel that it is too risky to go deep into the familiar areas."

In the effort of the two of them to talk, the stream of light that broke through the Tissot, gradually disappeared, and their way, so that they even want to go in, can not find the threshold.

The scene changes.

The stone rock is in a valley full of flowers. The two streams in the valley meet, the stream clears to the bottom, and the tail fish swims happily. The lush weeds grow long and grow in every area of ​​the valley, such as huge The fluff on the beast.

The air in the valley is fresh and humid, the energy of the heavens and the earth is very rich, and there is a weedy area in the valley. There is a thatched room, and the door is open. One of the old people is pale and swallows the drug.

It was the old man I had seen before.

Shi Yan saw his glimpse, the old man also saw him, his face changed in vain, Huo Ran stood up and shouted: "You, boy, can you come in? Those enchantments can not hinder you? How is it possible?"

"Nothing is impossible." Shi Yan frowned, his eyes still red and bloody, still keeping a state of violent, the body's power surged, the breath was fierce and fierce.

He stepped toward the old man step by step, his eyes became more and more bloodthirsty, "You are not hurt, hide and want to recover, and then continue to chase us, hey, your choice is really good, look at this situation, you I have been here for a long time, should I be familiar with everything here?"

The old man stopped to resume the adjustment, and came out from the thatched cottage. In front of him, there were two streams that met. There were fish in the stream, and they were squatted by the fence. It seemed that he was in captivity.

Very harmonious scene, the old man on the edge of the stream, looking down at the fish, smelling the scent of the flowers, not nervous, even a smile on his face, "You can come, I am very happy, a purgatory token, steady It is."

Shi Yan smiled and shook his head slightly. "It's not that easy."


Ps: second! !